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03-31-2013, 08:35 AM
I expect to see some Easter themed doodle, instead I see a tribute to Cesar Chavez on what would have been his 86th birthday. The hell?

Look, I understand the works Chavez did and the respect he earned, I get it. Hell, I lived in California for better than thirty years, heard about the man and saw Chavez's efforts bear fruit (no pun intended) for the people he worked to help. But really, to ignore Easter?

I'm not a religious man, borderline atheist if you must know, but it seems to me that to ignore a holiday such as this (okay it is just Google) is something of a slap in the face of Christians...

03-31-2013, 08:55 AM
A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-31-2013, 08:59 AM
I expect to see some Easter themed doodle, instead I see a tribute to Cesar Chavez on what would have been his 86th birthday. The hell?

Look, I understand the works Chavez did and the respect he earned, I get it. Hell, I lived in California for better than thirty years, heard about the man and saw Chavez's efforts bear fruit (no pun intended) for the people he worked to help. But really, to ignore Easter?

I'm not a religious man, borderline atheist if you must know, but it seems to me that to ignore a holiday such as this (okay it is just Google) is something of a slap in the face of Christians...

It is PC to piss on Christian holidays. Google is all about being "progressive" and going with the newly found discovery that the traditions of the past were all bullshat and the new world order has it all figured out for eternity.
Why not jack with the one religion that does not fight back?? Appeasing the Islamists makes more sense to Google because they murder folks!!--TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-31-2013, 09:04 AM
A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.

I thought you once admitted to being an atheist. If that is so why would you care what religion bastardized its own holidays? Clearly the bunnies and chocolate eggs are for the kids and not the adults...
Let me know when you ever start criticizing Islam so I can then celebrate your newly found integrity on the matter.-Tyr

03-31-2013, 09:18 AM
I thought you once admitted to being an atheist. If that is so why would you care what religion bastardized its own holidays? Clearly the bunnies and chocolate eggs are for the kids and not the adults...
Let me know when you ever start criticizing Islam so I can then celebrate your newly found integrity on the matter.-Tyr

You don't have to be part of a religion to laugh at it. Say what you like about the Jews and Muslims, but they haven't let their religious-celebratory days get mangled.

03-31-2013, 09:23 AM
A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.

With all do respect, I must say that your ignorance of the traditions surrounding the holiday serves only to embarrass you...

As to the insult by a "non-religious" organization, it just strikes me as strange that a holiday such as this would not warrant a Google doodle. But I suppose that, if they can not be bothered to acknowledge Christmas, why would they expected to recognize Easter? Though I'd bet you dollars to donuts that a good portion of the Goggle team celebrates both in some fashion...

03-31-2013, 09:35 AM
With all do respect, I must say that your ignorance of the traditions surrounding the holiday serves only to embarrass you...

Such as?

As to the insult by a "non-religious" organization, it just strikes me as strange that a holiday such as this would not warrant a Google doodle. But I suppose that, if they can not be bothered to acknowledge Christmas, why would they expected to recognize Easter? Though I'd bet you dollars to donuts that a good portion of the Goggle team celebrates both in some fashion...

Personally i think its better to go with no so obvious things. Today i've learnt a lot about a man whom i wouldn't of if google had gone for a generic easter doodle.

03-31-2013, 10:31 AM
It is PC to piss on Christian holidays. Google is all about being "progressive" and going with the newly found discovery that the traditions of the past were all bullshat and the new world order has it all figured out for eternity.
Why not jack with the one religion that does not fight back?? Appeasing the Islamists makes more sense to Google because they murder folks!!--TYR

All true.

I wonder, however, how many people at Google understand that Chavez OPPOSED illegal aliens and wanted them deported?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-31-2013, 10:53 AM
All true.

I wonder, however, how many people at Google understand that Chavez OPPOSED illegal aliens and wanted them deported?

All of them that were not too lazy to google it..:laugh:
but I get your point..

03-31-2013, 11:10 AM
In defense of Google, after perusing the Doodle Museum it appears as though they do not honor any religious holiday save Easter of 2000. For whatever reason I thought otherwise.

03-31-2013, 11:20 AM
A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.

Considering they've done the doodles for Easter previously, as well as other religious holidays, I think it's a fair question... This was an older one, before they went PC


03-31-2013, 11:21 AM
Such as?

Such as making it sound as if EVERY Christian somehow bastardized these holidays. Some of us still celebrate in the old fashioned way, teach our kids...

