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View Full Version : Street gangs vs. Islamic terrorists

03-25-2013, 11:28 AM
My husband and I went to eat dinner with my sister and her family on Sunday afternoon. It was a backyard type gathering with several members of my sister's neighborhood attending. One of them was a prominent member of a Latino street gang named Tony.
Tony is pretty dismissive of the dangers of Islamic terrorism and doesn't understand why the government spends so much time and money fighting them abroad. But he likes it because it means fewer police to bother gangs.
My husband asked him what would happen if Islamic terrorists tried to take over his neighborhood.
"That's pretty easy. We would wait until they stopped to pray. Then we would blow their heads off."
So I asked him what he thinks the government is doing wrong.

"Bush and Obama, they're both the same. They get off on this killing foreigners shit. Gives them a reason not to solve any of this country's problems. I don't give a shit about Muslims. I'll give them all the Korans they want and let them pray anytime, anywhere they want. They won't come here because they know we'll fuck their shit up. The government doesn't see it like that because they want an excuse to keep building weapons and paying soldiers to kill people thousands of miles away. No one really gives a shit except for the pussies who live in big houses in gated neighborhoods. The real people on the street, we don't give a shit. We know what is really dangerous. And it ain't the dudes with beards and Korans."

03-25-2013, 11:38 AM
Tony is pretty dismissive of the dangers of Islamic terrorism and doesn't understand why the government spends so much time and money fighting them abroad. But he likes it because it means fewer police to bother gangs.

The amount our government spends with our military and abroad conflicts have nothing to do with local police or anti gang units. Hell the police will even be state or local funded where our military is funded by the feds. Tell Tony he should have stayed in school instead of being a thug.

03-25-2013, 11:43 AM
I bet there are a lot of things Tony doesn't understand.

03-25-2013, 11:54 AM
I bet there are a lot of things Tony doesn't understand.

I bet tony has a freaking great point. Tony's an average american who get's it. He understand what he's got in life, and the less the united states pays attention to gang issues, the happier Tony is.
Our gov't has cared two shits about us for decades. It's all about making the world a better place. Instead of starting here in america.
Have you seen the indian reservations?
Have you noticed how lazy the average american is?
Have you seen the issues this country has?
Have you even looked into how many people are mootching off of "saftey nets"?
Have you even looked at our economy?

Yeah we might be free, but uncle sam has been trying to make north korea and the middle east like us for so long we've gone down the shitter.

03-25-2013, 12:09 PM
I bet tony has a freaking great point. Tony's an average american who get's it. He understand what he's got in life, and the less the united states pays attention to gang issues, the happier Tony is.
Our gov't has cared two shits about us for decades. It's all about making the world a better place. Instead of starting here in america.
Have you seen the indian reservations?
Have you noticed how lazy the average american is?
Have you seen the issues this country has?
Have you even looked into how many people are mootching off of "saftey nets"?
Have you even looked at our economy?

Yeah we might be free, but uncle sam has been trying to make north korea and the middle east like us for so long we've gone down the shitter.

Tony's an average American? An average American doesn't become a prominent member of a street gang. Forgive me if I don't take advice or see eye to eye with a criminal. If truly a quote, it sounds more like the rant of a street corner, low educated thug to me.

03-25-2013, 12:22 PM
I bet tony has a freaking great point. Tony's an average american who get's it. He understand what he's got in life, and the less the united states pays attention to gang issues, the happier Tony is.
Our gov't has cared two shits about us for decades. It's all about making the world a better place. Instead of starting here in america.
Have you seen the indian reservations?
Have you noticed how lazy the average american is?
Have you seen the issues this country has?
Have you even looked into how many people are mootching off of "saftey nets"?
Have you even looked at our economy?

Yeah we might be free, but uncle sam has been trying to make north korea and the middle east like us for so long we've gone down the shitter.

Naw. I'm only 62 years old and retired from the Army after 30 years of service. I haven't noticed a thing, looked into anything, been anywhere, or seen anything at all.

