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View Full Version : Dems Push Rain Tax in MD

red states rule
04-12-2013, 04:00 AM

Dems ae getting very bold in MD as they have total control of the state government? Now libs want to tax you when it rains

On the heels of Maryland’s decision to enact tough new gun laws (http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-04-09/news/bal-nra-plans-to-challenge-md-gun-law-20130409_1_gun-law-maryland-legislation-gun-bill), the ironically nicknamed state (the “Free State”) will now impose a so-called “rain tax” on its residents.
The “storm management fee,” passed by the state legislature in 2012, will go into effect on July 1 following a decree from Democrat Gov. Martin O’Malley.

But first, a little background [via the The Gazette (http://www.gazette.net/article/20130405/NEWS/130409397/-1/the-x2018-rain-tax-x2019&template=gazette)]:

In 2010 the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency ordered Maryland to reduce stormwater runoff into the Chesapeake Bay so that nitrogen levels fall 22 percent and phosphorus falls 15 percent from current amounts. The price tag: $14.8 billion.

And where do we get the $14.8 billion? By taxing so-called “impervious surfaces,” anything that prevents rain water from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing stormwater run off. In other words, a rain tax.

The EPA ordered Maryland to raise the money (an unfunded mandate), Maryland ordered its 10 largest counties to raise the money (another unfunded mandate) and, now, each of those counties is putting a local rain tax in place by July 1.
The 10 areas affected by the “rain tax” include Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Hartford, Charles, Frederick, Baltimore counties, and Baltimore city.

“Fees will be calculated on the surface area of properties as the theory is that roofs, driveways and carparks create more potential for drainage problems and water contamination,” Metro (http://metro.co.uk/2013/04/11/governor-imposes-rain-tax-on-homes-3592504/) explains. “Councils are supposed to determine how much to charge per square foot, but the fee depends on the size of the building and surrounding paved surfaces.”

But how will tax collectors know how to tax “impervious surfaces”? How will they know how much to charge per square foot?

Again, we turn to The Gazette: “Thanks to satellite imagery and geographic information systems, Big Brother can measure your roof and driveway (and you thought drones were only used for killing terrorists).”

Yes, according to this report, Maryland will use satellite imagery to calculate “storm management” fees.

And how does the state plan to spend these new tax dollars? It’s unclear:

The state law is kind of squishy. It can be spent to build and maintain stream and wetland restoration projects. And, of course, a lot of it will go to “monitoring, inspection, enforcement, review of stormwater management plans and permit applications and mapping of impervious surfaces.” In other words, hiring more bureaucrats to administer the rain tax program.

It can also be spent on “public education and outreach” (whatever that means) and on “grants to nonprofit organizations” (i.e. to the greenies who pushed the tax through the various levels of government).
Also: “[S]tate lawmakers exempted government-owned property from the rain tax but imposed it on religions and nonprofits (which own big roofs and parking lots).”


Marcus Aurelius
04-12-2013, 06:53 AM
that is ef'd.

04-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Maryland should erect a VIADUCT, or PIPELINE that runs into the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, and bypass the BAY all together.

After all The DNC Pool filled with KOOL-AID needs more dirty water to educate the Liberal, mindless members of the Democrat party.

By the way. Mixing GRAPE Kool-aid 4848 with DNC Pool water is a Great Abortion Tool as well.

04-14-2013, 06:25 AM
Yes, according to this report, Maryland will use satellite imagery to

OMG! Rev was right all along!:laugh:

04-14-2013, 09:00 AM
Y'know, this would all make perfect sense is Maryland was being run by a supervillain? I mean, think about it, by using various means to drive people and businesses from the state, they lower the land value to such where they can just buy the state outright and such.

