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View Full Version : Abortion Worker - Babies Sounded Like A Little Alien

red states rule
04-09-2013, 05:10 PM
How anyone could allow these babies must walk the Earth without a heart

I am not surprised the liberal media is ignoring this story as it shines the light of truth on abortion clinics

A Delaware woman who worked for Kermit Gosnell testified Tuesday that she was called back to a room at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia where the bodies of aborted babies were kept on a shelf to hear one screaming amid the bodies of aborted babies kept on a shelf.

Sherry West said she was loyal to Gosnell, the doctor facing multiple counts of murder for allegedly killing children after they were delivered alive at his clinic during abortion procedures. The 53-year-old Bear resident testified that the incident of the screaming baby “really freaked me out.”

When Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore pressed for specifics about the incident, West struggled to answer, clearly uncomfortable with the memory.

“I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” West said, telling the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas judge and jury that the body of the child was about 18 to 24 inches long and was one of the largest babies she had seen delivered during abortion procedures at the Women's Medical Society clinic.

At the time Gosnell was operating that clinic, he was also working at a since-closed Wilmington abortion clinic.

West, who said she called aborted babies “specimens” because “it was easier to deal with mentally,” said a co-worker had called her back to the room that night because she did not know what to do. West said the baby’s eyes and mouth were not yet completely formed and it was lying on a glass tray on a shelf and she told the co-worker to call Gosnell and fled the room.

“I didn’t look at it long,” she said.

She later made it clear that she called it “a baby” in her testimony “because that is what it is.”

West also testified that she saw many women getting abortions at the clinic who looked like they were “too far gone” in their pregnancies to have abortions. “Their stomachs were big,” she said.

Gosnell, 72, who passively watched the proceedings from the defense table, is facing a possible death sentence if convicted.


red states rule
04-10-2013, 03:14 AM
The bottom line is people like Adam Lanza murdered children illegally - while abortion "doctors" murder children legally

Meanwhile Obama and the liberal emdia use kids as political props to advance their gun agenda for their safety and well being

But ignore the murders that went on in this abortion butcher shop

President Obama has had no problem decrying alleged "stunts" (http://www.france24.com/en/20130409-obama-slams-republicans-gun-reform-stunts)from Second Amendment supporters, even as he surrounds himself with the grieving families of the children murdered at Sandy Hook on 12/14.
Yet, as Mark Steyn points out (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/345111/what-dead-kids-mark-steyn), he -- and the rest of the press -- seem substantially less concerned with the agony suffered by the babies murdered at the hands of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
I am ashamed to admit that I have largely hidden from the grotesque details of the Gosnell murders. Having carried twins -- and felt my unborn children move inside me for months -- the very thought of what Gosnell did turns my stomach. Literally. (Yes, literally. It makes me sick.)

But since, in an effort to promote gun control legislation, the press and the President have determined that we are to marinate in the shock and grief of the murders of Sandy Hook -- the result of the hideous actions of one madman -- it seems only appropriate that we take a moment in passing to record the hideous actions of another.

So here we go:

"Gosnell worker testifies: Baby being 'aborted' 'screamed like a little alien" (http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gosnell-worker-testifies-aborted-baby-screamed...like-a-little-alien)
Nice dehumanizing "alien" image, isn't it? Who knows? Perhaps all babies scream "like little aliens" when they're lying in "clear glass pan[s]" like this baby was, after the ministrations of "Dr." Gosnell, who "snip[ped]" their spinal cords (http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20130409/NEWS/304070067/Staffer-recalls-horrors?nclick_check=1) with scissors.

Interestingly, the local CBS affiliate in Philadelphia covering the Gosnell trial restricted its reporting to the charges that Gosnell told abortion clinic staff to lie (http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/04/08/west-phila-abortion-clinic-worker-testifies-to-routine-and-repeated-violations/) about the care of a woman who died during an abortion and legal procedural matters (http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2011/02/09/no-preliminary-murder-hearing-for-west-philly-abortion-doctor/).

For the press, it's hear no evil, see no evil, report no evil -- when it comes to abortion.


The President says "shame on us if we've forgotten" Newtown (http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-newtown-shooting-gun-control-20130328,0,463365.story). Nobody has, whether or not they want to curtail Second Amendment rights. More properly, perhaps it's the President who should be ashamed for forgetting the babies murdered in Gosnell's clinic.


04-10-2013, 06:11 AM
The bottom line is people like Adam Lanza murdered children illegally - while abortion "doctors" murder children legally

Meanwhile Obama and the liberal emdia use kids as political props to advance their gun agenda for their safety and well being

But ignore the murders that went on in this abortion butcher shop

Yes he uses them by saying how precious their lives are and we must protect them although it is legal to kill millions a year

They ought to have a video played at each one of Obama's speeches where he uses children to push his agendas of partial birth abortions

04-10-2013, 06:20 AM
Gosnell is not the only one, Former abortion workers, say the others they worked for have done similar.
It's horrific and a barbaric practice.

04-10-2013, 09:05 AM
The bottom line is people like Adam Lanza murdered children illegally - while abortion "doctors" murder children legally

Meanwhile Obama and the liberal emdia use kids as political props to advance their gun agenda for their safety and well being

But ignore the murders that went on in this abortion butcher shop

I would say the "doctors" are worse. Adam Lanza wasn't in his right mind. I lost sympathy for the Newton victims when they refused to commemorate Nancy Lanza as fellow victim.

04-10-2013, 09:36 AM
The doctors are far worse, since they murder for profit.

red states rule
04-11-2013, 03:08 AM
The liberal media has its priorities

A coach who pushes his players is more important then the mass murders of babies

The Rutgers basketball story continues to transfix the media, and why shouldn’t it? Mike Rice, the disgraced former Rutgers basketball coach allegedly killed a woman and at least seven viable, born-alive babies “by plunging scissors into their spinal cords” in his filthy, macabre “house of horrors” abortion clinic.

Oh wait, my mistake. Rice was fired last week from Rutgers over video of him shoving, kicking and yelling at his players, throwing basketballs at them and – most damning – using “homophobic slurs.” That’s made Rice the most notorious villain in America. And in one week it earned him 36 network news stories clocking in at 41 minutes, 26 seconds of air time on ABC, CBS and NBC.

Now, had Rice been accused of killing a woman and eight babies, he’d be enjoying the same anonymity as Kermit Gosnell (http://www.mrc.org/articles/networks-warn-restrictive-abortion-laws-ignore-pro-abort-horrors)– provided the killings were carried out in an abortion clinic. Gosnell is the West Philadelphia abortionist who ran an unimaginable charnel house of a “clinic,” for 30 years. Witnesses testified that he may have murdered over 100 babies outside the womb. Gosnell’s trial, underway for weeks, has featured wrenching testimony and horrific details. And it has received exactly zeroseconds of airtime on the broadcast networks.

Let’s break it out by network.


Rutgers: 8 min., 1 sec.
Gosnell: 0 min., 0 sec.


Rutgers: 14 min., 27 sec.
Gossnell: 0 min., 0 sec.


Rutgers: 18 min., 58 sec.
Gosnell: 0 min., 0 sec

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-philbin/2013/04/09/nets-give-rutgers-basketball-scandal-41-mins-gosnell-baby-murder-tr#ixzz2QCPj60AR

04-11-2013, 06:21 AM

Wilmington, Delaware, April 10, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com (http://www.lifesitenews.com)) – The same Planned Parenthood abortion clinic where a grandmother was attacked (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/video-praying-grandmother-violently-attacked-at-planned-parenthood-while-fi/&sa=U&ei=xKFlUbq2FI_0qwHfrYEQ&ved=0CAcQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNEUOU_MBpbQmQOT993oTt2OigGI1g) earlier this year while documenting a botched abortion, operated under dangerous conditions similar to those that existed at Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia “House of Horrors,” according to two former nurses who have now come forward to tell what they saw.
So far, one abortionist and two employees have left Planned Parenthood in Wilmington, Delaware, as a result of the scandal over five botched abortions since January 4, and overall filthy practices. The clinic is now under the investigation of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline.

Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Joyce Vasikonis told WPVI-TV (http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news%2Flocal&id=9059172) of a “meat-market style of assembly-line abortions," in the words of the reporter, where the abortionist refused to wear gloves, surgical instruments were reused without being cleaned, and 'bloody drainage' remained on abortion tables between procedures, exposing women to blood-borne diseases.

“It was just unsafe. I can’t tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was,” said Mitchell-Werbrich. “Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained.”
She also worried that that women could be at risk of contracting hepatitis or AIDS.
The clinic was closed to patients yesterday as it underwent a “routine cleaning.” It has temporarily stopped providing surgical abortions.
“This is the same behavior of cover-up that Kermit Gosnell engaged in. After Karnamaya Monger was killed during an abortion, he had the clinic cleaned and painted. But it didn’t take long before it was back to its previous squalid condition,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.

Click "like" if you want to end abortion (http://www.facebook.com/pages/We-can-end-abortion/165284543530775?ref=ts)!

Gosnell’s clinic also subjected women to dirty surgical instruments and made them lay on bloody, abortion tables that were not cleaned between patients, just as the former Planned Parenthood employees allege the clinic has done. In fact, Gosnell spread venereal disease between patients through this dangerous practice, a potentiality that the two former Planned Parenthood nurses also said they feared.
“This is another example of how the conditions described at Gosnell’s House of Horrors exist as a matter of routine in abortion clinics around the country,” said Sullenger.
Mary Peterson of the Delaware Department of Health and Services indicated that they rarely inspect abortion clinics in that state, and only act when there is a complaint. “I’m not going to lie to you, we don’t have the manpower to do routine inspections,” she said.
“As long as the authorities neglect their duty to protect the public, these kinds of horrific conditions will continue to endanger women at Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics there,” said Sullenger. “Protecting the public health is the primary duty of the Department of Health. It’s unbelievable that it could claim it is incapable of doing its job. It sounds like there needs to be a housecleaning at the Department of Health as well as the abortion mill.”
Operation Rescue obtained and published 911 calls of two botched abortion incidents (http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/911-records-reveal-2-abortion-emergencies-in-10-days-at-delaware-planned-parenthood/) on February 3 and 16 at the Wilmington Planned Parenthood. Operation Rescue also published video taken by Rae Stabosz (http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/911-records-reveal-2-abortion-emergencies-in-10-days-at-delaware-planned-parenthood/) of a woman attacking her outside the same facility as she courageously documented another medical emergency incident with her cell phone on March 13. That incident drew attention to the abortion abuses at the Wilmington Planned Parenthood clinic and resulted in the news report exposing dangerous practices there.

red states rule
04-12-2013, 02:57 AM
Good article on why the liberal media is ignoring this mass murder trial

Living in Chicago, I've observed press coverage up close on three of the most notorious mass murderers ever apprehended: Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Speck.