03-25-2013, 01:09 PM
Tony's an average American? An average American doesn't become a prominent member of a street gang. Forgive me if I don't take advice or see eye to eye with a criminal. If truly a quote, it sounds more like the rant of a street corner, low educated thug to me.

I don't care who the hell he is, look at the point he made. "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once and a while"

03-25-2013, 02:44 PM
I bet there are a lot of things Tony doesn't understand.

I bet there are a lot of things that you don't understand. You have only known one way of life.
Besides, you would like Tony. He goes to a lot of gun shows and buys a lot of weapons. My brother in law saws he has a really nice collection.

Robert A Whit
03-25-2013, 02:55 PM
My husband and I went to eat dinner with my sister and her family on Sunday afternoon. It was a backyard type gathering with several members of my sister's neighborhood attending. One of them was a prominent member of a Latino street gang named Tony.
Tony is pretty dismissive of the dangers of Islamic terrorism and doesn't understand why the government spends so much time and money fighting them abroad. But he likes it because it means fewer police to bother gangs.
My husband asked him what would happen if Islamic terrorists tried to take over his neighborhood.
"That's pretty easy. We would wait until they stopped to pray. Then we would blow their heads off."
So I asked him what he thinks the government is doing wrong.

"Bush and Obama, they're both the same. They get off on this killing foreigners shit. Gives them a reason not to solve any of this country's problems. I don't give a shit about Muslims. I'll give them all the Korans they want and let them pray anytime, anywhere they want. They won't come here because they know we'll fuck their shit up. The government doesn't see it like that because they want an excuse to keep building weapons and paying soldiers to kill people thousands of miles away. No one really gives a shit except for the pussies who live in big houses in gated neighborhoods. The real people on the street, we don't give a shit. We know what is really dangerous. And it ain't the dudes with beards and Korans."

Clearly your family has some violent gang members as friends. Sorry to hear that.

03-25-2013, 03:43 PM
I bet there are a lot of things that you don't understand. You have only known one way of life.
Besides, you would like Tony. He goes to a lot of gun shows and buys a lot of weapons. My brother in law saws he has a really nice collection.

Too bad Gabby is still clueless here. Bragging about a known Gang member going to gun shows to buy weapons.
That sounds very much like Gabby Supports Violence. And also supports local terrorism, and terrorists...by DEFAULT.

03-25-2013, 04:48 PM
I don't care who the hell he is, look at the point he made. "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once and a while"

So you don't believe in fighting terrorism abroad? Be very careful of the force you join then if you have an issue with this! You further agree that the federal funding of our military takes away from funding of our police forces?

03-25-2013, 06:07 PM
So you don't believe in fighting terrorism abroad? Be very careful of the force you join then if you have an issue with this! You further agree that the federal funding of our military takes away from funding of our police forces?

I have nothing to say after this. And I don't appose fighting terrorism. I have an issue with mothering all countries that should take care of themselves while we suffer.



The Pine Ridge Indian reservation, home to the Oglala Lakota Sioux, is one of the largest and most impoverished reservations in the United States. Located in the southwest corridor of South Dakota, the reservation is geographically isolated, resting approximately 100 miles away from the nearest metropolitan area, Rapid City. The reservation is home to approximately 35,000 people, most of whom (80%) reside in Shannon County, the second poorest county in the nation. The town of Pine Ridge, which lies within the heart of Shannon County, is the largest town on the reservation and is the location of the tribal government offices. The tribal offices and the nearby Prairie Wind Casino, an establishment composed of three trailers resting on cinder blocks, are virtually the only source of employment on the reservation. The land is infertile with little opportunity for agriculture and there is no other industry or commercial enterprises existing in the surrounding area. There is little development in the area, what development there is consists of a solitary gas station, grocery store and a couple of fast food restaurants. The grocery store, however, is so expensive that most people are forced to reduce their shopping to a single day a month, when they are able to travel 80 miles to the nearest town to purchase affordable groceries. The closest town, White Clay, Nebraska (population 22) consists primarily of three liquor stores that sell an estimated 11,000 cans of beer a day to inhabitants of the reservation. There is no public library on the reservation. No movie theatre. No recreation centers. Life on Pine Ridge offers few extracurricular options beyond school-supported athletics.