04-14-2013, 09:10 AM
and the IL Gen Assembly has decided that if they are stuck with 'high unemployed' they will protect them. Of course one can see more in the future:



State of Illinois
2013 and 2014
Introduced , by Rep. Mary E. Flowers

<code> </code>

<colgroup width="50%"></colgroup><colgroup width="50%"></colgroup><tbody>
<code>See Index</code>


<code> </code><code> </code><code>Amends the Public Utilities Act, Pharmacy Practice Act, Public Aid </code><code>Code, Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, Non-Support </code><code>Punishment Act, and Income Withholding for Support Act. Provides that </code><code>notwithstanding any other provision, if a person is either an unemployed </code><code>individual who is eligible for unemployment benefits under the Unemployment </code><code>Insurance Act or an unemployed individual who is no longer eligible for </code><code>extended benefits because the individual has exhausted his or her extended </code><code>benefits under that Act, then (i) a public utility company that receives </code><code>any federal or State funds shall not terminate or cut off the gas or </code><code>electrical services, (ii) a pharmacy or pharmacist who receives any federal </code><code>or State funds shall not refuse to dispense prescription medication, or </code><code>(iii) the unemployed individual shall not be sentenced to any period of </code><code>imprisonment for failure to make child support payments. Amends the Code of </code><code>Civil Procedure. Provides that notwithstanding any other provision, no </code><code>person may bring a forcible entry or detainer action for the possession of </code><code>lands or leased premises against any person who is an unemployed individual </code><code>who is eligible for unemployment benefits or who is no longer eligible for </code><code>extended unemployment benefits. Provides that notwithstanding any other </code><code>provision, no mortgagee who receives any federal or State funds may </code><code>institute foreclosure proceedings against any mortgagor who is an </code><code>unemployed individual who is eligible for unemployment benefits or who is </code><code>no longer eligible for extended unemployment benefits. Defines "receives </code><code>any federal or State funds". Effective immediately.</code>



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-14-2013, 09:21 AM
and the IL Gen Assembly has decided that if they are stuck with 'high unemployed' they will protect them. Of course one can see more in the future:


Great way to bring destruction. Force that on them and they will be forced to raise the rates on those remaining in the service pool to compensate thus eventually forcing more low income families to be unable to pay. obamaism down pat I'd say. They are just following his lead.
You know I wonder just how many people still haven't even figured out what obama is deliberately doing to this once great nation??
Apparently a damn lot!!!! Tyr

04-14-2013, 01:15 PM
Maryland should erect a VIADUCT, or PIPELINE that runs into the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, and bypass the BAY all together.

After all The DNC Pool filled with KOOL-AID needs more dirty water to educate the Liberal, mindless members of the Democrat party.

By the way. Mixing GRAPE Kool-aid 4848 with DNC Pool water is a Great Abortion Tool as well.
I do love me some grape koolaid, but maybe you prefer mixing in industrial wastes like dioxins
Effluent runoff is not a laughing matter. Grow up.

04-14-2013, 03:42 PM
I do love me some grape koolaid, but maybe you prefer mixing in industrial wastes like dioxins
Effluent runoff is not a laughing matter. Grow up.

logroller. Do us all a favor. If you do not live in Maryland now. Please move there. Sounds like the perfect place for your Liberally misguided, tiny mindset.

04-14-2013, 04:04 PM
I do love me some grape koolaid, but maybe you prefer mixing in industrial wastes like dioxins
Effluent runoff is not a laughing matter. Grow up.

I'm not saying it is a laughing matter. I'm on the other side of the Chesapeake, here in VA Beach. This, however, isn't the way to go about it.

04-15-2013, 07:56 AM
I'm not saying it is a laughing matter. I'm on the other side of the Chesapeake, here in VA Beach. This, however, isn't the way to go about it.

Being taxed for following existing zoning regulations? Sweet. :rolleyes:

red states rule
04-16-2013, 03:47 AM
logroller. Do us all a favor. If you do not live in Maryland now. Please move there. Sounds like the perfect place for your Liberally misguided, tiny mindset.

Please AT we have enough tax and spend libs here without adding LR to the mix. LR is the type of lib who shake his head in disbelief as liberal polices hit his wallet yet he continues to vote for Dems in every election

As he makes jokes about people pointing out the mounting failures of tax and spend liberalism; he fails to see the impact it is having on his bottom line and the dim future his kids have in a debtor nation Obama is turning the country into to

But wearing blinders is a requirement for liberals these days

04-16-2013, 03:53 AM
Being taxed for following existing zoning regulations? Sweet. :rolleyes:

I know, right? I just don't get MD's plan here, because they keep seeming to make life more difficult for their people, betweening pushing out manufacturing jobs from Barletta thanks to their gun regulations, then adding odd things to unemployment, and now this.

red states rule
04-16-2013, 03:56 AM
I know, right? I just don't get MD's plan here, because they keep seeming to make life more difficult for their people, betweening pushing out manufacturing jobs from Barletta thanks to their gun regulations, then adding odd things to unemployment, and now this.

