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View Full Version : It was predicted the Feds would take the guns / close gun stores

Robert A Whit
04-05-2013, 01:10 PM
Amazing --- it has been predicted and now it is true. The Feds have managed to shut down the gun shop.


NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A shop that sold a gun to the Newtown school shooter's mother has lost its federal firearms license.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revoked the license of Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor in December. The agency didn't say why.
Authorities raided the store for undisclosed reasons shortly after the December school shootings in which Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He also shot to death his mother, Nancy, at their home. Authorities say he fired 154 shots with a Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle inside the school, then killed himself with a Glock handgun.
Nancy Lanza purchased a Bushmaster from Riverview, according to a person close to the investigation into the school shooting who spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe is continuing. It could not be confirmed whether the Bushmaster was the one used in the shooting.
Shop owner David LaGuercia said in December that Nancy Lanza bought a gun from him years ago, but he couldn't remember what kind. LaGuercia said at the time he was cooperating with law enforcement.

04-05-2013, 01:14 PM
If they revoked this for no good reason, or solely because they sold the gun, I would file suit if him. I love how they can revoke and state "undisclosed reasons". I won't judge all the way, as we're not sure of those reasons, but I don't like the looks of this one.

04-05-2013, 02:41 PM
Well... It's started.
Let the revolution commence.

04-05-2013, 02:48 PM
Thank you wikihow (http://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-Revolution).

http://pad1.whstatic.com/images/thumb/8/87/Revolution-2293.jpg/150px-Revolution-2293.jpg (http://www.wikihow.com/Image:Revolution-2293.jpg)

There are times when it's necessary to fight against things that have become so wrong that they should no longer be. Things that were once small that have become big, but are no less wrong, must be made small again; a revolution, or a complete circle, is needed. Whether you want freedom from another country , or you want to overthrow an oppressive government, every fight is the same. A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turnaround") is a significant change that usually occurs in a short period of time. Revolutions have happened throughout human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, motivating ideology, and the number of participating revolutionaries. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.

Edit (http://www.wikihow.com/index.php?title=Start-a-Revolution&action=edit&section=1)Steps

Know your Goal. You are about to dedicate your life to this goal. Decide well and make your decision from the heart. A good question to ask yourself is, “What about the political system in which I live do I think is wrong? And what kind of system do I want to create for the people of my country?” Remember, the goal you chose is the Heart of your revolution.

Build Support and Consensus: Nothing is going to happen if the only rebels are you and your buddies. This is an important step and the setup for either a successful revolution or a small civilian rebellion flop. For the first part of this step you must build support by handing out flyers and pamphlets, by word of mouth and advertisements and through today’s technology. Do whatever it takes to get the word out of your revolution and build support. Once cultivated, your support doesn’t have to meet together or agree on actions or even know each other, but they must be united under a common goal and shared fundamental principles.

Educate yourself and others about every aspect of the idea of the revolution. Know what and why this fight must happen and how it can be won. Identify the goals and the most efficient means of achieving them without compromise. Appreciate and respect a diversity of tactics. The revolution must be directed towards making things better. This is what is called a "positive vector".

Understand that one of the most important aspects of a revolution is that the people are angry. However, the cause for anger ought to be of true convictions, and in their anger there must also be discipline to their cause.

Put together intentions which must be very popular among the population. It must aim towards the improvement of certain aspects of society, economics, culture, or any other aspects of a social group. Appreciate and respect a diversity of tactics.

As Egypt has shown us, the devil can be in the details, here -- and your revolution can easily be co-opted. Recognize this as a sign that your idea was popular enough to attract attention, and be prepared to overcome attempted splintering.

Find like-minded people who are ready for action. Set up a field of communication. You must work in a non-hierarchical group in which all voices are equally heard.

If you have even a small group dedicated to the same cause, it may be useful for someone to serve as a front woman/man; these should be humble people and they must not be identified as "the leader" or "the leaders," but as individuals chosen because they reflect consensus.

Take Action. This is the most important step because the revolution dies without it. You must take action whether it is a nonviolent protest or a sit-in or a boycott. Your leader must motivate the support and dutifully work day and night to improve your Revolution. The power in place will defend itself, for that is the nature of power. Illegitimate "governments" are not happy about a rebellion from their people and will do anything to crush resistance. Remember that armed struggle is not an option. No matter how well armed or trained you are, you cannot withstand an organized country's military - especially if a superpower and its allies are backing the regime in place. Last of all, do not let up. Often you may be discouraged by loss or lack of morale but remember, many other countries have revolted and after several losses still have still overcome overwhelming adversity. Remember, your goal is the heart of your operation, your consensus is the mind of the revolution, and the actions you and your support take are the hands of your revolution.