After more than a 100 years of 'development and progress' Pine Ridge remains in dire straits. With an unemployment rate that lingers around 85%, substandard housing (1 in 4 homes doesn't have an indoor toilet), rampant crime and drug issues, severe housing shortage (there are only 3,000 homes for 35,000 people) and health conditions that parallel third world classification, the Oglala Sioux are struggling to maintain their sovereignty as a people, culture and community. When you scrutinize the limited available data even a little closer, it is easy to see just how much of a crisis they are confronting:

On Pine Ridge, 63% of the population lives below the poverty line, that's 2 out 3 people. (USDA)

Average annual family income, not individual, is $3,700 per year (U.S. Census Bureau)

There is an unemployment rate of approximately 85% (U.S. Census Bureau)

Infant mortality rate 300% higher than the U.S. national average (United Nations and Peoples Organization)

Diabetes and Tuberculosis rates 300% higher than the U.S. national average; Fifty percent of adults over age 40 living on Pine Ridge have diabetes. (Indian Health Services)

One-third of the homes are severely substandard, without water, electricity, adequate insulation, and sewage systems (Indian Housing Authority)

The High School drop-out rate is 70%, compared to a national average of 11% average (United Nations and Peoples Organization)

Schools on Pine Ridge are in the bottom 10 percent of school funding by the U.S. Department of Education (Bureau of Indian Affairs)

Recent reports state the average life expectancy is 48 years old for men and 52 years old for women, the shortest for any community in the Western Hemisphere outside of Haiti (AIRC)

There is an estimated average of 12 people living in each family home; a house with only two to three rooms (National American Indian Housing Council)

The teenage suicide rate on Pine Ridge is 150 percent higher than the national average (Dakota-Lakota-Nakota). Alcoholism affects 8 out of 10 families on the Reservation, while the death rate from alcoholism is 9 times the national average (Dakota-Lakota-Nakota)

Pine Ridge is not the only American Indian reservation in the United States, suffering from this extreme poverty, poor health care and inadequate educational system, but it is the worst. We have no magical cure for these deeply burdening troubles, but we do feel that each and everyone of these individuals, especially the children and elderly, deserves the same access to food that the rest of our society is privileged to.We desire to provide access to this fundamental necessity, so as to allow these people to again become self-sufficient.

Illegal immigration,
food stamps,
lack of education,
domestic violence,
And then every issue we talk about on here (including our rights being infringed upon),

03-25-2013, 06:20 PM
Ya know what? Lets add to this list of issues we have in america that are being ignored.


NEW YORK – The real unemployment rate for December 2012 is closer to 23 percent, not the 7.8 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, according to economist John Williams.

<center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 102); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">http://www.socialstudieshelp.com/usra_new_deal.htm
<center>Relief</center><center>Immediate action taken to halt the economies deterioration.</center>
<center>Recovery</center><center>"Pump - Priming" Temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand.</center>
<center>Reform</center><center>Permanent programs to avoid another depression and insure citizens against economic disasters.</center>

<center>Bank Holiday</center><center>Declared so that the panic would be stopped.</center>
<center>Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)</center><center>Taxed food processors and gave the money directly to farmers as a payment for not growing food. This decreased supply so price would go up.</center>
<center>Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
</center><center>Permanent Agency set up to monitor stock market activity and ensure that no fraud or insider trading was taking place.</center>

<center>Emergency Banking Act
</center><center>Closed the insolvent banks and only reopened the solvent ones.</center>
<center>National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)</center><center>Created the NRA (National Recovery Administration) a consortium of businesses organized by the government and given the power to set rules and regulations for the economy. Members of the NRA displayed a blue eagle.</center>
<center>Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)</center><center>Permanent Agency designed to insure depositors money in savings banks. Originally insured up to $5,000 per depositor today it has increased to $100,000.</center>

