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03-05-2013, 10:12 AM
SO, the sequestration fiasco will become more than just political rhetoric very soon for quite a few:


They deserve it anyway because they are part of that whole "military-industrial complex" that has ruined this country. Um ... yeah, right. I wonder how Congress would react if the people gave them a 20% paycut; I wonder how those receiving welfare entitlements would feel about a 20% reduction in benefits? I wonder how teachers would react with a 20% paycut? I know, as long as it isn't YOU, then it just doesn't matter.

03-05-2013, 11:45 AM
SO, the sequestration fiasco will become more than just political rhetoric very soon for quite a few:


They deserve it anyway because they are part of that whole "military-industrial complex" that has ruined this country. Um ... yeah, right. I wonder how Congress would react if the people gave them a 20% paycut; I wonder how those receiving welfare entitlements would feel about a 20% reduction in benefits? I wonder how teachers would react with a 20% paycut? I know, as long as it isn't YOU, then it just doesn't matter.

in my opinion...politicians should be the first on the list of the 20% cuts, along with all aids and staff they have.

03-05-2013, 12:33 PM
Nothing that would make sense, like downsizing via attrition or closing bases in Germany and England.

Oh wait, that would mean no political props for the spend-o-holics to trot out for their pressers and campaign events.

Silly me.

03-05-2013, 12:36 PM
SO, the sequestration fiasco will become more than just political rhetoric very soon for quite a few:


They deserve it anyway because they are part of that whole "military-industrial complex" that has ruined this country. Um ... yeah, right. I wonder how Congress would react if the people gave them a 20% paycut; I wonder how those receiving welfare entitlements would feel about a 20% reduction in benefits? I wonder how teachers would react with a 20% paycut? I know, as long as it isn't YOU, then it just doesn't matter.
My guess is that once the stuff hits the fan, Messiah Presidente Incompentente (who is not a dictator) will suddenly want to compromise on this.

03-05-2013, 02:43 PM
The economy has forced a lot of companies to issue one-day furlough notices to employees. It is better than getting laid off, no?

If you object, encourage Congress to get things done.

03-05-2013, 02:57 PM
The hospital where i work has been doing this for years now. I don't have any 40 hour employee they are all 72-75 hour employee's that way we kept from having a RIF (reduction in force). this kept everyone employed and spread the hurt around a little. why cant the govt do this???

03-05-2013, 02:59 PM
The hospital where i work has been doing this for years now. I don't have any 40 hour employee they are all 72-75 hour employee's that way we kept from having a RIF (reduction in force). this kept everyone employed and spread the hurt around a little. why cant the govt do this???

Because the government is stupid. And they don't want to risk their own jobs.

03-05-2013, 03:25 PM
The economy has forced a lot of companies to issue one-day furlough notices to employees. It is better than getting laid off, no?

If you object, encourage Congress to get things done.

We are. But the Senate refuses to even attempt to vote.

And we need to make sure that they dont just do something for the sake of saying they did something. We need our representatives to do something that actually helps things. I will actively oppose anything that does nothing or makes things worse that politicians are passing just to claim they did something.

03-05-2013, 03:26 PM
Because the government is stupid. And they don't want to risk their own jobs.

I disagree. They don't do this because they want people to feel pain. That way the people rise up and start demanding that they stop trying to cut spending (or in this case slow the rate of growth) and they can say "See we tried, we need to raise taxes again instead"

They are using their power to ensure that they continue to spend our money and tax us higher.

03-05-2013, 06:19 PM
Everything taking place during the Obama administration has been planned as a method to eventually make the Uninformed, Easily Led Americans who voted for Obama PROUD of him.

The plan is. Make living in America as difficult, and ugly as possible for as many people as possible. Then, when all is falling apart, and being destroyed enough for the OBAMA FANS to begin complaining.

The IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION steps forward and tells the people.

"See. I am here to save you, and America!"

And suddenly. Everything Obama and his minions planned in the destruction of our society INSTANTLY becomes resolved as the new SOCIALIST nation where all of the Phony Obama Bucks, printed since day one. Become the property of those Americans who selfishly demand that OBAMA and the Government take care of their every need...FOR FREE.
Problem is. There won't be anything to share with them. So. Obama's Taxes will make every American EQUALLY Poor.