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View Full Version : "Hacker Begins Distributing Confidential Memos Sent To Hillary On Libya, Benghazi"

03-18-2013, 10:49 PM
Headline: "Hacker Begins Distributing Confidential Memos Sent To Hillary Clinton On Libya, Benghazi Attack"

Headline only so far, no story attached that I could see.

If this "hacker" has violated U.S. Govt laws on state secrecy etc., then he should be thrown in jail for a long time. And if his little "leak" causes anyone to die, be exposed to our enemies, etc., then he should be stood up against a wall and shot.

That said, even if he didn't violate any such laws, he would be well advised to stay away from small aircraft, Ft. Marcy Park, railroad tracks etc. Bad things tend to happen to people who anger the Clintons.


03-19-2013, 07:14 AM
Which is why she decided to come on in favor of gay marriage yesterday after opposing it for years. Timing is everything. Nothing like a distraction.

03-19-2013, 08:05 AM
If caught GUCCIFER should face the fullest penalty of the law, just like Bradley Manning.

Ms. Clinton and the White House will have to face the ramifications of the disclosure.

03-19-2013, 03:10 PM
Which is why she decided to come on in favor of gay marriage yesterday after opposing it for years. Timing is everything. Nothing like a distraction.

Turks. Right you are. Hillary's switcheroo about favoring Gay marriage yesterday was nothing more than a PRE-announcement of her intentions to RUN in 2016.

Many of us remember how she denied, and denied, and denied...long before the 2008 elections.
Which...just happened to be the Training partner of another Liar called Obama.

Watch for more LIES, EXCUSES, and BLAME GAME antics, coming to a TV screen near you.

Remember....4711 4712 4713 (pre-botox)