Speck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Speck) tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses in Chicago in 1966. Dahmer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer) murdered 17 boys and men in the Milwaukee/Chicago area between 1978-1991, keeping and eating some of their body parts. Gacy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy) raped and murdered at least 33 boys and men between 1972-1978, burying many in the crawl space of his Chicago suburban home.

In each case the press tripped over themselves to recount every morbid detail, anxious to feed the public's fascination with the macabre (click to enlarge)...

http://www.jillstanek.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-04-11_1155.png (http://www.jillstanek.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-04-11_1155.png)

Flash forward to January 2011 when Dr. Kermit Gosnell was arrested in Philadelphia on charges he murdered seven newborns and a woman.

In Gosnell's clinic police found severed baby feet of various sizes kept in see-through containers and bodies of babies in a freezer and in the basement. The upper spinal cords of some of the babies had been severed. This is a montage of photos from the grand jury report (http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/PDFs/GrandJuryWomensMedical.pdf). Click to enlarge...

http://www.jillstanek.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-04-11_1223.png (http://www.jillstanek.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-04-11_1223.png)

Although Gosnell was charged with eight counts of murder, witnesses have testified he murdered over 100 babies (http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/041013-651428-media-ignore-trial-of-kermit-gosnell.htm) over three decades. If true, this would rank Gosnell as one of the top five known serial killers worldwide of the 20th and 21st Centuries by victim count (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_serial_killers_by_number_of_victims).

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jill-stanek/2013/04/11/four-reasons-why-media-isnt-covering-gosnell-mass-murder-trial#ixzz2QIDkFufD

red states rule
04-12-2013, 04:22 AM
Perhaps this kid wants to grow up and work in a slaughter house. She can put her time at this slaughter house on her resume

and her mom should win the Mom of the Year award

An unlicensed doctor fled out the back the night the FBI raided a Philadelphia medical clinic in 2010, a witness testified Thursday as a murder trial centered on the unorthodox facility. It is just the latest horrific revelation to surface in the trial.

Abortion provider Kermit Gosnell, 72, is charged with killing a woman patient and seven babies allegedly born alive, and with performing illegal, late-term abortions at his thriving inner-city clinic. Co-defendant Eileen O’Neill, 56, of Phoenixville, is charged with billing as a doctor and participating in a corrupt organization.

Eight former employees have pleaded guilty, some to third-degree murder, and have testified this month about nightmarish, often-chaotic practices at the clinic.

Ashley Baldwin spoke Thursday of starting there at age 15 through a high school training program, and soon assisting with abortions and administering intravenous drugs.

Baldwin, now 22, said she worked nearly 50-hour weeks, often well past midnight, when abortions were routinely performed.

At least twice, she saw aborted babies move after the procedure, only to have Gosnell explain that it an involuntary response. In one case, she said, “the chest was moving.”

Her mother, Tina Baldwin, had started at the clinic in 2002, referred by a business school where she had studied to be a medical assistant. She mostly worked at the front desk, where her duties included giving patients medicine to start their contractions.

She described O’Neill as a caring doctor who saw mostly older patients for high blood pressure or diabetes. O’Neill kept her office neat, in contrast to the rest of the clinic, Tina Baldwin said. So that’s where Gosnell steered wealthy or white patients, she said. Gosnell also met with them and administered their medications himself, she said.
“Nine out of 10 times, if the patient was white … he didn’t want me to (administer the drugs), because he wanted to meet with them himself,” she said.

Gosnell, who is black, would apologize to his mostly black staff, but say “that’s the way it is,” Tina Baldwin testified.

Gosnell performed as many as 1,000 abortions a year, charging from several hundred dollars for an early abortion to several thousand for a three-day, late-term procedure. Prosecutors contend that he made millions over the years, especially since he relied on untrained, low-paid staff.

Baldwin faces prison time after pleading guilty to corruption of a minor, taking part in a corrupt organization and other charges. She admits administering some of the medication to the patient who died of an overdose. Yet she cooperated early on and wasn’t charged with murder, unlike other clinic workers who gave Karnamaya Mongar the medications in 2009.

The FBI raided the clinic in February 2010 to investigate Gosnell’s distribution of painkillers. Tina Baldwin was at home that evening, although her daughter was there. O’Neill called to say she had slipped out the back door, leaving behind her purse and coat, because she was worried about not having a license, Tina Baldwin testified.


Robert A Whit
04-12-2013, 02:37 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/why-dr-kermit-gosnells-trial-major-news-story-104719415--politics.html;_ylt=As7cCwo.b.LfiCyxMXN4V8ms0NUE;_y lu=X3oDMTNrYmtkdGVnBG1pdANNZWdhdHJvbiBGUARwa2cDNjg 0NzRjZmItOWY4OC0zOTgzLTlhNDAtZWExYjcxMDIzMjNmBHBvc wMxBHNlYwNtZWdhdHJvbgR2ZXIDZDFlYmVhZDItYTM5NS0xMWU yLWE5N2QtYThlNzlkZjY5MTc4;_ylg=X3oDMTFkcW51ZGliBGl udGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lB HB0A3BtaA--;_ylv=3
And the women went in for the abortion

Found on yahoo news.

The grand jury report (http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/pdfs/grandjurywomensmedical.pdf) in the case of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, is among the most horrifying I've read. "This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy - and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors," it states. "The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels - and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths."
Charged with seven counts of first-degree murder, Dr. Gosnell is now standing trial in a Philadelphia courtroom. An NBC affiliate's coverage includes testimony as grisly as you'd expect. "An unlicensed medical school graduate delivered graphic testimony about the chaos at a Philadelphia clinic where he helped perform late-term abortions," the channel reports (http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Gosnell-Abortion-Clinic-Trial-Unlicensed-Doctor-Chaos-201515061.html). "Stephen Massof described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.' He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, 'it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.'"

04-12-2013, 03:00 PM
Robert. Learn how to post a link. Then you don't need to cut and paste only a portion of the story.
Just a suggestion. Not trying to OFFEND you in any way.
But...I digress.

red states rule
04-12-2013, 03:24 PM
I have a thread on this topic already Robert


Perhaps one of the mods can merge them

Abbey Marie
04-12-2013, 03:27 PM
I just heard that there are unused seats for the media at this horror show.

red states rule
04-12-2013, 03:32 PM
I just heard that there are unused seats for the media at this horror show.

They will NEVER report on the story in any detail Abbey.

The same way we will never see Gabby to to defend abortion on this thread

Im will never understand how people who shout how they are to help the poor, help the children, help the oppressed, and help the down trodden - can stand by and watch this slaughter of innocent and helpless babies and say NOTHING

Abbey Marie
04-12-2013, 03:37 PM
They will NEVER report on the story in any detail Abbey.

The same way we will never see Gabby to to defend abortion on this thread

Im will never understand how people who shout how they are to help the poor, help the children, help the oppressed, and help the down trodden - can stand by and watch this slaughter of innocent and helpless babies and say NOTHING

A sign of the cheapening of life at both ends of the spectrum, and the progress of godlessness, I'm afraid.

red states rule
04-12-2013, 03:40 PM
A sign of the cheapening of life at both ends of the spectrum, and the progress of godlessness, I'm afraid.

One Democrat is speaking about the liberal media's lack of coverage. Bravo for her

Powers: The Media’s Failure to Report on the Gosnell Trial is “a Disgrace”

The mainstream media’s lack of coverage and lack of interest in the trial of “Doctor” Kermit Gosnell is not surprising. But kudos to columnist Kirsten Powers for shedding light on their stunning negligence (http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/04/10/philadelphia-abortion-clinic-horror-column/2072577/):

A Lexis-Nexis search shows none of the news shows on the three major national television networks has mentioned the Gosnell trial in the last three months. The exception is when Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan hijacked a segment on Meet the Press meant to foment outrage over an anti-abortion rights law in some backward red state.

The Washington Post has not published original reporting on this during the trial and The New York Times saw fit to run one original story on A-17 on the trial's first day. They've been silent ever since, despite headline-worthy testimony.

Let me state the obvious. This should be front page news. When Rush Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, there was non-stop media hysteria. The venerable NBC Nightly News' Brian Williams intoned, (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brent-baker/2012/03/01/nbc-firestorm-outrage-women-after-crude-tirade-rush-limbaugh) "A firestorm of outrage from women after a crude tirade from Rush Limbaugh," as he teased a segment on the brouhaha. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed — a major human rights story if there ever was one — doesn't make the cut.

You don't have to oppose abortion rights to find late-term abortion abhorrent or to find the Gosnell trial eminently newsworthy. This is not about being "pro-choice" or "pro-life." It's about basic human rights.

The deafening silence of too much of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace.

Powers’ main point is a valid one: whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice does not matter in this particular case. This is ultimately a matter of preserving and protecting innocent human life. And the media’s obvious indifference to the suffering and killing of born alive infants is difficult to bear. Of course, liberals love to finance and raise awareness about causes that shelter helpless animals or feed starving children in third world countries (two admittedly noble endeavors), but when clear injustices occur at home -- and don’t advance their “abortion on demand” narrative -- they are conspicuously silent. Why am I not surprised?

But more to the point, an infant who can scream (http://www.lifenews.com/2013/04/08/gosnell-worker-baby-screamed-during-live-birth-abortion/) and jump (http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20130409/NEWS01/304090077/Del-witness-Gosnell-trial-We-snipped-their-necks?nclick_check=1) outside his/her mother’s womb is a human being -- and therefore should unquestionably be granted citizenship rights. This is something one would hope every American with a soul and conscience could agree upon. (Sadly that’s not the case (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/03/29/question-for-planned-parenthood-official-what-should-happen-to-a-baby-born-alive-after-a-botched-abortion/)). Meanwhile, any television network that refuses to bring these harrowing details to light (yet unfailingly reminds the public that Republicans are waging a “war on women”) should be treated with contempt. What about the real war on living, sentient human beings? Do they really have nothing to say about that?

The more I read about this trial and the actions of one sick and twisted man -- and his cowardly and ultimately weak-kneed staff -- the more I realize how far the MSM will go to hide what really goes on behind closed doors in some of the nation’s so-called “abortion” clinics. Thankfully, though, actual journalists aren’t letting them get away with it.


red states rule
04-13-2013, 05:14 AM
I am not surprised DNCTV is ignoring this story is such a blatant way

Libs are very good at ignoring the obvious

MSNBC Brings On Former Pa.. Gov. Rendell To Discuss Abortion, Doesn’t Ask About Philly Abortionist Gosnell

One of the most blatant and disgusting blackouts of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/03/19/doctor-disputes-killings-at-philadelphia-abortion-clinic/) occurred on MSNBC on April 11. Appearing on Jansing & Co. on Friday morning, former Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) appeared with Republican strategist Chip Saltsman to discuss changing trends in support for abortion, yet host Chris Jansing did not ask the former governor (and former Philadelphia mayor) about the murder trial for the notorious abortionist in his state.

Gosnell is currently on trial, charged with murdering seven babies and a female patient at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia. If convicted, he could face the death penalty. Despite the horrific nature of the crimes Gosnell is accused of committing, including forcing women to endure labor and then deliver live babies that were killed by staff with scissors, the liberal media all but ignored the story altogether, although that may be changing with CNN's Anderson Cooper pledging to delve into the trial tonight.

It appears as though MSNBC, which promotes abortion rights on a regular basis, has no interest either in covering this story either. As we at NewsBusters (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2013/03/20/big-three-punt-covering-pennsylvania-abortionists-murder-trial) have documented, the big three news networks have punted on covering Gosnell’s murder trial.

On MSNBC Friday, Governor Ed Rendell, who served as Pennsylvania’s governor from 2003-2011 (and Philadelphia mayor from 1992-2000) was not asked a single question by host Chris Jansing about the trial in his state. Instead, Jansing brought Rendell on to slam the GOP for its pro-life stance:

Their ridiculous abortion things regardless of what that poll shows people don't want personhood amendments yet Republicans seem willing to pass personhood amendments to drive Planned Parenthood clinics, to do so much more than abortion out of business. It's crazy.

The segment focused on a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showing that, “50 percent of Americans now say abortion should be illegal either with exceptions or without them.” One would think that a segment featuring abortion in which the governor of the state where Kermit Gosnell operated his late-term abortion clinic would be the perfect opportunity for MSNBC to discuss the story. The NBC News broadcast network has failed to cite the poll finding on abortion, even while using the same survey to tout findings on gun control.

Unfortunately, MSNBC has decided to follow NBC News’ lead in ignoring this story, and failed to challenge Rendell on the issue. But then again, this is the network that's giving NARAL Pro-Choice America board member Karen Finney a weekend TV show.

Sadly, this is not the first time Governor Rendell has been given a pass on the Gosnell story. As NewsBusters reported in 2011 (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2011/01/22/ap-philly-abortion-clinic-story-gives-rendell-pass-misses-serious-error-), the Associated Press relieved Rendell of any responsibility for the disgusting conditions that existed at Gosnell’s clinic. Rendell was unaware that the Pennsylvania’s Department of Health’s authority didn’t extent to abortion clinics, which allowed for Gosnell’s clinic to go unregulated or inspected since 1993.

Such a pass by the liberal media demonstrates that their pro-abortion agenda has no limits, even when a “doctor” could face the death penalty for murdering seven babies and one adult patient.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeffrey-meyer/2013/04/12/msnbc-brings-former-pa-gov-rendell-discuss-abortion-doesn-t-ask-about#ixzz2QOcuylw1

red states rule
04-13-2013, 05:16 AM
A sign of the cheapening of life at both ends of the spectrum, and the progress of godlessness, I'm afraid.

Abbey, do you have any doubt that if this "doctor" would have used a gun to murder these helpless babies that the liberal media and elected Dems would be talking about this story 24/7?

And libs like Gabby would be screaming how not another baby needs to die so needlessly and new laws need to be passed NOW!!!!!

red states rule
04-13-2013, 08:07 AM
Here is a lame excuse offered up by the Washington Post for the lack of coverage on the murdered babies

WaPo's Sarah Kliff Defends Gosnell Blackout: 'I Cover Policy for the Washington Post, Not Local Crime'

The media's censoring of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial is appalling. But why, exactly, are reporters failing to cover the Philadelphia abortionist's trial? Mollie Hemingway of the Patheos blog Get Religion thought she'd ask Washington Post staff writer Sarah Kliff, who responded via Twitter (https://twitter.com/sarahkliff/statuses/322425857635405824)that she isn’t writing about it because she “cover[s] policy for the Washington Post, not local crime."

That, of course, is a patently ludicrous excuse. In an April 12 blog post (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/getreligion/2013/04/a-wapo-reporter-explains-her-personal-gosnell-blackout/), Hemingway aptly noted that local crimes are often used to give context to a larger issue in public policy. The Trayvon Martin shooting sparked a debate about Stand Your Ground Laws. The murder of Matthew Shepard launched a debate around hate crimes, and awareness of bigotry against gays. And as for the most recent case of a local crime story gone national, a day after the Newtown shooting, Kliff penned a piece asking, “What would ‘meaningful action’ on gun control look like (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/12/15/what-would-meaningful-action-on-gun-control-look-like/)?” The bottom line is that the Gosnell trial illustrates just how poorly regulated many inner-city abortion clinics are and how that lack of regulation can allow horror stories like Gosnell to happen.

But alas, Kliff is not interested in covering stories that cut against the preferred liberal media narrative on abortion and abortion regulation. Indeed, she has a history of favorable coverage of abortionists. For example, in August 2008, she wrote a profile piece for the now-defunct magazine Newsweek about Dr. Leroy Carhart, a Nebraska abortionist -- hmm, sounds like a local story to me -- notorious for inducing the termination of late-term pregnancies with tragic results.

A few years ago, Carhart took his show on the road with a new clinic in Germantown, Md., from which he practices part-time. One of his clients, the late Jennifer Morbelli (http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/13/death-certificate-confirms-woman-died-from-33-week-botched-abortion/), died earlier this year after complications from a Carhart abortion. Of course, Kliff didn't care to cover it, her collegue Dan Morse did (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/antiabortion-activists-blame-germantown-clinic-for-womans-death/2013/02/11/75402484-7462-11e2-aa12-e6cf1d31106b_story.html).

In the Newsweek piece, Kliff insisted that “past viability, no doctor will terminate a pregnancy without a compelling reason." Well, that’s patently false. David Pierre, who wrote about this piece in NewBusters in 2009 (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/dave-pierre/2009/08/18/newsweeks-profile-late-term-abortionist-riddled-misrepresentation), mentions, “Kliff fails to note that late-term abortionists themselves have admitted that almost all late abortions are purely elective.”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matt-vespa/2013/04/12/wapos-sarah-kliff-explains-her-gosnell-blackout-i-cover-policy-washingto#ixzz2QPKPy1Gg

red states rule
04-15-2013, 03:49 AM
Now the liberal media blames the Obama economy for people working at this butcher shop - they could not find jobs elsewhere

But at least the AP admits the butcher shop was open which is somewhat of an accomplishment

Several patients and about a half-dozen former employees have testified this past month about outdated, dirty - and allegedly deadly - conditions at Gosnell's clinic in West Philadelphia.

Gosnell is charged in the deaths of seven babies and the 2009 overdose death of a 41-year-old patient. Authorities allege the babies were killed using scissors.
The former employees describe doing ultrasounds, giving intravenous drugs and helping with abortions, even though they lacked medical training or certification. And unlicensed doctor Stephen Massof testified that Gosnell taught him to cut the necks of babies after they were born to ensure the babies died. He has pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree murder. Seven other former employees have also been convicted in the case.

Defense lawyer Jack McMahon insists that no babies were born alive, and that the patient died of unforeseen complications. In opening statements, he said that Gosnell is not a criminal, even if he didn't run the "Mayo Clinic."

Prosecutors said the 72-year-old Gosnell made millions over three decades from desperate women trying to end late-term pregnancies using desperate employees who could not find jobs elsewhere. They said they found about $250,000 in cash at his home in a low-income section of Philadelphia after a 2010 raid of his nearby clinic.


red states rule
04-15-2013, 05:06 PM

red states rule
04-17-2013, 02:51 AM

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:34 PM

Abbey Marie
04-17-2013, 04:07 PM
Abbey, do you have any doubt that if this "doctor" would have used a gun to murder these helpless babies that the liberal media and elected Dems would be talking about this story 24/7?

And libs like Gabby would be screaming how not another baby needs to die so needlessly and new laws need to be passed NOW!!!!!

True, or by any other method but one related to abortion. The facts about abortion are kept under wraps for a reason.

red states rule
04-17-2013, 04:09 PM
True, or by any other method but one related to abortion. The facts about abortion are kept under wraps for a reason.

Hell yea it is kept under wraps

Dead babies tell no tales

and remember Abbey two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead

I wonder what gabby would say about this trial and still defend a women's right to murder her children

red states rule
04-20-2013, 03:32 PM
How anyone can still support abortion after reading this has no heart and probably no soul

Gosnell Horror: A Baby 'Swimming' In a Toilet, 'Trying to Get Out'

Elizabeth Harrington at CNSNews.com (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/gosnell-trial-witness-baby-abortion-survivor-was-swimming-toilet-trying-get-out) reported on horrors described on the last day of testimony before the prosecution rested in the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Kareema Cross, a “medical assistant” who worked at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified that she saw one late-term baby who survived an abortion "swimming" in a toilet and "trying to get out."

“Did you ever see those babies move?” asked Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore.

“Yes, once in the toilet,” said Cross.

The baby “was like swimming,” she said. “Basically, trying to get out.”

http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/img/week24-lanugo.jpgAdrienne Moton, an employee at the clinic, then took the baby and snipped the back of its neck while the mother was still in the room.

Cross told the jury that when Shayquana Abrams came into the clinic in July 2008 she was pregnant, “and she was big.”

“That was the largest baby I ever saw,” Cross said.

When the baby was born alive, Abrams was sleeping. Cross said Dr. Gosnell took the baby boy, which she described as 12 to 18 inches long, and put him inside a plastic container the size of a shoebox.

“The baby was still breathing,” she said. “He didn’t cut the neck right there.”

The baby was too big for the plastic container, with his arms and legs hanging over the sides.

“The Doctor cut the back of the baby’s neck but didn’t do suction—normally Dr. Gosnell would do suction … to suck the brains out,” Cross said.

“I called people over to come see it [the baby] and we took pictures,” she said...

“It was supposed to go upstairs in the freezer, but it was still there the next day because the janitor complained,” Cross added.

She said Dr. Gosnell told her “the baby is big enough that it could walk to the store or the bus stop.”

Eventually the baby boy went in the freezer, Cross said.

In another story (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/toilet-abortion-clinic-needed-be-lifted-get-fetuses-out-pipes), Harrington added the grand jury report in 2011 had more awful detail: “James Johnson, who supposedly cleaned the clinic and bagged its infectious waste, confirmed Lewis’s account. He testified that sometimes patients ‘miscarried or whatever it was’ into the toilet and clogged it...He described how he had to lift the toilet so that someone else – he said it was too disgusting for him – could get the fetuses out of the pipes.”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2013/04/20/gosnell-horror-baby-swimming-toilet-trying-get-out#ixzz2R2OpJ8Im

red states rule
04-21-2013, 06:00 AM
More on the chamber of horrors in Philly

BTW what happened to pro abortion folks? Is anyone going to step up to the plate and try and defend this murdering SOB?

Gosnell worker testifies to seeing baby make swimming motion in toiletposted at 4:01 pm on April 20, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

The prosecution finally rested in the Kermit Gosnell trial yesterday, but not without eliciting one last piece of explosive testimony (http://www.lifenews.com/2013/04/19/gosnell-worker-baby-surviving-abortion-swam-in-toilet-trying-to-live/). Former clinic worker Kareema Cross, who testified Thursday (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/04/18/testimony-gosnell-reused-disposable-instruments-falsified-records/) to seeing at least 10 babies breathing before Gosnell “ensured fetal demise,” testified yesterday to seeing a large baby delivered in a toilet make swimming motions in the water:

While she worked for Gosnell, Cross testified that at least twice a day, six days a week, at least two babies would “precipitate” or be birthed before Gosnell ever arrived. She said “Dr. Steve,” Steven Massof, an unlicensed medical school graduate with a ghoulish curiosity about abortions, would be there to snip the babies’ necks. She saw him do it around 50 times. When babies “precipitated” in Gosnell’s presence, he would do the dirty deed himself.

Cross sometimes worked from 8:00 am until 3:00 the next morning helping with procedures. She routinely saw babies born alive, moving, breathing, and moaning.

Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw a large baby delivered into the toilet. She saw his little arms and legs moving in a swimming motion as he struggled to get out of the toilet bowl. Cross held her hands 12-16 inches apart to demonstrate to the jury how big the baby was. Adrienne Moton, who was the first worker to testify for the prosecution, snipped the baby’s neck in front of the mother while she sat bleeding into the toilet. Moton then took the body away and put it into a container.

In 2009, Cross testified that another co-worker, Linda Williams, called Cross over to see a baby that had just been born. Cross saw the baby’s chest heaving up and down in steady breathing motions. Linda reached down and lifted the baby’s hand up, but the newborn pulled it away on its own strength.

Cross said she saw the baby breathing for about 20 minutes before Williams murdered the child by severing its spinal cord with scissors. Cross demonstrated again with her hands that the baby was about a foot long.

Also, Cross elaborated on her earlier testimony about the curious coincidence of having most of the babies delivered by Gosnell measure out at 24.5 weeks for the official records. Cross testified that when the ultrasound indicated a longer gestation period for the baby, Gosnell would re-do the ultrasound himself — and get the result he needed, although he turned out to be wrong about that, too:

Cross said her “training” consisted on observing one ultrasound procedure. After that she was on her own. When Cross got a measurement that was beyond 24 weeks, she would have one of the other women who were a little better at using the relic from the 1980′s to verify her findings. Gosnell would always redo those ultrasounds, which would all suddenly measure precisely 24.5 weeks gestation, which Gosnell mistakenly thought was the legal limit in Pennsylvania. In fact, the legal limit was 23 weeks 6 days.
Cross offered more than her verbal testimony too, as it happens:

Fed up with the conditions and the appalling way women were treated at Gosnell’s clinic, in 2008 Cross began to document the clinic’s horrific conditions with her personal camera. The full-color photos were shown to a darkened courtroom on the large viewing screen.

She photographed the blood-caked procedure table in the Monet room that had rips in the vinyl where the women laid during their abortions. That same table had been seized from Gosnell’s clinic and was present in the courtroom throughout the prosecution’s case. Some of what appeared to be rust was actually described as dried blood.

Another photo taken by Cross showed two shelves located above the same sink where Liz Hampton washed aborted baby remains down a drain to be ground up in the garbage disposal. Crammed and stacked onto the shelves were about 50 jars containing severed fetal feet floating in liquid. Another photo showed a harrowing close-up of Gosnell’s grisly collection.

There was a picture of an indescribably filthy stainless steel sink where used plastic speculums and currettes were supposedly washed for reuse. It was piled with dirty equipment and caked in a thick layer of grime.
Cross also took a picture of the child called Baby Boy A in the trial, a baby so large it wouldn’t fit in a shoebox. Later, she also testified to having an abortion herself, but at another clinic — which displeased Gosnell, but apparently not as much as Cross’ next pregnancy, which she decided to keep. Gosnell repeatedly pressured her to abort the child, offering her a discount to do so and asking her how she could work in the clinic and stay pregnant.

The defense will present its case starting next week, but the abortion industry has already tried to offer its own defense (http://articles.philly.com/2013-04-18/news/38619220_1_gosnell-trial-abortion-issue-kermit-gosnell) in the Philadelphia area. Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania had Gloria Steinem speak at their annual Spring Gathering this week, but the remarks of PPP president Dayle Steinberg should get the most attention:

“The Gosnell trial has shifted the focus off the high-quality services we provide,” said Dayle Steinberg, the organization’s president and chief executive.

“These are criminal, horrendous . . . acts and should be appropriately punished.”

Steinberg said that when Gosnell was in practice, women would sometimes come to Planned Parenthood for services after first visiting Gosnell’s West Philadelphia clinic, and would complain to staff about the conditions there.

“We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health,” Steinberg said as she sat with Steinem before Tuesday’s events.
So PPP knew about the conditions at Gosnell’s clinic — and didn’t say anything to the Department of Health themselves? They may not have been requiredto do so, but clearly they knew that Gosnell’s clinic represented a danger to the health of women in the community, which they claim to cherish. Why did PPP keep silent?


04-22-2013, 06:27 AM
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, January 26, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - “Scores” of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s victims are coming forward after his arrest last week, says Pennsylvania’s District Attorney. Many women are detailing the horrid atrocities in the media, with some alleging that he even forced them to abort their child.

One woman, Robyn Reid, told ABC News that she had planned to sneak away when her grandmother brought the then-three-month-pregnant 15-year-old to Gosnell’s facility on January 31, 1998. “When I said no, the doctor got upset and he ended up taking my clothes off, hitting me, my legs were tied to the stirrups,” she said.

“I was fully dressed. He actually managed to get all of my clothes off and tie me down to the medical bed,” she continued. “I just remember my very last thought ... looking up at the light and thinking, ‘Don’t fall asleep.’”

In the midst of the 30-minute struggle, she says the abortionist assured her by saying, “This is the same care that I would give to my own daughter.”

Reid said the drugs Gosnell gave her were so strong they knocked her out for 12 hours, and she was carried home asleep by her mother and aunt. “What would you give somebody that small that would knock me out for 12 hours? What if I had died?” she asked.

Gosnell, 69, was arrested last Wednesday for eight counts of murder, which included charges for killing seven babies that were born alive and one count for the botched-abortion death of 41-year-old Nepalese refugee Karnamaya Mongar.

His arrest followed the release of a 281-page photograph-laden Grand Jury Report that detailed Gosnell’s bone-chilling practices, including the killing of what clinic workers testified were “hundreds” of living, breathing newborn children by severing their spinal cords or slitting their necks.

“I said, ‘I don’t want to do this,’ and he smacked me. They tied my hands and arms down and gave me more medication,” Davida Johnson, who went to Gosnell in 2001, told The Associated Press.

Within a few months, the then-21-year-old began suffering gynecological issues, and learned she had contracted a venereal disease. She said she now suffers from an unidentified lifelong illness, and has since had four miscarriages.

Commenting on Gosnell’s horrid treatment of the babies, Johnson asked, “Did he do that to mine? Did he stab him in the neck? Because I was out of it. I don’t know what he did to my baby.”

Gosnell has faced 46 civil lawsuits in the past, the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s office told ABCNews, and more and more victims are coming forward. “Phones are ringing off the hook. There are scores of women,” District Attorney Christine Wechsler said.

LaToya Ransome told CNN that her abortion in July 2007 by Gosnell left her disabled. “It was the utensils that he used ... to do the abortion,” she said. “They wasn’t sterilized, so it caused me to get an infection called endocarditis.”

“By August 31, 2007 I had open heart surgery,” she said. “October the first of 2007 I was disabled, meaning I couldn’t do nothing for myself, take care of my son, take care of myself, feed myself, clothe myself, none of that.”

“He’s crazy and he’s careless. He had ... no type of feelings of what he’s doing to these women and these babies,” she added.

Nicole Gaither, 38, told ABC News that she was in excruciating pain and could hardly sit down after Gosnell aborted her baby at five-months gestation in 2001. It turned out that the abortionist had left parts of her baby’s body inside her. When she went back, he sucked the remains out without giving her anesthesia. Afterward he said, “Stand up, you aren’t in that much pain.”

“I was just laying on the table and crying and I just asked the Lord to get me through it,” she said.

The Grand Jury report slammed the Pennsylvania Department of Health and other state government agencies for turning a blind eye to Gosnell’s practices, despite their knowledge of complaints and lawsuits against the abortionist.

According to the Grand Jury, the state ceased inspecting abortion facilities in 1995 under the administration of former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, a pro-abortion Catholic. The inspections were only resumed in 2010 by then-Governor Ed Rendell.

“The Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all,” said the grand jury. “With the change of administration from Governor [Robert] Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions … Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety.”

The report also implicated the National Abortion Federation, which failed to report him to authorities after observing numerous violations during an evaluation as part of a failed membership application.

Authorities only discovered Gosnell’s gruesome thirty-year abortion operation when they raided his facility for a drug bust.

Today the pro-life activist organization Operation Rescue emphasized that Gosnell’s abortion facility is merely one of the few “house of horrors” to be caught, as they released a report exposing Gosnell’s connection to the Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The report, says the group, reveals a “web of death” between Gosnell, co-arrestee Eileen O’Neill, and Delta Clinic’s owner Leroy Brinkley, who also owns the Atlantic Women’s Services abortion facility in Wilmington, Delaware. Gosnell was employed at Atlantic Women’s Services one day per week, and O’Neill, who pretended to be a licensed physician, was employed by both Gosnell and Brinkley. She was arrested along with Gosnell last week.

The report also implicates again the National Abortion Federation, which claims Brinkley’s Louisiana and Delaware facilities as proud members.

A group of attorneys has threatened to sue the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals if it does not immediately order the Delta Clinic closed for violations that mirror squalid conditions found at Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion mill.

“Certainly Gosnell’s mill is not the only ‘house of horrors’ in operation. He is just one of the few that has been caught,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Horrific conditions and practices exist at most abortion clinics, and in fact, we have yet to find even one that obeys all the laws.

“However, we can take hope in the fact that political conditions that have ignored and covered up for abortion abuses are changing and the arrests in Philadelphia of Gosnell’s band of criminals are a testament to that,” he added. “However, there is still a very long way to go, as this report shows.” LifeSiteNews Mobile | ‘Scores’ of victims of ‘House of Horrors’ abortionist tell of forced abortions, lifelong injuries (http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/house-of-horrors-victims-allege-gosnell-forced-them-into-abortion)

red states rule
04-25-2013, 03:36 AM
Seems Planned Parenthood has no problem with the murders that took place in the Philly House of Horrers. Now lets see what Obama does when he gives a speech at a PP event

Planned Parenthood: If Abortion Fails & Baby Is Born, Parents Should Be Allowed To Kill Baby

I'm guessing Planned Parenthood would classify this as an "honor killing."

The video sets the mood for Obama's up-and-coming Friday morning speech at the annual gala for Planned Parenthood where he was originally set to be the key note speaker, but only recently decided to back out.

Planned Parenthood lobbyist, Alisa LaPolt [say it with me: where's my hyphen?] Snow appeared before the Florida State House and candidly answered this question posed to her from Rep. Jim Boyd (R). "If a baby is born on a table as part of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child struggling for life?"

Snow's response: "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician."
FL Rep. Jose Oliva's (R) response to Snow: "I think that at that point the patient would be the child struggling on the table."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2013, 07:02 AM
Seems Planned Parenthood has no problem with the murders that took place in the Philly House of Horrers. Now lets see what Obama does when he gives a speech at a PP event

obama the liar has cancelled his speech at PP. Seems the light is shining too brightly on the butchers at PP for his majesty to venture losing votes by going there and speaking. Guy still operates in campaign mode . Getting complete control of Congress in 2014 election trumps all. -Tyr

04-30-2013, 02:42 AM
obama the liar has cancelled his speech at PP. Seems the light is shining too brightly on the butchers at PP for his majesty to venture losing votes by going there and speaking. Guy still operates in campaign mode . Getting complete control of Congress in 2014 election trumps all. -Tyr

He postponed, but did give the address:


Obama’s Planned Parenthood Love Fest (http://spectator.org/archives/2013/04/29/obamas-planned-parenthood-love) By Paul Kengor (http://spectator.org/people/paul-kengor) on 4.29.13 @ 6:07AM
Why hasn’t he yet won its annual Sanger Award?


The uncontrollable adulation, the outpouring of genuine love, he said, was making him blush. Obama regretted to the ladies that he had missed their “party” the night before. They howled when he said, “I understand it was a little wild.”

The entire occasion was a little wild, actually — in fact, it was historic. For the first time ever, a sitting American president addressed Planned Parenthood (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/04/26/remarks-president-planned-parenthood-conference), far and away America’s preeminent abortion champion. And no president is more deserving of the honor than Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama began this love fest of a presidential address with an opening rich in mendacity and classic liberal double-speak: “Cecile, thank you for the warm introduction, and thank you for the outstanding leadership that you’ve shown over the years. You just do a great, great job. (Applause.) I want to thank all of you for the remarkable work that you’re doing day in, day out in providing quality health care to women all across America. You are somebody that women — young women, old women, women in between — count on for so many important services. And we are truly grateful to you.”

“Cecile” is Cecile Richards, dedicated director of the abortion juggernaut, to whom and which Obama is so truly grateful. She does a “great, great job,” says Obama. So does Planned Parenthood and all its supporters, adds the president of the United States. Indeed, he came to thank them for the “remarkable work” they’ve done over the years.


Our president finished his speech tearfully: “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”


No mention of not only abortion but of Margaret Sanger’s initial passion for Planned Parenthood when she started it nearly 100 years ago: racial eugenics. Sanger likewise talked in deceptive terms of “health.” She wanted to foster “racial health,” as she called it. She wanted to rid the landscape of “human weeds” and “imbeciles” and “morons” and “idiots” — what she called the “feeble-minded” and “the dead weight of human waste.” She lamented America’s “race of degenerates.” The Planned Parenthood founder, committed as she was to her organization’s unique form of health care reform, created a “Negro Project.”

The KKK, naturally, developed its own love fest for Planned Parenthood. The boys in the white hoods adored Sanger’s work. So much so that KKK leaders invited the progressive heroine to one of their celebrations, which Sanger unhesitatingly accepted. She proudly addressed her hooded brothers at a rally in Silver Lake, New Jersey in 1926.

Years later, Sanger’s sisters at Planned Parenthood began an annual Sanger Award in her honor. The first recipient, amazingly, was Martin Luther King Jr. (no, I’m not kidding, look it up). A recent recipient of the award was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who, in happily accepting, blushed that she stood “in awe of” the pioneering racial eugenicist.


04-30-2013, 02:47 AM
USA Today has been covering the trial more than most:


Gosnell's abortion atrocities no 'aberration': ColumnKirsten Powers7:45 p.m. EDT April 29, 2013

Closing arguments leave questions about clinics elsewhere in America....

Abortion rights advocates have asserted that Gosnell was an "extreme outlier (http://abcnews.go.com/US/abortion-doctor-kermit-gosnell-condemned-pro-abortion-rights/story?id=18958384&page=2#.UX6OSKLvuSo)" and opposed legislation (http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ppsp/state-issues-17433.htm) to increase regulation of Pennsylvania abortion clinics as they have in other states. But how could they possibly know that this is an aberration?

Last week, Ohio officials shut down an abortion clinic (http://www.toledoblade.com/State/2013/04/25/State-closes-abortion-clinic-with-area-ties.html) after inspectors found (http://www.toledoblade.com/Medical/2013/04/23/Clinic-affiliated-with-Toledo-s-faces-shutdown.html) that a medical assistant administered narcotics to five patients, that narcotics and powerful sedatives weren't properly accounted for, that pharmacy licenses had expired and that four staff members hadn't been screened for a communicable disease.

This month, a Delaware TV station reported that two Planned Parenthood nurses resigned in protest over conditions at a clinic there. One nurse, Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, said (http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=9059172), "It was just unsafe. I couldn't tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was."

Clinic closure drumbeat

Last month, Maryland officials shut down three abortion clinics (http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-03-12/health/bs-hs-abortion-clinic-suspension-20130308_1_abortion-clinics-clinics-face-surgical-abortion-procedures), two for failings (http://www.abc2news.com/dpp/news/state/3-maryland-abortion-clinics-have-licenses-suspended) in their equipment and training to deal with life-threatening complications.

Last year, an Associated Press investigation found that Illinois hadn't inspected some abortion clinics for 10 to 15 years. After state health officials reinvigorated their clinic inspections in the wake of Gosnell, inspectors closed two (http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120121/news/701219790/) clinics, including one fined for "failure to perform CPR on a patient who died after a procedure," according to AP.

Such problems wouldn't be a shock to Pennsylvania state Rep. Margo Davidson, the only member (http://pafamily.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/it-should-have-been-unanimous/) of the Democratic black caucus (http://www.pahouse.com/plbc/Members.asp) to vote for the abortion-regulation bill passed there. She told me, "We don't know how many (Gosnells) there are. I'm not trying to overturn Roe v. Wade, but if a woman makes this difficult choice, she should at least be afforded the highest level of care." She said the choice community knew what was going on and did nothing.

Indeed, the grand jury (http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/pdfs/grandjurywomensmedical.pdf) found that the National Abortion Federation inspected Gosnell's clinic, refused to certify him, but didn't tell anyone. Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood representative Dayle Steinberg has admitted that its officials knew the clinic was unsafe (http://articles.philly.com/2013-04-18/news/38619220_1_gosnell-trial-abortion-issue-kermit-gosnell) after women complained. What did they do? "We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health."

Davidson concluded that for the choice community, "the institution was more important than the individual lives." Davidson knows firsthand what can happen when people choose to look the other way: Her 22-year-old cousin (http://articles.philly.com/2011-12-16/news/30524783_1_clinic-bill-abortion-clinics-gosnell-clinic) died after an abortion at Gosnell's clinic.

red states rule
04-30-2013, 02:47 AM
Your tax dollars are being used in a PR campaign for the "doctor"

One of NPR's top member stations, WHYY in Philadelphia, home of conservative-trashing "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross, houses a large local news operation. That news operation includes the heavily taxpayer-subsidized Newsworks, which produces a daily 30-minute local newscast for WHYY, Newsworks Tonight.

On Friday’s Newsworks Tonight, Taunya English, health and science reporter for WHYY and Newsworks, actually said this (http://www.whyy.org/podcast/news/nwtonight20130426.mp3) of a man accused of snipping the spinal cords of babies born alive while joking about them, keeping gruesome souvenirs of the babies, and having women give birth to babies in toilets: “a physician who had worked in our community for 30 years, cared for women in all of that time." Contrast this with Newsworks’ headline about the hanging of an elephant 97 years ago in Tennessee: “Horrific case of animal cruelty basis for PIFA's 'Murderous Mary' play (http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local//arts-culture/53493-horrific-case-of-animal-cruelty-basis-for-pifas-murderous-mary-).”

Despite being based in the hometown of the Gosnell trial, over the six weeks of the trial, Newsworks Tonight has aired only 6 minutes out of a total 15 hours of airtime of Gosnell trial coverage (that comes out to a little over one half of 1% of airtime). English used her positive-sounding description of Gosnell in remarking that the abortionist's defense team didn't put one witness on the stand to defend Gosnell's character or competence.

WHYY’s Newsworks operation has received about $1 million in direct federal taxpayer funding in recent years (http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/about-us/item/22031). Does WHYY need that kind of taxpayer funding? One hint that it might not can be heard in its Friday Newsworks Tonight broadcast, where a subscription to Wine Spectator was offered to listeners as a donation incentive.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/john-williams/2013/04/29/top-npr-station-gosnell-physician-who-30-years-cared-women-all-time#ixzz2RwUyhSk7

red states rule
04-30-2013, 03:16 AM
He postponed, but did give the address:




04-30-2013, 06:57 AM
USA Today has been covering the trial more than most:

and there's even more than that...

Muskegon Michigan
Abortion Clinic uninspected for ??? only shut down because of a Robbery break-in where the police and fire Marshall had to point out the unsanitary conditions.
the "doctor claimed that when he left the place was it "pristine" but a woman who had gone to the clinic said the pictures she saw that the fire dept took looked THE SAME as it was when she had a failed abortion there 3-YEARs Earlier.

And we have another case of the officials being notified and nothing being done to make these clinics at least be sanitary and medically credible, rather than appearing like the slaughter houses they are , full of blood on the floors and body parts.

Thank God for the fire dept and police keeping woman safe from Bucther shop abortion 'doctors'. because the health Depts sure don't seem to be doing it.

Records:failed abortions at Musk clinic
Dr. Robert Alexander ran Woman's Medical Services
Updated: Friday, 11 Jan 2013, 2:35 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 10 Jan 2013, 6:46 PM EST
By Ken Kolker

MUSKEGON, Mich. (WOOD) - A Muskegon woman said she paid Dr. Robert Alexander $320 for an abortion in 2009 and left his clinic believing he had ended her pregnancy.
Three years later, her son, Jeremiah, likes to ride his bicycle in his mom's living room and play on a toy computer.
"He's a special baby," Sheria McCloud told Target 8. "Yeah. I love my baby. He's a baby that I wasn't really expecting to have, but I love my baby."
It is one of two alleged failed abortions at Woman's Medical Services that Target 8 discovered in court
documents at Muskegon County Circuit Court.
A Muskegon attorney filed a petition in 2009, trying to force the doctor to turn over medical records for
two patients -- records that Alexander told the attorney he had lost.
In the other case, Alexander allegedly performed an abortion on a woman in 2008. Eight hours later, according to court documents, the woman was taken to Hackley Hospital in Muskegon, where doctors discovered she was still pregnant.
After more than four hours of labor, the woman delivered a stillborn baby who was missing the skull, brain
and other body parts, the document shows.

But it was alleged unsanitary and unsafe conditions that led the city of Muskegon to order Alexander to shutdown the clinic last month. An inspection uncovered blood on walls and floors, syringes left in the open, and unsterilized medical equipment, among other violations.

Sheria McCloud, now 34, said the photographs of the clinic recently released by the city show conditions
similar to what she saw when she visited Alexander's clinic three years ago.

"He tried to put me in a room," she said. "It was blood all over the floor, all on the table, and I said, 'Are you serious? I'm not fixing to lay on this table.'"
McCloud already had two sons when she learned she was pregnant in April 2009. Her first two pregnancies were high-risk, she said.
"Every child I have had I have had toxemia or had gestational diabetes," she said.

"When I left, I thought that the procedure was done, because when I came home I was bleeding."

Records show that a month later, she was at a Muskegon emergency room after feeling "movement in her abdomen and pain." She told doctors that Dr. Alexander had "stuck something up inside her and moved it around, removing something," records show.
Doctors at the hospital performed an ultrasound.
"I was shocked," McCloud said. "I mean, I seen the baby on the ultrasound. It said, 'It's a boy.' I was 31 weeks pregnant. That's a shocking feeling."
She said she tried to sue the doctor, but that attorneys wouldn't take her case. The petition that had been filed to get her medical records was dismissed. Records don't show why or what came of it.
McCloud said she was scared and cried a lot.
"I wasn't prepared," she said. "I wasn't prepared to have no baby. I didn't have nothing for him."
McCloud said she filed a complaint with the state’s Bureau of Health Professions
In that complaint, which Target 8 obtained, a doctor who treated McCloud after the failed abortion wrote his opinion: “that Dr. Alexander was grossly negligent in this case,” and that he could have killed her.
But records show the Board of Medicine determined that no investigation was needed.
A document titled “Board Review Sheet” explained the reason the state decided not to investigate McCloud’s complaint.
According to the document, “Appropriate evaluation of the patient was performed. She was outside the legal limit for voluntary termination of pregnancy and was informed of such by the licensee. Patient was refunded her payment. No breach of standard of care, no fraud, no unethical practice.”
The doctor who wrote that Alexander was “grossly negligent in this case”, also wrote that he had taken care of another Alexander patient. He wrote that Alexander perforated the woman’s uterus during an 8-week termination.
On July 17, 2009, four months after the apparent abortion, McCloud had Jeremiah by emergency c-section -- 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and healthy.
"I look at my child. I love my child, you know. He's only 3, but he was a baby that I wasn't supposed to have."

04-30-2013, 08:07 AM
Roseland, New Jersey
20 yr old women sent home after a abortion where her uterues was torn and she was having lung problems and she feel into a coma. her mother transorted her to the hospital where doctors treated her massive injuries which required her to have a hysterectomy.
then the heath dept leaped into action and initially found violations "deficient care…including but not limited to infection control, instruments, equipment used for sterilization of patient care use items and the processing of equipment.”

Girl in Coma from ABORTION - March 2007 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA_xgewCLCE)

</thead> <tbody>



...Mr. Rudy, the health department spokesman, said that department policy allows the clinic to respond to the findings before they become public.
In 1993, a 20-year-old college student died when her uterus was punctured during an abortion at the clinic. The clinic was briefly closed, Mr. Rudy said, though he did not have further details.
According to The Record in Bergen County, which first reported the latest action against Metropolitan Medical Associates, the death in 1993 was ruled an accident and the clinic was exonerated.

Ms. Dinkins said she went public with her story so it would not “happen to anyone else.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/02/ny...bort.html?_r=0 (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/02/nyregion/02abort.html?_r=0)


"Dinkins said her mother and hospital officials told her she died en route to the medical facility from the abortion center but medical personnel were able to revive her. She told AP she regards her decision to have an abortion as a bad one, saying "I probably wouldn’t have made this choice." "

Dinkins wins million dollar Lawsuit against Clinic and doctors

Adam Slater, Dinkins’ attorney, filed a lawsuit against Metropolitan Medical Associates on her behalf and said he hoped it would help to "get to the bottom of why this incredibly horrible result could have happened."

He told The Record newspaper yesterday that the high number of abortions MMA does was a factor.

"We learned from the case that their volume of procedures was one factor that led to this problem," he said. "When you do too many procedures, you start to lose sight of the fact that these are all separate patients and separate procedures."
Dinkins had "greater-than-expected bleeding, they couldn’t stop it, they eventually took extraordinary measures to stop it, and then they sent her home," Slater said.
"They should have sent her to Englewood Hospital, which is less than a mile away, where they would have examined her and found she had a uterine rupture. They would have treated her, and she would have been fine. But the damage from her excessive bleeding led to catastrophic injuries," he added.
Now, MMA has settled the $1.9 million lawsuit and its lawyer, Frank Capese, told AP yesterday that he couldn’t comment on the details of the settlement because the abortion center’s insurance carrier set a strict confidentiality agreement.

He claimed the abortions done at Metropolitan Medical Associates are safe.

The Record newspaper indicates the settlement includes $1 million from the abortion business, $575,000 from the main abortion practitioner in the case, Keith Gresham, and $325,000 from another abortion practitioner who assisted, Nicholas Kotopoulos.

However, the botched abortion caused so many medical complications that Newark Beth Israel Medical Center filed a complaint with state officials.

The Department of Health and Senior Services investigated the abortion facility and found dirty forceps, rusty crochet hooks used to remove IUDs, and a quarter-inch of dirt and debris under an examining table.
In ordering the abortion business to close, the Department said the abortion facility had poor infection control, and did not properly sterilize instruments and equipment.
Health inspectors said the violations at the abortion business pose "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients."
It was only the second time state health officials ordered one of the state’s 650 ambulatory health centers closed.
Dinkins isn’t the only woman who had an abortion at MMA and experienced problems.
Gloria Mozas of Cliffside Park also sued the abortion center saying staff there misdiagnosed a tubal pregnancy and told her she miscarried the baby when she was actually pregnant with twins.
She told AP an abortion practitioner there did an abortion on her and told her he was just removing dead tissue. But a week later she had to undergo a medical procedure to remove the babies who had implanted into her fallopian tubes, causing her severe internal bleeding.
"I’ve been waiting for those doors to be locked for 3 1/2 years," she told AP in 2007.
Metropolitan Medical Associates is one of the biggest abortion facilities in the nation, having done 10,000 abortions last year alone. It was also closed down in 1993 for health and safety issues.
While it was closed, the abortion center referred women to the Women’s Choice abortion center in Hackensack, run by the same owners as MMA. During its closing, it told callers it was "closed for renovations."..


