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red states rule
03-17-2013, 04:49 AM
It is funny to watch libs who demand OTHERS pay more in taxes - get pissed off when THEY have to pay more in taxes

And this clown gave Obama a cool million to the Obama re-election fund and now his thanks is a higher tax bill


04-15-2013, 12:23 PM
"Restrictions for thee, but not for me!"

It's always funny to see liberals react when they find out they have to pay the high taxes they keep trying to impose on others, too.



Bill Maher on California Income Taxes: 'Liberals - You Could Actually Lose Me'

By Noel Sheppard | March 16, 2013 | 11:36

Bill Maher made a comment Friday that his benefactor and hero Barack Obama should sit up and take notice of.

Speaking about the taxes the rich pay particularly in California, the host of HBO's Real Time said, "Liberals - you could actually lose me" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

The panel discussion began with a conversation about the various budget proposals currently on the table in Washington.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow predictably slammed Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) plan.

"The Ryan budget is a document that says the big problems in America right now are that rich people do not have enough money," she mocked. "They need relief from confiscatory tax rates."

"Well," Maher unsuccessfully tried to interrupt as Maddow continued. When she was finally done, he surprisingly pushed back.

Pointing at Virginia's former Republican Congressman Tom Davis, Maher said, "You know what? Rich people - I'm sure you'd agree with this - actually do pay the freight in this country."

"I just saw these statistics," he continued, "I mean, something like 70 percent. And here in California, I just want to say liberals - you could actually lose me. It's outrageous what we're paying - over 50 percent. I'm willing to pay my share, but yeah, it's ridiculous."

So it appears there is a point where Maher's money becomes more important than his politics.

Consider that in California, millionaires on top of the 39.6 percent they'll pay to the federal government in 2013, there's an additional 14.63 percent that now goes to the state.

Add in payroll taxes, local taxes, and property taxes, and I've seen estimates that the total tax bite could exceed 60 percent here.

But the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

Regardless, it sure was nice to see a liberal - especially one that contributed to Obama's reelection campaign! - complaining about his taxes.

Marcus Aurelius
04-15-2013, 02:02 PM
Rachael Madcow must have had a cow when Maher said that.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
04-15-2013, 02:17 PM

Marcus Aurelius
04-15-2013, 02:23 PM
If you showed the average libtard the Obama budget with Ryan's name on it, and the Ryan budget with Obama's name on it, they'd applaud the one with Obama's name and dismiss/trash the one with Ryan's name.

04-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Looks like that was the day Maher finally learned the meaning of the words he uses most, as in HYPOCRISY.

And this is the guy who was almost as TINGLY as Matthews about Obama, and Obamacare?

Didn't he give ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Obama?

Now, Obama wants more of his money?

Who does Obama think he is Maher?

Friends helping Friends Distribute Your Money is what you wanted....isn't it????

04-15-2013, 07:19 PM
What gets me is why people are so angry at the rich when they complain about the taxes they pay. I mean, think about if you and your buddies went to IHOP. Now, there are ten of you total. Four of your buddies are able to pay for their own meal without issue, and do so. Another three are forced to split a sampler, but two of the guys can't afford anything. You offer to pick up their tab, since you're doing well enough to afford it easily, even if it is once a week.

Now, six months down the line, imagine your reaction when the other three suddenly start whining about how you've got the money to be able to pay for them as well, and try to get you to. It wouldn't matter to you that you have the money to help, and would likely have helped if asked nicely, but when they act like they're entitled to your money, you get pissed, and feel like they see nothing of you but your wallet.

It's not different when the amount you make and spend is higher. It isn't even about the money, but the respect.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2013, 07:36 PM
Simply amazing! Suddenly when they get too damn deep into his pockets he finds enough intelligence and scruples to condemn that which he promoted and cheered for decades!

Hey Maher suck on a big fat one you hypocritical asswipe and move your sorry whiny liberal ass.

It was alright until you saw they got too deep into stealing your money!! -:laugh2:--Man what a jackassssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

04-15-2013, 07:44 PM
What gets me is why people are so angry at the rich when they complain about the taxes they pay. I mean, think about if you and your buddies went to IHOP. Now, there are ten of you total. Four of your buddies are able to pay for their own meal without issue, and do so. Another three are forced to split a sampler, but two of the guys can't afford anything. You offer to pick up their tab, since you're doing well enough to afford it easily, even if it is once a week.