What is not to get? The Dems here do not a damn about the working people - only expanding the size and power of the Dem controlled government. Millions have left MD and the exit will continue

Dems refuse to cut spending so they have to find new ways pick the pockets of those still working and own property

I have heard estimates on this new tax will exceed the property taxes paid by homeowners and business owners

04-16-2013, 04:10 AM
I know, right? I just don't get MD's plan here, because they keep seeming to make life more difficult for their people, betweening pushing out manufacturing jobs from Barletta thanks to their gun regulations, then adding odd things to unemployment, and now this.

Atlanta had a similar issue where they had to upgrade the sewer system so that stormwater didn't cause sewage to overflow into the rivers which was paid for by higher sewage fees; at least it borders on a usage fee which is probably a more efficient method of paying for it.

What is not to get? The Dems here do not a damn about the working people - only expanding the size and power of the Dem controlled government. Millions have left MD and the exit will continue

Dems refuse to cut spending so they have to find new ways pick the pockets of those still working and own property

I have heard estimates on this new tax will exceed the property taxes paid by homeowners and business owners

https://www.google.com/chart?cht=lxy&chd=s:ABDFHJLNPRTUWYacegikmoprtvxz13579,qrrrsstuvw wxyyzzz0011233445556677&chds=0.0,1.0&chs=160x101&chco=287bf5ff&chls=2.0,1.0,0.0&chxt=x,r,x,r&chxs=0,333333,0,0,tl,333333%7C1,333333,0,-1,tl,333333%7C2,000000,11.5,-1,tl,333333%7C3,000000,11.5,-1,tl,333333&chxtc=0,2%7C1,2%7C2,0%7C3,0&chm=h,cccccc,0,1,1,1%7Ch,cccccc,0,0.5,1,-1&chxp=2,0,82%7C3,5,50,95&chxl=0:%7C1980%7C2012%7C1:%7C0%7C3M%7C6M%7C2:%7C19 80%7C2012%7C3:%7C0%7C3M%7C6M (https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=kf7tgg1uo9ude_&met_y=population&idim=state:24000&dl=en&hl=en&q=maryland%20population)

What's your conservative plan for dealing with pollution?

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:13 AM
Atlanta had a similar issue where they had to upgrade the sewer system so that stormwater didn't cause sewage to overflow into the rivers which was paid for by higher sewage fees; at least it borders on a usage fee which is probably a more efficient method of paying for it.

https://www.google.com/chart?cht=lxy&chd=s:ABDFHJLNPRTUWYacegikmoprtvxz13579,qrrrsstuvw wxyyzzz0011233445556677&chds=0.0,1.0&chs=160x101&chco=287bf5ff&chls=2.0,1.0,0.0&chxt=x,r,x,r&chxs=0,333333,0,0,tl,333333%7C1,333333,0,-1,tl,333333%7C2,000000,11.5,-1,tl,333333%7C3,000000,11.5,-1,tl,333333&chxtc=0,2%7C1,2%7C2,0%7C3,0&chm=h,cccccc,0,1,1,1%7Ch,cccccc,0,0.5,1,-1&chxp=2,0,82%7C3,5,50,95&chxl=0:%7C1980%7C2012%7C1:%7C0%7C3M%7C6M%7C2:%7C19 80%7C2012%7C3:%7C0%7C3M%7C6M (https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=kf7tgg1uo9ude_&met_y=population&idim=state:24000&dl=en&hl=en&q=maryland%20population)

What's your conservative plan for dealing with pollution?

Eh Dems already have the "flush tax" and that was to "clean up" the Bay. I am not surprised you are in favor of taxing the producers more

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:14 AM
But I will admit liberals do love poor people

There policies create so many of them and keep the poor right where they are

04-16-2013, 04:14 AM
Eh Dems already have the "flush tax" and that was to "clean up" the Bay. I am not surprised you are in favor of taxing the producers more

No plan then?

What's your conservative plan for dealing with pollution?

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:16 AM
No plan then?

FU try reading slowly. When Dems passed the flush tax we were told that would fix the "problem" with the Bay

Again, it is nice to your support for punishing achievement and growing government

04-16-2013, 04:17 AM
FU try reading slowly. When Dems passed the flush tax we were told that would fix the "problem" with the Bay

Again, it is nice to your support for punishing achievement and growing government

Nice strawman. So what's your plan then?

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:19 AM
Nice strawman. So what's your plan then?

So you accept the premise there is a "problem" and the only way to solve the "problem" is to - surprise - raise taxes

No shocker there with your ideology FU

04-16-2013, 04:24 AM
So you accept the premise there is a "problem" and the only way to solve the "problem" is to - surprise - raise taxes

No shocker there with your ideology FU

No, I accept that there may be a problem that impacts another state. Dealing with it is another story, what's your "conservative" plan?

Do you think VA needs to just deal with your, ahem, waste?

BTW, you fail at ideology identification. :slap:

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:27 AM
No, I accept that there may be a problem that impacts another state. Dealing with it is another story, what's your "conservative" plan?

So there MAY be a problem so lets soak home owners and business owners with a heavy tax that could exceed their property taxes

So what if people are already paying to clean up the Bay with the "flush tax"?

I must say FU I have yet to see a tax you have not wrapped your arms around and supported. You, like LR, are a loyal foot solider in the Dem's war on prosperity

04-16-2013, 04:31 AM
So there MAY be a problem so lets soak home owners and business owners with a heavy tax that could exceed their property taxes

So what if people are already paying to clean up the Bay with the "flush tax"?

I must say FU I have yet to see a tax you have not wrapped your arms around and supported. You, like LR, are a loyal foot solider in the Dem's war on prosperity

That's a lot of words to deny the problem and avoid being able to present your "conservative" plan. And it sounds like your "flush tax" is a solution to a different problem.

Also, a listing of all the taxes that I support please.

red states rule
04-16-2013, 04:36 AM
That's a lot of words to deny the problem and avoid being able to present your "conservative" plan. And it sounds like your "flush tax" is a solution to a different problem.

Also, a listing of all the taxes that I support please.

No FU, the "flush tax" was sold as the solution to "clean up" the Bay

I have yet to see you oppose any tax passed by Dems recently and you have been defending Obamacare and Obama's "energy" plan which has doubled the cost of gas since he took office

No you will have to excuse me FU I have to get ready for work.

It is time to spend my day reading and responding to letters from people who want to stay in homes they cannot afford

Also I have earn money and pay taxes to pay part of the cost of the welfare state you have helped to create with your unwavering support of tax and spend liberalism

04-16-2013, 04:42 AM
No FU, the "flush tax" was sold as the solution to "clean up" the Bay

I have yet to see you oppose any tax passed by Dems recently and you have been defending Obamacare and Obama's "energy" plan which has doubled the cost of gas since he took office

No you will have to excuse me FU I have to get ready for work.

It is time to spend my day reading and responding to letters from people who want to stay in homes they cannot afford

Also I have earn money and pay taxes to pay part of the cost of the welfare state you have helped to create with your unwavering support of tax and spend liberalism

So that would be no "conservative" plan for pollution and no listing of taxes that I support then? Gotcha.

Understandable because I haven't supported any "recent" Dem taxes (or any), I haven't defended BO's energy plan, and I haven't defended ACA. I can just add those to the list of things you're wrong about; even those "millions leaving MD" while the population has been increasing.

Nevertheless, my morning mission has been accomplished; occupy your time so as to limit the amount of threads that you will create and the rest of us will ignore.

Nice strawman post though; you're in high form of creating positions for me and avoiding any real issue.

04-16-2013, 04:57 AM
No FU, the "flush tax" was sold as the solution to "clean up" the Bay

State “Flush Tax” began January 2005 (http://www.aacounty.org/DPW/Utilities/flushTax.cfm#.UW0dj6I3sc0)…In 2004, the Maryland Legislature took a major step towards protecting the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, when it passed what has become known as “the flush tax”.
The bill established the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration Fund to be supported by a $2.50 a month fee on sewer bills and an equivalent $30 annual fee on septic system owners. Utilities customers saw a new line item on their quarterly bills beginning January 1, 2005 for $7.50 per quarter ($2.50 per month). These funds are collected by the County and turned over to the State who distributes the funds to utilities to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to reduce nitrogen discharge which causes algae blooms that harm fish, crabs, native plants and other aquatic life. The revenues from septic tank users are used to upgrade or replace failing septic systems and to provide financial assistance to farmers to help plant cover crops to prevent nutrient runoff from agricultural land.

As I suspected, nothing in there about impervious surfaces. Why do you hate fishermen and those who live in VA so much?

red states rule
04-17-2013, 04:21 AM
As I suspected, nothing in there about impervious surfaces. Why do you hate fishermen and those who live in VA so much?

and being a loyal liberal you ignore the fact the flush tax money was spent on other projects like roads (even though O'Malley has raised the gas tax and tolls) and O'Malley's pet projects.

Yes your mission was accomplished.

You showed a=once again you consider facts an enemy and truth a menace

04-17-2013, 07:38 AM
and being a loyal liberal you ignore the fact the flush tax money was spent on other projects like roads (even though O'Malley has raised the gas tax and tolls) and O'Malley's pet projects.

Yes your mission was accomplished.

You showed a=once again you consider facts an enemy and truth a menace

So still no conservative plan for pollution but yet more ignorant claims of liberal; As expected. You could also point out which fact/truth I consider an enemy/menace. You won't; As expected. Just like those "millions" who have left MD. :rolleyes:

This guy must have been a RINO then (http://wbal.com/article/85299/3/template-story/Session-2012-Preview-Flush-Tax-Hike-Septic-Bans-War-On-Rural-Maryland-):

Lawmakers approved the tax in 2004. It was proposed by then Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich.

Why do you hate those who rely on the fishing industry, tourism industry, and those who live in VA?

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:01 PM
So still no conservative plan for pollution but yet more ignorant claims of liberal; As expected. You could also point out which fact/truth I consider an enemy/menace. You won't; As expected. Just like those "millions" who have left MD. :rolleyes:

This guy must have been a RINO then (http://wbal.com/article/85299/3/template-story/Session-2012-Preview-Flush-Tax-Hike-Septic-Bans-War-On-Rural-Maryland-):

Why do you hate those who rely on the fishing industry, tourism industry, and those who live in VA?

So like a good little liberal you accept the premise there is a pollution problem and it can only be solved with higher taxes

and like a good little liberal you you have to play the "hate" card" to compensate for your lack of facts

04-17-2013, 03:30 PM
fj. You may think you are smarter than all the rest of us. But that's okay. You can't hide what you really are.

So. You win today's prize, next week's prize, and the rest of the years' as well.

This is for you....4862 4863

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:34 PM
fj. You may think you are smarter than all the rest of us. But that's okay. You can't hide what you really are.

So. You win today's prize, next week's prize, and the rest of the years' as well.

This is for you....4862 4863

FU is more like Chris Matthews. He has a very inflated opinion of himself and is nothing more then an Obama Butt Warmer

04-17-2013, 03:41 PM
FU is more like Chris Matthews. He has a very inflated opinion of himself and is nothing more then an Obama Butt Warmer

My mistake. So, here is OUR impression of what FJ or FU looks like....4864????

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:44 PM
My mistake. So, here is OUR impression of what FJ or FU looks like....4864????

He follows the liberal play book so well I swear he keeps it on the night stand like other people keep the Bible

So what if the citizens of MD are already paying to "clean up" the Bay. The fact libs in MD say there is a problem is good enough for FU to raise taxes on the producers

He is a bitter little man who has a chip the size of a lumber yard on his shoulder

04-17-2013, 06:07 PM
So like a good little liberal you accept the premise there is a pollution problem and it can only be solved with higher taxes

and like a good little liberal you you have to play the "hate" card" to compensate for your lack of facts

Show that 6mm people are having zero effect on the bay and that the R governor at the time was lying.

