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View Full Version : I have a appointment with the surgeon

04-03-2013, 08:15 AM
I am shocked , the Surgeons office called yesterday and have scheduled a appointment for me to see him today , maybe this won't be a long drawn out ordeal to be able to get relief from my pain and get off of some of these dang pain meds , my worry now is that the surgeon will now want clearances from all my other doctors to implant the nerve stimulator that helped so much and of course what the Ins. company will say ( you would think in the long run it will save them money but they don't think like normal people ) so wish me luck hopefully I will have a tentative date tonight ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-03-2013, 08:26 AM
I am shocked , the Surgeons office called yesterday and have scheduled a appointment for me to see him today , maybe this won't be a long drawn out ordeal to be able to get relief from my pain and get off of some of these dang pain meds , my worry now is that the surgeon will now want clearances from all my other doctors to implant the nerve stimulator that helped so much and of course what the Ins. company will say ( you would think in the long run it will save them money but they don't think like normal people ) so wish me luck hopefully I will have a tentative date tonight ;)

Good luck on the first one and be careful not to damage yourself on the second one..;)-Tyr

04-03-2013, 10:42 AM
Let me know what he says and what date you get!

Robert A Whit
04-03-2013, 11:31 AM
I am shocked , the Surgeons office called yesterday and have scheduled a appointment for me to see him today , maybe this won't be a long drawn out ordeal to be able to get relief from my pain and get off of some of these dang pain meds , my worry now is that the surgeon will now want clearances from all my other doctors to implant the nerve stimulator that helped so much and of course what the Ins. company will say ( you would think in the long run it will save them money but they don't think like normal people ) so wish me luck hopefully I will have a tentative date tonight ;)

Keep your stick on the ice.

Abbey Marie
04-03-2013, 01:07 PM
Prayers, Jeff. :thumb:

04-03-2013, 03:13 PM
What Abbey said! Prayers for you!

red states rule
04-04-2013, 03:16 AM
I am shocked , the Surgeons office called yesterday and have scheduled a appointment for me to see him today , maybe this won't be a long drawn out ordeal to be able to get relief from my pain and get off of some of these dang pain meds , my worry now is that the surgeon will now want clearances from all my other doctors to implant the nerve stimulator that helped so much and of course what the Ins. company will say ( you would think in the long run it will save them money but they don't think like normal people ) so wish me luck hopefully I will have a tentative date tonight ;)

My thoughts and prayers are with you buddy

04-04-2013, 06:00 AM
Are we talking about back pain?

If so, I would urge you to do what I did, and what I urged Jimmy to do; read Dr. John Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain."

I too suffered from crippling back and his book explained to me it was a manifestation of stress, like stomach ulcers, and that physically it's nearly impossible for spinal herniations to cause the manifested pains.

It's a lot to explain, but the book lays it out precisely, explains the process of how the pain will go away, and it all went away exactly like he said it would. Amazing.

My doctor had never heard of Dr. Sarno and when I explained to him what I'd read in the book he nodded his head and said, "Well, yes. That's all entirely true."

Put Dr. Sarno's name in the YouTube search engine and watch a few of the videos for a preview.

04-04-2013, 08:56 AM
Are we talking about back pain?

If so, I would urge you to do what I did, and what I urged Jimmy to do; read Dr. John Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain."

I too suffered from crippling back and his book explained to me it was a manifestation of stress, like stomach ulcers, and that physically it's nearly impossible for spinal herniations to cause the manifested pains.

It's a lot to explain, but the book lays it out precisely, explains the process of how the pain will go away, and it all went away exactly like he said it would. Amazing.

My doctor had never heard of Dr. Sarno and when I explained to him what I'd read in the book he nodded his head and said, "Well, yes. That's all entirely true."

Put Dr. Sarno's name in the YouTube set again they arch engine and watch a few of the videos for a preview.

It is partially back pain but the surgeon told me basically my back is just worn out and the nerve stimulator is really all they could do and he also told me that it may help with the back pain, what the stimulator really does is help with the nerve damage I have in my lower back ( which it may help there ) but the pain runs down my legs into my feet that are when feeling at there best numb but more often than not feel like they are on fire , I have neuropathy which many can control with meds ( none of the meds work for me and the ones that did had terrible side effects ) so according to the Doctors this will help me the best and if it is a success it should cut my pain meds by at least half ( that would be fantastic ) but again there is no guarantee it will help my back they do say it will help my hips on down to my feet so at least that is part of the pain . Now the temporary one they put in helped my back heck it made me feel 20 years younger but they still say it may or may not help my back , but thank you for the advice and it sounds like a good read and something I may need to look into even with the surgery

04-04-2013, 08:58 AM
Let me know what he says and what date you get!

