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View Full Version : Another Palestinian Photo-op Goes Belly Up

red states rule
03-17-2013, 05:09 AM
Another touching, heart tugging photo of a Palestinian dad holding the body of his child killed in an Israeli airstrike - turns out the child was actually killed when a terrorist fired rocket missed its target and killed the child

The photo was run by the Washington post and NY Times - but do not wait for a correction


An errant Palestinian rocket, not an Israeli airstrike, likely killed the baby of a BBC reporter during fighting in the Hamas-ruled territory last November, a U.N. report indicated, challenging the widely believed story behind an image that became a symbol of what Palestinians said was Israeli aggression.
Omar al-Masharawi, an 11-month-old infant, was killed on Nov. 14, the first day of fighting. An Associated Press photograph showed Omar's anguished father, Jihad al-Masharawi, clutching his slain child wrapped in a shroud. Palestinians blamed Israel, and the image was broadcast around the world and widely shared on social media.

Now a report from the U.N. office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights says the baby was "killed by what appeared to be a Palestinian rocket that fell short of Israel."

Gaza's rulers, the militant Islamic group Hamas, whose fighters fired most of the rockets into Israel during the conflict, had no response Monday.
BBC officials declined to comment, and Jihad al-Masharawi said he couldn't discuss the issue. An Israeli military spokesman said they could not confirm or deny whether they hit the al-Masharawi house.

Matthias Behnke, head of OHCHR office for the Palestinian territories, cautioned he couldn't "unequivocally conclude" that the death was caused by an errantly fired Palestinian rocket. He said information gathered from eyewitnesses led them to report that "it appeared to be attributable to a Palestinian rocket."


03-17-2013, 09:56 AM
Matthias Behnke, head of OHCHR office for the Palestinian territories, cautioned he couldn't "unequivocally conclude" that the death was caused by an errantly fired Palestinian rocket.

Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

03-17-2013, 10:01 AM
Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

Let me ask you this, Jafar, based on what you pointed out about it being inconclusive... You posted MANY things negative about Israel in the past few months. No big deal to me - but MANY here pointed out that those articles had very similar writing, that "they couldn't be confirmed". In other words, the accusations couldn't be confirmed. So you agree that what you posted many times on many different scenarios was merely speculation?

red states rule
03-17-2013, 10:03 AM
Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

Even if video was produced showing the rocket being fired sand crashing you would still ignore the truth

03-17-2013, 10:19 AM
Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

It's not speculation that the Muslims have largely ethnically cleansed the Christians out of Lebanon.

It's not speculation that the Muslims have invaded, ethnically cleansed, annexed, and illegally occupied Northern Cyprus for nearly 40 years.

Marcus Aurelius
03-17-2013, 12:37 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=624621#post624621)
Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

Let me ask you this, Jafar, based on what you pointed out about it being inconclusive... You posted MANY things negative about Israel in the past few months. No big deal to me - but MANY here pointed out that those articles had very similar writing, that "they couldn't be confirmed". In other words, the accusations couldn't be confirmed. So you agree that what you posted many times on many different scenarios was merely speculation?

That's just different. If Jahil claims it, is is truth incarnate. If infidels claim it, they are just wrong.

03-17-2013, 12:41 PM
Speculation that it wasn't an Israeli attack in other words.

With thanks to Tyr for this, as he's already provided this following link ...


Those who followed Operation Pillar of Cloud, Israel’s eight-day defensive action against Hamas militants last November, might recall the photo of a BBC reporter’s deceased 11-month-old infant that was plastered across the front pages of multiple Western media outlets, most notably the Washington Post. Mainstream media outlets reported that it was an Israeli rocket fired into Gaza that claimed the child’s life, while a scant few outlets reported it was a Hamas rocket that actually killed the child. Now, a U.N. report confirms the latter.

The U.N. office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said in a March 6 report that the Gaza incident seemed to have been caused by a ”Palestinian rocket that fell short of Israel.”

The death of Omar al-Masharawi, the son of BBC stringer Jihad al-Masharawi, was used as a key piece of propaganda by the Palestinians during Operation Pillar of Cloud to showcase what they claimed was Israeli aggression.

Many outlets failed to provide context in their reports, refraining from mentioning that Hamas guerrillas are known to launch rockets from within residential locations, using their own civilians as human shields.

In fact, many Hamas rockets are hidden inside residential buildings as well as near school playgrounds. This tactic alone should underscore Hamas’ disregard for human life, particularly that of the very people they claim to champion.

The mainstream outlets never reported such findings nor did they report that the Israel Defense Forces issues Arabic-language pamphlets (http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-truth-about-civilian-casualties-in-gaza/) well in advance of planned strikes on Hamas operating sites, giving civilians ample time to evacuate the area in an effort to preserve human life.
Makes them 'well worth supporting', wouldn't you say, Jafar ? So, then. What do you have to say to THIS ??