Now, six months down the line, imagine your reaction when the other three suddenly start whining about how you've got the money to be able to pay for them as well, and try to get you to. It wouldn't matter to you that you have the money to help, and would likely have helped if asked nicely, but when they act like they're entitled to your money, you get pissed, and feel like they see nothing of you but your wallet.

It's not different when the amount you make and spend is higher. It isn't even about the money, but the respect.

DragonStryk. That kind of attitude now shared by liberals against people who are wealthy...in any way. Is also another reason our economy is falling behind other nations.
When you and I were growing up. We were always told. You can do, and be anything you want. If you work hard, and succeed.
But today. Obama, and the Democrats are bound, and determined to convince the Uneducated...NOT to succeed, or become wealthy because NOT EVERYBODY can do that...and Liberally speaking...THAT'S NOT FAIR.
So. If people succeed, and become wealthy. They are the ENEMY of those who depend on Government to create their tiny portion of limited success...waiting for someone else to pay their way.
So. I have learned to tell people that always complain about others becoming successful, or wealthy to...STAY POOR, STAY UNSUCCESSFUL, and always wait for someone else to DO YOUR THINKING, and LIVING. It never requires personal responsibility!!!!

Marcus Aurelius
04-15-2013, 07:56 PM
If you showed the average libtard the Obama budget with Ryan's name on it, and the Ryan budget with Obama's name on it, they'd applaud the one with Obama's name and dismiss/trash the one with Ryan's name.

someone should actually do this... make a display with 6-7 bullet points from each version, switch the names, and see if anyone from either side (liberal or conservative) notice and or tout the wrong one.

04-15-2013, 08:06 PM
DragonStryk. That kind of attitude now shared by liberals against people who are wealthy...in any way. Is also another reason our economy is falling behind other nations.
When you and I were growing up. We were always told. You can do, and be anything you want. If you work hard, and succeed.
But today. Obama, and the Democrats are bound, and determined to convince the Uneducated...NOT to succeed, or become wealthy because NOT EVERYBODY can do that...and Liberally speaking...THAT'S NOT FAIR.
So. If people succeed, and become wealthy. They are the ENEMY of those who depend on Government to create their tiny portion of limited success...waiting for someone else to pay their way.
So. I have learned to tell people that always complain about others becoming successful, or wealthy to...STAY POOR, STAY UNSUCCESSFUL, and always wait for someone else to DO YOUR THINKING, and LIVING. It never requires personal responsibility!!!!

Why do you think I support the Fair Tax? Our current system punishes success while rewarding mediocrity and failure. However, I do not believe that Obama has a plan along those lines, because really, it's so much worse. Obama truly believes that his way is the right way, and that makes it so much more dangerous. A huckster has a built-in tapout point where they will simply cut their losses and walk away, but a true believer? Oh no, they'll go all the way to the mat.

04-15-2013, 08:15 PM
Why do you think I support the Fair Tax? Our current system punishes success while rewarding mediocrity and failure. However, I do not believe that Obama has a plan along those lines, because really, it's so much worse. Obama truly believes that his way is the right way, and that makes it so much more dangerous. A huckster has a built-in tapout point where they will simply cut their losses and walk away, but a true believer? Oh no, they'll go all the way to the mat.

4859 Remember Neal Boortz??? I have the book too!

04-15-2013, 10:58 PM
4859 Remember Neal Boortz??? I have the book too!

that's how I came across it. I was working for the borders on laskin when I saw the book on display next to the info desk, so I sat down and read it.

red states rule
04-16-2013, 02:56 AM
Yet like Gabby, in every election he will continue to vote a straight Dem ticket as his tax bill rises, the state deficit soars, and the CA (and national) economy limps along.

At the same time, he will blame Republicans for the mess and continue to write checks to help finance the election campaigns of Democrats

04-16-2013, 03:48 AM
Yet like Gabby, in every election he will continue to vote a straight Dem ticket as his tax bill rises, the state deficit soars, and the CA (and national) economy limps along.

At the same time, he will blame Republicans for the mess and continue to write checks to help finance the election campaigns of Democrats

Not entirely true, because he's also pro-death penalty. I admit, he's definitely on the left, but this may be that point where he starts seeing the way the wind is blowing for the democratic party.

red states rule
04-16-2013, 03:51 AM
Not entirely true, because he's also pro-death penalty. I admit, he's definitely on the left, but this may be that point where he starts seeing the way the wind is blowing for the democratic party.