03-31-2013, 11:23 AM
In defense of Google, after perusing the Doodle Museum it appears as though they do not honor any religious holiday save Easter of 2000. For whatever reason I thought otherwise.

They do Christmas most years, and also Hannukah. At least as of last year. This was the last Christmas one...


03-31-2013, 11:33 AM
Such as making it sound as if EVERY Christian somehow bastardized these holidays. Some of us still celebrate in the old fashioned way, teach our kids...

Not every, though certainly plenty, christmas is about presents, easter is about chocolate.

In any case, i don't see what any of that has to do with 'ignorance of traditions'.

03-31-2013, 11:37 AM
Not every, though certainly plenty, christmas is about presents, easter is about chocolate.

In any case, i don't see what any of that has to do with 'ignorance of traditions'.

I didn't say anything about ignorance, fucker! :)

You're comment was about Christians in general, I simply wanted to set the record straight, that to some of us it is still about more than presents and chocolate. Of course our family follows tradition and we do these things, but that shouldn't take away from the actual holiday meaning, and in our family, it doesn't.

03-31-2013, 11:39 AM
Also in fairness, as Mick stated, I don't barely see any besides Christmas and Hanukkah in Google's past of doodles. Oh well, Chavez was Catholic, so maybe there was a hidden meaning in there? LOL

Abbey Marie
03-31-2013, 11:40 AM
I no longer care what secular, especially progressive, organizations do to recognize my sacred religious remembrances. In fact, I'm fine if they ignore them altogether. They just screw it up when they get involved anyway.

The time is past when we can expect the culture to "get" Christianity, or even give it a modicum of respect. It's a fact of life in America today.

As for Google, I long ago realized that they were Christianphobic. I rarely use it.

Re: Christians letting our day be contaminated with eggs and bunnies. I haven't let anyone do anything. If people put more emphaiss on those cutesy things, than on the true meaning of the day, that's on them. We put a flag outside that says "He is Risen" for Easter, and a Nativity out at Christmas time. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to give the day it's religious solemnity and to be a witness. While we still can, at least.

03-31-2013, 11:41 AM
They do Christmas most years, and also Hannukah. At least as of last year. This was the last Christmas one...


I went through their entire "museum" of doodles and found only one doodle specifically referencing a religious holiday, Easter 2000, the one you posted prior to this one. All Christmas doodles are referenced as "Happy Holidays" and the doodles themselves, as far as I could tell, contained no religious references whatsoever.

I could be wrong...

03-31-2013, 11:44 AM
I went through their entire "museum" of doodles and found only one doodle specifically referencing a religious holiday, Easter 2000, the one you posted prior to this one. All Christmas doodles are referenced as "Happy Holidays" and the doodles themselves, as far as I could tell, contained no religious references whatsoever.

I could be wrong...

Nope, you're not. As I investigate, I realize I'm not so bright, and had "doodle" misinterpreted. Ever do a search AND THEN see a picture, or action? That's what I was including. I don't know what you call that then if it's not a doodle!

** In fairness to my lack of knowledge, I'm a heavy Yahoo user!

03-31-2013, 11:47 AM
I didn't say anything about ignorance, fucker! :)

You're comment was about Christians in general, I simply wanted to set the record straight, that to some of us it is still about more than presents and chocolate. Of course our family follows tradition and we do these things, but that shouldn't take away from the actual holiday meaning, and in our family, it doesn't.

But hjmick did, fucker! :)
The text you quoted from me was a question posed to hjmick for examples of my 'ignorance of tradition' since you quote that and lead on with an 'example' i assumed it was related.

03-31-2013, 11:50 AM
But hjmick did, fucker! :)
The text you quoted from me was a question posed to hjmick for examples of my 'ignorance of tradition' since you quote that and lead on with an 'example' i assumed it was related.

Yes, there are a lot of people that are ignorant of the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. One can still do the fun things and celebrate the true meanings. But those who do the celebrating and still remain ignorant... Well, they are the ignorant ones you speak of!

03-31-2013, 11:53 AM
I expect to see some Easter themed doodle, instead I see a tribute to Cesar Chavez on what would have been his 86th birthday. The hell?

Look, I understand the works Chavez did and the respect he earned, I get it. Hell, I lived in California for better than thirty years, heard about the man and saw Chavez's efforts bear fruit (no pun intended) for the people he worked to help. But really, to ignore Easter?

