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03-11-2013, 10:55 AM

03-11-2013, 02:47 PM
No need to say anything more about that jimnyc.

One picture really does say 1000 words.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2013, 04:06 PM
Wow, Jim, that really hits you in the gut. Excellent post!

03-11-2013, 04:42 PM
I didnt know Obama did anything with the GI bill other than trademark it. Perhaps that's why they strike through Obama.

Mr. P
03-11-2013, 06:52 PM
Both of my students are combat vets. Both are active duty. Both are very unhappy about this, as am I.

We owe them better than this.

03-11-2013, 07:02 PM
Both of my students are combat vets. Both are active duty. Both are very unhappy about this, as am I.

We owe them better than this.

Mr. P. Not only Veterans, but EVERY American with a real brain...who didn't vote for Obama should be unhappy as well.

But then. Considering the huge numbers of nearly illiterate Americans walking around today...long enough to pick up their monthly checks for doing nothing. Why is anyone surprised?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2013, 07:22 PM

Bravo Jim. I vote this post of the month and perhaps even post of the year.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2013, 07:29 PM
I didnt know Obama did anything with the GI bill other than trademark it. Perhaps that's why they strike through Obama.

Obama is Supreme Commander of our armed forces. Have you seen him even try to treat our military good. Or speak up for them ?

03-11-2013, 07:33 PM
I didnt know Obama did anything with the GI bill other than trademark it. Perhaps that's why they strike through Obama.

He's ultimately responsible for our economy. Due to his failures, and that of Congress, there is a sequestration, and tuition assistance has been suspended. Under his helm, they lose. Now I don't want to go as far as to say "deserve" and other things in the picture, but I do hold Obama directly responsible for these failures, just as I held Bush responsible for so many economic failures. In this case though, the troops get hurt directly and all kinds of assistance still goes to illegals.

03-11-2013, 07:48 PM
Obama is Supreme Commander of our armed forces. Have you seen him even try to treat our military good. Or speak up for them ?

Talk to 2 out of every 3 people in uniform today, and you will learn how Obama IS NOT The Supreme Commander of our armed forces, and barely an honorable, qualified CIC.
The only ONE qualification Obama has is as Leader of ACORN. Where the sheep are easily led, and convinced that breaking laws isn't so bad unless THEY GET CAUGHT.

03-11-2013, 09:04 PM
He's ultimately responsible for our economy. Due to his failures, and that of Congress, there is a sequestration, and tuition assistance has been suspended. Under his helm, they lose. Now I don't want to go as far as to say "deserve" and other things in the picture, but I do hold Obama directly responsible for these failures, just as I held Bush responsible for so many economic failures. In this case though, the troops get hurt directly and all kinds of assistance still goes to illegals.
oh wow; I didn't know gi bill got its funding cut. But fwiw, it's the states that are funding financial aid to illegals, not the Feds and, in CA DREAM Act at least, those funds are only made available after funding legal residents' tuition needs; needs that are likely to be greater following the associated cuts to federal Dept of Education assistance like work study, stafford loans, TEACH grants etc. Its not like Obama can cut federal spending in other non-DoD areas, like Pell grants for education; the law makes across the board cuts necessary. While its terrible that promises to those who served are being reneged, im not sure there's $55 billion in discretionary cuts available to the DoD that I'd find palatable.

03-11-2013, 09:17 PM
oh wow; I didn't know gi bill got its funding cut. But fwiw, it's the states that are funding financial aid to illegals, not the Feds and, in CA DREAM Act at least, those funds are only made available after funding legal residents' tuition needs; needs that are likely to be greater following the associated cuts to federal Dept of Education assistance like work study, stafford loans, TEACH grants etc. Its not like Obama can cut federal spending in other non-DoD areas, like Pell grants for education; the law makes across the board cuts necessary. While its terrible that promises to those who served are being reneged, im not sure there's $55 billion in discretionary cuts available to the DoD that I'd find palatable.

logroller. Yes. The states are funding the aid to illegals. But, at the direction of the Fed who provides those funds, blackmailing the states into accepting the funding...to provide matching funds the following year from the Fed.
It's all a game the Fed is playing. And Americans in general who think Obama, and Congress are taking care of our Veterans, and Active duty members..with their families...WASTE more than the 55 Billion on Pure BULLSHIT as special favors to politicians.
Everyone knows it. But turn a blind eye when it comes to how funding actually affects them, and their PAID FOR politician whom they reelect because of bringing home the STOLEN BACON from YOU and ME.

03-11-2013, 09:47 PM
Wait... He cut funding from the GI Bill?!