Work for collective liberation, because everyone's liberation is tied to each other's. If we are going to be free, we all need to be free. If we are to have a voice, all must have a voice.

Demonstrate the popularity of the movement to the people of power, legislature, and military. The greater the popularity among the society, the more the likelihood of violent repression is reduced.

Realize that a drastic political or social revolution is almost always about freedom. In general, revolutions are about major changes in some aspect of society. A peaceful revolution requires solidarity and agreement.

04-05-2013, 02:56 PM
I don't want to become a troll and fill this page up, but I found this.

A New American Revolution! When Will It Start? How Will It Start?
When will it start? How will it start? Who will start it? How will it end?What am I talking about? The next American Revolution.
How much longer will people take what our own government is doing to us? For more than 30 years I have been saying, “If a foreign country was doing to us what our government is doing to us we would be at war.”
I am not going to re-cap all the things that the Federal Government has done to us, is doing to us and will be doing to us in the future but when will the American people reach the breaking point and take action? Our government is like a runaway train that is going to crash. It is just a matter of when, not if unless something is done.
Ronald Reagan reminded us that freedom CAN be lost when he said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
I fear we are the generation that is going to let Reagan down and let freedom extinguish in our time. Every day we lose more and more freedoms. It is a gradual decay and this is on purpose in the hopes that “We the People” won’t notice it or won’t care until it is too late to change anything.
We have a wonderful gift in this country that was given us by the Founders. They risked their fortunes and their very lives to give us what we have and today it seems no one cares if we throw it all away. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the others would be so disappointed in us.
Yes, there is still hope to restore our country to what it once was but time is running out quickly. Think about the risk the founders took? They were under the rule of the King of England and the strongest military in the world but the lure of freedom and individual liberty drove them to do something the world had never seen before.
The concept that Americans have the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and that these rights were given not by a King or government that could take them away, but by God and are inalienable was unique in human history. Never had such a document as the Declaration been produced and never has once since.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The Declaration was an act of treason and the signers risked their very lives by putting their name on it. If they were captured by the British they would have been executed. When the Declaration was signed there was no cheering reports say, it was a solemn moment as they all understood the gravity of what they had just done.
Ben Franklin is noted as saying, “Indeed we must all hang together, otherwise we shall most assuredly hang separately.”
They risked it all for an idea, for a concept, for true freedom and liberty. Ask yourself this, what are you willing to risk to retain what they gave us? A friend of mine once told me that nothing will change. The government will keep taking away our freedoms, keep spending and printing money until one day it all collapses. Nothing or no one can stop it.
I asked, “Why?” “Why can’t we stop this? Why can’t we take back our country and restore our government to what it should be? Why can’t we secure individual liberty and freedom just as the Founders did?” His response was that in today’s world none of us are willing to risk losing what we have to get it done. We all have nice, easy lives. We have nice homes, cars, computers, jobs, family vacations, swimming pools, RV’s, smart phones, a day at the beach, etc and we want to enjoy every bit of this great lifestyle we have been blessed with. We don’t want to risk losing that.
So we turn our backs on what is happening. We look the other way as liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists ‘fundamentally change’ the very heart of our country. Heck, we are too busy making America run anyway. So we ‘let’ it all happen right under our noses.
Where is the next Thomas Jefferson, The next Ben Franklin, or the next John Adams? Is there another ‘revolutionary’ out there today that is willing to risk it all for our Country like they did? Glenn Beck called Rick Santorum the ‘Next George Washington” but does anyone really think ANY of the people running for President these days will make a difference? Not likely. As Gingrich says, “they will just manage the decay.”
If there is not someone out there that is willing to risk everything to take a stand and start a revolution like they did in 1776 nothing change. And even if someone stands up will people like us rally around this person and stand with them or will we watch from a safe distance (just in case) and let them fall?
The great thing about our society is we CAN peacefully change our government. It may not be easy and it may not be pretty but we can do it IF we all rally together. Sure, the Founders signed the Declaration. It was a very brave and bold thing to do BUT if the PEOPLE did not rally around the cause, if the PEOPLE were not willing to risk what they had the movement would have failed. If the PEOPLE were not willing to pledge “Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” the British would have won and there would be no United States of America.