Abortion Mill Closed Temporarily After Botched Abortion (http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/abortion-mill-closed-temporarily-after-botched-abortion/)

04-30-2013, 08:53 AM
Interrsting story no confirming info but amazing
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gHKOhBYe_ks?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
04-30-2013, 03:48 PM
ABC is still ignoring the trial and the rest of liberal media is barely mentioning it

ABC's blackout of the gruesome charges against abortionist Kermit Gosnell continued on Tuesday, 43 days after the trial began. This came one day after a Media Research Center study found that the network's Good Morning America has devoted 109 minuted and 41 stories (http://www.mrc.org/media-reality-check/gma-devotes-109-minutes-other-trials-not-one-second-gosnell-horrors)to other shocking criminal trials. Apparently, ABC's disinterest extends only to cases that might put the pro-abortion agenda in a negative light.

Instead of covering the Gosnell trial, which went to the jury (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/30/us/trial-abortion-doctor-kermit-gosnell.html?_r=0)on Monday, GMA offered a full report on the Michael Jackson wrongful death case, another story on the case of a Utah doctor charged with murdering his wife and a third segment on the Amanda Knox retrial. This amounted to another eight minutes and 20 seconds of focusing on high profile court stories not involving an abortionist accused of murdering babies.

http://newsbusters.org/sites/default/files/2012/Gosnell_TV_1_0.jpgABC's new total is 117 minutes and 46 seconds. NBC and CBS on Monday and Tuesday avoided the story. Both networks have only allowed minor coverage (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2013/04/25/eleven-more-seconds-gosnell-trial-coverage-cbs-more-crickets-abc-and-)of the Gosnell case.

However, skimpy coverage is still better than ABC's total silence. The network will find time, however, to devote a full hour to Amanda Knox on Tuesday night.

Last week, Barack Obama spoke in front of Planned Parenthood and offered a full-throated defense of abortion. The networks found no controversy over this. So, it's of little surprise that ABC and others would ignore the horror stories coming out of the Gosnell trial. Bad news or divisive comments simply aren't interesting for the pro-abortion media.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2013/04/30/abc-remains-silent-gosnell-day-43-and-still-no-coverage-gruesome-abo#ixzz2RzfD4HBt

red states rule
05-02-2013, 03:47 AM
Lets hope the jury finds for the babies who were murdered

On the one hand, he’s facing 258 counts ranging from murder to racketeering. Patience. It’s going to take time.

On the other hand, per Life News (http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/01/kermit-gosnell-murder-trial-jury-reaches-no-verdict-again-after-two-days/), 227 of those counts are for failing to allow 24 hours before an abortion for the patient to reconsider. The jury will probably dispose of those as a group, which means the longer this goes on, the likelier it is that they’re hung up on the big charges.

It’s unfathomable to think they won’t get him for at least one murder. How many days of deliberations will it take, though, before panicky trial-watchers gulp and start trying to fathom it?

As local reporter J.D. Mullane reported this morning, the Gosnell jury asked for patient information related to one patient who testified that Gosnell broke that law.

Mullane indicated the jury had the judge review RICO, theft by deception, conspiracy and testimony from an FBI agent. He indicated the judge could have them work on Friday if necessary.

During the jury’s deliberations on Tuesday, the jury asked Judge Jeffrey Minehart for the definition of infanticide, making it appear it was taking it’s role serious in determining if the babies Gosnell killed were alive at the time of their deaths. The jury also sent Judge Minehart a question to “define theft by deception” in what appears to be its consideration of charges against Eileen O’Neill, one of Gosnell’s staffers who pretended to be a doctor who has asked the judge to be acquitted…

Testimony from the medical examiner and toxicologist indicated that there was no evidence the babies were injected with Digoxin to ensure the babies were dead prior to the abortion, as the defense has claimed. The medical examiner testified that tests were inconclusive as proof that the babies were born alive. However, the tests also did not prove the babies were dead prior to birth. Those inconclusive test results were overshadowed by the weight of testimony from witness after witness, who detailed how the babies were in fact living prior to being murdered through what one witness described as a “virtual beheading.”
Life News seems to be treating the jury’s request for a definition of “infanticide” as good news. I don’t know. Here’s the statute (http://statutes.laws.com/pennsylvania/title-18/chapter-32/3212); note that “infanticide” is a separate charge from murder, providing only that the doctor’s guilty of a third-degree felony if he fails to give an infant who’s been born alive the sort of care he’d give an adult in a similar condition. If you kill the baby yourself, that’s murder; if you refuse to try to save it but don’t do anything actively to kill it, that’s presumably “infanticide.” What does it mean that the jury’s focused on a close reading of the latter? Could be that they’ve already agreed that he’s guilty of murder and are simply being diligent in considering the infanticide charges closely. But it could also mean that they’ve decided there’s not enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed the babies after they left the womb. So now they’re trying to get him on a lesser included offense of homicidal neglect, i.e. infanticide, rather than murder. Gulp.


05-02-2013, 02:29 PM
Being a Pennsylvania born American from the suburbs of Philadelphia. And fully aware of the Political atmosphere in that city that
makes being a Liberal commonplace if you want to get ahead.

I suspect. That man WILL GET OFF!

In fact. I will now predict. He will get off with nothing more than a slap across his knuckles.

The city of Brotherly Love is a joke. You are only loved in that city if you voted for Obama, or the Nutter...Mayor.

I hope I am wrong and that man gets the Max. But...none of us should hold our breath.

Abbey Marie
05-02-2013, 03:31 PM
It looks like "Back Alley Abortions" are alive and well- in licensed clinics.
I guess the pro-abortion folks need to find a new excuse for keeping abortion legal and safe, huh?

Abbey Marie
05-02-2013, 03:39 PM
Being a Pennsylvania born American from the suburbs of Philadelphia. And fully aware of the Political atmosphere in that city that
makes being a Liberal commonplace if you want to get ahead.

I suspect. That man WILL GET OFF!

In fact. I will now predict. He will get off with nothing more than a slap across his knuckles.

The city of Brotherly Love is a joke. You are only loved in that city if you voted for Obama, or the Nutter...Mayor.

I hope I am wrong and that man gets the Max. But...none of us should hold our breath.

As a local person, and one who once lived and worked in Philly, you are correct, but it's a lot worse than it probably seems from the outside. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Gosnell gets some small slap on the wrist. I expect he will lose his license permanently, but that's about it. I will be pleasently surprised if he gets any significant jail time.

05-02-2013, 03:42 PM
As a local person, and one who once lived and worked in Philly, you are correct, but it's a lot worse than it probably seems from the outside. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Gosnell gets some small slap on the wrist. I expect he will lose his license permanently, but that's about it. I will be pleasently surprised if he gets any significant jail time.

I do hope you're both wrong. I hope the jury takes the infanticide seriously.

red states rule
05-03-2013, 03:20 AM
It looks like "Back Alley Abortions" are alive and well- in licensed clinics.
I guess the pro-abortion folks need to find a new excuse for keeping abortion legal and safe, huh?

The liberal media's excuse of that Abbey is that these poor black women had no other place to go. So no Church or adoption agency was available in Philly?

red states rule
05-03-2013, 03:22 AM
Some on the left say the butcher's trail is to gruesome to cover/


NBC Protests Gosnell Trial Too Gruesome; Yet They Covered Casey Anthony

Last night, NBC Nightly News deliberately censored the grisly details of abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s alleged crimes. Claiming that they’re "too gruesome" to be discussed on television is absolute nonsense. NBC News covered the Casey Anthony child murder trial 12 times on Nightly News in 2011, including multiple graphic descriptions of that crime. If they can talk about Caylee Anthony’s body decomposing in the trunk of a car, they can talk about Gosnell "snipping" spinal cords to kill babies born alive.

The difference is that the details of this murder trial raise serious questions about abortion, the liberal media’s most sacred cow.
If NBC thinks one Gosnell story with no details is enough, they’re wrong. If CBS thinks two stories on This Morning are enough, they’re wrong. And if ABC thinks their complete blackout on World News and Good Morning America hasn’t done major damage to their brand in the eyes of the American people, they’re outright delusional.

This is what it looks like when networks have a political agenda. They are in lock-step in defense of the abortion industry. It doesn’t matter how many babies are murdered. All that matters to the Big Three is hiding the truth about the horrific violence of abortion.

Gosnell may go down as the most lethal, depraved serial killer in American history, and the nation’s three biggest television news outlets refuse to tell the truth about him. It’s disgusting on every level.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brent-bozell/2013/05/02/bozell-statement-nbc-protests-gosnell-trial-too-gruesome-yet-they-cove#ixzz2SEBNWtPv

red states rule
05-03-2013, 04:09 AM
A paper in Philly ran this op-ed this morning

Seems the writer has some pity for the butcher but little for the murdered babies

From silent Gosnell, a gathering storm

For six weeks, Dr. Kermit Gosnell sat largely impassive, like an invited guest at his murder trial, offering an occasional smile while taking prodigious notes with a spring-green pen.

And yet Gosnell is the center of the "firestorm," as his defense attorney, Jack McMahon, put it in closing arguments Monday, the vortex of the reignited abortion debate four decades after Roe v. Wade.

No matter what the verdict, Gosnell has become the opportunity and the example, the name synonymous in women's reproductive health with everything that can go wrong.

For nearly three hours, Assistant District Attorney Edward Cameron reviewed testimony of all 54 witnesses, their names posted on monitors in red blocks like some woeful Jeopardy! board. "I felt like a fireman in hell," he told the jury in recalling the testimony of one of the doctor's workers.

"That hell was 3801 Lancaster Ave.," Cameron said, referring to the West Philadelphia clinic Gosnell operated, "and he was the captain of that hell."