By the time he reaches that point it will be too late to reverse the damage

Hell, after he made the comment about his taxes he said Jimmy carter should be the role model for all Presidents

04-16-2013, 04:04 AM
By the time he reaches that point it will be too late to reverse the damage

Hell, after he made the comment about his taxes he said Jimmy carter should be the role model for all Presidents

Eh, reversing the damage may not be the only option. Sometimes, when the house burns down, you build a better one in its place. Things fail, even political parties, and the sooner we get to bottoming out, the better off we'll be.

lol, well come on, Carter is the liberals' Reagan, man. They just are not going to see fault there.

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:09 AM
Eh, reversing the damage may not be the only option. Sometimes, when the house burns down, you build a better one in its place. Things fail, even political parties, and the sooner we get to bottoming out, the better off we'll be.

lol, well come on, Carter is the liberals' Reagan, man. They just are not going to see fault there.

I will let Bill's own words prove he is a die hard lib and will never change

Bill Maher: ‘The Second Amendment Is Bulls—t!’


Bill Maher: Paul Ryan’s Mother Considered Aborting Him

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/04/13/bill-maher-paul-ryan-s-mother-considered-aborting-him#ixzz2QfttpbCw

In four years I do not know if the damage can be fixed. How do suggest we pay back the $20 trillion national debt for starters?

04-16-2013, 09:46 AM
I will let Bill's own words prove he is a die hard lib and will never change

Bill Maher: ‘The Second Amendment Is Bulls—t!’


Bill Maher: Paul Ryan’s Mother Considered Aborting Him

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/04/13/bill-maher-paul-ryan-s-mother-considered-aborting-him#ixzz2QfttpbCw

In four years I do not know if the damage can be fixed. How do suggest we pay back the $20 trillion national debt for starters?

Importantly, did I say it could be? You're going at me like I'm utterly against you, but I'm not. I believe I mentioned that he is a liberal. Bill Maher realizing that maybe the Dems are going over the edge is not a statement of whether or not we can get out of debt within Obama's time. Nor is it a statement that he's completely turned around, so you can stop acting like that's anything close to what I said.

In fact, I believe I pointed out that we may need to finish bottoming out before we can start fixing what's wrong here.

04-16-2013, 09:51 AM
You're going at me like I'm utterly against you, but I'm not.

Your protestations don't matter; you have been tagged as a liberal Obama-ite. You had better bone up on your lib-speak. :poke:

red states rule
04-17-2013, 02:56 AM
Importantly, did I say it could be? You're going at me like I'm utterly against you, but I'm not. I believe I mentioned that he is a liberal. Bill Maher realizing that maybe the Dems are going over the edge is not a statement of whether or not we can get out of debt within Obama's time. Nor is it a statement that he's completely turned around, so you can stop acting like that's anything close to what I said.

In fact, I believe I pointed out that we may need to finish bottoming out before we can start fixing what's wrong here.

I am not going after you at all DS. I am saying Mayer is full of it when he says he will leave CA over high taxes. He is loyal liberal who has spent his life bashing America and those who have a different opinion on the role and size of government

It is a farce and the comments he made after his comment on taxes shows he is still in the Blue camp

red states rule
04-17-2013, 02:59 AM
Your protestations don't matter; you have been tagged as a liberal Obama-ite. You had better bone up on your lib-speak. :poke:

FU you are proof of the power of prayer

Someone prayed for the world to suffer and - well- here you are

04-17-2013, 05:51 AM
FU you are proof of the power of prayer

Someone prayed for the world to suffer and - well- here you are

Sucks when you completely misread another poster and get called out doesn't it? nvm, I wouldn't know.

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:08 PM
Sucks when you completely misread another poster and get called out doesn't it? nvm, I wouldn't know.

Called out? You are a bitter little man FU who has to troll to attract attention to yourself.

I guess since your birth certificate is an apology letter the condom factory you have alot of anger to get rid of

04-17-2013, 06:25 PM
Called out? You are a bitter little man FU who has to troll to attract attention to yourself.

I guess since your birth certificate is an apology letter the condom factory you have alot of anger to get rid of

Bitter? :laugh: I like to point out hypocrisy and logical flaws; thanks for the material. :)

red states rule
04-18-2013, 02:06 AM
Bitter? :laugh: I like to post hypocrisy and logical flaws. :)

Fixed it for you FU

04-18-2013, 08:02 AM
http://images.sodahead.com/polls/002684253/2935131025_cid_17DFDCF56C0646698424B43550D32FA6Fre dPC_xlarge.png


04-18-2013, 09:27 PM
Bitter? :laugh: I like to point out hypocrisy and logical flaws; thanks for the material. :)

Talking to yourself, while looking in a mirror....(like above?) A bitter pill, too tough for even YOU.

