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View Full Version : 2014: Who Will the Clueless Blame When Obamacare Kicks In?

red states rule
03-25-2013, 03:57 AM
And I am including couple of posters on this board when I ask that question






Obama health law anniversary finds 2 Americas

In half the states, mainly led by Democrats, officials are racing deadlines to connect uninsured residents to coverage now only months away. In others it's as if "Obamacare" - signed Mar. 23, 2010 - had never passed.

Make no mistake, the federal government will step in and create new insurance markets in the 26 mostly red states declining to run their own. Just like the state-run markets in mostly Democratic-led states, the feds will start signing up customers Oct. 1 for coverage effective Jan. 1. But they need a broad cross-section of people, or else the pool will be stuck with what the government calls the "sick and worried" - the costliest patients.

Insurance markets, or exchanges, are one prong of Obama's law, providing subsidized private coverage for middle-class households who currently can't get their own. The other major piece is a Medicaid expansion to serve more low-income people. And at least 13 states have already indicated they will not agree to that.


Marcus Aurelius
03-25-2013, 07:30 AM
Obamabot responses in RED below each image...

And I am including couple of posters on this board when I ask that question

Well, you weren't really paying enough anyway. Think of it as being neighborly.

But now you can get coverage from government run exchanges, with a subsidy paid for by the taxpayers! Isn't that swell!?!?!!!

Welfare is waiting with open arms!

You're getting a little old anyway. Maybe you should start thinking abo0ut your children instead of yourself for once?

They would have gone up much more had we not stepped in and saved you.

I wanna puke.

03-25-2013, 11:06 AM
They're going to blame the republicans in the house for not saying anything about the reprecussions earlier.
Or maybe they'll blame Bush for making it so that we had to start a program like this.


Did you know that if the military get's another 9% cut, we're dropping all ROTC programs and officer academeys? That means to become a second leutinent you need to have 5 years as a staff sargent. I may as well bend over... Cause I'm going to be screwed.

red states rule
03-26-2013, 02:48 AM
They're going to blame the republicans in the house for not saying anything about the reprecussions earlier.
Or maybe they'll blame Bush for making it so that we had to start a program like this.


Did you know that if the military get's another 9% cut, we're dropping all ROTC programs and officer academeys? That means to become a second leutinent you need to have 5 years as a staff sargent. I may as well bend over... Cause I'm going to be screwed.

Eh R's did speak out and were soundly attacked by the Obama loving liberal media

Here is one example


03-26-2013, 07:57 PM
Eh R's did speak out and were soundly attacked by the Obama loving liberal media

Here is one example


Nothing more needs to be said for Matthews....the 4769

03-26-2013, 08:32 PM
Seems the misinformation just keeps on going. For me everything is great. Kaiser healthcare will be less next year according to them. My taxes were the same as last year. Bush's donut hole for prescriptions is gone next year so many of the older people I know will have medications again all year long. My guess is some people do not know how good they have it and want to support the wealthy even more.

03-26-2013, 08:39 PM
Seems the misinformation just keeps on going. For me everything is great. Kaiser healthcare will be less next year according to them. My taxes were the same as last year. Bush's donut hole for prescriptions is gone next year so many of the older people I know will have medications again all year long. My guess is some people do not know how good they have it and want to support the wealthy even more.

The "misinformation" I see the most consistently, is companies reducing the workforce or increasing their prices/rates in order NOT to lose based on Obamacare. There are carriers already stating that rates will increase, so consider yourself lucky. And to top it off, many hospitals and other providers are already stating that rates will increase.

03-26-2013, 09:18 PM
Seems the misinformation just keeps on going. For me everything is great. Kaiser healthcare will be less next year according to them. My taxes were the same as last year. Bush's donut hole for prescriptions is gone next year so many of the older people I know will have medications again all year long. My guess is some people do not know how good they have it and want to support the wealthy even more.

I consider myself to be dirt poor. I'm in college. I sure as hell don't support the poor. Do you know why the rich are rich? Because they worked their asses off to get where their at.