<center>Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
</center><center>Gave immediate help to those that needed it in the form of cash payments.</center>
<center>Home Owners Loan Corp.</center><center>Gave loans to home owners so they could pay their mortgages. This prevented people from going homeless and prevented banks from going under.</center>
<center>Social Security Administration
</center><center>Permanent agency designed to ensure that the older segment of society always would have enough money to survive. The key here is that they would then also be able to spend throughout their lives.</center>

<center>Civil Works Administration (CWA)</center><center>Provided temporary jobs repairing roads and bridges.</center>
<center>Works Progress Administration (WPA)
</center><center>Provided long term government jobs building schools and other public works projects.</center>
<center>National Labor Relations Act and National Labor Relations Board (NLRA/NLRB)</center><center>Otherwise known as the Wagner Act it helped unions and thus helped workers. This acted created the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) which enforced labor law and made sure that fair business practices where upheld.</center>

<center>Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)</center><center>Temporary jobs to unmarried single adults filling sand bags and helping out at disaster type situations. Participants lived in barracks type housing.</center>
<center>Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)</center><center>Agency created to build dams in the Tennessee river valley. These dams provided more stable irrigation and cheap hydroelectric power.</center>
<center>Soil Conservation Act</center><center>Laws mandating proper soil maintenance to make sure that another dust bowl was avoided.</center>



what your taxes are paying for

What You Paid For2009 tax receipt for a taxpayer earning $34,140 and paying
$5,400 in federal income tax and FICA (selected items)4
Social Security $1,040.70
Medicare $625.51
Medicaid $385.28
Interest on the National Debt $287.03
Combat Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan $229.17
Military Personnel $192.79
Veteran’s Benefits $74.65
Federal Highways $63.89
Health care research (NIH) $46.54
Foreign Aid $46.08
Education Funding for Low Income K-12 Students $38.17
Military Retirement Benefits $32.60
Pell Grants for Low Income College Students $29.75
NASA Space Program $28.09
Internal Revenue Service $17.69
Environmental Clean Up (EPA) $11.67
The FBI $11.21
Head Start $10.91
Public Housing $10.50
National Parks $ 4.27
Drug Enforcement Agency $3.14
Amtrak $2.23
Smithsonian Museum $1.12
Funding for the Arts $0.24
Salaries and benefits for members of Congress $0.19

Let's note now that SS was supposed to be temporary

Let's also note that the US postal service is still being paid for by the Gov't, even though other businesses do that job.

I'm going to continue to note that the DMV has the shittiest service ever.

Now I'm going to mention that Air lines used to have FANTASTIC service, until the gov't got on board with them.

Some of the Taxes Americans Pay Each Year
If you don't read it all, go to the ending then you may want to. Isn't this amazing?
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What the hell happened?

03-25-2013, 06:27 PM


It just keeps going, I could go on all day about what's being ignored on a daily bases in America.
And we need to mother every single freaking country that has a little issue??? That's why we have enemies! If we step back they won't have any reason to do anything about us! And then we can finally focus on the dirt and grime that's slowly taking over America!

For example, gay marriage was UNHEARD OF 20 years ago. That's just one thing that's gone from discusting and evil to normal practice.
Here's another one, finish this sentence. "Frankly my dear, i don't give a..." How many cuss words are there in a normal show now? What is that teaching children? How about the amount of sex scenes? You think that's not contributing to teen pregnancy?

Why the hell are we so concerned with other contries????? We have enough people to make up 6 or 7 countries and we're ignoring that population!!!

03-25-2013, 06:35 PM
So you don't believe in fighting terrorism abroad? Be very careful of the force you join then if you have an issue with this! You further agree that the federal funding of our military takes away from funding of our police forces?

I believe terrorism abroad should be taken care of by the countries affected by such.
How is federal funding of the military linked to funding of our police forces?

03-25-2013, 06:45 PM
I believe terrorism abroad should be taken care of by the countries affected by such.
How is federal funding of the military linked to funding of our police forces?

It's NOT linked, which was my point. It was your friend Tony who said that the more we spend militarily abroad will mean less police here. That's incorrect. The actual quote though:

Tony is pretty dismissive of the dangers of Islamic terrorism and doesn't understand why the government spends so much time and money fighting them abroad. But he likes it because it means fewer police to bother gangs.

