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View Full Version : Ultimate goal of socialist leftists reached:Cyprus govt confiscates 10% of bank depos

03-18-2013, 04:06 PM
The goal of socialism in general, is to convince people that what they produced and earned, isn't really theirs, but can be taken by government to distribute as they please.

The leftists in Cyprus are now beginning to reach the nirvana they have been seeking for so long. The Cypriot government has abruptly confiscated up to 10% of everyone's savings accounts, and then closed all banks to protect the rest of what they appear to consider "their" money from the ignorant masses.

You voted for that government, Cyprus citizens.

Are you watching this, America?

You're next, you know.



Cypriot deposits grab shocks savers across Europe

March 18, 2013
by Staff, Associated Press

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A plan to seize up to 10 percent of people's savings in the small Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus sent shockwaves across Europe on Monday as households realized the money they have in the bank may not be safe.

A weekend agreement between Cyprus and its European partners called for the government to raid bank accounts as part of a €15.8 billion ($20.4 billion) financial bailout, the first time in the eurozone's crisis that the prospect of seizing individuals' savings has been raised.

Facing outrage, Cypriot authorities delayed a parliamentary vote on the seizure and ordered banks to remain shut until Thursday while it tries to modify the deal to reduce the hit on people with small deposits.

Several hundred protesters gathered outside the parliament building, with some chanting "thieves, thieves" and "people wake up, they're drinking your blood." One demonstrator dumped sheep wool and animal feces in front of a line of police officers guarding the entrance. Protesters later marched onto the presidential palace.

"It's a precedent for all European countries. Their money in every bank is not safe," said lawyer Simos Angelides.

In order to get €10 billion ($13 billion) in bailout loans from international creditors, Cyprus agreed to take a percentage of all deposits — including ordinary citizens' savings. The surprise deal stoked fears that deposits in other countries could be targeted.

03-18-2013, 04:39 PM
Let's see a show of hands here. How many members reading this thread THINK it can't happen right here in America?????

If you insist it can't happen here. Keep these two words in mind.....Martial, and Federalize.

Before everyone knows what happened. The FED can also put a HOLD on every American's bank account.

Think it can't or won't happen?

Now, just might be the optimum time to STUDY, and LEARN what can happen as a result of Uninformed Americans who voted for Obama in the near future. And....WHO WILL STOP IT???

03-19-2013, 07:05 AM
Let's see a show of hands here. How many members reading this thread THINK it can't happen right here in America?????

If you insist it can't happen here. Keep these two words in mind.....Martial, and Federalize.

Before everyone knows what happened. The FED can also put a HOLD on every American's bank account.

Think it can't or won't happen?

Now, just might be the optimum time to STUDY, and LEARN what can happen as a result of Uninformed Americans who voted for Obama in the near future. And....WHO WILL STOP IT???

Which is why I pulled my money out of all banks long ago.

03-19-2013, 03:18 PM
Which is why I pulled my money out of all banks long ago.

Turks. Take note of how there are presently NO liberal responses to this thread.

Since they dislike, and avoid being confronted with Truth. It's not a surprise.

But. If the Obama admin, with enough Democrat Senators pull together.

We should hear the OUTCRY from the liberals who will applaud such a thing...if they think Obama is sticking it to the wealthy.