View Full Version : crap from Google thread

04-01-2013, 12:41 PM
Must be the one in her panties. That your point?

That's crossed my mind for a long time.
I always thought the mix of a lamely "provocative" location and a Bible verse was incredibly idiotic. I was hesitant to give helpful advice to someone I don't like very much which was unlikely to be taken. If you dig below the surface, however you will come to the conclusion she should NOT change it. She is incredibly thin skinned and will likely ban me for this comment. Feel free to find me on JPP, USMB or Democracy Forums.

The funny thing is that she likely votes for the same people as I and likely attends a similar church. Ego trumps beliefs apparently.

04-01-2013, 12:47 PM
That's crossed my mind for a long time.
I always thought the mix of a lamely "provocative" location and a Bible verse was incredibly idiotic. I was hesitant to give helpful advice to someone I don't like very much which was unlikely to be taken. If you dig below the surface, however you will come to the conclusion she should NOT change it. She is incredibly thin skinned and will likely ban me for this comment. Feel free to find me on JPP, USMB or Democracy Forums.

And yet it is YOU who is generally starting trouble with her, not the other way around. If you don't like her, why not move forward and ignore her? Why the continual need to start trouble with her? Has she been engaging you directly or discussing you?

Seriously, if you don't like it here, and just want to bitch, or start trouble with staff, then why return? You've been hinting about other boards for awhile now. If Abbey and others are SO bad...

04-01-2013, 12:55 PM
Must be the one in her panties. That your point?

That's crossed my mind for a long time.
I always thought the mix of a lamely "provocative" location and a Bible verse was incredibly idiotic. I was hesitant to give helpful advice to someone I don't like very much which was unlikely to be taken. If you dig below the surface, however you will come to the conclusion she should NOT change it. She is incredibly thin skinned and will likely ban me for this comment. Feel free to find me on JPP, USMB or Democracy Forums.

The funny thing is that she likely votes for the same people as I and likely attends a similar church. Ego trumps beliefs apparently.

I find it sad, that 2 supposedly grown men, can take a joke by a woman and somehow turn it around to make her a bad person. It was ME who was ALWAYS talking about panties in boobies, for like 10 years. Abbey placed her user title as you see it. No harm no foul. We are ALL usually in our underwear or whatever you want to call them. It was an inside joke of sorts.

I couldn't imagine someone on this board, other than maybe 'Avatar4321', who is more devoted to their faith and family. While maybe she has joked with this, or a few other things over the years, she has NEVER given a reason to look at her in such a way. A silly user title has NOTHING to do with what a person is or what they stand for - unless of course you have an issue with said person and want to use it as ammunition.

And then one of you wants to continually badger her, call her names and such and purposely look for trouble. And all the while doing this, keep bringing up bans and such, as if your wrongdoing is not deserving of negativity.

"classless" - it's a word that Abbey NEVER makes any of us think of. But those attacking her for little to no reason, define it as of late.

04-01-2013, 01:11 PM
She is incredibly thin skinned and will likely ban me for this comment. Feel free to find me on JPP, USMB or Democracy Forums.

Btw, you won't be banned for being an immature idiot, that's not how we roll here. We ban based on our rules. But forgive ME if I laugh at you slink away to another board to start trouble with the women. It seems to me with your continued poking at Abbey and continued comments about being banned - that perhaps that is your goal?

04-01-2013, 01:19 PM
I find it sad, that 2 supposedly grown men, can take a joke by a woman and somehow turn it around to make her a bad person. It was ME who was ALWAYS talking about panties in boobies, for like 10 years. Abbey placed her user title as you see it. No harm no foul. We are ALL usually in our underwear or whatever you want to call them. It was an inside joke of sorts.

I couldn't imagine someone on this board, other than maybe 'Avatar4321', who is more devoted to their faith and family. While maybe she has joked with this, or a few other things over the years, she has NEVER given a reason to look at her in such a way. A silly user title has NOTHING to do with what a person is or what they stand for - unless of course you have an issue with said person and want to use it as ammunition.

