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View Full Version : Christian-founded dating service sued to include gays

Abbey Marie
05-31-2007, 09:16 PM
I suspect the last paragraph is the real reason why they are suing.

eHarmony sued in California for excluding gays
By Jill Serjeant
Thu May 31, 7:10 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The popular online dating service eHarmony was sued on Thursday for refusing to offer its services to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

A lawsuit alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on behalf of Linda Carlson, who was denied access to eHarmony because she is gay.

Lawyers bringing the action said they believed it was the first lawsuit of its kind against eHarmony, which has long rankled the gay community with its failure to offer a "men seeking men" or "women seeking women" option.

They were seeking to make it a class action lawsuit on behalf of gays and lesbians excluded from the dating service.

eHarmony was founded in 2000 by evangelical Christian Dr. Neil Clark Warren and had strong early ties with the influential religious conservative group Focus on the Family.



Hugh Lincoln
05-31-2007, 09:19 PM
If they win, can whites demand that JDate offer a section for us?

Abbey Marie
05-31-2007, 09:23 PM
If they win, can whites demand that JDate offer a section for us?

I've never heard of JDate, but I think I get the idea. Good point.

Can we all guess which dating service's exclusionary rules the ACLU would support, and which one's they would condemn?

05-31-2007, 09:24 PM
Oh good grief.. If you can't get a date on your own, odds are *pretty* good a dating service isn't going to help you.

05-31-2007, 09:28 PM
I suspect the last paragraph is the real reason why they are suing.

This is just stupid. More secular progressive bullshit.

I'm waiting for blacks to sue for being excluded from the Klan.

05-31-2007, 09:51 PM
I suspect the last paragraph is the real reason why they are suing.

Wasn't there some thread about Australia allowing an only gay club or something?

Anyhooo, back to the US.

I did a quick google for grins and giggles, I closed it already, but I think it was:

manlove something

TRUE something


Do these gay sites "allow" hetros? I don't care if hetros don't want to join, the point is "are" they allowed to join. My guess... no.


05-31-2007, 11:27 PM
That's completely absurd. We are talking about compatibility profiles here.. Ever consider that men just arent compatible with other men and women arent compatible with other women???

06-01-2007, 01:55 AM
That's completely absurd. We are talking about compatibility profiles here.. Ever consider that men just arent compatible with other men and women arent compatible with other women???

Women are compatible with other women!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh2:

06-01-2007, 06:11 AM
Oh good grief.. If you can't get a date on your own, odds are *pretty* good a dating service isn't going to help you. don't brag, red. :laugh2:

06-01-2007, 07:06 AM
Oh good grief.. If you can't get a date on your own, odds are *pretty* good a dating service isn't going to help you.

i dont think getting a date is necesarily the point. Usually I think its finding a decent one. Course i dont think you find that online very often.

06-01-2007, 03:46 PM
My cousin found his now-wife on eHarmony. They are a great couple, and both in their 30's (i.e. too old for the club scene).

As to the lawsuit... it's a bunch of crap. The site is up front about being Christian, aimed at bringing people together with their potential spouse. It's not a "hook-up" site for straights, let alone for gays.

Pale Rider
06-01-2007, 04:55 PM
Wasn't there some thread about Australia allowing an only gay club or something?

Yes there was... and what this all boils down to is, the queers want to keep YOU out of THEIR places, but damnit, don't you DARE try and keep them out of YOUR'S!

Yup... the homo agenda... I have to laugh every time I hear a fag supporter say, "they just want to be left alone." Hypocritcal perverts. Bigots.

06-01-2007, 06:57 PM
Yes there was... and what this all boils down to is, the queers want to keep YOU out of THEIR places, but damnit, don't you DARE try and keep them out of YOUR'S!

Yup... the homo agenda... I have to laugh every time I hear a fag supporter say, "they just want to be left alone." Hypocritcal perverts. Bigots.

I agree with the point about their hypocrisy concerning inclusion/exclusion. Its turning into a joke. You have to allow me, but I don't have to allow you. Nonsense, those folks that think like this can be left alone in the closet...

Pale Rider
06-01-2007, 11:42 PM
I agree with the point about their hypocrisy concerning inclusion/exclusion. Its turning into a joke. You have to allow me, but I don't have to allow you. Nonsense, those folks that think like this can be left alone in the closet...

It's a very aggressive agenda. They want to silence all voices of disapproval, opposing opinion, and bury facts of links to pedophilia. They also want to make it a hate crime to even SPEAK badly of them, they want to destroy the sanctity of marriage with their brand of perversion, they want to teach your impressionable young children in school that it's perfectly fine to be a homo, and now they want to be able to go and do what they want, when they want, but, YOU can't do ANY OF THAT! Or else you're full of HATE, and a HOMOPHOBE, and a BIGOT.

It's a damn crock of SHIT! Think about it next time a queer or a homo supporter says, "they just want equal rights," because that's a LIE IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Tell them they're wrong, and then brace for the shrill attack full of vitriol on you and your character that's sure to follow, because, HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT A HOMO!!!

