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View Full Version : Child (7 years old!) suspended for gun!

03-01-2013, 11:34 PM

7-Year-Old Joshua was suspended this morning from Park Elementary School in Brooklyn Park. Joshua says he was eating a pastry during snack time and trying to shape it into a mountain, the teacher said it looked like a gun and took him to the principal's office. Joshua's parents were called, he has been suspended for two days. Joshua's father says it's ridiculous since no one was threatened or harmed by the pastry. A letter will be going home to all students of Park Elementary School this afternoon. School officials declined to comment due to privacy issues.


03-02-2013, 12:03 AM
Teachers are way out of line here

Marcus Aurelius
03-02-2013, 12:33 AM

03-02-2013, 12:56 AM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.

03-02-2013, 01:28 AM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.

You're kidding me.... FOR A fucking POP TART??!!

You're worried about a fucking toaster pastry.... Go to Chicago or Detroit or New Orleans if you want to do something about guns.

But in suburban Maryland because the kid took a couple bites of a Fucking Pop Tart and some over the top liberal hippie wannabe teacher thought she could save the world from a fucking POP TART?

Your Priorities really are messed up on this Thunder...

Your kids Carrot sticks look like a shank..... lets suspend him for a week and see what you say then

03-02-2013, 02:23 AM
You're kidding me.... FOR A fucking POP TART??!!

You're worried about a fucking toaster pastry.... Go to Chicago or Detroit or New Orleans if you want to do something about guns.

But in suburban Maryland because the kid took a couple bites of a Fucking Pop Tart and some over the top liberal hippie wannabe teacher thought she could save the world from a fucking POP TART?

Your Priorities really are messed up on this Thunder...

Your kids Carrot sticks look like a shank..... lets suspend him for a week and see what you say then
Robert, this has nothing to do with a pop tart. I also am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. My priorities are not messed up.
Any kid, mine included, who thinks it's all fun and games to be pulling this kind of crap clearly does not have the sufficient respect for a firearm especially after Newton.

03-02-2013, 02:31 AM
I see no evidence that it was used as a gun would be. If the kid made it into a shape which resembled a firearm and pretended to use it as firearm would, maybe, but without acting upon that resemblance, this is a gross overreaction IMO.

03-02-2013, 02:44 AM
I see no evidence that it was used as a gun would be. If the kid made it into a shape which resembled a firearm and pretended to use it as firearm would, maybe, but without acting upon that resemblance, this is a gross overreaction IMO.
That's a fair argument logroller. If the kid did not act upon the resemblance I believe he should have still had a slap on the wrist. Certainly not two days suspension but at least some stern warning that this is not a joke.

03-02-2013, 08:23 AM
this doesn't seem real. I mean the story is real i guess but we're living in the twilight zone or sumthin.

Eating that thing is the only danger.

What teacher AND principal would think this made any sense whatsoever?
How can you even talk to people who think there's a problem with a pop tart?
Seriously what do you say to let them know they are complete idiots on this issue but still deserves somehow to have authority over your children 5 hours a day?

why in your whole life should there be a serious conversation about the shape of a pop tart?

03-02-2013, 08:30 AM
That's a sugar frosted pop tart.

In NYC, Bloomberg would have had the kid suspended, handcuffed, and arrested for just taking it out of the wrapper.

03-02-2013, 08:57 AM
If I were the kids Father I would take him out to a Movie and Lunch those two days he's suspended. Kid did nothing wrong at all... He was eating his lunch and some Liberal zealot thinks that Mount Pop Tart looks like a Colt .380.

I would be in that school with the ACLU and FOX NEWS New York Post as well as an ARMY of Pro-Bono Attorneys all looking for a piece of these morons.

Are we really that scared of a pop tart or is it that teachers are so politically correct that any shape resembling a gun will garner a suspension?

Put the kid back in class. let him learn, let him grow up tho be a good guy....

But I am about read to start blowing my stack about these stories...And trust me


03-02-2013, 09:02 AM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.

next to the teacher, you have to be one of the dumbest things in this thread......its in the shape of mountain if you rotate it 90 to the left.....the seven year old said he was trying to make a mountain.....the teacher imagined the gun......the teacher is the one who "brought" a gun into the classroom so the teacher is the one who ought to be suspended, no?........the only joke here is the school administrators.....

