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View Full Version : Ryan: 'Vatican not only place blowing smoke this week'...

03-15-2013, 10:26 AM
Oxon Hill, Md. - U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, a Janesville Republican, defended his budget plan, warned of the perils of a debt crisis and said government needs to listen to the people during a speech to thousands of conservative activists Friday morning.

"The crucial question isn't how we balance the budget - it's why," Ryan told the Conservative Political Action Committee Conference. "The budget is a means to an end. We're not balancing the budget as an accounting exercise. We're not just trying to make the numbers add up. We are trying to improve people's lives."

Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, revealed his latest budget plan Tuesday, calling for $4.6 trillion in cuts over 10 years, including rolling back President Barack Obama's health care law. Ryan said his plan would bring the budget into balance without raising taxes.

On Wednesday, Senate Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) issued a budget blueprint that would reduce deficits by $1.85 trillion, half from spending cuts and half from revenue increases. Murray's plan does not balance the budget but reduces deficits.

"You know, this has been a really big week," Ryan said. "We got white smoke from the Vatican - and a budget from the Senate. "

He said when you read the Senate budget, "you find that the Vatican is not the only place blowing smoke this week."

"They call their budget a balanced approach. The thing is -they never balance the budget, ever. In fact, they call for another trillion-dollar plus tax hike on top of even more spending," Ryan said.

Ryan, the Republican Party's 2012 vice presidential nominee, warned that "a debt crisis would be more than an economic event. It would be a moral failure."


03-15-2013, 10:44 AM
Ryan would know from blowing smoke.

He of the bailouts, stimulus spending and his timid budget proposal, which may or may not come into balance a decade from now.

The man is a flimsy excuse for a supposed TEA Party guy.

03-15-2013, 07:43 PM
Ryan would know from blowing smoke.

He of the bailouts, stimulus spending and his timid budget proposal, which may or may not come into balance a decade from now.

The man is a flimsy excuse for a supposed TEA Party guy.

And YOU would? Tell us how long you have been a member of Congress Esox.

What political position have you ever held?
What educational background do you have that gives you the knowledge to make such statements, all without providing proof to back them up????

Back up your accusations. And we can talk.