It's no mystery to me why people want to beat the crap out of fags. They get sick of their SHIT!

Hugh Lincoln
06-02-2007, 01:28 PM
I've never heard of JDate,

You must not live in NYC!


06-02-2007, 01:51 PM
Geese,I can't beleive these people are hard up enough to file a lawsuit. Can't they just find a gay dating service...I'm sure their out there. IMO,this is all about cramming their lifestyle down the throats of Christians. They are determined to MAKE people accept them. They would be a lot happier to just live their livesand leave this alone. You can't make people like you.

06-02-2007, 02:20 PM
It's a very aggressive agenda. They want to silence all voices of disapproval, opposing opinion, and bury facts of links to pedophilia. They also want to make it a hate crime to even SPEAK badly of them, they want to destroy the sanctity of marriage with their brand of perversion, they want to teach your impressionable young children in school that it's perfectly fine to be a homo, and now they want to be able to go and do what they want, when they want, but, YOU can't do ANY OF THAT! Or else you're full of HATE, and a HOMOPHOBE, and a BIGOT.

It's a damn crock of SHIT! Think about it next time a queer or a homo supporter says, "they just want equal rights," because that's a LIE IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Tell them they're wrong, and then brace for the shrill attack full of vitriol on you and your character that's sure to follow, because, HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT A HOMO!!!

It's no mystery to me why people want to beat the crap out of fags. They get sick of their SHIT!

They can call me a bigot all they want, doesn't phase me because I am. The only way that hurts anyone is if they are already on a guilt trip about it. The fags are just looking for another recruitment source through eharmony.

06-02-2007, 10:12 PM
This was just gross, but thought I'd look it up anyway. Anyone think these sights have a section for straight people?????????????? Probably not.




06-02-2007, 10:18 PM
It's a very aggressive agenda. They want to silence all voices of disapproval, opposing opinion, and bury facts of links to pedophilia. They also want to make it a hate crime to even SPEAK badly of them, they want to destroy the sanctity of marriage with their brand of perversion, they want to teach your impressionable young children in school that it's perfectly fine to be a homo, and now they want to be able to go and do what they want, when they want, but, YOU can't do ANY OF THAT! Or else you're full of HATE, and a HOMOPHOBE, and a BIGOT.

It's a damn crock of SHIT! Think about it next time a queer or a homo supporter says, "they just want equal rights," because that's a LIE IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Tell them they're wrong, and then brace for the shrill attack full of vitriol on you and your character that's sure to follow, because, HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT A HOMO!!!

It's no mystery to me why people want to beat the crap out of fags. They get sick of their SHIT!

Darn...........I can't give you any rep points for this.

06-02-2007, 10:27 PM
They've missed out on a lot of money...

Pale Rider
06-03-2007, 02:54 AM
This was just gross, but thought I'd look it up anyway. Anyone think these sights have a section for straight people?????????????? Probably not.




You forgot the worst one Trigg...


06-03-2007, 05:44 AM
This is an interesting one ... I can see both sides of the issue, but have to say I'm with eharmony on this one ...

Before proceeding with my post, I'd like to say I have absolutely no problem with gays, lesbians or people of any sexual orientation (towards adults, mind you) havin the same rights as anybody else. OK, on to the issue.

Eharmony started a dating service catering towards heterosexuals, and one could argue that allowing homosexuals to join the site might drive away potential customers (unfortunately some people just aren't open enough).

They are a private organization and as such can refuse admission to those they dont like or want. However, the question is - are they crossing the limits of whats acceptable? For example, if eharmony did not allow people to join up if they were African American, for instance, then I'd say it's discrimination. Period. But in this case, I'm not so sure I'd call it that ...

Also, to what extent should an organization have to change it's stated goals (in this case promoting dating services for heterosexuals) to suit everyone's tastes? That's another pertinent question ...

At the end of the day though, there's plenty of dating sites out there catering to homosexuals. If it were me, I'd just boycott eharmony altogether and join those.


Hugh Lincoln
06-03-2007, 09:15 AM
They've missed out on a lot of money...

Funny how liberals chirp up with this when it tracks their desires, but are quick to condemn the profit motive as "greed" when it doesn't!

06-03-2007, 11:27 AM
Funny how liberals chrip up with this when it tracks their desires, but are quick to condemn the profit motive as "greed" when it doesn't!

That's because selling out their values is greed. Selling out on traditional values is a shame because they lose profit.

06-03-2007, 12:14 PM
Oops, wrong place, wrong message.

06-04-2007, 11:59 AM
You forgot the worst one Trigg...


:puke3: see what you made me do??

06-04-2007, 05:04 PM
Funny how liberals chirp up with this when it tracks their desires, but are quick to condemn the profit motive as "greed" when it doesn't!
Actually I firmly believe that its the websites choice...
I simply said that they could also gain a lot of customers and thus gain a lot of money from being more diverse.