Which is why I said, and to cadet, that federal funding of our military would and shouldn't be affected by state and local funding of police forces.

And cadet - our military, wherever they may be, shouldn't affect whether the things you point out are taken care of or not. The things you point out are not the way they are because of what our military does.

03-25-2013, 06:58 PM
And cadet - our military, wherever they may be, shouldn't affect whether the things you point out are taken care of or not. The things you point out are not the way they are because of what our military does.

I know that!
I'm saying that Tony has a damn good point that we as Americans pay a hell of a lot more attention to other countries then we do to the shit that happens in ours.

03-25-2013, 07:14 PM
I know that!
I'm saying that Tony has a damn good point that we as Americans pay a hell of a lot more attention to other countries then we do to the shit that happens in ours.

In that very broken down way, I would agree. But you forgot the ignorant part about how this was somehow affecting our local police, and the rest of this:

"Bush and Obama, they're both the same. They get off on this killing foreigners shit. Gives them a reason not to solve any of this country's problems. I don't give a shit about Muslims. I'll give them all the Korans they want and let them pray anytime, anywhere they want. They won't come here because they know we'll fuck their shit up. The government doesn't see it like that because they want an excuse to keep building weapons and paying soldiers to kill people thousands of miles away. No one really gives a shit except for the pussies who live in big houses in gated neighborhoods. The real people on the street, we don't give a shit. We know what is really dangerous. And it ain't the dudes with beards and Korans."

I think the bold portion is about the only truth of what was stated. The rest is rhetoric. I don't think our leaders "get off" quite frankly. Fixing our problems at home won't keep our government from getting involved elsewhere. One has nothing to do with the other. I'm pretty confident a whole lot more care, about both wars and home issues, then just those in gated houses. The real people on the street? I'm not sure why I should care what they think about what is best for us at home, or abroad.

03-26-2013, 06:26 AM
I bet there are a lot of things that you don't understand. You have only known one way of life.
... .

There a lot of things I dont understand, indeed. You are one of them. As for only knowing one way of life, how can you be so certain? Do you really believe life ended for me or any other soldier after retirement? I have children and grandchildren; I have parents (both admittedly deceased)and brothers and sisters. I have a couple of college degrees. I engage in social activities and activities within my community. Are you truly that shallow?

03-26-2013, 07:04 AM
My husband asked him what would happen if Islamic terrorists tried to take over his neighborhood.
"That's pretty easy. We would wait until they stopped to pray. Then we would blow their heads off."

Tony is clearly an advanced military strategist. Why hasn't our military conceived of this brilliant tactic?

This is akin to my strategy of invading Mexico at noon, when the entire country is asleep under their big sombreros. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2013, 08:26 AM
There a lot of things I dont understand, indeed. You are one of them. As for only knowing one way of life, how can you be so certain? Do you really believe life ended for me or any other soldier after retirement? I have children and grandchildren; I have parents (both admittedly deceased)and brothers and sisters. I have a couple of college degrees. I engage in social activities and activities within my community. Are you truly that shallow?

I suspect that if google(other search engines) did not exist for gabby to use she would be as clueless as a brown log in a toilet bowl about to be flushed. :laugh:
The younger generations were not taught how to read and many of them have read less than a hundred books (including school books) in their entire lives. I read more far more than that before I was even 12 years old.
Some have never read any book that wasn't a school book. And even those they did not truly read or understand. That is exactly how the dem party has engineered it . A truly stupid public is an easily scammed public.
Gabby is proof of that, even the college kids are about as "smart as a box of rocks" these days.:laugh:--Tyr

03-26-2013, 08:44 AM
I suspect that if google(other search engines) did not exist for gabby to use she would be as clueless as a brown log in a toilet bowl about to be flushed. :laugh:
The younger generations were not taught how to read and many of them have read less than a hundred books (including school books) in their entire lives. I read more far more than that before I was even 12 years old.
Some have never read any book that wasn't a school book. And even those they did not truly read or understand. That is exactly how the dem party has engineered it . A truly stupid public is an easily scammed public.
Gabby is proof of that, even the college kids are about as "smart as a box of rocks" these days.:laugh:--Tyr