Hell, do you even know who's considered rich in america? Movie stars, bill gates, anyone in gov't. Who do you support?

Back to the thread,
My dad works in a hospital, he's looked quite deep into all the crap that's getting passed.

Do you know what higher taxes on "medical supplies" means? That includes tape, band aids, syringes, aspirin, etc. Just looking at how much it's going to cost hospitals... There's going to be a lot of them going out of business in the next 5 years. Not sure what that's going to do for you and your medicine. And then add that to the amount of people that are going to lose their job because of the dipshit in charge.

He wants to "help" the american people. And he's doing a great job of doing the opposite.

03-26-2013, 09:19 PM
And I don't think I even have to mention that Obamacare is completely and totally illegal. The Gov't can't FORCE us to pay for something. That's called a dictatorship, or communism, and last I checked we were a democracy.

03-26-2013, 09:23 PM
Seems the misinformation just keeps on going. For me everything is great. Kaiser healthcare will be less next year according to them. My taxes were the same as last year. Bush's donut hole for prescriptions is gone next year so many of the older people I know will have medications again all year long. My guess is some people do not know how good they have it and want to support the wealthy even more.

April15. That's really funny stuff. Your last sentence, coming from someone who claims to be ONE.

red states rule
03-27-2013, 02:47 AM
Seems the misinformation just keeps on going. For me everything is great. Kaiser healthcare will be less next year according to them. My taxes were the same as last year. Bush's donut hole for prescriptions is gone next year so many of the older people I know will have medications again all year long. My guess is some people do not know how good they have it and want to support the wealthy even more.

I find what you say hard to believe. CA has passed several tax increases and want a retroactive one on tpo of that

Yea, we all have it so good under Obamanomics. Gas prices have doubled, food prices rising, debt and deficit to new records, and unemployment still high

As far as the cost of ins - well the Washington Post even admitted Obamacare will cause that increase as well

Some Americans could see their insurance bills double next year as the health care overhaul law expands coverage to millions of people.

The nation’s big health insurers say they expect premiums — or the cost for insurance coverage — to rise from 20 to 100 percent for millions of people due to changes that will occur when key provisions of the Affordable Care Act roll out in January 2014.

Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna Inc., one of the nation’s largest insurers, calls the price hikes “premium rate shock.”

“We’ve done all the math, we’ve shared it with all the regulators, we’ve shared it with all the people in Washington that need to see it, and I think it’s a big concern,” Bertolini said during the company’s annual meeting with investors in December.

To be sure, there will be no across-the-board rate hikes for everyone, and there’s no reliable national data on how many people could see increases. But the biggest price hikes are expected to hit a group that represents a relatively small slice of the insured population. That includes some of the roughly 14 million people who buy their own insurance as opposed to being covered under employer-sponsored plans, and to a lesser extent, some employees of smaller companies.

The price increases are a downside of President Barack Obama’s health care law, which is expected to expand coverage to nearly 30 million uninsured people. The massive law calls for a number of changes that could cause premiums for people who don’t have coverage through a big employer to rise next year — at a time when health care costs already are expected to grow by 5 percent or more:

— Changes to how insurers set premiums according to age and gender could cause some premiums to rise as much as 50 percent, according to America’s Health Insurance Plans, or AHIP, an industry trade group that’s funded by insurers.

— A new tax on premiums could raise prices as much as 2.3 percent in 2014 and more in subsequent years, according to a study commissioned by AHIP. Policyholders with plans that end in 2014 probably have already seen an impact from this.

— Requirements that insurance plans in many cases cover more health care or pay a greater share of a patient’s bill than they do now also could add to premiums, depending on the extent of a person’s current coverage, according AHIP.


03-27-2013, 11:05 AM
Do you know what higher taxes on "medical supplies" means? That includes tape, band aids, syringes, aspirin, etc. Just looking at how much it's going to cost hospitals... There's going to be a lot of them going out of business in the next 5 years. Not sure what that's going to do for you and your medicine. And then add that to the amount of people that are going to lose their job because of the dipshit in charge.

