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red states rule
03-21-2013, 04:14 AM
No wonder kids are so f'd up. Look at what is going on in some public school systems
A county in Maryland is putting limits on some of the trappings of elementary school: Hugs from grown-ups are restricted, birthday-party invitations are banned, and no more bringing cupcakes for the whole class.
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Parents who visit the 17 elementary schools in St. Mary’s County are still allowed to hug their own children, just not other kids. Only parents registered as volunteers are allowed on the playground, and even then they can’t push other people’s kids on the swings.
“What’s OK with some families is not OK with others,” Kelly Hall, the district’s executive director of elementary schools, told NBC News on Tuesday.

The guidelines come from a committee of parents and school administrators that started meeting last fall. They were put in place after the massacre last December in Newtown, Conn. District officials stress that they are not final, and say they want feedback from parents.
Among the new rules: It’s fine to send a homemade cupcake to school for your own child, but not for the rest of the class. District officials are concerned about food allergies and want parents to send only store-bought treats that have the ingredients listed.
As for party invitations, the district suggests that PTA groups develop phone and email lists for parents.
“If there are 20 individuals in the class and someone brings in seven birthday invitations, it was creating an academic disruption,” Hall said. “People were getting their feelings hurt.”http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/19/17373726-maryland-school-district-restricts-hugs-party-invitations-and-cupcakes?lite

03-21-2013, 09:20 PM
Not unusual at all for Maryland. I've heard stories about people driving through Maryland who accidentally spent too much time in the state, going too slow, and discovered they became Liberal enough to begin hating conservatives. So, like liberals. They hate Themselves.

03-21-2013, 09:31 PM
No wonder kids are so f'd up. Look at what is going on in some public school systems

Wow! First with birthday invitations, was a rule when I was a kid, both parochial and public schools, 'Unless all are invited, no invitations are to be issued from school. Use the mail or phone.'

Birthday treats: Provide one for all, if someone is allergic or doesn't like, they still may participate in wishing a 'happy birthday.'

Robert A Whit
03-21-2013, 10:08 PM
No wonder kids are so f'd up. Look at what is going on in some public school systems

I would need much more context to complain.
A guy I know that lives in MD called it the Socialist state of MD.

red states rule
03-22-2013, 03:36 AM
MD is totally f'd up. A budget was just rammed through with GAS TAX increases that have po'd many of people. However I can zip over the state line and gas up in PA - which is what I will do

But alas, it is Baltimore, Prince Georges, and Montgomery Counties that keep most elected Dems in power.

I pity the kids not being allowed to be kids anymore thanks to nanny state libs

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-22-2013, 05:57 AM
No wonder kids are so f'd up. Look at what is going on in some public school systems

Maryland always has been a bunch of ffed up liberal losers.

Chumps too damn stupid to get in out of the rain.:laugh2:

Robert A Whit
03-22-2013, 12:19 PM
MD is totally f'd up. A budget was just rammed through with GAS TAX increases that have po'd many of people. However I can zip over the state line and gas up in PA - which is what I will do

But alas, it is Baltimore, Prince Georges, and Montgomery Counties that keep most elected Dems in power.

I pity the kids not being allowed to be kids anymore thanks to nanny state libs

This guy Cary sells yachts at Annapolis. I got into town one day on my way to New Jersey and decided to not only fill up with fuel, but go to the Navy Academy. That day, a yacht event was going on where people could come see the yachts on sale. I saw so many people and being in a hurry to get back on I-95 that I did not go into the area and try to find Cary. I did not know his last name. But he was a good source for what goes on there. Cary was a bit miffed at me for not looking him up. Sad to say. I was not in town all that long. I enjoyed on that same trip the Navy Academy and West Point. Both fine schools.

Cary too commented as you say and I believe he said what you said. I have only been in MD less than 6 times. And always on the move.

You must remember the DC sniper? I was in Falls Church VA when that jerk was killing people. It was scary to say the least. I was at Gettysburg I believe when he got caught and came through MD on 15 to VA and passed not too far from where they got caught by the cops.