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03-21-2013, 05:53 AM
I remember, once upon a time, there were men in this country. Men who would leap in and assist a solo police officer in a situation like this.

Now America's "men" stand around filming with their little pink Hello Kitty iPhones and muse, "Oh wow man. This is gonna look so COOL on YouTube."

On a positive note, the overall decline of American masculinity and brains has also impacted the current crop of perpetrators, as evidenced in this video. :laugh:


03-21-2013, 06:27 AM
Yay for a maybe pig-headed cop 'saving' the community from a pot head. :-/

Once the guy is in under arrest, the cop is responsible; the cop failed to control the 'menace'. Cop's fault.

03-21-2013, 06:34 AM

In addition to an ostrich egg-sized lump on his head, pothead gets to enjoy an additional charge of "resisting arrest." :thumb:

03-21-2013, 06:43 AM

In addition to an ostrich egg-sized lump on his head, pothead gets to enjoy an additional charge of "resisting arrest." :thumb:

what might be an illegal arrest, but what is PROOF of a cop's inability to properly conduct an arrest. The video shows a bumbling cop. Glad you can critique cops now. You're welcome for my enlightening you.

03-21-2013, 06:56 AM
what might be an illegal arrest, but what is PROOF of a cop's inability to properly conduct an arrest. The video shows a bumbling cop. Glad you can critique cops now. You're welcome for my enlightening you.


Let's see you try to control a grown man like that. In addition to holding him down you have to watch your weapon and make sure he doesn't make a move for that and escalate the situation, work BOTH arms behind the guy's back, and then try to get the cuffs onto two wriggling wrists. Ever try to do that? It only gets simple when you have three cops, one to hold the guy down and one holding each arm.

The easier way for this one guy to do it would have been to take out his baton and knock the fekker out, but then you'd be posting a video with "ZOMG! Lookit the brutal cop!"

In your perfect little liberal world every cop would be as capable as a Navy Seal. Sorry, we're just regular guys.

Typical no-balls pothead Monday morning quarterbacking. Tell the truth; in real life you're the guy with the pink Hello Kitty iPhone filming the whole thing.

03-21-2013, 06:59 AM

Let's see you try to control a grown man like that. In addition to holding him down you have to watch your weapon and make sure he doesn't make a move for that and escalate the situation, work BOTH arms behind the guy's back, and then try to get the cuffs onto two wriggling wrists. Ever try to do that? It only gets simple when you have three cops, one to hold the guy down and one holding each arm.

The easier way for this one guy to do it would have been to take out his baton and knock the fekker out, but then you'd be posting a video with "ZOMG! Lookit the brutal cop!"

In your perfect little liberal world every cop would be as capable as a Navy Seal. Sorry, we're just regular guys.

Typical no-balls pothead Monday morning quarterbacking. Tell the truth; in real life you're the guy with the pink Hello Kitty iPhone filming the whole thing.

So - again, we see a video of a cop failing to prevent a possible drunk from hurting himself OR others. WHY do we allow Cops to have weapons other citizens do not have? Your video PROVES people are just people. Cops are NOT special. They do a shitty job, sure - but they are no less-likely to be a baffoon - or do really stupid shit -than any OTHER citizen.

03-21-2013, 07:04 AM
So - again, we see a video of a cop failing to prevent a possible drunk from hurting himself OR others. WHY do we allow Cops to have weapons other citizens do not have? Your video PROVES people are just people. Cops are NOT special. They do a shitty job, sure - but they are no less-likely to be a baffoon - or do really stupid shit -than any OTHER citizen.

The difference is, the cops have to do something when something happens. Which is why society gives us more recognition than it does to random potheads.

lol, the *NEW* conservatism. :rolleyes:

03-21-2013, 07:07 AM
I remember, once upon a time, there were men in this country. Men who would leap in and assist a solo police officer in a situation like this.

Now America's "men" stand around filming with their little pink Hello Kitty iPhones and muse, "Oh wow man. This is gonna look so COOL on YouTube."

On a positive note, the overall decline of American masculinity and brains has also impacted the current crop of perpetrators, as evidenced in this video. :laugh:

Nowadays, cops are so trigger happy, that no sane man would ATTEMPT to help out. They'd probably be shot instead because cop's don't know how to assess even a simple situation.

03-21-2013, 09:12 AM
Nowadays, cops are so trigger happy, that no sane man would ATTEMPT to help out. They'd probably be shot instead because cop's don't know how to assess even a simple situation.

Yep, if you started to walked toward the officers he'd tell you back up. and then might arrest you after he got 1st guy done, for walking toward him "aggressively".

it's a lose lose for the lowly citizen.

Don't help the cop your wrong, try to help the cop your a potential threat.

03-21-2013, 10:04 AM
With all the B.S. Law suites out there it makes it hard to jump in and help, the police officer has to make sure you don't get hurt or the department is open to a law suite even the criminal has rights , I agree the good old days where much better but with the worry of being sued ya have to think about everything you do now a days .

03-21-2013, 10:12 AM
I remember, once upon a time, there were men in this country. Men who would leap in and assist a solo police officer in a situation like this.

Now America's "men" stand around filming with their little pink Hello Kitty iPhones and muse, "Oh wow man. This is gonna look so COOL on YouTube."

On a positive note, the overall decline of American masculinity and brains has also impacted the current crop of perpetrators, as evidenced in this video. :laugh:

Well citizens don't have the resources and requisite training...and is this in a small town too.... I'm surprised the camera was even facing the right way.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-21-2013, 10:26 AM
Yep, if you started to walked toward the officers he'd tell you back up. and then might arrest you after he got 1st guy done, for walking toward him "aggressively".

it's a lose lose for the lowly citizen.

Don't help the cop your wrong, try to help the cop your a potential threat.

That is true . I almost got arrested many years ago for heading over to help a cop during a fight.
Luckily one of the officers arriving to the scene knew I simply hated the guys being arrested. That officers convince the other that no way was he going to help those guys he hates the living hell out of all of them.
Only then did the cop that I had started to help thanked me and apologize for the misunderstanding. The one time I chose to help and I was warned to step back when the cop put his hand on his weapon! I've never even considered helping since than as it may get you shot by the cop you are wanting to help.

My younger brother once knocked his friend down , took the loaded shotgun away from him and fired it into the air to unload it. All so that it could not be used to harm anybody. This happened at the front door of a bar. The cops arrived and arrested my younger brother for discharging a weapon within city limits. At court the stupid judge ruled to forfeit bond as punishment! All that after witnesses verified my brother's actions saved the bar owner's life as Randy was heading in the bar with a loaded single shot 12 gauge to shoot the guy!
No good deed goes unpunished...
My brother upon seeing his money (100 bucks 1979) was being taken(forfeited) by the kangaroo court told them all, next time I'll let the crazy SOB shoot whomever the hell he wants to and hope that it is you cops he is mad at . Next time it may not be a single shot weapon.
At least the bar owner ( after the facts in court came out) gave him a free night's drinking for saving his life! No, it was not a hundred dollars worth, more like about 40. ;)--Tyr