And it was not easy to radically change their world as it won’t be easy to change ours. It took years and years of sacrifice. Who amongst us believes in “true” liberty and freedom enough to make that sacrifice? We all talk about it. But who is supremely committed to the cause? Make no doubt the liberals are absolutely committed on their side. They even told us flat out in 2008 that they wanted to fundamentally change America and let me tell you they are doing it!
Maybe there are millions of us out there that would risk everything to making real change happen. And save America. Maybe we are just sitting and patiently waiting for someone to lead us. Perhaps we are not fed up enough yet or we have not been pushed all the way to the wall. Maybe because our own standard of living is still good and we are afraid to risk that.
So what can really be done? What is reality? Are we going to ‘settle’ for what we think is realistic change or will we demand radical change to restore America to what it once was? Ron Paul thinks real change won’t happen. I heard him comment on the radio a few months ago that he is afraid that politicians will never have the will to do what is right and that real chance will only come after a total collapse of our economic system. Are we going to wait until that happens?
Believe me, there will be no change no matter who we elect. Even the most ardent Tea Party believers get elected and then find they don’t have the ability to change Washington. Either they can’t or they change their views because they don’t want to risk what they now have, meaning risk losing their next election and their cushy and powerful job in Washington. We will have to “force” change. Make no doubt about it otherwise it is not going to happen and what Ron Paul envisions will become reality one day.
Here are a couple scenarios that I could envision ‘forcing’ radical change in Washington. Not saying either of these is the right way or they would work but they are possible ways.
Scenario A)
1) Ten million of us march on Washington DC and peacefully invade and take over Congress. We demand a total resignation of everyone in Congress. We literally shutdown the federal government as we know it by the sheer mass of ten million of us.
2) Ten million of us all stop paying taxes at the same time. We opt out of the system and bring the government to its financial knees while at the same time demanding that all current politicians resign.
3) Only people who take a pledge to never allow the government to spend more than it takes in (except in times of declared war) will be allowed to fill the now empty seats in Congress. They must also pledge to run our government according to what the Constitution says.
4) The Federal Reserve will be fully audited and made to operate in the open.
Scenario B)
1) A number of states opt out of the system. A good example would be Governor Perry of Texas telling the Federal Government that Texas will no longer be accepting any funds from the Federal Government and will no longer be sending any funds to the Federal Government. The residents of Texas will no longer pay income taxes to the Federal Government and Texas will operate as an independent Republic.
2) Other states such as Alaska, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota and more do the same. These new “Republics” form a consortium of Free States and trade with each other as well as encourage free enterprise to prosper by having no corporate income taxes.
3) Citizens of the United States are free to move to any of these new Free states and opt out of Washington DC’s control over their lives.
Please propose your ideas as to how we can really change direction in Washington. We need ideas. We need to take control of our future or it will control us.
The question many people have would be if the Federal Government will allow something like this to happen or would they try and deploy our military to stop it. I contend that even if Congress or the President tried to make the military deploy against American citizens they would not do it. They would refuse and hopefully even support the peaceful movement to restore America. The hope will be that the police and the military will ‘allow’ this to happen without using force. If the movement is large enough how can they stop us? Have you heard of the Oathkeepers?
Don’t kid yourself and think meaningful change will happen without turmoil and strife. It won’t happen without sacrifice at a level no one in our generation has ever seen. Are we willing to make that sacrifice? I am but how many others are?

How many are willing to pledge “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to restore America?

04-05-2013, 03:02 PM
Well... It's started.
Let the revolution commence.
You're exactly right no one is stupid enough to believe new laws will stop gun violence hell we have laws now that are suppose to keep guns out of the reach of the criminals and the mentally ill , this is and has always been about Obama and others on the left wanting to Disarm America as they buy millions of rounds of ammo , new armoured vehicles ready with machine gun mounts on them and graduate new recruits to work for Homeland security that are suppose to be working natural disasters such as Sandy ( which we never saw not a one there )

You have to remember that within 12 hours of being reelected Obama was on the horn trying to get the UN treaty ( that was put on hold this summer due to a campaign he didnt want to lose ) going again , Obama has a plan and there are many theories on what it is but one thing for sure he wants Americans Disarmed he wants his own private army and he wants them to have plenty of Ammo , kind of sounds like Hitlers plan , yes it is time to worry

