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View Full Version : Look at Fungus, look at your eyes and ponder this

Robert A Whit
03-10-2013, 11:12 PM
When one takes a good look at the human eye, stop to think about things like Fungus, Carrots, Squid, goats and ponder the miracle of your eyes.

I want you to put a lot of thought into your eyes.

Connected to the brain, they hand you a lot of information.

It suddenly gets darker in your room. Your eyes without any coaching, automatically adjust.

Still think you don't have miracles?

This is done For you.

Other than in animals, do you notice eyes?

Your Rose can't look around. Your garden can't see you.

To the Athiests, only speaking of the miracle eyes and not the miracle brain, the miracle ears, the miracle kidneys, lungs,heart and other organs, the miracle is they are there, all in perfect order running the complicated life called human.

If you can't think of those as miracles, who are you?

03-11-2013, 05:49 AM
Your Rose can't look around. Your garden can't see you.

Marijuana? HELL NO! Robert clearly never touches the stuff. :laugh2:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2013, 08:59 AM
When one takes a good look at the human eye, stop to think about things like Fungus, Carrots, Squid, goats and ponder the miracle of your eyes.

I want you to put a lot of thought into your eyes.

Connected to the brain, they hand you a lot of information.

It suddenly gets darker in your room. Your eyes without any coaching, automatically adjust.

Still think you don't have miracles?

This is done For you.

Other than in animals, do you notice eyes?

Your Rose can't look around. Your garden can't see you.

To the Athiests, only speaking of the miracle eyes and not the miracle brain, the miracle ears, the miracle kidneys, lungs,heart and other organs, the miracle is they are there, all in perfect order running the complicated life called human.

If you can't think of those as miracles, who are you?

Man with his ability to think , to imagine , is the greatest known creature in the universe. While we can imagine creatures far more advanced than ourselves we have no solid proof that any exist. We can imagine not only the infinite possibilities in this universe but the possibilities in an infinite number of universes and dimensions too.

03-11-2013, 09:50 AM
When one takes a good look at the human eye, stop to think about things like Fungus, Carrots, Squid, goats and ponder the miracle of your eyes.

I want you to put a lot of thought into your eyes.

Connected to the brain, they hand you a lot of information.

It suddenly gets darker in your room. Your eyes without any coaching, automatically adjust.

Still think you don't have miracles?

This is done For you.

Other than in animals, do you notice eyes?

Your Rose can't look around. Your garden can't see you.

To the Athiests, only speaking of the miracle eyes and not the miracle brain, the miracle ears, the miracle kidneys, lungs,heart and other organs, the miracle is they are there, all in perfect order running the complicated life called human.

If you can't think of those as miracles, who are you?


Hey look over there! It's the sun!

03-11-2013, 09:51 AM
Marijuana? HELL NO! Robert clearly never touches the stuff. :laugh2:

You're a cruel SOB. It's loneliness and boredom. It practically drips from his posts.

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 10:57 AM
Marijuana? HELL NO! Robert clearly never touches the stuff. :laugh2:

Well COP, you confirmed all we have said about you. First you call noticing Gabby's name on photos from S. America the fake crap aka stalking, get a thread closed to more posting and now you accuse me of smoking pot.

This for commenting on the miracle of the human body and why atheists should give that some thought.

What next bozo?

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 10:58 AM
You're a cruel SOB. It's loneliness and boredom. It practically drips from his posts.

What? I call it enjoyment.

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 11:01 AM

Hey look over there! It's the sun!

Missileman spots yet another miracle.

03-11-2013, 11:03 AM
Marijuana? HELL NO! Robert clearly never touches the stuff. :laugh2:

I figured it out!
Taft brings up marijuana so often, because he wants people to fight for it! Get it in the front of their minds!
Reverse psycology.

That's right, we figured you out pothead! I doubt you're even a cop!

03-11-2013, 11:10 AM
Some of the smartest people I have met in my life enjoyed a joint here and there. Being illegal is a HUGE reason not to partake, but even that is changing. As far as making someone dumb and other stereotypes like that, not really true. I also know many people who like to have a beer now and again who are pretty smart. Hell, I even know a few cigarette smokers who are intelligent.

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 11:17 AM
Some of the smartest people I have met in my life enjoyed a joint here and there. Being illegal is a HUGE reason not to partake, but even that is changing. As far as making someone dumb and other stereotypes like that, not really true. I also know many people who like to have a beer now and again who are pretty smart. Hell, I even know a few cigarette smokers who are intelligent.