I'm not a religious man, borderline atheist if you must know, but it seems to me that to ignore a holiday such as this (okay it is just Google) is something of a slap in the face of Christians...
I'd call ignoring it, by doing nothing, an Anti-Christian Snub.
But putting Chavez's face on the page is a slap to Christians
and to Chavez who was a practicing Roman Catholic!

Easter is a holiday celebrated world wide by Christians and many non-christians in there own ways. And Acknowledged by most publicly for 100's of Years. Chavez's picture is saying we not only don't want to acknowledge your religion we want to belittle it by celebrating the life of another person on a day you've set aside for Jesus Christ.

this might seem a bit strong but I've said many times here that google is a very corupt corporation, this is just another way they are showing they're walking with the dark side of the force.

A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.
Acknowlging Easter in a country where More than half the country will acknowledge Easter, maybe 30% or more world wide. Is a slap when you make a point of acknowledging other national holidays or lesser events with some imagery. It's like being in an office where were everyone elses birthday is announced on their day, EXCEPT yours.
But hey, your right, they don't have to. it's their business but lets not say they just forgot.

As far as the bunnies and eggs go.
Well , you probably know the roots of that stuff. Pagan fertility rites festival and a Christian Coup/Co-op of the event. But Yeah, I don't know why we still do it. I don't, and I really don't let it distract me or my family...as much as possibly. Frankly I think we should drop the bunny eggs, Santa Claus and X-mas trees in the trash heap of history and just celebrate Christ. But many christian mothers and children will probably hate me for even suggesting it , because they consider it tradition, fun and harmless, even though it does indeed take minds and hearts away from the main events. I know of many christian families who do not celebrate the holidays with reference to the Bunnies or even "saint nick" , who feel very strongly about the pagan roots and , as you call it, the bastardization of the holidays.

But Also that part of it has become part of the larger cultures traditions, even many boarder line atheists and the "I'm not a religious but i'm spiritual" types loves Christmas and like the Bunnies and Chocolate at Easter. So even if Christian don't bring it up it's got some of it's own cultural inertia. Which sadly -IMO- Christians either fall into or try to TAPE into as a hook to bring people toward Jesus Christ.

Wal-mart is FILLED with Easter baskets, NONE of them have any reference to Jesus Christ that i can see. just as At Halloween Wal-Mart is filled with Candies and costumes, I don't think the Druids have really been pushing that stuff for quite some time.

03-31-2013, 12:03 PM
Yes, there are a lot of people that are ignorant of the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. One can still do the fun things and celebrate the true meanings. But those who do the celebrating and still remain ignorant... Well, they are the ignorant ones you speak of!

Just wait, as soon as R.A.W. logs in I'm sure he'll let us all know just how wrong we are and explain Easter to us all...

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 12:10 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jimnyc http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=628097#post628097)

Yes, there are a lot of people that are ignorant of the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. One can still do the fun things and celebrate the true meanings. But those who do the celebrating and still remain ignorant... Well, they are the ignorant ones you speak of!

Just wait, as soon as R.A.W. logs in I'm sure he'll let us all know just how wrong we are and explain Easter to ua all...

I know you will deny this, but it is true.

What makes you so jealous and spiteful?

You know pal, if you get to my age and have not learned more by then than you know today, and try to pass your knowledge about, you will be stuck on dumb.

Take Jim for instance. He will know much more in another 30 years than he knows today. I believe he is very curious.

All it takes is having a lust for learning and a willingness to share.

03-31-2013, 12:13 PM
I'd call ignoring it by doing nothing an Anti-Christian Snub.
But putting Chavez's face on the page is slap to Christians
and to Chavez who was a practicing Roman Catholic!

Easter is a holiday celebrated world wide by Christians and many non-christians in there own ways. And Acknowledged by most publicly for 100's of Years. Chavez's picture is saying we not only don't want to acknowledge your religion we want to belittle it by celebrating the life of another person on a day you've set aside for Jesus Christ.

this might seem a bit strong but I've said many times here that google is a very corupt corporation, this is just another way they are showing they're walking with the dark side of the force.

Acknowlging Easter in a country where More than half the country will acknowlege Easter, maybe %30 or more world wide. Is a slap when you make a point of acknowledging other national holidays or lesser events with some imagery. It's like being in an office where were everyone elses birthday is announced on their day, EXCEPT yours.
But hey, your right, they don't have to. it's their business but lets not say they just forgot.