04-05-2013, 03:07 PM
You're exactly right no one is stupid enough to believe new laws will stop gun violence hell we have laws now that are suppose to keep guns out of the reach of the criminals and the mentally ill , this is and has always been about Obama and others on the left wanting to Disarm America as they buy millions of rounds of ammo , new armoured vehicles ready with machine gun mounts on them and graduate new recruits to work for Homeland security that are suppose to be working natural disasters such as Sandy ( which we never saw not a one there )

You have to remember that within 12 hours of being reelected Obama was on the horn trying to get the UN treaty ( that was put on hold this summer due to a campaign he didnt want to lose ) going again , Obama has a plan and there are many theories on what it is but one thing for sure he wants Americans Disarmed he wants his own private army and he wants them to have plenty of Ammo , kind of sounds like Hitlers plan , yes it is time to worry

I used to joke about the gov't becoming a tyranny.
And people will still scoff at you if you bring up standing up for our rights.

It's slowly been happening over the years. Look at all the things that have changed in the past 5 years alone. It's a slow process, but I see a dictatorship forming.
I swear to god if it turns into a hitler kind of thing the military better back it's people and it's constitution.

04-05-2013, 03:13 PM
I used to joke about the gov't becoming a tyranny.
And people will still scoff at you if you bring up standing up for our rights.

It's slowly been happening over the years. Look at all the things that have changed in the past 5 years alone. It's a slow process, but I see a dictatorship forming.
I swear to god if it turns into a hitler kind of thing the military better back it's people and it's constitution.

cadet. Agree with you here. It's not a joke anymore. In fact. Over many, many years. I have learned One, very important
fact ALL OF US should observe, and always remember.

DO NOT TRUST any politicians, from either party.
WE THE PEOPLE are being BETRAYED from the word GO. And until WE THE PEOPLE outnumber the politicians with KNOWLEDGE.
THEY will continue to BETRAY us.

04-05-2013, 03:18 PM
cadet. Agree with you here. It's not a joke anymore. In fact. Over many, many years. I have learned One, very important
fact ALL OF US should observe, and always remember.

DO NOT TRUST any politicians, from either party.
WE THE PEOPLE are being BETRAYED from the word GO. And until WE THE PEOPLE outnumber the politicians with KNOWLEDGE.
THEY will continue to BETRAY us.

^We approved of this yes? Isn't that ironic?
Why have we not stood up yet and said "Enough is enough."

04-08-2013, 04:02 AM
According to police, on December 15 -- a day after the Sandy Hook shooting -- a man was arrested at Riverview Gun Sales for stealing a .50-caliber firearm. Upon investigation, authorities learned the man allegedly stole a Wyndham firearm from the same shop four days earlier; in fact, he'd been arrested in June 2011 for allegedly stealing nine firearms from the store.

Newtown shooting details revealed in newly released documents

Afterward, authorities told Riverview Gun Sales' owner David LaGuercia of the December arrest and checked surveillance images. LaGuercia was not aware multiple thefts had taken place.

"The owner is nonchalant. He is a very non-caring gun owner, very lax in his paperwork," said Carl, the East Windsor detective. "He was eventually closed for hundreds and hundreds of federal and state law violations." http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/05/us/connecticut-sandy-hook-gun-store/index.html?c=&page=1

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-08-2013, 09:14 AM

So guy steals gun from gun shop. The gun shop then gets closed because of it...Looks like a government vendetta to me. That same gun shop sold guns to Adam Lanza's mother..--Tyr

04-08-2013, 09:26 AM
So guy steals gun from gun shop. The gun shop then gets closed because of it...Looks like a government vendetta to me. That same gun shop sold guns to Adam Lanza's mother..--Tyr

He was scrutinized because he was the seller, no doubt.

I wonder if the shoplifters were unable to buy the guns (felons) and they were allowed to 'steal' the gun they wanted after giving the guy cash.

No person is going to remain in business for long if his inventory walks out the door.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-08-2013, 10:00 AM
He was scrutinized because he was the seller, no doubt.

I wonder if the shoplifters were unable to buy the guns (felons) and they were allowed to 'steal' the gun they wanted after giving the guy cash.

No person is going to remain in business for long if his inventory walks out the door.

If that was what was going on the gun shop should be forced to close!!! --Tyr