In truth, once you understand that Gabby is merely trolling and realize that the personna she displays in her posts is probably only a minor facet of her true personality, she is a lot easier to accept and deal with. I have no doubt that she is competent at her chosen profession, a good mother and spouse, and even reasonably intelligent. She, like many others, has a life outside this board and is likely far too busy to spend a lot of time researching and substantiating some of what she hears (and supposedly believes). I take what she says with a grain of salt. For example, her implication in this thread that somehow "Tony" has more insight in handling foreign terrorists than any one else is just plain specious at best. Her assertion that my knowledge/experience/understanding (or anyone else's, for that matter) are somehow limited because we have "known ony one way of life" is equally specious given that she has no way of knowing what that life encompassed (other than what she has read on this board).

All that being said, Tony (and Gabby) are entitled to their opinion. Entitlement is not the same as validity. One of the best aspects of a democratic republic is that you can believe anything you want, no matter how silly!

03-26-2013, 10:04 AM
Somebody should tell Tony the reason terrorist do not mess with gangs is the terrorists do not want to be seen as doing the U.S. a favor.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2013, 10:12 AM
Somebody should tell Tony the reason terrorist do not mess with gangs is the terrorists do not want to be seen as doing the U.S. a favor.

They have bigger fish to fry... After gaining control they would execute every known gang member without even batting an eye about it. Sorry but Tony hasn't a clue.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2013, 10:14 AM
In truth, once you understand that Gabby is merely trolling and realize that the personna she displays in her posts is probably only a minor facet of her true personality, she is a lot easier to accept and deal with. I have no doubt that she is competent at her chosen profession, a good mother and spouse, and even reasonably intelligent. She, like many others, has a life outside this board and is likely far too busy to spend a lot of time researching and substantiating some of what she hears (and supposedly believes). I take what she says with a grain of salt. For example, her implication in this thread that somehow "Tony" has more insight in handling foreign terrorists than any one else is just plain specious at best. Her assertion that my knowledge/experience/understanding (or anyone else's, for that matter) are somehow limited because we have "known ony one way of life" is equally specious given that she has no way of knowing what that life encompassed (other than what she has read on this board).

All that being said, Tony (and Gabby) are entitled to their opinion. Entitlement is not the same as validity. One of the best aspects of a democratic republic is that you can believe anything you want, no matter how silly!

I agree. One still must ask why contribute at all here if not being true to one's own beliefs??
Why not take the time to post less posts but have each be more informational, accurate and well sourced with links given?

03-26-2013, 03:54 PM
Everyone has a different view on life. This is one person's view.
Members of street gangs often feel like no one else cares about them, so they take care of themselves. They are like militia or survivalists in that manner.
You could live in Los Angeles or Chicago all your life and never come into contact with a gang member. They are a lot more concerned about each other than they are with an outsider. Don't come looking for them and they won't come looking for you.

There are those in gangs who don't understand the concept of the U.S. spending billions of dollars in foreign countries while so many of its own citizens live in squalor. Never mind that it is not related. They want the government to improve its own infrastructure and help its own people.
There are a lot of people who feel like that. They believe it is useless to prop up places like Afghanistan, since once we step back, it is going to slip back into chaos.
Afghanistan is a lot like the inner city. The more money you take out of the city, the more you are inviting internal forces to take control of them. That is why you have parts of large cities where even police don't want to go.
That why so many people flee to the suburbs. You can turn your back, but the problem is still there.

03-26-2013, 05:14 PM
Everyone has a different view on life. This is one person's view.
Members of street gangs often feel like no one else cares about them, so they take care of themselves. They are like militia or survivalists in that manner.
You could live in Los Angeles or Chicago all your life and never come into contact with a gang member. They are a lot more concerned about each other than they are with an outsider. Don't come looking for them and they won't come looking for you.

