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View Full Version : Moonshiner Steven Ray Tickle arrested

03-14-2013, 11:36 AM
What do you think the outcome will be? Does it matter? Is any publicity good publicity?


03-14-2013, 11:39 AM
You have a bunch of reality shows today, or a ton of them I should say. They all seem to have "bad people" and arrests all the time. I'm not saying it's on purpose, but it leaves you wondering. People will do anything for a few bucks!! But a moonshiner drinking? Whouda thunk it! Large fine, loss of license and probation. Then back to the big screen, the show must go on!

Robert A Whit
03-14-2013, 12:36 PM
What do you think the outcome will be? Does it matter? Is any publicity good publicity?


"If you don't love *yore* moonshine, you don't love America." ~Tickle

Robert A Whit
03-14-2013, 12:40 PM
You have a bunch of reality shows today, or a ton of them I should say. They all seem to have "bad people" and arrests all the time. I'm not saying it's on purpose, but it leaves you wondering. People will do anything for a few bucks!! But a moonshiner drinking? Whouda thunk it! Large fine, loss of license and probation. Then back to the big screen, the show must go on!

You must have some jerks to keep the show interesting otherwise it is nothing more than a documentary.

I happen to like a lot of documentaries but to keep a decent running TV show, conflict has to be there.

Tickle is a pal to the star and a pain in the keyster at the same time. The Star is going legal so how interesting is a legal still operation? They have jerks in Bering Sea Gold, Alaska Gold and others. The jerks like some posters keep things lively. ha ha ha.

03-14-2013, 12:51 PM
You guys talk like that show isn't staged.
Wohoo, he got sent for public intoxication. What redneck hasn't? :rolleyes3:

Robert A Whit
03-14-2013, 01:02 PM
Of course those are staged. They might stink if they were not staged.

03-14-2013, 02:30 PM
You guys talk like that show isn't staged.
Wohoo, he got sent for public intoxication. What redneck hasn't? :rolleyes3:

hell...just go down to SOHO in Manhattan and you'll see more Drunk and Disorderly then in Danville, Virginia.

who cares?

03-14-2013, 06:19 PM
Has anyone noticed how most all of those So-called Reality based programs on cable seem to be nothing more than a Mirror of the low-life, educationally challenged, law breaking, personal responsibility ABSENT aspects of a growing number of Americans?

Those programs seem to highlight the very WORST in the people who get their 15 minutes of fame, being laughed at, and scorned by whoever happens to be watching....themselves...being shown on the little, or Wide screens across America.

They should be a subtle warning to ALL OF AMERICA...where, how, and why we are headed down the tubes...and liking it for the few seconds it gives us gratification to laugh at OURSELVES.

Robert A Whit
03-14-2013, 06:54 PM
Has anyone noticed how most all of those So-called Reality based programs on cable seem to be nothing more than a Mirror of the low-life, educationally challenged, law breaking, personal responsibility ABSENT aspects of a growing number of Americans?

Those programs seem to highlight the very WORST in the people who get their 15 minutes of fame, being laughed at, and scorned by whoever happens to be watching....themselves...being shown on the little, or Wide screens across America.

They should be a subtle warning to ALL OF AMERICA...where, how, and why we are headed down the tubes...and liking it for the few seconds it gives us gratification to laugh at OURSELVES.

Well, no ... I have not noticed that. In a way, they resemble a movie only the participants are not actors, but are living real life.

We see their actual problems, not those written by some writer plus some professional direction making the story hold together.

Many movies or such programs have a formula and it's going to create some emotions in viewers.

But that i do notice. You resent having things explained to you so I won't explain why I made these comments. I will let the smart people figure it out.