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View Full Version : Media Reports on ObamaCare Problems… Three Years Late

03-23-2013, 07:02 PM
Our Johnny-on-the-spot media elite are all over the devilish details of ObamaCare this week. The three-year anniversary of the signing of the bloated government grab is tomorrow, and what better time to point out its massive failures and punitive complications than after it is too late to do anything about it?

In the media's defense, some of the failures being reported on now weren't apparent in 2009 and 2010, but that's not my complaint. My complaint -- and what should be America's complaint -- is where was this kind of scrutiny and reporting when this terrible bill was being gamed through the all-Democrat federal government?

As we all know, skeptical, forward-looking media analysis of ObamaCare was pretty much non-existent back then. We also know that those who did read the bill and report on its real and potential horrors (through New Media and in Townhall meetings) were demonized by the media.

Rather than report on the devilish details or laugh Democrats out of office for submitting fraudulent ObamaCare budgets to the CBO so the monstrosity could be called "deficit neutral," the media instead played State Pipe Organ and focused on all the "goodies."

In the meantime, out here in the real world and contrary to all those cotton candy promises the media assured us would come true, insurers facing all kinds of restrictions and a glut of sick people have boosted our health care premiums, and companies everywhere are cutting back employee work hours to avoid being forced to provide insurance. Moreover, contrary to Obama's biggest promise, people are losing their insurance because companies would prefer to pay the fine than for the Cadillac plans ObamaCare demands.

And how can one even begin to count the number of individual ObamaCare horror stories that dribble out almost daily, not from the ObamaMedia, naturally -- but from conservative media sites like Drudge? We're about to face a terrifying shortage of physicians and heaven only knows what this means.

But if you believe in the philosophy of better-late-than-never, Politico actually summoned a little moral courage Friday morning. One of its morning leads takes a fairly in-depth look at how the bill remains unpopular and the massive uphill battle the government faces (money and tech) to get the ObamaCare pieces in place by October, when people are supposed to start signing up. (ObamaCare's insurance exchanges and most punishing mandates hit early next year.)

Here's Wednesday's Wonk Blog at the Washington Post:

Last week I posted a copy of the draft application for Obamacare benefits, which clocks in at a hefty 21 pages.

Consumer advocates and Wonkblog commenters had similar questions: Why on earth would the federal government create such a complex form to obtain a public benefit?

You don’t have to spend much time with the chart to get that, it’s really not simple at all.

And Wednesday's New York Times:

'Our revenues are about $8 million, but the food business is a low-margin industry so cutting $108,000 out of our profits, which are just over $200,000, is a big deal,' said Ms. Shein, who is the chief executive. They are evaluating different ways to comply with the new law and finance the expense.


Robert A Whit
03-23-2013, 07:29 PM

It has been common knowledge for a long time that the program is a fraud. I believe the intent is to make insurance agents rich. They collect a monthly part of the premium for life.

The agent you buy insurance from is paid a montly fee by the company as long as you stay insured.

Agents can retire by selling their bookings and are set for life.

03-23-2013, 08:07 PM
jimnyc: Why did your post remind me of the words "You'll know more about the Obamacare problems...after it becomes law!"?

03-23-2013, 08:18 PM
Not all is lost: The 401(k) was born of an unintended consequence of an obscure law. Clever regulations experts could mine other powerful tricks from Obamacare. I suspect that law will implode of it's own weight.

Robert A Whit
03-23-2013, 08:25 PM
Not all is lost: The 401(k) was born of an unintended consequence of an obscure law. Clever regulations experts could mine other powerful tricks from Obamacare. I suspect that law will implode of it's own weight.

CSPAN this am had Peter Wallison lecturing on the reason for the crash we have endured. And during some speakers commenting, the Dodd Frank bill came up. The all said it mostly needs to be repealed.

I recall the birth of the 401(k) as around the early 1970s? There seemed to me to be catches in it. And the IRA as well. What galled me was trying to tell me how much I could set aside and conditions for taking it out.

If you want to watch the Wallison talk, and it is well worth watching, CSPAN BOOK TV and search his name. I posted the name of the lecture on another thread. I did not write it down but know it is about the history of the crash and poor policy.

Every speaker defended Bush by the way.