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red states rule
03-17-2013, 04:41 AM
My diet continues to go well and I am up to nine pounds off my spare tire. I have remained faithful to my diet as I have purged soda and chocolate - gasp - remains verboten

Friday night I had my sleep study and it was a total disaster

I sat in a chaor and the teck "hooked" me up. I felt like I was being prepped for the electric chair (you can wipe that smile of your face Gabby)

I felt like I was tied up and it was very uncomfortable. It was not as enjoyable as when my girlfriend tied me to the headboard - but I digress

I got very little sleep so the results I fell are not valid

The good news is I am getting use to my new food list. I am eating alot of salads, greens, apples, bananas, and protein shakes. I picked up some chicken breasts that were on sale and will have them for dinner tonight

I have a long way to go in my personal battle of the bulge - but I will win this fight

03-17-2013, 01:29 PM
Sleep studies are hard. I recall mine with no fondness. The first one showed such bad sleep apnea, I almost didn't believe it. The second one, with the mask, was a great improvement. I had my equipment by the end of the week. head harness with a little nasal cushion and I am all set. I've slept with it every night for more than five years. No snoring, good sleep, no day time exhaustion. On other fronts, I just started a new exercise regimen. The union at my hospital gave us a DVD and a resistance band. It may be the best fitness option for me. I have no room for any large equipment and no time for a gym. I get up for the morning train at 6:30 and get home after 8:30 at night. The only days available for a gym visit are on the weekend and I always have those filled with household chores. The DVD workout only takes about 20 minutes and I don't have to drive anywhere.

03-17-2013, 01:34 PM
Continually eating healthy will pay off ten fold. It's awesome losing the weight, and the good foods just make you feel so much better too, and more active, and happier.

^ And with that knowledge in hand, I still can't get off all the junk and fast foods. :(

Stay with it though, Red!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2013, 02:42 PM
My diet continues to go well and I am up to nine pounds off my spare tire. I have remained faithful to my diet as I have purged soda and chocolate - gasp - remains verboten

Friday night I had my sleep study and it was a total disaster

I sat in a chaor and the teck "hooked" me up. I felt like I was being prepped for the electric chair (you can wipe that smile of your face Gabby)

I felt like I was tied up and it was very uncomfortable. It was not as enjoyable as when my girlfriend tied me to the headboard - but I digress

I got very little sleep so the results I fell are not valid

The good news is I am getting use to my new food list. I am eating alot of salads, greens, apples, bananas, and protein shakes. I picked up some chicken breasts that were on sale and will have them for dinner tonight

I have a long way to go in my personal battle of the bulge - but I will win this fight

Hang in there amigo. I went thru all that and can tell you that it pays off big time!!!
The weight loss was a nice benefit too. I sure do miss eating certain foods but being above ground takes higher priority than the joy of eating junk food. -Tyr

03-17-2013, 03:46 PM
My diet continues to go well and I am up to nine pounds off my spare tire. I have remained faithful to my diet as I have purged soda and chocolate - gasp - remains verboten

Friday night I had my sleep study and it was a total disaster

I sat in a chaor and the teck "hooked" me up. I felt like I was being prepped for the electric chair (you can wipe that smile of your face Gabby)

I felt like I was tied up and it was very uncomfortable. It was not as enjoyable as when my girlfriend tied me to the headboard - but I digress

I got very little sleep so the results I fell are not valid

The good news is I am getting use to my new food list. I am eating alot of salads, greens, apples, bananas, and protein shakes. I picked up some chicken breasts that were on sale and will have them for dinner tonight

I have a long way to go in my personal battle of the bulge - but I will win this fight

The secret to Your Success will be.....DO NOT GIVE UP, or GIVE IN. You will win, and be glad you listened, and can celebrate being here for many more years.

You Da Man!

Robert A Whit
03-17-2013, 07:06 PM
Good Luck Red States. Your post caused me to go jump on my scale. Eeeeeeech. But my gain this day came from coffee. Yes, coffee also weighs since liquids do weigh pounds.

red states rule
03-18-2013, 03:56 AM
Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words. With Spring almost here that means I can get out more, walk, cut the grass, and stay active more. The spare tire will come off and I will know soon if the new BP meds are working. Weight loss will help lower the BP and my knees will feel better as well. I will endure and come out on top - you can bet the farm on it