There are those in gangs who don't understand the concept of the U.S. spending billions of dollars in foreign countries while so many of its own citizens live in squalor. Never mind that it is not related. They want the government to improve its own infrastructure and help its own people.
There are a lot of people who feel like that. They believe it is useless to prop up places like Afghanistan, since once we step back, it is going to slip back into chaos.
Afghanistan is a lot like the inner city. The more money you take out of the city, the more you are inviting internal forces to take control of them. That is why you have parts of large cities where even police don't want to go.
That why so many people flee to the suburbs. You can turn your back, but the problem is still there.

So, LBJ's multi-trillion dollar war on poverty isn't working? Wow, what a surprise! Who would have thought that paying people to do nothing would actually lead to them doing nothing?

03-28-2013, 12:38 AM
We know what is really dangerous. And it ain't the dudes with beards and Korans.


03-28-2013, 05:57 PM

Okay jafar. So now...you have shaved. And you are more dangerous to yourself than any of us. Want to try another excuse?

Robert A Whit
03-28-2013, 06:34 PM
Okay jafar. So now...you have shaved. And you are more dangerous to yourself than any of us. Want to try another excuse?

Is there anybody that you don't fight with? And being the expert, you always have an opinion.

You think very highly of yourself apparently.

03-28-2013, 06:47 PM
Is there anybody that you don't fight with? And being the expert, you always have an opinion.

You think very highly of yourself apparently.

This is some sort of a joke, right?

03-28-2013, 07:00 PM
This is some sort of a joke, right?

hjmick. Robert is angry...I mean, Mad at me. He always manages to ask the very same questions I ask him.
He has told me that I have lost all of his Reputation points here on the forum.

My goodness. What a disaster? Whatever will I do with my life, knowing Robert is mad, and taking my reputation away????

03-28-2013, 07:01 PM
This is some sort of a joke, right?

hjmick. Robert is angry...I mean, Mad at me. He always manages to ask the very same questions I ask him.
He has told me that I have lost all of his Reputation points here on the forum.

My goodness. What a disaster? Whatever will I do with my life, knowing Robert is mad, and taking my reputation away????

And he wonders why jimnyc always sends our posts to the CAGE????

Robert A Whit
03-28-2013, 07:31 PM
hjmick. Robert is angry...I mean, Mad at me. He always manages to ask the very same questions I ask him.
He has told me that I have lost all of his Reputation points here on the forum.

My goodness. What a disaster? Whatever will I do with my life, knowing Robert is mad, and taking my reputation away????

And he wonders why jimnyc always sends our posts to the CAGE????

No no no. I am in no way angry. You ask for it so I am willing to hand it to you.

I have still not deducted reputation which I was told is the right of posters.

You amuse me a lot though. When you stop pulling your cranky stunts, I will pose no problem whatsoever to you.

Bear in mind my rule. Attack me and be prepared to get it back.That is why you end up in the cage so often. Stop fighting me and you are home free.

03-28-2013, 07:38 PM
No no no. I am in no way angry. You ask for it so I am willing to hand it to you.

I have still not deducted reputation which I was told is the right of posters.

You amuse me a lot though. When you stop pulling your cranky stunts, I will pose no problem whatsoever to you.

Bear in mind my rule. Attack me and be prepared to get it back.That is why you end up in the cage so often. Stop fighting me and you are home free.

You might better spend that time here: www.SeniorsMeet.com

Abbey Marie
03-28-2013, 07:42 PM
I bet tony has a freaking great point. Tony's an average american who get's it. He understand what he's got in life, and the less the united states pays attention to gang issues, the happier Tony is.
Our gov't has cared two shits about us for decades. It's all about making the world a better place. Instead of starting here in america.
Have you seen the indian reservations?
Have you noticed how lazy the average american is?
Have you seen the issues this country has?
Have you even looked into how many people are mootching off of "saftey nets"?
Have you even looked at our economy?

Yeah we might be free, but uncle sam has been trying to make north korea and the middle east like us for so long we've gone down the shitter.

I would say that most of the things you listed are actually due to the government "caring" too much.

03-28-2013, 08:28 PM
The thread title should be the title of a reality show. We should have a poll on who'd watch. :2up: