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View Full Version : Law Enforcement Officials Overwhelmingly Against More Gun Control

red states rule
04-10-2013, 03:24 AM
Not that the opinion of those who enforce our laws matter to gun grabbing liberals

A new survey (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)conducted by PoliceOne Gun Policy & Law Enforcement between March 4 and March 13, 2013 shows an overwhelming majority of law enforcement officials are against new gun control measures. The survey shows huge support for concealed carry by law abiding citizens and approval for law enforcement leaders' across the country who have said they will not enforce more restrictive gun laws in their jurisdictions.

http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at34618PM_zpsa817e3e3.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at34601PM_zps1c69429f.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at34724PM_zps266ec966.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)
And those gun buyback programs being effective at reducing crime? Forget about it.

http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at34634PM_zps52d6e9ff.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)
But what about teachers or administrators voluntarily training and arming themselves in schools to prevent or diminish mass shootings? The survey showed officials vastly support it.

http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at34949PM_zps79cdf40e.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)

Colorado, Connecticut and Maryland recently passed legislation limiting the capacity of ammunition magazines, something officials say won't help them.

http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab40/katiepavlich/Screenshot2013-04-08at35038PM_zps2f7c8559.png (http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf)


04-10-2013, 05:54 AM
The only people for more gun control are the uneducated and those that wish to unarm America for there own personal agendas , it is a fact that places with the strictest gun rules have the most crime , example Kennesaw GA the law says every household must own a gun there has been like one murder in the last 20 years ( I forgot the exact facts but that is a reasonable guess , but by all means look it up ) and by the way Kennesaw isn't far at all from Atlanta that has plenty of crime

red states rule
04-11-2013, 02:48 AM
The only people for more gun control are the uneducated and those that wish to unarm America for there own personal agendas , it is a fact that places with the strictest gun rules have the most crime , example Kennesaw GA the law says every household must own a gun there has been like one murder in the last 20 years ( I forgot the exact facts but that is a reasonable guess , but by all means look it up ) and by the way Kennesaw isn't far at all from Atlanta that has plenty of crime

It is amazing how Obama will pack Air Force One with a parents of the murdered New Town kids, use them as political props to push for gun laws that will do NOTHING to stop a nut from killing people - and yet ignore the very people he will depend on to enforce laws they say will not solve the propblem

But that is all part of being a liberal Jeff

Do something - anything - so you can feel good about yourself. The problem will still be there - but who cares?

red states rule
04-11-2013, 04:10 AM