04-19-2013, 07:34 AM


04-19-2013, 01:24 PM

Nobody here wants to see personal photo's of you fj. But that is funny, and very telling.

04-19-2013, 01:41 PM
Nobody here wants to see personal photo's of you fj. But that is funny, and very telling.

Uh, that was you. Don't know why you posted it. :dunno:

04-19-2013, 03:20 PM
Uh, that was you. Don't know why you posted it. :dunno:

​You can't even tell a good lie.

I won't have to lower myself to your dishonest standards.
But it would be fun to use your own tactics against you.
You and Obama share your dishonesty very well.

04-19-2013, 04:48 PM
​You can't even tell a good lie.

I won't have to lower myself to your dishonest standards.
But it would be fun to use your own tactics against you.
You and Obama share your dishonesty very well.

You're right; my mistake. I see your post and think clown.

Sorry Jim.


red states rule
04-20-2013, 07:45 AM
AT, I have toi admit we both have made an error

We both forgot what it is like to debate liberals like FU


Abbey Marie
04-20-2013, 02:17 PM
The above is awesome! :laugh:

04-20-2013, 03:41 PM
AT, I have toi admit we both have made an error

We both forgot what it is like to debate liberals like FU


red states rule. Did you happen to realize also...how Pigeon's are 100% smarter than their liberal counterpart?
At least Pigeon's are Tolerant Crapper's. Where Liberals hold it in, and call it Brains.

red states rule
04-21-2013, 05:27 AM
The above is awesome! :laugh:

Thanks Abbey. Coming from you that means alot

red states rule
04-21-2013, 05:28 AM
red states rule. Did you happen to realize also...how Pigeon's are 100% smarter than their liberal counterpart?
At least Pigeon's are Tolerant Crapper's. Where Liberals hold it in, and call it Brains.

It does sum up FU and his debate skills

or lack thereof

04-21-2013, 01:32 PM
It does sum up FU and his debate skills

or lack thereof

Hey Post Turtle, I hear you had a debate with a wet paper bag; here's the winner:


04-21-2013, 02:41 PM
Hey Post Turtle, I hear you had a debate with a wet paper bag; here's the winner:


fj. Showing all of us your Debate Skills, shrunken down to a waste of wet paper. Says much for your lack of intelligence, eroded into a mushy, useless substance. How fitting, and honorable you are. Unafraid to demonstrate such weaknesses so freely.

04-21-2013, 02:59 PM
fj. Showing all of us your Debate Skills...

So you agree that a wet paper bag, or myself, has better debating skills than rsr. Thank you for accepting my premise.


And speaking of mushy and useless.

04-21-2013, 03:03 PM
So you agree that a wet paper bag, or myself, has better debating skills than rsr. Thank you for accepting my premise.


And speaking of mushy and useless.

No. Just pointing out that RSR uses such things to discard the huge amount of waste...contained therein. If that was your premise. You failed.

red states rule
04-21-2013, 03:21 PM
Hey Post Turtle, I hear you had a debate with a wet paper bag; here's the winner:


and you are such an angry little pigeon FU :laugh2:

04-21-2013, 08:00 PM
No. Just pointing out that RSR uses such things to discard the huge amount of waste...contained therein. If that was your premise. You failed.

I agree that the entirety of his logic and abilities resides in the wet paper bag; that's why he can't get out.

and you are such an angry little pigeon FU :laugh2:

How can I be angry when I have so much at which to chuckle? You should do stand-up with your material.

04-21-2013, 08:08 PM
I'm really not sure why you guys are always attacking FJ...?

He's always been smart, conservative and polite.

WTF, over?

red states rule
04-22-2013, 02:19 AM
I'm really not sure why you guys are always attacking FJ...?

He's always been smart, conservative and polite.

WTF, over?

1) The key past of your post is your use of past tense in describing FU

2) FU was the one who fired the first shot on this thread and on others

04-22-2013, 06:07 AM
1) The key past of your post is your use of past tense in describing FU

Oh geez. Now you ignore the definition of "always."

2) FU was the one who fired the first shot on this thread and on others

Such the angel you are. :rolleyes: I'm guessing you don't want an accurate accounting of that.

Whatever, on to the next thread where I'm sure my liberalness will remain the myth that it is to some.

Abbey Marie
04-22-2013, 02:47 PM
Thread has outlived its usefulness.