Or more likely, whatever increases they see, they will pass along to the "consumer". If they have no choice but to eat a loss, then you're right, some places will just close up shop. People like April want to spout rhetoric and lies so that Obama's healthcare plan looks successful, when it's a massive train wreck bearing down on us.

*Train wreck = cheap stuff for illegals and others WE pay for, and increased rates on everything for our generosity.

03-27-2013, 12:22 PM
Interesting, considering what April and so many other liberals say. Is she lying?

Sebelius: Yep, ObamaCare is raising insurance costsA watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the President’s health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal:

Ms. Sebelius’s remarks come weeks before insurers are expected to begin releasing rates for plans that start on Jan. 1, 2014, when key provisions of the health law kick in. Premiums have been a sensitive subject for the Obama administration, which is counting on elements in the health law designed to increase competition among insurers to keep rates in check. The administration has pointed to subsidies that will be available for many lower-income Americans to help them with the cost of coverage.

The secretary’s remarks are among the first direct statements from federal officials that people who have skimpy health plans right now could face higher premiums for plans that are more generous. She noted that the law requires plans to provide better benefits and treat all customers equally regardless of their medical claims.

“These folks will be moving into a really fully insured product for the first time, and so there may be a higher cost associated with getting into that market,” she said. “But we feel pretty strongly that with subsidies available to a lot of that population that they are really going to see much better benefit for the money that they’re spending.”

Ms. Sebelius added that those customers currently pay more for their health care if their plans have high out-of-pocket costs, high deductibles or exclude particular types of coverage, such as mental health treatment. She also said that some men and younger customers could see their rates increase while women and older customers could see their rates drop because the law restricts insurers’ ability to set rates based on age and gender.


03-27-2013, 12:23 PM
Study estimates Obamacare could raise individual claim costs 32 percentOne of the nation's premier experts in numbers has a tough diagnosis for President Barack Obama's health care law.

In a report that could prove a big political headache for the administration, the Society of Actuaries estimated Tuesday that insurers will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for claims on individual health policies under the Affordable Care Act, a cost likely to be passed on to consumers.

While some areas will see declines in medical claims costs, the report predicts the majority of states will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers rather than get coverage from employers.

By 2017, the estimated increase would be 62 percent for California, about 80 percent in Ohio and Wisconsin, more than 20 percent for Florida and 67 percent for Maryland. Much of the reason for the higher claims costs is that sicker people are expected to join the pool, the report said.


03-27-2013, 05:12 PM

03-27-2013, 05:47 PM

"It takes more then two terms to fix what bush did!!" -Usual answer I get from people who live under a rock

03-28-2013, 07:41 AM
"It takes more then two terms to fix what bush did!!" -Usual answer I get from people who live under a rock

Do you ask them what Bush did? Below is the answer I usually get from gabbie.


03-28-2013, 05:50 PM
478347844785 3 of the longest lasting, best excuses Liberals, and Obama have!

Robert A Whit
03-28-2013, 06:21 PM
Study estimates Obamacare could raise individual claim costs 32 percent

One of the nation's premier experts in numbers has a tough diagnosis for President Barack Obama's health care law.

In a report that could prove a big political headache for the administration, the Society of Actuaries estimated Tuesday that insurers will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for claims on individual health policies under the Affordable Care Act, a cost likely to be passed on to consumers.

While some areas will see declines in medical claims costs, the report predicts the majority of states will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers rather than get coverage from employers.

By 2017, the estimated increase would be 62 percent for California, about 80 percent in Ohio and Wisconsin, more than 20 percent for Florida and 67 percent for Maryland. Much of the reason for the higher claims costs is that sicker people are expected to join the pool, the report said.


Those of us on Medicare, that open the reports we get, realize that the person that gets the shaft is the doctor. No wonder doctors in charge of my health care were telling me they despise the ACA. I had cataract surgery for instance. My Eye surgeon had to do tests on my eyes to find out the proper lens. I discovered to my horror my doctor bill will not be paid by Medicare and the bill is only mine. If my doctor can't do proper tests, just how is that doing things to prevent worse health?

