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View Full Version : Harry Reid Uses Dead Marines to Fearmonger on Sequester

red states rule
03-20-2013, 02:54 AM
Just when I thought libs could not sink any lower Harry Reid proves me wrong.

On the Senate floor this morning, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) implied the explosion that killed seven Marines at an ammunitions depot in Hawthorne, Nevada was due to the "cutting back in training and maintenance" in the sequester.

HARRY REID: As I indicated, it was quite a big explosion. We'll follow this news very closely. I will do whatever I can going forward to support the United States military and the families of the fallen Marines.

Mr. President, it's very important we continue training our military, so important. But one of the things in sequester is we cut back in training and maintenance. That's the way sequester was written. Now, the bill that's on the floor, we hope to pass today helps that a little bit. At least in the next six months, it allows the military some degree of ability to move things around a little bit. Flexibility, we call it, and that's good. But we have to be very vigilant. This sequester should go away. We have cut already huge amounts of money in deficit reduction. It's just not appropriate, Mr. President, that our military can't train and do the maintenance necessary.

These men and women, our Marines were training there in Hawthorne. And with this sequester, it's going to cut back this stuff. I just hope everyone understands the sacrifices made by our military. They are significant, being away from home, away from families, away from their country.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/03/19/harry_reid_implies_sequester_caused_explosion_that _killed_7_marines_in_nevada.html

and the US Marines are not happy about Harry using dead Marines to push his tax and spend liberal agenda

NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports: Now I can tell you, Marine Corps officials this afternoon are taking a strong exception to what Harry Reid implied (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/03/19/harry_reid_implies_sequester_caused_explosion_that _killed_7_marines_in_nevada.html). Saying that this this exercise, for example, was planned well in advance, had nothing to do with the budget cuts. There were no corners cut, and if they couldn't afford to have all the safety precautions into place, they wouldn't do the exercise.

And in fact, one Marine Corps official told us a short time ago that he considers this nothing but pure political posturing on the backs of these dead Marines.

http://realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/03/19/marine_corps_rips_reid_pure_political_posturing_on _the_backs_of_those_dead_marines.html

03-20-2013, 05:16 AM
Mark Levin: Harry Reid ‘lowest of the low-lives,’ ‘bottom of the sewer,’ ‘a vicious stupid man’

“That’s exactly what it was, and it was grotesque. And Harry Reid, you’re the lowest of the low-lives, you know that?” Levin said. “You really are at the bottom of the sewer, all the time on every issue — whether it’s accusing Mitt Romney of not filing taxes. You are just a very ill human being. And the fact that you’re the Senate majority leader says an awful lot about the Democrats in the Senate. The American people deserve better than this miscreant — we do. We deserve better than this man. He is a vicious stupid man. Somehow out of Searchlight, Nev., he has acquired tens of millions of dollars, as he lives on the penthouse floor in the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C. Somehow, somehow this low I.Q., no-talent hack politician has become the Senate majority leader and an extremely wealthy man.”

: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/20/mark-levin-harry-reid-lowest-of-the-low-lives-bottom-of-the-sewer-a-vicious-stupid-man/#ixzz2O4dI4fDB

03-20-2013, 03:00 PM
Harry Reid is America's founding, Live 4720 cesspool, who can only get lower than
Whale poop...4721 as an insult to whales.

red states rule
03-21-2013, 03:18 AM
and Obama showed his concern for the dead Marines and their families
It turns out, President Obama's reaction wasn't much better. While families were mourning their dead. the President was tweeting about snack time. Emily Miller (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/19/miller-wheres-concern-7-marines-die-and-obama-twee/#ixzz2O0SCOP8s) has more:
President Obama is still so fixated on fundraising and divisive campaign tactics that major tragedies and world crises get ignored.

At 10:40 a.m. Tuesday, the @BarackObama Twitter feed posted a tweet that said “Snack time” along with a photo of two small children picking up apples from a bowl in the Oval Office.

First Lady Michelle Obama, who has been on a national media tour to discuss childhood obesity, is shown sitting with the toddlers in the photo, holding her own apple. The infamous White House branded M&M boxes are, of course, nowhere to be found.

The president is seen chatting in the background.

The feed is managed by Organizing for Action, which took over high-dollar fundraising after Obama for America won its final election. It’s run by Mr. Obama’s former campaign guru Jim Messina.

An hour earlier, @BarackObama posted an attack on a supposed congressional Republican effort to cut education spending. It asked people to retweet if they agreed with the point, but gave no explanation for what “severe cuts” were up for debate.