And then one of you wants to continually badger her, call her names and such and purposely look for trouble. And all the while doing this, keep bringing up bans and such, as if your wrongdoing is not deserving of negativity.

"classless" - it's a word that Abbey NEVER makes any of us think of. But those attacking her for little to no reason, define it as of late.

As someone who SHOULD be a "brother in Christ" to her, I sure get shabby treatment. On top of that I'm likely a political comrade. If it were someone like Gabby it wouldn't bug me so much. You also should consider it a miracle that I'm pretty conservative as well. There is a high prevalence of people who fit my profile that are attracted to females, but gay out of necessity. People in this profile are often socialist and atheist, often on SSDI. I have dropped hints galore, yet they get missed. Here's a bigger hint: http://www.wrongplanet.net/

I'm a fighter, I prosper and often earn at or near six figures. Excuse me for surviving and not quietly accepting where society tries to push us.

And yes, I do think it would behoove her to change her location text.

Btw, you won't be banned for being an immature idiot, that's not how we roll here. We ban based on our rules. But forgive ME if I laugh at you slink away to another board to start trouble with the women. It seems to me with your continued poking at Abbey and continued comments about being banned - that perhaps that is your goal?

It a refusal to be intimidated. I see a pattern-match to being "managed out". I tend to not go quietly when I see myself being "managed out". This thread will give you an idea of what that means:

04-01-2013, 01:28 PM
^^ Why judge her? Why engage and push buttons like you did today, unless she started it first? NO ONE gives you shabby treatment. If "they" did, you wouldn't be here to reply, would you? I understand that you are a fighter, so am I. But one can fight and be passionate without going toe to toe personally with another member. I fight with Gabby and Noir all the time, but the minute I leave the thread I try to forget it. Hell, Noir and I are also friends on Facebook. Turns out the bastard has lizards that I love! Many of us will have more in common than we think, which is just another reason I don't understand extended feuds. But I have to be honest, you started this by going nutso when she moved some posts, which I asked her to do by promoting her to staff member. She did nothing wrong. Ever since then you have made an effort to take jabs at her when you can. She is not engaging you in a flame war, but you respond to her as if she is. I know she is NOT engaging you though. Why can't you just let it go? I've asked several times of you to please stop engaging her and I would ask the same of her.

It appears to me that you are looking to be banned, even going as far as to point out other boards you might be found at, after making your post. Wouldn't it be better to just not do so, and enjoy this board in addition to others you may post at? Or are you that angry about what another member posts to the point you feel going outside the rules and getting banned is a better idea?

04-01-2013, 01:29 PM
It a refusal to be intimidated. I see a pattern-match to being "managed out". I tend to not go quietly when I see myself being "managed out". This thread will give you an idea of what that means:

No one is trying to intimidate you. We do that via bans.

Now, do me a HUGE favor - can you please tell everyone reading this just how many times you have been banned on this board?

04-01-2013, 01:51 PM
No one is trying to intimidate you. We do that via bans.

Now, do me a HUGE favor - can you please tell everyone reading this just how many times you have been banned on this board?

I think two. Why do I still get that "managed-out" feeling? Something is still "off". You might not see it, but I'm sensing some sneakiness. I don't "poke" like this unless something is bugging me. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Feel free to convince me otherwise: My hunch is that Abbey wants to intimidate me into a position where she can belittle me all she wants, but I'm powerless to reply. My hunch is fed by her thanking derogatory posts and answer me with a "Duh".

Try reading Dr. Phil McGraw's:

When on the lookout for toxic people, notice that they are quite sneaky about it.

It’s time to learn how the world really works, not how you wish it worked, not how it should work, but how it really works. If you’ve been doing everything “by the book,” and your life still isn’t where you want it be, you’ve been reading the wrong book. Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World will empower you to become a leader of your own life, and just as importantly, protect yourself and those you love.

“Life is a game — and you will either be a player or be the one played,” explains Dr. Phil. “Yesterday’s rules and expectations about relationships, emotions and interacting just simply don’t apply any more, not like they used to … and those who figure that out and adapt to the current world will have an incredible edge.” This book will create an urgent awareness within readers, and help them become street-smart and savvy.