Jim as of right now it is set for next Thursday but I have to go for a MRI on Monday and a couple other test before the Doc will do the surgery so we will see, I will keep ya posted

04-04-2013, 01:35 PM
good luck

04-05-2013, 05:42 AM
It is partially back pain but the surgeon told me basically my back is just worn out and the nerve stimulator is really all they could do and he also told me that it may help with the back pain, what the stimulator really does is help with the nerve damage I have in my lower back ( which it may help there ) but the pain runs down my legs into my feet that are when feeling at there best numb but more often than not feel like they are on fire

Dr. Sarno goes into problems like this in his book. He points out how doctors tell patients they have a "deteriorated disc," and then goes on to point out that it's virtually always the same disc ... which is deteriorated in every human being by the age of 20. So people hear they have "two herniated discs and a deteriorated disc" from the doctor and assume "Ah, there's the cause of the problem."

Dr. Sarno causes these herniations and deteriorations "normal abnormalities."

Furthermore, trying to draw a nerve map connecting the location of the pain to where the back abnormality is never seems to work either, especially with pains in the extremities (arms, legs).

I was going to physical therapy and all the therapists there were from the Philippines. I asked them; "In the Philippines, did you ever encounter people with such excrutiating back that they can't get up in the morning and go to work." They looked puzzled for a moment and realized that no, they never did.

These back pains are a manifestation of mental stress. They're so poor in the Philippines that if they don't go to work they don't eat, so they can't afford back pain. In the USA, we have sick days, vacation days, sick leave, Workman's Comp, etc... we can afford back pain. So we get it.

Dr. Sarno researched American medical records from the 19th century and found that people did not suffer back pain like today... because like in the Philippines, they could not afford it. If a farmer in Minnesota in 1890 did not get out and plow his fields, he and his family did not eat. There was no time for back pain.

Today's back pain is a replacement for the epidemic of ulcers we saw in the 1960s and 1970s. That epidemic ended when doctors told people that stress causes ulcers. At that point, ulcers no longer served the purpose of mental distraction from the inner issues that are really bothering the patient. This epidemic of back pain virtually began when the epidemic of ulcers concluded.

04-05-2013, 08:58 AM
Dr. Sarno goes into problems like this in his book. He points out how doctors tell patients they have a "deteriorated disc," and then goes on to point out that it's virtually always the same disc ... which is deteriorated in every human being by the age of 20. So people hear they have "two herniated discs and a deteriorated disc" from the doctor and assume "Ah, there's the cause of the problem."

Dr. Sarno causes these herniations and deteriorations "normal abnormalities."

Furthermore, trying to draw a nerve map connecting the location of the pain to where the back abnormality is never seems to work either, especially with pains in the extremities (arms, legs).

I was going to physical therapy and all the therapists there were from the Philippines. I asked them; "In the Philippines, did you ever encounter people with such excrutiating back that they can't get up in the morning and go to work." They looked puzzled for a moment and realized that no, they never did.

These back pains are a manifestation of mental stress. They're so poor in the Philippines that if they don't go to work they don't eat, so they can't afford back pain. In the USA, we have sick days, vacation days, sick leave, Workman's Comp, etc... we can afford back pain. So we get it.

Dr. Sarno researched American medical records from the 19th century and found that people did not suffer back pain like today... because like in the Philippines, they could not afford it. If a farmer in Minnesota in 1890 did not get out and plow his fields, he and his family did not eat. There was no time for back pain.

Today's back pain is a replacement for the epidemic of ulcers we saw in the 1960s and 1970s. That epidemic ended when doctors told people that stress causes ulcers. At that point, ulcers no longer served the purpose of mental distraction from the inner issues that are really bothering the patient. This epidemic of back pain virtually began when the epidemic of ulcers concluded.

My Doctor explained just that to me yesterday , he told me that the problem in my back can't be fixed through surgery and that everyone my age has similar problems ( it just comes with age ) but my problem is nerve damage, Neuropathy to be exact , they have tried the physical therapy the meds and nothing works so the Doc told me this nerve stimulator is my best choice, I have used a temporary one and it was great , he explained the surgery and told me it will be sore for a while but it isn't as bad as it sounds, they make a incision and then a small cut in the spine and place the leads in the spine and then run the battery pack down to the left side ( he said that is where my pain will be ) they had scheduled it for the 11th but the insurance company said they need two weeks so now it is the 18th provided all the other test come out fine

Thank you for your advice I do appreciate ya , I have been in pain for so long it is almost normal, in fact my wife cried right after they put the temporary one in because she said it was the first real smile she had seen on my face in years so needless to say if it is going to help with some of the pain I am going to have to give it a try