04-17-2013, 06:15 PM
fj. You may think you are smarter than all the rest of us. But that's okay. You can't hide what you really are.

So. You win today's prize, next week's prize, and the rest of the years' as well.

FU is more like Chris Matthews. He has a very inflated opinion of himself and is nothing more then an Obama Butt Warmer

That's okay, I'm just going to call you two post turtles from now on... because you two have no clue.

red states rule
04-18-2013, 03:32 AM
Show that 6mm people are having zero effect on the bay and that the R governor at the time was lying.

Not that I really expect you to know what you are babbling about FU

Md. House panel approves doubling “flush tax” as environmental bills move through legislature. I did not know O'Malley was an "R" you twit

A handful of high-profile environmental bills, including Gov. Martin O’Malley’s (D) proposals to increase the “flush tax” and restrict septic systems (http://www.washingtonpost.com/omalley-renews-bid-to-curb-sprawl-by-limiting-septic-systems/2012/01/27/gIQA5wxbqQ_story.html), are reaching critical junctures in their journey through the Maryland legislature.

Tuesday, the House Environmental Matters Committee voted to approve a bill (http://mlis.state.md.us/2012rs/billfile/hb0446.htm) that would double the annual cost of nearly every resident’s flush tax, which is used to restore the Chesapeake Bay, to $60 from $30.

The bill that emerged from the committee and now heads to the full House differs markedly from O’Malley’s original proposal for a fee based on water consumption, which his administration concluded was unworkable (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/omalley-opts-for-more-regressive-flush-tax/2012/03/09/gIQAXy103R_story.html).

The plan that won approval is also more modest than a revised proposal the administration had been discussing with lawmakers in recent weeks, which would have increased the flush tax to $75 from $30 annually.


04-18-2013, 04:13 AM
Not that I really expect you to know what you are babbling about FU
....so your solution to pollution in Chesapeake is????

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:16 AM
....so your solution to pollution in Chesapeake is????

I do not see a problem LR

Again, just because the libs and enviro wackos say there is a problem is not reason enough to pass a tax that will exceed residents property taxes - but it is to libs like FU and iothers

And remember we are already paying to clean up the Bay

Oh brother are we paying

04-18-2013, 04:20 AM
fj. You may think you are smarter than all the rest of us. But that's okay. You can't hide what you really are.

So. You win today's prize, next week's prize, and the rest of the years' as well.

This is for you....4862 4863
based on posts, he is demonstrably smarter than you. but don't fret, you can vindicate yourself-- What's your solution to OP pollution issue?

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:28 AM
based on posts, he is demonstrably smarter than you. but don't fret, you can vindicate yourself-- What's your solution to OP pollution issue?

LR is is remarkable that you defend FU. FU may be book smart but lacks common sense. Much like Gabby does.

By the way what happened to your defense of Obamacare?

I have noticed you have ignored the many threads on that topic. Perhaps becuase Obamacare is not the cracker jack plan you thought it was?

04-18-2013, 04:29 AM
I do not see a problem LR

Educate yourself then.
"Over the years, human development has harmed the area with high levels of pollution and destruction of marshes. The major cause of pollution in the bay is farm runoff, which causes eutrophication. Eutrophication is the significant blooming of algae, which is a result of fertilizer run-off (it is thought that farm land can only absorb about 10% of fertilizer thrown out while the rest ends up in our water systems). Large algal blooms keep sunlight from entering and lower the levels of dissolved oxygen in a water system, which are critical to the life of fish. This also affects water clarity—these waters have transformed from crystal clear to green in color. Other sources of pollution include industry, which was attracted to the bay due to its central location and ease of shipping. In recent years some of this damage has been reversed and fish populations are on the rise. Another factor that has contributed to pollution is the overharvesting of Oysters, which are natural water filters. Reducing the pollution in the Chesapeake is a daunting task, because its tributaries spread across six states, runoff from New York and Pennsylvania can be detrimental to Maryland waters. Because of this individual state efforts cannot be completely effective. Efforts There are many nonprofit groups that have the goal of improving the environmental quality of the Chesapeake. Environmental efforts have improved conditions since the fish kills of the 1970s, and fish populations are on the rise. Many fisherman of the James River report being scared by the common occurrence of jumping Sturgeon, a fish that was nearly extinct a few decades ago."http://www.laterallineco.com/fishing_journal/chesapeake_bay/chesapeake_bay_saltwater_fishing_journal.html