Life Code offers readers a rare glimpse inside the minds of “bad guys” we all have in our lives, in the form of a “Secret Playbook,” that spells out exactly how the users, abusers and exploiters think and act. But it goes so much further, revealing the “Sweet 16” powerful tools that the world’s most successful people know and use on a daily basis to get what they want and keep it.

http://www.drphil.com/images/icons/diary.gifRead an Excerpt! (http://www.drphil.com/assets/f/f9a656ad67d70feb1b6bfe1aa47411be.pdf)

Among other Life Code lessons, you will learn to:

Accept that “life is a game” and decide whether you want to play or be played.
Identify the BAITERs (Backstabbers, Abusers, Imposters, Takers, Exploiters and/or Reckless people) through the “Evil Eight” Identifiers.
Evaluate how well this full-contact sport known as life is being played and learn the steps, traits and techniques necessary to win at everything — every day.
Recognize that much of life is a negotiation and learn to successfully negotiate across all areas: work, marriage and family.
Adopt a new “Life Code” by operating from a winner’s playbook with the most competitive tactics — the “Sweet 16” — for winning in the real world.
Implement the new “Life Code” and learn how it not only applies to them, but also to their family and their role as parents.

A companion DVD, Beyond Life Code, is also available, in which Dr. Phil himself gives the reader an in-depth look into how the information within the pages of this book can be applied to everyday life, by way of example.

04-01-2013, 02:25 PM
I think two. Why do I still get that "managed-out" feeling? Something is still "off". You might not see it, but I'm sensing some sneakiness. I don't "poke" like this unless something is bugging me. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Feel free to convince me otherwise: My hunch is that Abbey wants to intimidate me into a position where she can belittle me all she wants, but I'm powerless to reply. My hunch is fed by her thanking derogatory posts and answer me with a "Duh".

Try reading Dr. Phil McGraw's:

When on the lookout for toxic people, notice that they are quite sneaky about it.

You have NEVER been banned. When were you banned, and for what? I suppose it's possible, but a search of the ban logs shows otherwise. The res of your post is pure paranoid nonsense.

04-01-2013, 02:33 PM
You have NEVER been banned. When were you banned, and for what? I suppose it's possible, but a search of the ban logs shows otherwise. The res of your post is pure paranoid nonsense.

One was on February 1, 2013. Check your email from February 1, 2013 @ 4:34 PM. Your reply was at 7:57 PM the same day.

04-01-2013, 02:39 PM
One was on February 1, 2013. Check your email from February 1, 2013 @ 4:34 PM.

I stand corrected, and I do have an email, which is when you continued to discuss board decisions that you were upset with, in violation of the rules. Also, it was another instance with you being angry with Abbey and lashing out at her. While I am admittedly wrong about a prior ban, it was completely justified, and serves as an example as to how this situation has festered, and 2 months later, similar actions continue.

I would suggest just letting it go and moving on, but something tells me that's not going to happen. But if you want to continue to taking unprovoked jabs at her, don't complain when you get a timeout, and don't make it out to be anyone elses fault but your own.

04-01-2013, 03:07 PM
I stand corrected, and I do have an email, which is when you continued to discuss board decisions that you were upset with, in violation of the rules. Also, it was another instance with you being angry with Abbey and lashing out at her. While I am admittedly wrong about a prior ban, it was completely justified, and serves as an example as to how this situation has festered, and 2 months later, similar actions continue.

I would suggest just letting it go and moving on, but something tells me that's not going to happen. But if you want to continue to taking unprovoked jabs at her, don't complain when you get a timeout, and don't make it out to be anyone elses fault but your own.

You don't learn anything from just moving on. If you keep pushing you either sharpen your toxic person detecting skills or learn how to lower your toxic person detection without getting nailed and blindsided. Of course, the best solution is to hash it out and come to an agreement. Do you remember the squelch knob from the old short wave radios? If set too sensitive, you miss useful communication. If you set too low, all you get is noise and a headache. Life is kind of like that squelch knob.

My apologies for using you as a Guinea Pig, but this is how I test out social skills. "Forgive and not forget is one of the most annoying phrases I can think of". How about forgive and not forget things have been forgiven.

