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View Full Version : Open letter to the American people from Harry Reid

03-25-2013, 04:13 PM
Yesterday, I took immediate action in the ongoing gun control debate by removing from a proposed firearms bill a provision banning assault weapons, all but ensuring that such a restriction will not be signed into law. In taking this bold step, I have effectively ensured that millions of deadly, military-grade firearms—much like the type used in recent mass shootings in Tucson, Aurora, and Sandy Hook—will remain legal and easily accessible to all Americans.

But it isn’t enough. In spite of these bold measures, there is far more work to do if we are to enact regulations that achieve marginal, virtually nonexistent progress on gun control. And so today I say to my fellow senators: We must pass through a watered-down and ultimately meaningless package of so-called gun law reforms, and we must do so now.

The challenge, as it stands, is clear. Under our current laws, there exist virtually no rules preventing assault rifles and other deadly weapons that serve no legitimate purpose except to kill human beings from falling into the hands of anyone who wants them. And while it may not be politically convenient for them to do so, lawmakers must be willing to step up, band together, and go to work on a diluted, insubstantial bill that will do essentially nothing to address this problem. Moreover, once they’ve drafted such a bill, they must ensure it is wrung through the Congressional legislative process until it bears virtually no resemblance to the law that was initially envisioned.

Now, ratifying such a useless piece of legislation will not be easy. With the NRA and other special interest groups standing in stark opposition to gun control reforms, it will be up to Congress to stick to its convictions and draft a comprehensive bill designed to put a stop to the sales of assault rifles, high-capacity magazines, and other killing implements, and then completely neuter that draft into an insubstantial husk that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

And once we do pass such a weak, impotent, piece-of-shit, garbage, why-did-we-even-bother law, further challenges await for us to buckle at the first sight of. Our gun regulations today contain numerous flaws and oversights that make deadly weapons available to some of society’s most dangerous and mentally unhinged individuals. Until comprehensive background checks, mandatory mental health screenings, and an end to the gun show loophole are half heartedly proposed and then immediately discarded at the merest glimpse of a political obstacle, our laughably ineffective work will not be done.

After all, a majority of Americans—not to mention the President of the United States himself—have voiced their support of comprehensive gun reform measures, and so it is up to our elected officials to take the most hesitant measures possible, provided such measures won’t risk angering these lawmakers’ constituents and won’t possibly diminish their reelection prospects or, you know, alienate corporate America in any way whatsoever.

The people of this country deserve no less.

03-25-2013, 04:53 PM
Interesting, this crap is only found on "The Onion" and on "Democratic Underground". It would be nice if you give appropriate credit so someone reading, even if just a guest, knows it is complete garbage.


Robert A Whit
03-25-2013, 05:02 PM
Love it. It proves that Democrats have installed their new fangs and are pissed off about what Reid did.

Marcus Aurelius
03-25-2013, 05:11 PM
Interesting, this crap is only found on "The Onion" and on "Democratic Underground". It would be nice if you give appropriate credit so someone reading, even if just a guest, knows it is complete garbage.


most sites have rules regarding the posting of a link to the source, to avoid getting the crap sued out of them for copyright infringement.

03-25-2013, 05:26 PM
most sites have rules regarding the posting of a link to the source, to avoid getting the crap sued out of them for copyright infringement.

As do we, which is why I sought out a link when I didn't see one. Methinks Gabby purposely left it out trying to play "gotcha" with whoever may have fallen for her post.

03-25-2013, 05:38 PM
A military Grade weapon wasnt used in any of those crimes.

An AR-15 isn't a Military Grade weapon

Bullshit story and look who posted it without a Link to where she found it.

Please dont feed the Gabby Troll folks.. she is just seeking attention again.

Marcus Aurelius
03-25-2013, 05:43 PM
As do we, which is why I sought out a link when I didn't see one. Methinks Gabby purposely left it out trying to play "gotcha" with whoever may have fallen for her post.

My point was, repeated posting of copyrighted materials is a bann-able offense on many boards, because they don't want to get the crap sued out of them. In Gabby's case, it would not be that big a loss to the board.

But as it is not my board, I'll STFU now ;)

03-25-2013, 05:53 PM
Sorry to burst any liberal bubbles here. But. I managed to check THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, and this piece of crap called the letter from Harry I. Reid...is a joke, and phony.

03-25-2013, 06:49 PM
My point was, repeated posting of copyrighted materials is a bann-able offense on many boards, because they don't want to get the crap sued out of them. In Gabby's case, it would not be that big a loss to the board.

But as it is not my board, I'll STFU now ;)

If someone were to continually do so without crediting a source, we would do the same. Gabby is not a habitual offender of not providing links to her retarded sources though. :)

03-25-2013, 07:19 PM
If someone were to continually do so without crediting a source, we would do the same. Gabby is not a habitual offender of not providing links to her retarded sources though. :)

Trolling is still Trolling.. it is intentionally disruptive and provides no substance to conversation.

Of this Gabby is a habitual offender, and an intentional one.

When she does things like this it is adolescent in it's implementation and all she is doing is sparking confrontation.

She needs to stop and maybe people would take her a bit more seriously and treat her assertions more respectfully.

I know I would.... but I wont hold my breath.

03-25-2013, 07:40 PM
Trolling is still Trolling.. it is intentionally disruptive and provides no substance to conversation.

Of this Gabby is a habitual offender, and an intentional one.

When she does things like this it is adolescent in it's implementation and all she is doing is sparking confrontation.

She needs to stop and maybe people would take her a bit more seriously and treat her assertions more respectfully.

I know I would.... but I wont hold my breath.

I think she's a small liberal fish in a big sea of conservatives, or something like that. We post a lot of goofy things about Obama and his cronies too, but we don't see it as trolling. I do think perhaps trying to pass it off as real was a bit trollish though, on that I would agree. Her making light of certain issues or politicians, is not different than many of us doing so about Obama, Hillary, Biden, Fat Lady Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein.... Only we get to do it more often, as her side has a LOT more idiots to pick on. :)