As far as the bunnies and eggs go.
Well , you probably know the roots of that stuff. Pagan fertility rites festival and a Christian Coup/Co-op of the event. But Yeah, I don't know why we still do it. I don't, and I really don't let it distract me or my family...as much as possibly. Frankly I think we should drop the bunny eggs, Santa Claus and X-mas trees in the trash heap of history and just celebrate Christ. But many christian mothers and children will probably hate me for even suggesting it , because they consider it tradition, fun and harmless, even though it does indeed take minds and hearts away from the main events. I know of many christian families who do not celebrate the holidays with reference to the Bunnies or even "saint nick" , who feel very strongly about the pagan roots and , as you call it, the bastardization of the holidays.

But Also that part of it has become part of the larger cultures traditions, even many boarder line atheists and the "I'm not a religious but i'm spiritual" types loves Christmas and like the Bunnies and Chocolate at Easter. So even if Christian don't bring it up it's got some of it's own cultural inertia. Which sadly -IMO- Christians either fall into or try to TAPE into as a hook to bring people toward Jesus Christ.

Wal-mart is FILLED with Easter baskets, NONE of them have any reference to Jesus Christ that i can see. just as At Halloween Wal-Mart is filled with Candies and costumes, I don't think the Druids have really been pushing that stuff for quite some time.

When not celebrating a religious event is seen as being anti-religious...

Most of the rest i agree with, the long and short being - if google had done a doodle with eggs and a rabbit, no one would care or say they are being anti-christian. Even though those eggs and rabbits have precisely nothing to do with Christianity.

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 12:16 PM
I expect to see some Easter themed doodle, instead I see a tribute to Cesar Chavez on what would have been his 86th birthday. The hell?

Look, I understand the works Chavez did and the respect he earned, I get it. Hell, I lived in California for better than thirty years, heard about the man and saw Chavez's efforts bear fruit (no pun intended) for the people he worked to help. But really, to ignore Easter?

I'm not a religious man, borderline atheist if you must know, but it seems to me that to ignore a holiday such as this (okay it is just Google) is something of a slap in the face of Christians...

You claimed I would weigh in way down the thread. Google to me is a company and somebody there must want to send up that clenched fist by using Chavez.

As a kid, i did work for a few months on a cotton farm in the mid San Joaquin valley. I know what is like to be a 5th grader pressed into service by an uncle for half buck an hour. But as a kid, I did not happen to like taking a hoe and chopping cotton. (this means removing weeds) but I did appreciate the money had I lived where I could spend it.

When I looked at Google, I probably had the same expression of disgust as you express.

03-31-2013, 12:17 PM
I know you will deny this, but it is true.

What makes you so jealous and spiteful?

You know pal, if you get to my age and have not learned more by then than you know today, and try to pass your knowledge about, you will be stuck on dumb.

Take Jim for instance. He will know much more in another 30 years than he knows today. I believe he is very curious.

All it takes is having a lust for learning and a willingness to share.

I have a lust for boobies and a yearning for the ladies to share. :)

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 12:20 PM
A slap in the face, by a non-religious org, to not promote a religious event?

How a level of insult could even be drawn is unknown to me, given how willing the Christians are to bastardise their own religious holidays with nonsense involving bunnies and chocolate eggs.

When I was a tyke, in the early to mid 1940s, for we kids, it was a hell of a lot of fun on Easter. Then some so called politically creeps did their best to ruin our fun.

These kids of today, so sad. Grown men and women really have it in against the kids.

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 12:21 PM
I have a lust for boobies and a yearning for the ladies to share. :)

Proving again, you are normal. :beer:

03-31-2013, 12:31 PM
When not celebrating a religious event is seen as being anti-religious...

It's a snub only if your celebrating everything else. new years, 4th of July, Halloween...
If they don't say anything in general , that's fine too.
I don't celebrate Muslim Holidays but if i Lived in a mostly Muslim country i wouldn't have a bake sale on Ramadan.

Most of the rest i agree with, the long and short being - if google had done a doodle with eggs and a rabbit, no one would care or say they are being anti-christian. Even though those eggs and rabbits have precisely nothing to do with Christianity.
Like you said if they are Not Christians why should they post anything else? If they were inclined to Christianity or out of respect for Christians or even just wanting Christians business they could have put up a picture of an Empty tomb or just say happy Easter.

But your right Eggs&Bunnies have nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ but, for better or worse, they are certainly more closely related to it than Chavez's B-DAY.

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 12:32 PM
You don't have to be part of a religion to laugh at it. Say what you like about the Jews and Muslims, but they haven't let their religious-celebratory days get mangled.