I'm doing the best I can.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 03:25 PM
That's crossed my mind for a long time.
I always thought the mix of a lamely "provocative" location and a Bible verse was incredibly idiotic. I was hesitant to give helpful advice to someone I don't like very much which was unlikely to be taken. If you dig below the surface, however you will come to the conclusion she should NOT change it. She is incredibly thin skinned and will likely ban me for this comment. Feel free to find me on JPP, USMB or Democracy Forums.

The funny thing is that she likely votes for the same people as I and likely attends a similar church. Ego trumps beliefs apparently.

I was referring to her self description of location. That is found upper right when she posts. When she says location: "in my panties" and she said as to a church nearby (I believe this is true) and I asked where the Church was (again I believe since I have not gone back to review) and Jim came back with a crack, I then said, "do you mean in her panties."

This without reading all posts again is my best perhaps paraphrased view of this event.

By the way, I was making a joke. I may be wrong but I suspect Jimmy did not want her to even mention her city. I have no idea why he would take such a position unless he was also joking.

04-01-2013, 03:26 PM
You don't learn anything from just moving on. If you keep pushing you either sharpen your toxic person detecting skills or learn how to lower your toxic person detection without getting nailed and blindsided. Of course, the best solution is to hash it out and come to an agreement. Do you remember the squelch knob from the old short wave radios? If set too sensitive, you miss useful communication. If you set too low, all you get is noise and a headache. Life is kind of like that squelch knob.

My apologies for using you as a Guinea Pig, but this is how I test out social skills. "Forgive and not forget is one of the most annoying phrases I can think of". How about forgive and not forget things have been forgiven.

I'm doing the best I can.

Sometimes peace and happiness is more important than learning something. Friction on this board shouldn't be continued simply because one wants to learn. How about make peace first, then you can chat with parties involved to learn better about what happened, and how peace was achieved?

You may want to remember things you have forgiven, but when you come back and hold it as a reason to have an enemy, then you clearly haven't forgiven.

And lastly, I honestly don't see anything to forgive. What for, a few moved posts and a couple of dumb exchanges with one another? How about just do the forget thing and try to be nicer to one another?

04-01-2013, 03:28 PM
I was referring to her self description of location. That is found upper right when she posts. When she says location: "in my panties" and she said as to a church nearby (I believe this is true) and I asked where the Church was (again I believe since I have not gone back to review) and Jim came back with a crack, I then said, "do you mean in her panties."

This without reading all posts again is my best perhaps paraphrased view of this event.

Well, maybe YOU can forgive me if I'm wrong, but here is how I saw it. Abbey placed that in her user title as a long running joke. Instead of seeing it as such, or asking about it, or leaving it be - it seemed as if 2 members took advantage of that in a desire to toss it back in her face as if she had done something wrong - which she has not.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 03:34 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=628145#post628145)

Must be the one in her panties. That your point?

I find it sad, that 2 supposedly grown men, can take a joke by a woman and somehow turn it around to make her a bad person. It was ME who was ALWAYS talking about panties in boobies, for like 10 years. Abbey placed her user title as you see it. No harm no foul. We are ALL usually in our underwear or whatever you want to call them. It was an inside joke of sorts.

I couldn't imagine someone on this board, other than maybe 'Avatar4321', who is more devoted to their faith and family. While maybe she has joked with this, or a few other things over the years, she has NEVER given a reason to look at her in such a way. A silly user title has NOTHING to do with what a person is or what they stand for - unless of course you have an issue with said person and want to use it as ammunition.

And then one of you wants to continually badger her, call her names and such and purposely look for trouble. And all the while doing this, keep bringing up bans and such, as if your wrongdoing is not deserving of negativity.

"classless" - it's a word that Abbey NEVER makes any of us think of. But those attacking her for little to no reason, define it as of late.

You may be one of the strangest posters I have read Little Jimmy Brown. I did not insult Abbey. I was joking about her self described location. I think of all posters, she is one of the finest posting. She may top my list but I don't wish to slight other posters. Even those I often do not agree with have added to my education. I am not clear why you leaped into it upon my question about "in your panties" to begin with. Again, Abbey is well aware that to me, she is a diamond. She has yet to attack me. I honestly don't think she will.