Starting, of course, with an acknowledgment that HAMAS, NOT ISRAEL, holds responsibility for the death ...

03-17-2013, 07:44 PM
With thanks to Tyr for this, as he's already provided this following link ...


Makes them 'well worth supporting', wouldn't you say, Jafar ? So, then. What do you have to say to THIS ??

Starting, of course, with an acknowledgment that HAMAS, NOT ISRAEL, holds responsibility for the death ...

Sir Drummond. Everything directed at the SPECULATOR jafar is useless. There is only One Way any of us would be able to prove jafar wrong, and that would be if, and when one of HAMAS' rockets manage to take out, remove, or kill members of jafar's family. Or..jafar himself.
But then. None of us would ever know that took place since jafar's friends would never admit THEY FIRED THE ROCKET that killed him.

03-17-2013, 07:47 PM
It's not speculation that the Muslims have largely ethnically cleansed the Christians out of Lebanon.

It's not speculation that the Muslims have invaded, ethnically cleansed, annexed, and illegally occupied Northern Cyprus for nearly 40 years.

Oh, and I should probably add that it's definitely NOT speculation that you don't give a rat's ass about any of it.:rolleyes:

red states rule
03-18-2013, 03:42 AM
Now I know why Jafar runs around saying the Nazi death camps never existed. He is the 2013 version of Joseph Goebbels only instead of spreading propaganda about the Nazi Party, he spreads it in support of Palestinian terrorists

Marcus Aurelius
03-18-2013, 09:35 AM
Now I know why Jafar runs around saying the Nazi death camps never existed. He is the 2013 version of Joseph Goebbels only instead of spreading propaganda about the Nazi Party, he spreads it in support of Palestinian terrorists

He based that on the Red Cross saying that the Nazi's didn't kill 6 million Jews. He claimed they were the only source he trusted on the matter.

However, when I pointed out to him that the Red Cross eventually admitted the Nazi's DID indeed kill 6 million Jews... he disappeared from the thread and never stated if he still found the Red Cross to be the only source he trusted on the matter.

03-18-2013, 09:58 AM
He based that on the Red Cross saying that the Nazi's didn't kill 6 million Jews. He claimed they were the only source he trusted on the matter.

However, when I pointed out to him that the Red Cross eventually admitted the Nazi's DID indeed kill 6 million Jews... he disappeared from the thread and never stated if he still found the Red Cross to be the only source he trusted on the matter.

And now he's disappeared from this thread too.

Could it have anything to do with the way you pointed out that the sources he was using, were no more trustworthy than the source he now tries to denigrate?

These liars and con artists are very predictable, aren't they.

03-18-2013, 10:59 AM
They should have contacted the U.S. military officials who designed all the photo ops following the Iraq invasion. The pulling down Saddam's statue thing was brilliant PR.

03-18-2013, 11:04 AM
Once again "The Great Gray Lady" is proven to be a cheap lying whore...

03-18-2013, 11:07 AM
They should have contacted the U.S. military officials who designed all the photo ops following the Iraq invasion. The pulling down Saddam's statue thing was brilliant PR.

As usual, change the subject and obfuscate when something pops up that you can't defend or discuss.

03-18-2013, 11:18 AM
As usual, change the subject and obfuscate when something pops up that you can't defend or discuss.

Dont feed the Troll Jimmy...

The only way to beat a troll is to starve it of attention

03-18-2013, 01:45 PM
As usual, change the subject and obfuscate when something pops up that you can't defend or discuss.

The subject is an alleged photo op. My comment was about a photo op. Why criticize one while ignoring the other?

03-18-2013, 01:53 PM
The subject is an alleged photo op. My comment was about a photo op. Why criticize one while ignoring the other?

No, the subject is an alleged Palestinian photo op. Why would I criticize someone else for discussing the actual posted topic? All you did was try and deflect and go back to the Bush years, as usual.

Marcus Aurelius
03-18-2013, 02:05 PM
I see that when, once again he is proven wrong, Jahil vanishes from the thread. Typical.

03-18-2013, 02:15 PM
They should have contacted the U.S. military officials who designed all the photo ops following the Iraq invasion. The pulling down Saddam's statue thing was brilliant PR.

Since you are the TROLL who comes here the most often. You were just jealous they didn't identify YOU as the subject of that Statue, and it would have given you more of that 15 minutes of fame...nobody really gets, but makes them look stupid...like you.

red states rule
03-19-2013, 04:17 AM
Like her guy Obama, Gabby is a one trick pony http://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3037&d=1344918279

03-19-2013, 03:38 PM
Like her guy Obama, Gabby is a one trick pony http://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3037&d=1344918279