Given your defense of two groups, explain why you laugh at the Christians please?

03-31-2013, 12:43 PM
Given your defense of two groups, explain why you laugh at the Christians please?

Hardly defence. The Jews and Muslims are just as worthy of laughs in different respects, but at least they have some semblance of keeping their holy days holy, and reasonably untouched by commercialism .

03-31-2013, 12:52 PM
Hardly defence. The Jews and Muslims are just as worthy of laughs in different respects, but at least they have some semblance of keeping their holy days holy, and reasonably untouched by commercialism .

You can look at it from 2 different angles, regarding that commercialism. What is really so bad about it? Sure, people mostly "waste" money, but it's on tradition, and never mandatory. People exchange gifts, they want to be kind to one another, and giving. They share and give out candy, again, to be kind (mostly to the kids on Easter). I agree it's become more and more commercialized, but the idea and love behind it I think still means a lot. It's people simply wanting to do kind things for another person.

Abbey Marie
03-31-2013, 01:12 PM
What seems worse to me is, I have a calendar from a local museum that completely omits the mention of Easter on the calendar day itself. But they do mention all the secular holidays, and Christmas, because they have "holiday (read: money-making) activities" on that day.

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 03:58 PM
What seems worse to me is, I have a calendar from a local museum that completely omits the mention of Easter on the calendar day itself. But they do mention all the secular holidays, and Christmas, because they have "holiday (read: money-making") activities" on that day.

What museum might that be?

03-31-2013, 04:04 PM
What museum might that be?

A local one :slap:

Robert A Whit
03-31-2013, 04:14 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=628140#post628140)
What museum might that be?

A local one :slap:

Must be the one in her panties. That your point?

03-31-2013, 08:51 PM
..... That your point?
your a pitiful soul

03-31-2013, 10:29 PM
I would be a lot more upset except for the fact that Google hasn't done an Easter doodle in a dozen years. Google has always had a thing for off beat occasions.
I think people are more upset that the doodle is Cesar Chavez than that is wasn't Easter.
I don't recall any similar outburst last year when the Easter doodle was some little known German scientist.

04-01-2013, 06:45 AM
Not every, though certainly plenty, christmas is about presents, easter is about chocolate.

In any case, i don't see what any of that has to do with 'ignorance of traditions'.

once again we have the avowed Atheist (NOIR) offering insight on Religious matters... Telling Those that BELIEVE in religion what they they SHOULD BELIEVE (or not believe).

Noir... Freedom of religion isnt Freedom from religion.

Freedom of religion is letting someone practice what they believe without you telling them whats wrong with it in your atheist views.

All you are doing is preaching the Religion of Atheism...

You have become that which you despise most...

kinda funny actually.


04-01-2013, 06:58 AM
once again we have the avowed Atheist (NOIR) offering insight on Religious matters... Telling Those that BELIEVE in religion what they they SHOULD BELIEVE (or not believe).

Noir... Freedom of religion isnt Freedom from religion.

Freedom of religion is letting someone practice what they believe without you telling them whats wrong with it in your atheist views.

All you are doing is preaching the Religion of Atheism...

You have become that which you despise most...

kinda funny actually.


Indeed, funny. Though religious should take heed.


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<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content" --> <!--START ADVPRINT --> By Father Robert Barron * (http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/column.php?n=2073#author)
Artistic representations of the Ten Commandments often depict two stone tablets on which there are two tables of inscriptions.

This portrayal follows from a classical division of the commandments in which there are two specific categories—those that order humanity’s relationship with God and those that order human relationships with one another. If we consider the Bible as a totality, it becomes apparent that the Scriptures give priority to the first table, those commands dealing with God.

The Ten Commandments begin with an insistence that the Lord alone is God and there are to be no other gods besides him. This is not just a principle meant to order humanity’s expressions of ritualized worship, but a statement about the ethos of the entire moral and spiritual order. Whatever it is that humanity worships, be it the gods of the ancients or the allures of wealth, power, pleasure and honors, will by necessity give rise to our perceptions and practices concerning the moral life. The God or gods in whom we place our ultimate concern will direct our lives and determine our choices.

