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View Full Version : The Cheney liars are up to their old tricks

Robert A Whit
03-20-2013, 06:24 PM
There is a cottage industry known as lying about Dick Cheney. I may take up the lies told about Bush and the rest of the Admin too but right now this is about Dick Cheney.

First, how many of the liars bothered to study two great books on two wars?

If they want to comprehend the Afghanistan war, they must read General Tommy Franks book since he commanded both wars. But if they think he is not being honest, try reading another Generals book called A General Speaks out where they can see if Franks lied.

Did they read Dick Cheney's own book? Cheney pulled no punches. Cheney is very unhappy that Scooter Libby got no pardon. Libby got crapped on.

The issue was who leaked Valerie Plames name. It was not Libby. He never was on trial over the name leak.

He was found guilty of plain perjury. His claim is he learned of her from a reporter. This was not true. But my god, do we put people on trial for being wrong? YES we did. And we punished him severely. Libby was a lawyer. By being found guilty of perjury, he can't practice what he studied for. No Bar will let him be a lawyer until they finally allow it. Maybe he can practice by now. I don't know all the Bar rules.

It was Richard Armitage that leaked her name but he got no punishment.

Bush ran the Government so far as any president runs it.

Cheney was of immense help to Bush.

How do I know?

I also read Bush's book.

Why believe Cheney or Bush's book?

Well, if you want a stable stool, have at least 3 solid legs. A table ought to have 4 legs that are sound.

I have more than 4 legs of truth.

I have the truth of 2 Generals.
The truth of Rumsfeld (yep, I read his book too)
The truth of Bush
And Cheney
And Ambassador Paul Bremer's fine book.

Look, the least any of you can do is start out with the books by the people who did the jobs, were there, have records to back up their claims. When you use some other authors book, bear in mind they were not there. They may have things wrong. They may have an agenda.

The books I read are fully vetted and backed up by FACTS from actual records.

So when you plan to lie about any of those people, I plan to call BS on you for lying.

03-20-2013, 06:32 PM
Gotta agree with you about Cheney.

You can tell they hate him so much, probably because they really can't handle being confronted with the TRUTH.

03-20-2013, 07:10 PM
Gotta agree with you about Cheney.

You can tell they hate him so much, probably because they really can't handle being confronted with the TRUTH.

As Jack said so well....4724