03-12-2013, 03:07 AM
logroller. Yes. The states are funding the aid to illegals. But, at the direction of the Fed who provides those funds, blackmailing the states into accepting the funding...to provide matching funds the following year from the Fed.
It's all a game the Fed is playing. And Americans in general who think Obama, and Congress are taking care of our Veterans, and Active duty members..with their families...WASTE more than the 55 Billion on Pure BULLSHIT as special favors to politicians.
Everyone knows it. But turn a blind eye when it comes to how funding actually affects them, and their PAID FOR politician whom they reelect because of bringing home the STOLEN BACON from YOU and ME.
No. thats incorrect. I don't know about Texas and New Mexico, but in CA, that's not the case. The CA Dream Act is two laws; one concerns privately funded aid and the other is state funded aid, nothing is federally funded or conditionally matched. Federal law merely allows states to do so; there's no fiscal incentives from the fed that I am aware; but I'd be curious to see a source that says otherwise.

AB 130 allows students who meet AB 540 criteria (California Education Code 68130.5(a)) to apply for and receive non-state funded scholarships for public colleges and universities.AB 131 allows students who meet AB 540 criteria to apply for and receive state-funded financial aid such as institutional grants, community college fee waivers, Cal Grant and Chafee Grant.

I've no argument that there isn't an excess of pork in Washington's budget. I merely stated that the sequester required a mandatory $55 billion cut from the DoD budget. Do you think there's $55 billion of pork in the DoD budget?
Heres the 2013 requested budget; http://comptroller.defense.gov/defbudget/fy2013/FY2013_Budget_Request_Overview_Book.pdf
let me know what you'd cut.

03-12-2013, 05:27 AM
oh wow; I didn't know gi bill got its funding cut. But fwiw, it's the states that are funding financial aid to illegals, not the Feds and, in CA DREAM Act at least, those funds are only made available after funding legal residents' tuition needs; needs that are likely to be greater following the associated cuts to federal Dept of Education assistance like work study, stafford loans, TEACH grants etc. Its not like Obama can cut federal spending in other non-DoD areas, like Pell grants for education; the law makes across the board cuts necessary. While its terrible that promises to those who served are being reneged, im not sure there's $55 billion in discretionary cuts available to the DoD that I'd find palatable.

You make good points, And it looks like the pentagon made the dseission.
And again I point to the rebuilding cost in Afhanistan and Iraq. there are a half dozen briges to no-where and bulding with no people etc etc that could be defunded and NO ONE would feel it but a few contractors that are already fat off of 12 years of BS work over there.
Not to mention that the the DOD loss over a triliion dollars a few years back that they can't accout for in the couch somewhere. And a few less planes to Egypt or other M.E. countries including Israel, and maybe no support to Jundalh terrorist or Sryrian "freedom fighters" . or missions to somlia or a few less drone strikes and purchases and research over the next year could cover the price of tuition for the tution of the military.

How many drones does the U.S have and how much do they cost?
According to recent reports, the Pentagon now has some 7,000 aerial drones, compared with fewer than 50 a decade ago. The fiscal year 2012 budget included nearly $5 billion for drone research, development and procurement. (http://nyti.ms/8yfNSP) This figure represents the known costs; it does not include funding that may be classified. The CIA (http://wapo.st/qqEF2Q)has about 30 Predator and Reaper drones, which are operated by Air Force pilots from a U.S. military base in an unnamed U.S. state. The Department of Homeland Security (http://bit.ly/LhfWci)has at least nine unarmed Predator drones with a tenth purchase planned for September 2012. The cost per flight hour varies by type of drone. Predator and Reaper drones cost about $2,500-3,500 per flight hour; larger armed systems such as the military’s Global Hawk cost about 10 times as much: approximately $30,000 per flight hour....

Any number of BS programs or deployments to foreign countries (why exactly are we putting bases and troops in Africa?) could make up for tuition.

The gov't, in general, sometimes doesn't support troops as well as it should after they've been used up.

03-12-2013, 11:49 AM
They didn't cut the GI Bill. It is that they are cutting the 100% tuition while on active duty by 25%.

03-12-2013, 12:05 PM
I think it would make more sense to cut funding for illegals before any cuts to our soldiers. I don't think this is the first time cuts have been made to this tuition assistance either, I think Obama did similar in 2011?

Anyway, here's a good read on the current situation...


U.S. Army officials announced Friday they have suspended new enrollments for tuition assistance programs, which help more than 200,000 soldiers continue their educations.

The decision comes as the military deals with the Defense Department's requirement to cut $46 billion from its budget by October, under the sequestration order that President Obama signed into effect on March 1.