Robert, this has nothing to do with a pop tart. I also am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. My priorities are not messed up.

horribly messed up......because it IS a pop tart......

03-02-2013, 09:05 AM
Teachers are way out of line here

Toxic people will be toxic people. An abusive person, in this case a teacher will use whatever means is handy to be abusive. There is an old German saying "If you want to beat a dog, you can always find a stick." I suspect the pop-tart nor the zero tolerance policy is the REAL issue here. It's time for those parents to move if they can't afford private school. They should also sue the pants off the school to finance the move.

If the kid develops an eating disorder is the school responsible?

03-02-2013, 09:27 AM
When I was a kid we played those dreaded games in school at lunch every day.

we played....


and we played WAR.

And to top it off we were ALLOWED TO BRING IN CAP GUNS to play!!

The numer of dead and dying numbered in the HUNDREDS PER DAY... All over the School Bodies falling as the were shot because they were either a Nazi or anAmerican.

We grew up just fine despite the bloodshed everyday at school.... Oh wait...

Nobody was actually hurt... we were using our imagination and we knew a cap gun couldnt hurt anyone.

Seems a 7yo in 1972 know more then a teacher in 2013.

The Teacher in 2013 is afraid of a FUCKING POP TART

03-02-2013, 10:15 AM
That's a fair argument logroller. If the kid did not act upon the resemblance I believe he should have still had a slap on the wrist. Certainly not two days suspension but at least some stern warning that this is not a joke.

A slap on the wrist for that?
Let me ask you something, when you were a little kid, how common were guns in your school? Did the farmers keep them in their trucks to go shooting after school? I'm gonna say they were.

My little brother was almost suspended for having one of those little green army guys. You can't bring in a Nerf-gun without it making national news. Little kids can hardly put their hands in the shape of guns and play cops and robbers anymore. In fact, I believe I got in trouble for that one in middle school. (attempted to do a Fonz)

Fear of guns has gone WAY too far. You'd think teachers would care more about things that can actually impact the kids.

03-02-2013, 10:26 AM

I dunno. Does that really look like a gun?

I might have removed the entire school staff from the classrooms until cleared by a battery of psychological exams, heavily weighed by Rorschach testing.

Given teachers' propensity for sex with students they may call every ink blot a penis or a booby.

03-02-2013, 10:37 AM

I would argue and push to have this reversed if it were my son, or just move him elsewhere. It's a damn pop tart! Do we now have to teach our kids to eat a pop tart in a certain manner, so that it doesn't end up looking like something offensive to others? EVEN IF he did it purposely, it's FOOD and idiotic to punish over this. They should punish over threats and threats only. AT WORST, have a chat with the kid, but even then I wouldn't know what to say. "Stop acting like a little boy"?

03-02-2013, 10:41 AM
I would argue and push to have this reversed if it were my son, or just move him elsewhere. It's a damn pop tart! Do we now have to teach our kids to eat a pop tart in a certain manner, so that it doesn't end up looking like something offensive to others? EVEN IF he did it purposely, it's FOOD and idiotic to punish over this. They should punish over threats and threats only. AT WORST, have a chat with the kid, but even then I wouldn't know what to say. "Stop acting like a little boy"?

I admire internet political forum administrators, but not the rogue internet political forum administrators who constantly badger female members for booby photos.:coffee:

03-02-2013, 10:44 AM
I admire internet political forum administrators, but not the rogue internet political forum administrators who constantly badger female members for booby photos.:coffee:


Abbey Marie
03-02-2013, 12:46 PM
You're kidding me.... FOR A fucking POP TART??!!

You're worried about a fucking toaster pastry.... Go to Chicago or Detroit or New Orleans if you want to do something about guns.

But in suburban Maryland because the kid took a couple bites of a Fucking Pop Tart and some over the top liberal hippie wannabe teacher thought she could save the world from a fucking POP TART?

Your Priorities really are messed up on this Thunder...

Your kids Carrot sticks look like a shank..... lets suspend him for a week and see what you say then

Sure, Pop Tart today, hard drugs tomorrow. Oh wait... never mind. :rolleyes:

03-02-2013, 12:49 PM
If I had young children, I'd be asking the administration what they think of a portfolio of these draconian actions by schools. If I didn't like the response, I'd seriously consider the alternatives available to me.

