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View Full Version : GREAT April Fool's joke

04-01-2013, 12:17 PM
On April 1, 2013, Barack Obama announced that his administration will teach people "how to budget responsibly".

He followed that knee-slapper with an even better one: They will also teach people how to make sound decisions in the market place. And he kept a perfectly straight face.

And then came the crown jewel: A proclamation that his administration was cracking down on deceptive practices!!!

Only on April Fool's Day could such announcements by BARACK OBAMA be found anywhere outside the pages of The Onion... at least in a rational world with rational leaders.

Never let it be said that our President lacks a sense of humor.

What's next? An announcement that George W. Bush will give elocution lessons? Or that Bill Clinton will do a lecture series on fidelity in marriage? The man is on a roll!



Obama Proclaims April the Month to Teach Young People ‘How to Budget Responsibly’

April 1, 2013
By Terence P. Jeffrey

(CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama, who has increased the national debt by $53,377 per household, has proclaimed April “National Financial Capability Month,” during which his administration will do things such as teach young people “how to budget responsibly."

“I call upon all Americans to observe this month with programs and activities to improve their understanding of financial principles and practices,” Obama said in an official proclamation released Friday.

“My Administration is dedicated to helping people make sound decisions in the marketplace,” he said.

"Together, we can prepare young people to tackle financial challenges--from learning how to budget responsibly to saving for college, starting a business, or opening a retirement account,” he said.

“My Administration continues to encourage responsibility at all levels of our financial system by cracking down on deceptive practices and ensuring that consumers are informed of their rights,” he said.

04-01-2013, 12:41 PM
Is this true, or part of a joke? Anything budget related coming from these yoyo's in this administration is worse than an April Fools joke.

04-01-2013, 01:28 PM
Is this true, or part of a joke? Anything budget related coming from these yoyo's in this administration is worse than an April Fools joke.

I told you, it's a joke.

It's got to be.

I've even heard he said he's going to try to implement a national Health Care system that gives better coverage, to more people, while costing less, won't contain any tax increases, and won't add a dime to the deficit.

Man's he's got 'em rolling in the aisles with that one......

04-01-2013, 05:54 PM
Here's a better, more creative, happy April fools joke most of America would not only enjoy, but Celebrate.

"President Obama, and Joe Biden are stepping down after learning how STUPID they are!"