While the president is tweeting about apples and political fights, the families of seven Marines tragically killed Monday in a training exercise are mourning their loss. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/03/20/obama-tweets-about-snack-time-after-marines-killed-in-nevada-n1543941

red states rule
03-22-2013, 03:12 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-22-2013, 06:00 AM

Reid should be in prison. The guy is as crooked as a barrel of snakes. Talk about say or do anything this scum is it...
Needs a damn finely delivered attitude adjustment IMHO.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-22-2013, 06:03 AM
Mark Levin: Harry Reid ‘lowest of the low-lives,’ ‘bottom of the sewer,’ ‘a vicious stupid man’

“That’s exactly what it was, and it was grotesque. And Harry Reid, you’re the lowest of the low-lives, you know that?” Levin said. “You really are at the bottom of the sewer, all the time on every issue — whether it’s accusing Mitt Romney of not filing taxes. You are just a very ill human being. And the fact that you’re the Senate majority leader says an awful lot about the Democrats in the Senate. The American people deserve better than this miscreant — we do. We deserve better than this man. He is a vicious stupid man. Somehow out of Searchlight, Nev., he has acquired tens of millions of dollars, as he lives on the penthouse floor in the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C. Somehow, somehow this low I.Q., no-talent hack politician has become the Senate majority leader and an extremely wealthy man.”

: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/20/mark-levin-harry-reid-lowest-of-the-low-lives-bottom-of-the-sewer-a-vicious-stupid-man/#ixzz2O4dI4fDB

Levin is dead on the money but he didn't even scratch the surface about how much of a lowlife bastard Reid is. The guy so richly deserves justice being delivered to his sorry ass.

03-22-2013, 06:23 AM
Harry Reid is so low he can limbo under a pregnant ant's belly.

03-22-2013, 10:10 AM
Harry Reid is so low he can limbo under a pregnant ant's belly.

Or so low he can parachute off a curb.:laugh:

03-22-2013, 11:49 AM
All Marines go through HELL..

I'm sure they will all laugh and point at Harry Reid as they Pass through...

As thats where he will end up.

red states rule
03-22-2013, 05:16 PM
Any similarity between Harry Reid and a human being is purely coincidental and a damn shame

03-22-2013, 07:18 PM
All Marines go through HELL..

I'm sure they will all laugh and point at Harry Reid as they Pass through...

As thats where he will end up.

Marine underwear is Brown, or Green for a reason. Now being exposed.

Whenever a Marine visits the HEAD, or LATRINE. There is a HARRY REID stain on the material, or dripping down a drain.

red states rule
03-23-2013, 03:57 AM
Where are the defenders of Obama? Is no one here going to defend poor Harry? I thought at least one person would try and say he was right that those "draconian budget cuts" are to blame. Oh well, seems like even libs are embarrassed by Reid's behavior and the liberal media continues to ignore his comments

03-23-2013, 06:27 PM
Here's what Harry thinks about Americans who think he is a Jerk. 4752
No need to prove his 4753

Robert A Whit
03-23-2013, 06:44 PM
Reid can take that finger and suck on it. Shame on Harry Reid.

03-23-2013, 08:15 PM
Where are the defenders of Obama? Is no one here going to defend poor Harry? I thought at least one person would try and say he was right that those "draconian budget cuts" are to blame. Oh well, seems like even libs are embarrassed by Reid's behavior and the liberal media continues to ignore his comments

red states rule. In response to your first question above. "There are none. At least...No Honest Ones!"

It is impossible to DEFEND the Undefendable like Harry, Nancy, and last, but not least OBAMA.

Anyone who defends Liars is, and always will be a LIAR.

Robert A Whit
03-23-2013, 08:17 PM
red states rule. In response to your first question above. "There are none. At least...No Honest Ones!"

It is impossible to DEFEND the Undefendable like Harry, Nancy, and last, but not least OBAMA.

Anyone who defends Liars is, and always will be a LIAR.

You and I agree. See, that is not so hard is it?

red states rule
03-24-2013, 11:04 AM
red states rule. In response to your first question above. "There are none. At least...No Honest Ones!"

It is impossible to DEFEND the Undefendable like Harry, Nancy, and last, but not least OBAMA.

Anyone who defends Liars is, and always will be a LIAR.

I have been waiting for LR and FU to jump in and try and say those "cuts" are to blame, or at least Harry's words were taken out of context

03-24-2013, 08:27 PM
I have been waiting for LR and FU to jump in and try and say those "cuts" are to blame, or at least Harry's words were taken out of context

red states rule. Hope you haven't been holding your breath. For that to take place. They would both have to admit


Robert A Whit
03-24-2013, 08:41 PM
red states rule. Hope you haven't been holding your breath. For that to take place. They would both have to admit


Well said AT. Very well said.

red states rule
03-25-2013, 02:26 AM