Given that the Bible calls humanity over and over again to relinquish its attachment to false gods and embrace the worship of the one true God, we might take that emphasis as means to interpret Christ’s actions in regards to the moneychangers in the Jerusalem Temple, actions that are traditionally referred to as the “cleansing of the Temple.” The dramatic scene portrays Christ entering the sacred center of Israel’s culture and worship at the height of the Jewish year—the feast of Passover. Christ then raises a ruckus, for he finds the Temple to be not a house of prayer, but a “marketplace.” He turns over the tables of the moneychangers, disrupts the trade in animals for sacrifice, and cleans the place out.

This scene is often interpreted as testimony against materialism in religious practice. Religion is to remain radically pure in regard to the corruptions of commerce. An idealism emerges from this interpretation that engenders a hair trigger with respect to any and all associations of religion with economics or money. According to this conceit, the only way forward for religion is to maintain its purity by eschewing the corrupting influence of commerce.

While sharing the aversion of using religion as a means to gain material wealth, I think a more fruitful way of understanding Christ’s action to cleanse the temple can be discerned in relation to Israel’s aversion to the worship of false gods and the necessity of cleansing our own temple—that is, our lives—of these fallen deities. Remember, St. Paul said that the body of each Christian is “a temple of the Holy Spirit.” By this, he means a place where the one true God is honored and worshipped. The apostle is providing us with an image of the Christian life as one in which a person finds happiness and integration in the measure that she becomes, personally, a place where God is first.

Think, then, that Christ has come not only to “cleanse the Temple of Jerusalem,” but the temple of your own body, your own life. The Lord Jesus comes into your life expecting to find a place ordered to the worship of the one true God, but what he finds is “a marketplace.” What does this mean? It means that Christ finds a place where things other than God have become primary. To bring such idolatry closer to our cultural experience, how much of your life is given over to materialism, commercialism or the accumulation of things? What rivals to the one true God have you allowed to invade the sacred space of your soul? I have referenced earlier wealth, pleasure, power and honor. How are these things enshrined in the sanctuary of your own heart?

The temple-cleansing Christ is a memorable image with enduring power. We shouldn't relegate that image or the Lord himself to merely a statement about our impatience with the corruptions of religious institutions and miss the point that strikes closer to home: Christ comes to each of us to rid the temple of our own body of the idols to which we have foolishly given power and pride of place.

04-01-2013, 07:26 AM
Hardly defence. The Jews and Muslims are just as worthy of laughs in different respects, but at least they have some semblance of keeping their holy days holy, and reasonably untouched by commercialism .

You're looking at the wrong Christians. There are some of us that oppose the Paganization and Commercialization of our holidays.

04-01-2013, 07:38 AM
You're looking at the wrong Christians. There are some of us that oppose the Paganization and Commercialization of our holidays.

Some i have no doubt, but not enough for it not to happen.

04-01-2013, 08:34 AM
While I have doubts about celebrating Easter, I don't like Google's obvious motivation here. It's time to "Bing It On". www.bing.com

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2013, 10:42 AM
once again we have the avowed Atheist (NOIR) offering insight on Religious matters... Telling Those that BELIEVE in religion what they they SHOULD BELIEVE (or not believe).

Noir... Freedom of religion isnt Freedom from religion.

Freedom of religion is letting someone practice what they believe without you telling them whats wrong with it in your atheist views.

All you are doing is preaching the Religion of Atheism...

You have become that which you despise most...

kinda funny actually.


Noir reminds me of the guy giving advice on Elephant hunting and after a hour long speech on the does and don't's of it all he is then asked by an inspired listener if he is indeed an expert on the subject and a great elephant hunter himself.
Then comes the rub.
His reply is, "Certainly not! I don't believe in elephants my good man ! In fact, I laugh at other animals that I do not believe in"!!
Noir lecturing others on a religion, a God that HE declares does not exist" ! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

So damn rich, one can not make this kind of shat up!!
Lecturing others on a religion, a God that one declares does not exist! :laugh2:
That is taking -"know it all" - to a supremely new level IMHO.
At least two other members here do that a lot as well but have provided no better example of it than the one Noir just did.-;) --Tyr

04-01-2013, 10:49 AM
my wife decided to never use google again after what they did.

Abbey Marie
04-01-2013, 11:26 AM
Hardly defence. The Jews and Muslims are just as worthy of laughs in different respects, but at least they have some semblance of keeping their holy days holy, and reasonably untouched by commercialism .

Perhaps we Christians are more secure in our faith.

Oh, and Hannukah is pretty playful- with spinning dreidels and all.

04-01-2013, 11:55 AM
my wife decided to never use google again after what they did.

Not riling, just curious... If they never did it before, why quit them now?