According to a statement from the Army, "soldiers will no longer be permitted to submit new requests for Tuition Assistance through the GoArmyEd portal. Soldiers currently enrolled and participating in courses approved for tuition assistance are not affected and will be allowed to complete current course(s) enrollment." The suspension went into effect Friday.

Army officials said 201,000 soldiers are enrolled in continuing education programs, costing about $373 million each year. According to the Army, current enrollees who wish to take more classes at the end of a semester will be considered new enrollees, and will not be eligible for tuition assistance.

Soldiers, whose enrollments are suspended, "can continue to access their GI Bill benefits, if applicable (either the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) or the Post 9/11 GI Bill), or use another funding source (i.e. grants, scholarships, or Army National Guard Soldiers using state Tuition Assistance)," according to the Army.

The Marine Corps have also decided to stop all new enrollments in its tuition assistance program, which pays $250 per credit hour, up to $4,500 for a fiscal year.

Air Force and Navy officials said their tuition programs are also under review, but a decision has not been made.


03-13-2013, 03:41 PM
I think it would make more sense to cut funding for illegals before any cuts to our soldiers. I don't think this is the first time cuts have been made to this tuition assistance either, I think Obama did similar in 2011?

Anyway, here's a good read on the current situation...


Well fwiw, if any illegals are receiving GI Bill tuition assistance, their tuition is also cut. But so far as I'm aware, Obama and Co. /the feds aren't in control of any tuition funding directed to illegals, other than any illegals on the GI Bill. Furthermore, even if the dept of education were funding tuition for illegals (and they aren't), cutting those funds would have zero effect upon sequestration required DoD cuts.
i guess what I'm saying is that Not having a budget is the problem; cuts to gi bill funding is a symptom-- we should direct are attention at the problem or we'll only see the symptoms worsen.

03-13-2013, 03:50 PM
Well fwiw, if any illegals are receiving GI Bill tuition assistance, their tuition is also cut. But so far as I'm aware, Obama and Co. /the feds aren't in control of any tuition funding directed to illegals, other than any illegals on the GI Bill. Furthermore, even if the dept of education were funding tuition for illegals (and they aren't), cutting those funds would have zero effect upon sequestration required DoD cuts.
i guess what I'm saying is that Not having a budget is the problem; cuts to gi bill funding is a symptom-- we should direct are attention at the problem or we'll only see the symptoms worsen.

My point being, illegals are not having their tuition assistance cut, and yet active soldiers are having it cut. And yes, these things are all under the control of our President and down through Congress. I hold those responsible that vote for such things and who signs off on it. It's largely the Obama administration and democrats in congress who are responsible for more and more "rights" for illegals, and more and more assistance. And yep, those very same people are the ones largely responsible for a sequester which partially screws our soldiers.

03-16-2013, 11:56 PM
My point being, illegals are not having their tuition assistance cut, and yet active soldiers are having it cut. And yes, these things are all under the control of our President and down through Congress. I hold those responsible that vote for such things and who signs off on it. It's largely the Obama administration and democrats in congress who are responsible for more and more "rights" for illegals, and more and more assistance. And yep, those very same people are the ones largely responsible for a sequester which partially screws our soldiers.

I understand your position, and agree, I just don't see it anything more than a hypothetical preponderance. You are of the belief that illegals are receiving Federal funds, and you may be correct-- but you must first show that Federal tuition funds are going to illegals. If you cannot, then perhaps its because They do not; and if They do not, then They can't very stop doing it, now can They?

My point being, I don't see how Congress and the President can be held accountable for what States do. The Feds allow the States to run their own education programs-- and for better or worse, that's how a Republic should be. So unless you can show me that illegals are receiving FEDERAL tuition assistance; then your attribution of blame upon Congress and the President is misguided. They certainly have much idiocy to answer for, so I can understand your inclination to blame them, but making an issue out of something that isn't of their doing detracts attention from the legitimate issues surrounding the Budget.

I did a little more research and found that CA is cutting all forms of aid which would further limit the leftover funds that could be distributed to illegals if, and when they actually do (CA's Board of Regents hasn't even began to implement the DREAM Act); furthermore, TX's only assistance given to illegals is that of affording them resident status for purposes of assessing fees. The students would still need to pay in-state fees without assistance. (Residents pay a different fee schedule than do out-of- state residents.) Even this applies only to those students who have been in the state of Texas for years, attended TExas schools, have a diploma or GED etc etc. Its not as simple as jump the border and get a free education on the American tax-payer dime courtesy of Obama and Congress. I don't think that's even remotely the case...but as I said, show me evidence otherwise. But let us discuss the merits of the issue in deference to facts and not rhetorical devices.