I did not notice Tail Fins attacking her but I sure did not in any way insult her.

04-01-2013, 03:38 PM
You may be one of the strangest posters I have read Little Jimmy Brown. I did not insult Abbey. I was joking about her self described location. I think of all posters, she is one of the finest posting. She may top my list but I don't wish to slight other posters. Even those I often do not agree with have added to my education. I am not clear why you leaped into it upon my question about "in your panties" to begin with. Again, Abbey is well aware that to me, she is a diamond. She has yet to attack me. I honestly don't think she will.

My apologies if the intent was misread by me. I thought you were trying to insult her.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 03:44 PM
I stand corrected, and I do have an email, which is when you continued to discuss board decisions that you were upset with, in violation of the rules. Also, it was another instance with you being angry with Abbey and lashing out at her. While I am admittedly wrong about a prior ban, it was completely justified, and serves as an example as to how this situation has festered, and 2 months later, similar actions continue.

I would suggest just letting it go and moving on, but something tells me that's not going to happen. But if you want to continue to taking unprovoked jabs at her, don't complain when you get a timeout, and don't make it out to be anyone elses fault but your own.

Had you not pasted something I had said, about do you mean in her panties, I would not reply to any of this back and forth fighting with each other.

Please, do not insert me into this fight.

I am out of this now. Please a good reply is you or him leaving me out. I like Abbey. She has not harmed me at all.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 03:46 PM
My apologies if the intent was misread by me. I thought you were trying to insult her.

It was misread. Nope, I don't plan to insult Abbey. Thanks for the apologies.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 03:54 PM
Well, maybe YOU can forgive me if I'm wrong, but here is how I saw it. Abbey placed that in her user title as a long running joke. Instead of seeing it as such, or asking about it, or leaving it be - it seemed as if 2 members took advantage of that in a desire to toss it back in her face as if she had done something wrong - which she has not.

First, you know very well I had not intended to make any negative comment about her and you apologized to me. So, this post is after you apologizing to me. I had no clue about why she did that. I was asking about location. Then you decided to plant your foot down. I don't understand that either. I lost reputation by Revelarts due to this comment over location. I did not take advantage of that and as I have said more than one time, think of her as a diamond, a vault of gold and very special.

04-01-2013, 03:56 PM
You may be one of the strangest posters I have read Little Jimmy Brown. I did not insult Abbey. I was joking about her self described location. I think of all posters, she is one of the finest posting. She may top my list but I don't wish to slight other posters. Even those I often do not agree with have added to my education. I am not clear why you leaped into it upon my question about "in your panties" to begin with. Again, Abbey is well aware that to me, she is a diamond. She has yet to attack me. I honestly don't think she will.

I did not notice Tail Fins attacking her but I sure did not in any way insult her.

Do you ever find that certain things are like a piece of food caught in your teeth? To me it's things like a hotel "minutes from Hampton Beach" (Chicago is also "minutes from Hampton Beach"). Or how about a car ad that shows the price as $AVE. Then there's the "just pennies a day" (US Federal spending is also "just pennies a day"). That "in her panties" thing fits into that category for me. I don't like it. That's just my opinion, no disrespect intended.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 04:10 PM
Do you ever find that certain things are like a piece of food caught in your teeth? To me it's things like a hotel "minutes from Hampton Beach" (Chicago is also "minutes from Hampton Beach"). Or how about a car ad that shows the price as $AVE. Then there's the "just pennies a day" (US Federal spending is also "just pennies a day"). That "in her panties" thing fits into that category for me. I don't like it. That's just my opinion, no disrespect intended.

I believe that months ago, maybe last year, I inquired of Abbey about that location bit. I don't recall her replying to my query.

But it never annoyed me. She is not using it to promote commerce so I can't relate it to things like car ads. I understand your point but I explained my view.