In his often explosive closing, Gosnell's lawyer cited a "racist prosecution" and "a tsunami of simplistic press and rhetoric," and warned that the prosecution had engaged in "the most extraordinary hype and exaggeration in the history of the justice system."

What is not in debate is that Gosnell routinely ignored state regulations. For years, he operated, without any proper inspections, a back-alley abortion mill at a time of legal abortion. That back alley just happened to be Lancaster Avenue.

The woefully misnamed Women's Medical Society served poor, desperate clients, many of them girls, and was staffed by uneducated and unskilled workers - all but one have pleaded guilty - operating faulty equipment.

The trial has been exhausting and punishing, a ghastly forum for graphic photographs and testimony. There were references to "the cellphone baby," "the toilet baby," "the whining baby," and one witness testified that the doctor joked, "That baby is big enough to walk me to the bus stop." The antiquated, battered machinery has been in the courtroom for the duration. At one point Monday, Cameron brandished a stained, torn transvaginal ultrasound wand.

Gosnell declined to take the stand, yet he has provided fresh ammunition for both sides in the abortion battle. Opponents referred to the case while drafting a barrage of restrictive legislation to reproductive health in Harrisburg and other state capitals. There have been almost 700 provisions alone in the first three months of this year, according to the Guttmacher Institute, the policy center that advocates for sexual and reproductive health. Arkansas banned abortions after 12 weeks, and North Dakota banned them once a fetal heartbeat is "detectable," as early as six weeks.

Abortion-rights advocates argue that stricter laws will create more Gosnells, inferior clinics for poor, frightened women with limited access to quality services. On Friday, President Obama became the first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood. He criticized the new laws as "absurd" and "an assault on women's rights."

The national press and abortion opponents returned to the courtroom this week. Fox News has scheduled an hour-long special Sunday on the case, See No Evil. Gosnell and abortion rights will surely be debated in Pennsylvania's gubernatorial race between abortion-opponent Gov. Corbett and the Democratic front-runner, Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz, who once ran a women's health center that offered abortion services.

On Tuesday, the jury began deliberations. After this verdict, Gosnell faces federal charges of operating an illegal pill mill. His clinic is closed, but his tattered name and brutal legacy are seemingly everywhere.


05-03-2013, 02:37 PM
The liberal media's excuse of that Abbey is that these poor black women had no other place to go. So no Church or adoption agency was available in Philly?

In Philly. It's nothing but...Liberal media. Even the county where I was born. Once was one of the strongest Republican counties in the entire state. Thankfully. I haven't lived there for more than 30 years. But friends, and neighbors who are still there. Are now the Largest minority on the Eastern quarter of the State.

And the Democrat rule shows in High Unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, and EXCUSES to remain on the Govt. TEAT!

red states rule
05-04-2013, 06:42 AM
Liberals always claim their polices are for the children - except when it comes the #1 sacrament in the church of liberalism abortion

Watch for the sneer from the liberal at the 2:50 mark when she can no longer counter the fact the babies were ALIVE then murdered by the Butcher of Philly


red states rule
05-05-2013, 07:50 AM

red states rule
05-06-2013, 02:48 AM
As we wait for the jury, the liberal media gave more coverage to the gay basketball player yesterday then the Philly butcher story

If memory serves - the liberal media gave more coverage to the Michael Vick dog fighting case then they have to the murdered babies

This sums up the priorities of the liberal media

red states rule
05-07-2013, 04:07 AM
The liberal media is doing all it can to avoid this story

On CNN Newsroom, It’s Doctor Kermit Who?

Mainstream media’s limited reporting on the murder trial of Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell has been obvious. You might think that CNN, the self-styled “Most Trusted Name in News," would pay more attention to a case involving over 250 criminal counts, including ones for first-degree murder.

You’d be wrong. Today, CNN’s Newsroom occupied six hours of air time. The Gosnell trial was mentioned only twice. Anchor Wolf Blitzer reported:


In Philadelphia, the 72-year-old abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell is awaiting his fate. He's accused of first degree murder for allegedly killing babies born alive during late term abortions. Jurors are now in their fifth day of deliberating after not reaching a verdict Friday.

That was it. Threee sentences. On an earlier segment, anchor Ashleigh Banfield had a short discussion (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1305/06/cnr.06.html) with CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on how Gosnell’s jury “wanted some more definition to first-degree murder, third-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and malice, and infanticide as well.”

BANFIELD: That's a tough case. You said it, a lot of paperwork, just in the jury forms and the number of charges. So five days, nothing, honestly. We should probably hunker down and you should get a hotel room for a long time.


In contrast, CNN Newsroom today did eight stories on the Jodi Arias trial. For those keeping count, Arias’s name was mentioned 44 times. Gosnell’s twice.
Media bias? What media bias? Surely not at the “Most Trusted Name in News.”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mike-bates/2013/05/06/cnn-newsroom-it-s-doctor-kermit-who#ixzz2SbkxN55K

red states rule
05-07-2013, 04:17 PM
If any good can come out this horror story - this may be it

Despite being largely ignored by the national press, has the murder trial against Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell effected a permanent change on the debate over abortion? Yes, argues Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List (http://www.sba-list.org/), one of several major pro-life groups. Now that the gruesome reality of partial birth abortions have been revealed in a court of law by the government itself, things will never be the same, Dannenfelser argues.
“It will be very difficult from here on out to talk about at least post-viability abortions without remembering those images and that there are two sets of rights involved here,” she told NewsBusters in a interview.

The Gosnell case has also been important to SBAL as well since it marks the first time that the organization has shown photographs of the consequences of abortion. During its lobbying efforts, the group has shown a documentary about Gosnell’s alleged crimes called “3801 Lancaster” on Capitol Hill. As it turned out, showing the film in the Capitol was too much for some Republican strategists who complained about Dannenfelser supposedly going over-the-top for showing images of abortions.
Needless to say, Dannenfelser has some sharp words for these Republicans. She also chastizes the Republican leadership generally for not standing up enough to protect the rights of the unborn, particularly since Gosnell was indicted more than two years ago. The following is a shortened transcript of our conversation. Below it is a copy of the film which you can watch for yourself.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-sheffield/2013/05/06/marjorie-dannenfelser-broader-implications-gosnell-murder-trial#ixzz2SeifHE00

red states rule
05-10-2013, 02:45 AM
One excuse offered up by the liberal media for the lack of coverage on this butcher is that this is a "local crime story"

Well excuse me - the three women who escaped their kidnapper after ten years is also a local crime story and there has been non-stop coverage of that story nationwide

Meanwhile the jury continues to decide the fate of perhaps one of the biggest mass murderers in US history

PHILADELPHIA - Jurors are set to return for more deliberations in the murder trial of a Philadelphia abortion provider.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is charged in the deaths of four babies and a patient. The jury has been deliberating for about eight days and left Thursday without a verdict.
The panel must also weigh about 250 lesser charges, including racketeering, conspiracy and alleged violations of Pennsylvania abortion law. Prosecutors say Gosnell routinely performed illegal, third-term abortions and failed to counsel women 24 hours in advance.

Jurors reheard several hours of testimony Thursday from a former clinic worker who admits snipping the neck of a baby born into a toilet. That suggests they have been working on one of the five murder charges.

Gosnell's lawyer insists there were no live births at the clinic.


red states rule
05-15-2013, 01:57 AM
and of course a loyal liberal in the liberal media now blames a Republican for the serial killer Gosnell to stay in business

Philly Journalist Mullane: Pro-Choice Pa. Gov. Tom Ridge (R) Was Gosnell's 'Chief Enabler'

Former Gov. Tom Ridge (Pa.), a pro-choice Republican, was the key reason the horrors of Kermit Gosnell's Philadelphia abortion clinic went on undetected for so long, argued reporter J.D. Mullane in an interview with National Review's Kathryn Jean Lopez published Tuesday morning (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/348232/brutal-gosnell-reality) at the magazine's website. Mullane, you may recall, is the Bucks County (Pa.) Courier Times news writer/columnist (http://www.phillyburbs.com/blogs/news_columnists/jd_mullane/) who has covered the Gosnell infanticide trial from day one, and who tweeted the now famous photo (https://twitter.com/jdmullane/status/322525542605799425/photo/1)of the near-empty benches in the courthouse allotted for media coverage of the trial.

Responding to Lopez's question, "How did Pennsylvania ever let this happen?" Mullane replied that the Keystone State's former governor "Tom Ridge, is, to me, Gosnell's chief enabler" [emphasis mine]:

Ridge is a pro-choice Republican and it was his administration that decided to halt annual inspections of Pennsylvania’s abortion clinics. This happened because the Ridge administration felt shoddier clinics like Gosnell’s would be forced to close if inspectors from the state department of health came through and did their jobs. Closing clinics would create a “barrier” for women seeking abortions, and Ridge didn’t want that. Though Tom Ridge is a chatty guy, he has maintained radio silence on Gosnell. Now you know why.

Of course, it is pro-choice defenders of the abortion lobby (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2013/05/14/msnbcs-sharpton-warns-conservatives-could-make-more-gosnells-if-abort) who are now desperately spinning that Gosnell is the result of too much influence from the pro-life lobby in state and federal politics. The fact remains that with Ridge and his pro-choice Democratic successor, Gov. Ed Rendell, there was minimal interest by state health authorities in regulating abortion clinics

Later in the interview, Lopez asked Mullane what he considered "the most underappreciated fact about this case" and he replied that nine out of the 12 jurors empanelled in the case "told the judge during jury selection that they are pro-choice on abortion."

Simply put, the Gosnell case is horrendous, regardless of where you fall on the abortion debate.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2013/05/14/philadelphia-journalist-pro-choice-gov-tom-ridge-was-gosnells-chief-en#ixzz2TM0SpM5d

05-15-2013, 02:16 AM
you have to be preety heartless to work at an abortion mill anyway

red states rule
05-15-2013, 02:29 AM

05-19-2013, 12:27 AM
you have to be preety heartless to work at an abortion mill anyway Marty! :clap:

red states rule
05-20-2013, 04:20 AM
Why am I not surprised Gabby skipped this thread?