This is becoming near neglect on parents part to subject their children to these automons.

03-02-2013, 01:53 PM
That's a sugar frosted pop tart.

In NYC, Bloomberg would have had the kid suspended, handcuffed, and arrested for just taking it out of the wrapper.

As crazy as Bloomberg is I think he would take the kid out back and put him in front of a firing squad ... using Poptarts!! :laugh:

03-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Home schooling!!! Liberal teachers are indoctrinating our children to become passive ... they aren't even supposed to be competitive anymore. Pretty soon kids will be suspended for daring to win!

03-02-2013, 02:04 PM
Sure, Pop Tart today, hard drugs tomorrow. Oh wait... never mind. :rolleyes:

they'll probably recommend (demand) the kid be put on Riddle-them because he's obviously over the edge, I mean he made a gun out of a pop-tart. he's probably on the the HS terrorist list now and won't be able to get by the TSA.

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 02:24 PM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.

Hell yeah. Who the hell wants their child killed by a pop tart?. Put that child in juvenile hall and put his parents on trial. This is not America ya know.

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 02:54 PM
If I were the kids Father I would take him out to a Movie and Lunch those two days he's suspended. Kid did nothing wrong at all... He was eating his lunch and some Liberal zealot thinks that Mount Pop Tart looks like a Colt .380.

I would be in that school with the ACLU and FOX NEWS New York Post as well as an ARMY of Pro-Bono Attorneys all looking for a piece of these morons.

Are we really that scared of a pop tart or is it that teachers are so politically correct that any shape resembling a gun will garner a suspension?

Put the kid back in class. let him learn, let him grow up tho be a good guy....

But I am about read to start blowing my stack about these stories...And trust me


Believe it or not, I got suspended from school for a few days around 1955 over a gun in the class room..

First the background.

Though the student body had grown to around 5000 *, the school serviced agricultural communities. My high school had it's own farm. Said farm currently is another high school in the same community. I want to emphasize that a lot of horse play (no pun) went on.

There was a tradition of one week per year, students and even teachers showed up at school sporting water guns. Yep, they looked much more like guns than a pop tart. (snicker)

Some teachers came with their creations. They had long range water guns. I was told by other students of one teacher that would nail you with his gun he created out of metal using machine shop tools. That baby I was told packed a king sized wallop.

We had Sadie Hawkins day. We went by the name FARMERS and the current school still does.

We were a community of kind of rough house goof offs.

Well, some of the students started putting stuff like bleach in the water guns and bleaching students hair. I am not clear if other chemicals were used but it sure caused a major change.

We got a notice one day that from then on, water guns were banned.

Being me, I put mine in my pocket and took it to literature class. We all sat around a pretty long table, like those in conference rooms. I could lean back in my chair enough and hold the gun down out of sight of the female teacher and squeeze off a shot at this boy with glasses. He looked like what you see on TV and movies as a nerd. So deserving of a bit of water on his face. Might cloud his glasses even.

Teacher saw me shoot him. I don't know why she happened to look my way but not long after I shot him, I was in the dean of boys office. He had been my school counselor for my first two years and unfortunately it was in his class that I had done the real smart thing of crafting out of paper, those paper airplanes that I proceeded to fly out the school window down onto the school grass and sidewalk. Mr. Thornton was a cool guy who had only made me go down to clean up the paper airplanes and maybe scolded me. I'm not sure if he did that. So when I marched into his office, I was worried. He suspended me for a few days. I have to also say this. I did not tell my parents. The next AM time to wake up for school so trying to pull another fast one, I told my parents I was ill. Well, Mom was very lenient. I was (hahaha) ill for the next day and the next. Getting away with not telling her. The mail came. The school had not called her but mailed her the suspension. I was busted. LMAO I think my dad thought it was kind of funny and of course Mom only says something like, well, don't shoot water guns at school. Of course when it ended, I went back to school.

Mind you, had that been a bitten pop tart, I would not have been suspended. But I took a real "rod", that dangerous type of "rod" known to squirt water and shot and maybe killed that kid for all I know. Wait, I recall. He did not die. I think after they wiped him off, he had a full recovery.