To this point, despite TAFT rabble rousing, I have not been advocating for people TO USE pot. I am fighting the thugs who restrict human freedom over issues that if any harm happens, it happens to the person using and in no way harms TAFT.

As to it harming a person, I can only point out that some experts allege the brain is harmed. Some smokers claim it does not harm.

Tell you this, that fungus found in that compounded product from that plant in MA sure harms and that product that has killed some people very fast was legal per federal law.

So what is Taft's priority? Pot that if it harms, harms slowly vs something that can kill or keep you in the hospital and thus far there is no cure to kill off the fungus?

03-11-2013, 11:18 AM
Some of the smartest people I have met in my life enjoyed a joint here and there. Being illegal is a HUGE reason not to partake, but even that is changing. As far as making someone dumb and other stereotypes like that, not really true. I also know many people who like to have a beer now and again who are pretty smart. Hell, I even know a few cigarette smokers who are intelligent.

In this context, I think it's reasonable to consider smoking a form of "drink".

Proverbs 20:1

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Proverbs 23:21

For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

Proverbs 23:31-32

31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

What? I call it enjoyment.

Hopefully you find good company here.

03-11-2013, 11:29 AM
In this context, I think it's reasonable to consider smoking a form of "drink".
Hopefully you find good company here.

When the bible talks about those, IN CONTEXT, it's about doing such activity in excess.
Like talking about the sin "sloth." If we take it at the same way you are, it's a sin to sleep at all.

There's a pretty big difference between a drunkard, and a guy who enjoys a drink. And I assume the same would go for a smoker, and a guy who lights one up every once in a while.

03-11-2013, 11:41 AM
As to it harming a person, I can only point out that some experts allege the brain is harmed. Some smokers claim it does not harm.

I suppose it has an effect on brain cells, similar to what other drugs and drinks would do. It just appears to be the least harmful of all the bad substances we can place in our bodies. People die from cigarettes and drinking alcohol daily. People die from overdoses of pills and things like that daily. No one has ever directly died from smoking marijuana, and if you smoke too much you might fall asleep.

Does this mean I am advocating the use? Nope. Like any other drug it can be bad for people and become addictive. I think the problem for me was less about the effects and more about the addiction itself.

03-11-2013, 01:53 PM
Missileman spots yet another miracle.

If EVERYTHING is a miracle, then nothing is.

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 02:03 PM
If EVERYTHING is a miracle, then nothing is.

I agree to a point.

Say, suppose a condition existed (per big bang theory) where nothing existed.

Suddenly (per big bang theory) suddenly a universe was created.

Miracle or no?

Robert A Whit
03-11-2013, 02:35 PM
I suppose it has an effect on brain cells, similar to what other drugs and drinks would do. It just appears to be the least harmful of all the bad substances we can place in our bodies. People die from cigarettes and drinking alcohol daily. People die from overdoses of pills and things like that daily. No one has ever directly died from smoking marijuana, and if you smoke too much you might fall asleep.

Does this mean I am advocating the use? Nope. Like any other drug it can be bad for people and become addictive. I think the problem for me was less about the effects and more about the addiction itself.

Suppose you learned that it kills brain cells to the point one finally is like a zombie. Would you persist?

I posted a report by a user of super strong pot and he reports it hurt his brain.

My cousin both smoked and drank. She was fat when I saw her at her home in Boise, ID in 1984, she was at the time having a beer and puffing a smoke.

I had not seen her in many years and simply was happy to see her. Besides, at that time I smoked a pipe and or cigars and drank just about any type of booze. I was in no position to pass judgment.

I got remarried in the spring of 1986 and late that year, I got a call to tell me said cousin was dying and had been brought to CA for a final visit to family.

She had dropped down from an estimated 220 pounds or more to roughly 80 pounds.

Before I saw her, I talked to her on the phone and she said she would die soon. I asked her if her doctor blamed her cancer on smoking. She said he did. She was told around March that she had cancer. She died by December. She lived about a week after I saw her where she lay about looking like a skeleton to me.

Jim, I size up pot this way. I do not smoke it. I have. I won't again. I do not think it adds to my health. I don't want to find out as my cousin did that she had problems when she was told over and over what would happen. She chose to not believe, to her detriment. I can't discount that you prefer to live a short life. If so, you are going about it the right way.