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View Full Version : New Commercial Features Illegal Aliens Asking For ‘Affordable Healthcare’

03-19-2013, 01:42 PM
They are ILLEGAL people, NOT "undocumented". If I sneak into an NFL game, am I a criminal "trespassing" or am I an "undocumented fan". Effing idiots. And the saddest part? Lots will side with the criminals and say they deserve OUR money for healthcare.

A new ad campaign has been launched to extend medical coverage to illegal aliens in the state of California.

The California Endowment, a private foundation that advocates for affordable healthcare, wants county-run Medicaid expansion programs called Low-Income Health Programs to be “retooled” to provide insurance for this population – well over 1 million people!

Just what the people of California need, right? First they cut tuition assistance for citizen students by $1.2 billion.

Then they made illegal aliens eligible for in-state tuition and financial aid, with AB131 – signed by Gov. Jerry Brown.

Then tuition assistance was cut for members of the military by sequestration – affected tens of thousands of whom live in California.

Now, this week we learned that 20,000 illegal aliens have signed up for tuition assistance in the state – costing taxpayers an estimated $65 million per year – so far – while at the same time the state closed 70 parks at a cost of a mere $11 million.

Citizens get the shaft, and illegal aliens get VIP treatment – that is America’s Sanctuary State.

But now they want even more: free healthcare coverage – on the taxpayer’s dime again (of course). Note that unpaid medical bills from illegal aliens already cost California hospitals $1.25 billion per year. But no matter…California will likely cave in and give even more to their new prized non-citizen constituency. Because in Sacramento the inmates are truly running the asylum.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pjoK0Zf_N5Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Abbey Marie
03-19-2013, 02:05 PM
Between a general growing entitlement population, potential infringement of our 2nd amendment rights, the disappearance of the intact family, and other negative social issues gaining in popularity, I see this country going down the path of ruin.

I really hope I am wrong, but I don't think I am. On the other hand, The Bible on cable had higher ratings than American Idol. Maybe there is hope after all. :cool:

03-19-2013, 02:29 PM
California alone should shoulder every Penny of this ON THEIR OWN without any Federal Assistance!

Let Californians pay for Every Illegal's education, Medical care, Food, all of it!

03-19-2013, 02:33 PM
If that is what Californicators want. Let them have it, and pay for it.

Brown raised their taxes to pay for this kind of stuff. If they complain now.

They can only blame themselves.

03-19-2013, 02:36 PM
Between a general growing entitlement population, potential infringement of our 2nd amendment rights, the disappearance of the intact family, and other negative social issues gaining in popularity, I see this country going down the path of ruin.

I really hope I am wrong, but I don't think I am. On the other hand, The Bible on cable had higher ratings than American Idol. Maybe there is hope after all. :cool:

Abbey. Can't entirely disagree with your words above. But, something deep inside me keeps telling me NOT to give up on Our Country, no matter how bad things get, or look.

Not for myself, but for five grandchildren who will have to live in this world after I am long gone.

Never give up Hope for what we believe in.