Today I might have gone to jail for waving a damned gun around in class. At least it looks more like a gun than a pop tart does.

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 03:06 PM
What I want to know and won't ever learn is this.

Given the very danger to the school that that punk kid posed, with his gun and all, though food, why didn't they evacuate the whole school? Why didn't they slam the door on that punk child and have the cops show up to arrest the little punk.

How dare he nibble on a pop tart like that. We all know how dangerous pop tart bullets are.

Ban Pop tarts Sen. Feinstein. Even a teacher knows how dangerous they are.

03-02-2013, 04:22 PM
http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Pop+Tarts.+Friend+made+this.+Told+me+to+share+it_c 6da55_3813253.jpg

03-02-2013, 04:37 PM
Nearly ever week, or every few days here in this former FREE Nation. We hear, or learn of more stories like this.

It is nothing more than a terrible sign of the times. Namely, Political Correctness, taking over every aspect of our lives. Primarily in schools where the children are defenseless, and unable to protect themselves because STUPID, IGNORANT people who call themselves teachers, and school administrators...ARE FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT....because most of the parents are equally as Stupid, and Ignorant...leaving responsibility for their children with total strangers...in most cases, who follow the instructions of other Stupid, Ignorant people we call Politicians...in the Schoolboards.

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 04:45 PM
Some parents sue if anybody at school prays. So where is the parent who will sue the school over the pop tart situation?

Mind numbing conditioning of the children is what democrats are all about. AT spoke the pure truth on this matter. :clap:

03-02-2013, 04:50 PM
My son built a working Rocket for science class.

Hit almost 3500 feet.

not bad for when he was 12yo

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 05:04 PM
Tricks with rockets?

Is that program still on TV where adults build rockets and use them for a lot of stuff?

Some of it is how high it will go. Some put them on cars and shove them up ramps.

I forgot that till somebody said his kid made a rocket.

When I took science, our teacher did not do things like that. Good for the teachers who actually teach.

03-03-2013, 06:15 AM

03-03-2013, 08:10 AM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.


Looks to me as if the lad was working on his geography. Turn that pastry 90 degrees to the left and you have a passable model of the state of Idaho...

For crying out looud, is this truly how far we've fallen? I would hate to be a kid today...

03-03-2013, 08:46 AM
I would sue and bring it all the way to court...

The Teacher would lose.

03-03-2013, 08:56 AM
I would be content just knowing the public ridicule they brought down on themselves......of course, I would remind the teacher of it every time I saw her and laugh......

03-03-2013, 10:55 AM
I'm going to actually side with the teacher on this one. That pastry is not in the shape of a mountain. He clearly made it into the shape of a gun. Kids need to learn this not an effing game or a joke especially in today's environment.

Well before he took a bite, the poptart resembled a block of C4. The kid needs to be given 90 days in jail for a terrorist bomb threat...that'll teach him! :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
03-03-2013, 11:17 AM
Well before he took a bite, the poptart resembled a block of C4. The kid needs to be given 90 days in jail for a terrorist bomb threat...that'll teach him! :rolleyes:

Maybe we should x-ray all the kids, to be sure the food doesn't resemble anything bad as it is digesting, too.

03-03-2013, 11:22 AM
Maybe we should x-ray all the kids, to be sure the food doesn't resemble anything bad as it is digesting, too.

I wonder how much it will cost to put in the playground evacuation alarm systems to be sounded in the event some cloud assumes a threatening shape.

The most disturbing part of the whole story IMO are the number of imbeciles who agree with the school's actions.

03-04-2013, 06:58 PM
Maybe we should x-ray all the kids, to be sure the food doesn't resemble anything bad as it is digesting, too.

Abbey. I know this may sound just as gross. But think about this. How soon before idiots at schools like this begin visiting the Rest Rooms of the children, and examining whatever is deposited in the toilets....with such shapes...before allowing the children to FLUSH?????

That's how bad and dumb all of this sounds.

Is there anything left in our society that doesn't offend, insult, or bother someone else in some way????

Political Correctness is the Excuse, and the Weapon we are using to Destroy Ourselves.4620Hazardous To Life!