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View Full Version : Protesters burn Christian homes in Pakistan

03-10-2013, 11:30 AM
So, one person says something others don't like, and in retaliation they burn down a neighborhood? WTF is wrong with these people? Even if every last one of the Christians said something supposedly blasphemous, burning down their homes is the way to go? Some sickos out there!

Thousands of angry protesters on Saturday set ablaze more than 100 houses of Pakistani Christians over a blasphemy row in the eastern city of Lahore, officials said.

Over 3,000 Muslim protesters turned violent over derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammed allegedly made by a young Christian, Sawan Masih, 28, three days earlier, police official Multan Khan said.

The exact number of houses in Joseph Colony, a Christian neighbourhood in Badami Bagh area, were not immediately known but police and rescue officials said they belonged to low to middle-class families from the minority community.

"Police arrested Masih, a sanitary worker, on Friday night while the incident actually happened on Wednesday evening," Khan told AFP.

He said that the arrest was made when Masih's barber friend Shahid Imran complained that he had made blasphemous remarks about Prophet Mohammed, adding that Christians had fled the area on Friday evening, fearing a backlash.

Protesters began to assemble in the area on Saturday morning and later set on fire houses and other items including furniture, crockery, auto rickshaws, bicycles and motorbikes belonging to local Christians.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-10-2013, 11:56 AM
So, one person says something others don't like, and in retaliation they burn down a neighborhood? WTF is wrong with these people? Even if every last one of the Christians said something supposedly blasphemous, burning down their homes is the way to go? Some sickos out there!


Just watch as in the next fours years we see a massive rise in the number of incidents that Christians are targeted and killed by "peaceful" muslims.

How they manage to still get by with the lie about how "peaceful" Islam is goes off the charts in insanity.
These insane scum murder at the slightest provocation or even with no provocation at all!

Add to that their child abuse and slavery /abuse of their women and its simply amazing how many damn fools defend them.--Tyr

Abbey Marie
03-10-2013, 02:11 PM
And Christians protest in reply (instead of burning homes). Quite restrained, I would say, given there was never even justice for the 2009 murders.

Hundreds of Christians clashed with police across Pakistan on Sunday, a day after a Muslim mob burned dozens of homes owned by members of the minority religious group in retaliation for alleged insults against Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
Christians are often the target of Pakistan's harsh blasphemy laws, which rights activists say are frequently used to persecute religious minorities or settle personal disputes. Politicians have been reluctant to reform the laws for fear of being attacked by religious radicals, as has happened in the past.
There have been no convictions related to a deadly attack on Christians in 2009 in the eastern city of Gojra that was also sparked by blasphemy allegations, the Express Tribune newspaper reported Sunday. Angry Muslims burned dozens of houses in Gojra, killing eight Christians — seven of them from one family trapped in a burning home.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-10-2013, 03:43 PM
And Christians protest in reply (instead of burning homes). Quite restrained, I would say, given there was never even justice for the 2009 murders.


When has the religion of peace ever been known to be restrained in it's actions?
They murder frequently around the globe for decade now! I mean with the intent to destroy other religions!
Jafar likes to pretend that does not happen but the dead bodies keep getting in the way. So he does the next best thing and declares that it was not his brethren doing the deeds. Only a few fools believe him but hey it soothes his fragile ego just like his putting me on ignore has.-:laugh:
These Islamists sure are a PANSY ASS BUNCH IF YOU ASK ME. They get their panties in a wad over every little thing.
A MARK OF A COWARD IN MY BOOK.....especially their great need to feel superior by degrading and beating their wives and murdering their own children....
People like that need a damn good dose of justice shoved down their cowardly throats IMHO.--Tyr

03-10-2013, 05:31 PM
There are radical factions on both sides:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0KwbgPcy6H0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

03-10-2013, 05:50 PM
I don't think always pointing out others is a good way to face the problems in front of you. You face one problem when presented, and you face the other when presented. Sure there are evil on every side of the fence, but it's ridiculous to just toss aside the worst of evils and proclaim the other side does stuff too. Have a thread with facts in it about Christians doing evil things and I will condemn those actions. But to use that thread to somehow make this thread irrelevant, or justified, is retardation.

03-10-2013, 05:54 PM
There are radical factions on both sides:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0KwbgPcy6H0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Um where was the ATTACK??? I saw some taunting but that's a far cry from burning a house down or neighborhood for that matter on a "perceived" insult that has not been proven. You hate to admit that the Muslims OVER REACT to the slightest insult. You dig up a few videos of stupid people yet when there are Muslims involved it is literally THOUSANDS that show up for a single incident.... I say its pathetic!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing you can say to justify their actions!!!!!!! Nothing!!!