I believe the above post by Jim explains why insurance costs keep increasing.

03-29-2013, 02:03 AM
And I don't think I even have to mention that Obamacare is completely and totally illegal.
yeah. Obamacare isn't even a law. PPACA, on the other hand, was (partially) upheld by the US Supreme Court...that means its legal.

The Gov't can't FORCE us to pay for something. That's called a dictatorship, or communism, and last I checked we were a democracy.
Its called taxation. The power to do so was granted in the same Constitution that established a republican form of government with representative democracy.

red states rule
03-29-2013, 04:29 AM
yeah. Obamacare isn't even a law. PPACA, on the other hand, was (partially) upheld by the US Supreme Court...that means its legal.

Its called taxation. The power to do so was granted in the same Constitution that established a republican form of government with representative democracy.

Since now you call it a tax and not a fee - the US Constitution states all tax bills must begin in the House

Obamacare was started in the Senate

A pesky detail the Court ignored

red states rule
03-29-2013, 04:29 AM
Those of us on Medicare, that open the reports we get, realize that the person that gets the shaft is the doctor. No wonder doctors in charge of my health care were telling me they despise the ACA. I had cataract surgery for instance. My Eye surgeon had to do tests on my eyes to find out the proper lens. I discovered to my horror my doctor bill will not be paid by Medicare and the bill is only mine. If my doctor can't do proper tests, just how is that doing things to prevent worse health?

I believe the above post by Jim explains why insurance costs keep increasing.


03-29-2013, 11:11 AM
Since now you call it a tax and not a fee - the US Constitution states all tax bills must begin in the House

Obamacare was started in the Senate

A pesky detail the Court ignored

Speaking of ignoring pesky details..."Obamacare" isn't the name of the law. As for PPACA--
From Wikipedia.
Introduced in the House as the "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" (H.R. 3590) by Charles Rangel (D–NY) on September 17, 2009
Committee consideration by: Ways and Means
Passed the House on October 8, 2009 (416–0)
Passed the Senate as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" on December 24, 2009 (60–39) with amendment
House agreed to Senate amendment on March 21, 2010 (219–212)
Signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010

red states rule
03-29-2013, 03:03 PM
Speaking of ignoring pesky details..."Obamacare" isn't the name of the law. As for PPACA--
From Wikipedia.
Introduced in the House as the "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" (H.R. 3590) by Charles Rangel (D–NY) on September 17, 2009
Committee consideration by: Ways and Means
Passed the House on October 8, 2009 (416–0)
Passed the Senate as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" on December 24, 2009 (60–39) with amendment
House agreed to Senate amendment on March 21, 2010 (219–212)
Signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010

Your boy does not mind and the liberal media calls it Obamacare
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V25HvZ_CJ9o Any comment on the massive tax bill starting in the Senate and not the House?

03-29-2013, 03:09 PM
Speaking of ignoring pesky details..."Obamacare" isn't the name of the law. As for PPACA--
From Wikipedia.
Introduced in the House as the "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" (H.R. 3590) by Charles Rangel (D–NY) on September 17, 2009
Committee consideration by: Ways and Means
Passed the House on October 8, 2009 (416–0)
Passed the Senate as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" on December 24, 2009 (60–39) with amendment
House agreed to Senate amendment on March 21, 2010 (219–212)
Signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010

logroller. Will WHAT THEY CALL IT matter when you realize how much your taxes, across the board, your food, your energy, EVERYTHING you do...Go's UP?

If you have no feelings about that. Why worry about whether we call it OBAMACARE, or OBAMATAXES, or GIVEMEALLYOURMONEY????

red states rule
03-29-2013, 03:29 PM
BTW LR, The Senate bill for Obamacare in fact started as a House bill for raising revenue for some odd thing that had nothing at all to do with health care.
The Senate then gutted that bill and filled it with Obamacare so they can say it started in the House.

The senate passed this bill with the mandate being represented as a penalty. SCOTU converted it to a tax after the fact.