Were I you, I would not make a big deal out of the way she describes her location. Suppose she said, in my shoes, in my blouse or so forth. No, it did not bother me.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2013, 04:18 PM
I did not take advantage of that and as I have said more than one time, think of her as a diamond, a vault of gold and very special.

I think of both Abbey and Kath like that .. DO NOT CARE WHO DISLIKES MY SAYING SO (if anybody does).
I always speak the TRUTH boldly and without fear.
Two jewels that shine for the enlightenment of others. Both very human and very intelligent...--Tyr

04-01-2013, 04:23 PM
I think of both Abbey and Kath like that .. DO NOT CARE WHO DISLIKES MY SAYING SO (if anybody does).
I always speak the TRUTH boldly and without fear.
Two jewels that shine for the enlightenment of others. Both very human and very intelligent...--Tyr

I think I can honestly say that I love all the ladies of our community, and yep, Gabby too. I've seen kindness and compassion from all of them, which I remember things like that.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 04:50 PM
I think of both Abbey and Kath like that .. DO NOT CARE WHO DISLIKES MY SAYING SO (if anybody does).
I always speak the TRUTH boldly and without fear.
Two jewels that shine for the enlightenment of others. Both very human and very intelligent...--Tyr

Kath has not treated me as has Abbey. GOD bless Abbey. She has never called me vile names.

04-01-2013, 05:28 PM
Kath has not treated me as has Abbey. GOD bless Abbey. She has never called me vile names.

I suspect most people have a unique "exposed nerve". When you touch it they stop being Dr. Jekyll and become Mr. Hyde. I guess the way to not let it bother you is not to take it personally. The people I truly resent are the ones that probe for someone's "Mr Hyde nerve" and deliberately touch it.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 05:34 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=628371#post628371)

Kath has not treated me as has Abbey. GOD bless Abbey. She has never called me vile names.

I suspect most people have a unique "exposed nerve". When you touch it they stop being Dr. Jekyll and become Mr. Hyde. I guess the way to not let it bother you is not to take it personally. The people I truly resent are the ones that probe for someone's "Mr Hyde nerve" and deliberately touch it.

When she directly attacks me, you want me to simply shrug? And when she probes for that nerve, you really want me to shrug?

Bless Abbey, she does not do that crap to me.

I do spend most of my time shrugging over the other ones attacks.

04-01-2013, 05:57 PM
When she directly attacks me, you want me to simply shrug? And when she probes for that nerve, you really want me to shrug?

Bless Abbey, she does not do that crap to me.

I do spend most of my time shrugging over the other ones attacks.

If you focus more on figuring out why rather than winning a pi$$ing match, it will keep YOUR blood pressure down.

Robert A Whit
04-01-2013, 06:05 PM
If you focus more on figuring out why rather than winning a pi$$ing match, it will keep YOUR blood pressure down.

Good idea. Now that you figured it out, do that with Abbey and Jim.

Abbey Marie
04-02-2013, 12:10 PM
Did anyone alert the media about Panty-gate? :cool:

I must say, I never expected such a little thing to cause such discussion. It is a true statement of my location, no matter where I go. Isn't everyone always located in their undies? Except when they're not. (If I put "out of my panties" as my locale, I think that would have caused more of an uproar, no?).

If anyone finds my location "dirty", I would suggest that is in their minds, not mine. We on staff have been together many years, and imo we all have a good sense of humor. I don't expect that we will be changing that for anyone.

My husband asked me to say that he loves my fun side, and he thinks Christians are allowed to have fun.

04-02-2013, 05:46 PM
One was on February 1, 2013. Check your email from February 1, 2013 @ 4:34 PM. Your reply was at 7:57 PM the same day.

jimnyc: What was yesterday's date?

Does APRIL FOOL ring any bells?

04-02-2013, 07:51 PM
good idea. Now that you figured it out, do that with abbey and jim.

QUESTION AUTHORITY!! STICK IT TO THE MAN!! Turn on; tune in; drop out!!! :afro:

Robert A Whit
04-02-2013, 08:05 PM
QUESTION AUTHORITY!! STICK IT TO THE MAN!! Turn on; tune in; drop out!!! :afro:


Yeah, but not to Abbey. She be cool man.