But again, their website, their choice.

There are many of gay dating services that exclude heteros, therefore going after eharmony is bull shit.

And please, continue to put words into my mouth next time dip shit.

06-04-2007, 05:05 PM
That's because selling out their values is greed. Selling out on traditional values is a shame because they lose profit.
So all people must follow your "traditional values" in a free society?

06-04-2007, 05:07 PM
Must all people follow your "traditional values" in a free society?

Must all people be accepting and tollerant of your "gay lifestyle values" in a free society?

06-04-2007, 05:15 PM
So all people must follow your "traditional values" in a free society?

The Values he possesses are not traditional because they are his. The values he, and the majority of us share, are Traditional because they are the values we've shared for generations.

06-04-2007, 05:19 PM
Must all people be accepting and tollerant of your "gay lifestyle values" in a free society?

Your trying to spin my statement.
I am tollerant of his "traditional values", but I do not practice them.

Neither of you have to practice my values. But you do need to tollerate them. Tolleration is what a free society is geared around.

live and let live.

06-04-2007, 05:26 PM
The Values he possesses are not traditional because they are his. The values he, and the majority of us share, are Traditional because they are the values we've shared for generations.
No, they have not been around for generations.
And "traditional values" is a vauge statement used by the right to characterize the 1950's paranoid style. If you weren't white, middle class, and suburban, you were weird.
That is what todays conservatism wants.

Values have been getting more and more liberal as time has gone on.

Back in 1600's Europe...Could women vote? Or even speak against a man?
Maybe we should practice that "traditional value"...

How about we bring back those values that allowed me to publically hurt their wives children?

"Traditional Values" means nothing.
It is merely a term to try and stop progressive thinking...But ultimately progressive thinking will prevail. It always has, and always will.

06-04-2007, 05:27 PM
You're living in an alternate reality, Obama...you're so wrong it's sickening - but you're also closed-minded, so what's the point?

06-04-2007, 05:28 PM
Your trying to spin my statement.
I am tollerant of his "traditional values", but I do not practice them.

Neither of you have to practice my values. But you do need to tollerate them. Tolleration is what a free society is geared around.

live and let live.

not spinning showing you that there is symmetry to all arguments.....

i have lived in a free society for 47 years and last i checked i am not required to tolerate anything ....

06-04-2007, 05:58 PM
Your trying to spin my statement.
I am tollerant of his "traditional values", but I do not practice them.

Neither of you have to practice my values. But you do need to tollerate them. Tolleration is what a free society is geared around.

live and let live.

No we dont. Quite the opposite. A free society is geared around being able to say and oppose any values we want. We don't have to tolerate anything. If we did, we wouldnt be free.

06-04-2007, 07:20 PM
Oops, wrong place, wrong message. Nice rack on that avatar.

06-04-2007, 08:32 PM
No, they have not been around for generations.
And "traditional values" is a vauge statement used by the right to characterize the 1950's paranoid style. If you weren't white, middle class, and suburban, you were weird.
That is what todays conservatism wants.

Values have been getting more and more liberal as time has gone on.

Back in 1600's Europe...Could women vote? Or even speak against a man?
Maybe we should practice that "traditional value"...

How about we bring back those values that allowed me to publically hurt their wives children?

"Traditional Values" means nothing.
It is merely a term to try and stop progressive thinking...But ultimately progressive thinking will prevail. It always has, and always will.

Values are getting more liberal as time goes on? I remember just the other day when a man could walk into almost any town (especially in the west) and find himself a brothel by golly. I remember when cocaine was illegal by george. I remember when 18 year olds could drink beer....


Do "native" americans have traditional values?

Hugh Lincoln
06-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Tolleration is what a free society is geared around.

live and let live.

Oh, you don't really believe that. If we lived and let live, conservatives would be free to keep "Heather Has Two Mommies" away from their kids. But I suspect you'd want to force them to read it, no?

06-04-2007, 09:11 PM
The Values he possesses are not traditional because they are his. The values he, and the majority of us share, are Traditional because they are the values we've shared for generations.

I think the question here is not one of values - it's more to do with the fact it's a private web site, and that they don't really HAVE to offer the dating service for anyone they don't want to ...

Nice rack on that avatar.

Glad you like the rack. ;)

06-04-2007, 09:25 PM
Glad you like the rack. ;)

who is she?

06-04-2007, 11:35 PM
who is she?

TsingTao beer babe. (official TsingTao beer babe a while ago, not sure if she still is or not).

TsingTao is a popular Chinese beer.


06-05-2007, 09:27 AM
TsingTao beer babe. (official TsingTao beer babe a while ago, not sure if she still is or not).

TsingTao is a popular Chinese beer.


Why don't they have a chinese rack on their label?

06-05-2007, 01:02 PM
Why don't they have a chinese rack on their label?

Seems to be Chinese enough to me ... ;)

06-05-2007, 01:14 PM
because the defintion of their 'tollerate' is really that they want you to embrace it and not say antyhing bad about it.