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:34 AM
Educate yourself then.
"Over the years, human development has harmed the area with high levels of pollution and destruction of marshes. The major cause of pollution in the bay is farm runoff, which causes eutrophication. Eutrophication is the significant blooming of algae, which is a result of fertilizer run-off (it is thought that farm land can only absorb about 10% of fertilizer thrown out while the rest ends up in our water systems). Large algal blooms keep sunlight from entering and lower the levels of dissolved oxygen in a water system, which are critical to the life of fish. This also affects water clarity—these waters have transformed from crystal clear to green in color. Other sources of pollution include industry, which was attracted to the bay due to its central location and ease of shipping. In recent years some of this damage has been reversed and fish populations are on the rise. Another factor that has contributed to pollution is the overharvesting of Oysters, which are natural water filters. Reducing the pollution in the Chesapeake is a daunting task, because its tributaries spread across six states, runoff from New York and Pennsylvania can be detrimental to Maryland waters. Because of this individual state efforts cannot be completely effective. Efforts There are many nonprofit groups that have the goal of improving the environmental quality of the Chesapeake. Environmental efforts have improved conditions since the fish kills of the 1970s, and fish populations are on the rise. Many fisherman of the James River report being scared by the common occurrence of jumping Sturgeon, a fish that was nearly extinct a few decades ago."http://www.laterallineco.com/fishing_journal/chesapeake_bay/chesapeake_bay_saltwater_fishing_journal.html

So the only way to solve this "crisis" is to soak home and business owners with a tax that will exceed (in many cases) their property tax bills?

Again, they hype is greater then the reality

and what about snow, sleet and freezing rain - will that be a taxable event?

I am sure this will generate the revenue the libs expect just as other taxes have "worked". After the "millionaire" tax was passed many people left the state and MD took in less money the following year

I can see more people leaving and businesses closing their doors

04-18-2013, 04:37 AM
LR is is remarkable that you defend FU. FU may be book smart but lacks common sense. Much like Gabby does.

By the way what happened to your defense of Obamacare?

I have noticed you have ignored the many threads on that topic. Perhaps becuase Obamacare is not the cracker jack plan you thought it was?
He asked you for your common sense solution, yet you offered NOTHING. So I suppose you have none. As far as trolling off the subject-- I noticed you offered no explanation for why gas prices increased for decades. Are you ignoring that? Nah. You got nothing. And that's why your issues aren't gaining traction, because you're devoid of ideas. You just bitch, incessantly. Whatever man.

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:38 AM
LR, it is funny you do not want to talk about the money that is already being collected to "clean" the Bay

Oh thats right - Dems used that money for OTHER things

So now they want MORE money from the serfs tending the fields

04-18-2013, 04:39 AM
So the only way to solve this "crisis" is to soak home and business owners with a tax that will exceed (in many cases) their property tax bills?

Again, they hype is greater then the reality

and what about snow, sleet and freezing rain - will that be a taxable event?

I am sure this will generate the revenue the libs expect just as other taxes have "worked". After the "millionaire" tax was passed many people left the state and MD took in less money the following year

I can see more people leaving and businesses closing their doors
You got a better idea; let's hear it.

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:40 AM
He asked you for your common sense solution, yet you offered NOTHING. So I suppose you have none. As far as trolling off the subject-- I noticed you offered no explanation for why gas prices increased for decades. Are you ignoring that? Nah. You got nothing. And that's why your issues aren't gaining traction, because you're devoid of ideas. You just bitch, incessantly. Whatever man.

I did answer that but you ignored it like you usually do

I can't blame you for ignoring the facts about Obamacare - you were suckered in right along with alot of other people

It is not easy to admit you were a fool for thinking government could do something more effect and cheaper then the private sector

red states rule
04-18-2013, 04:41 AM
You got a better idea; let's hear it.

Well, how about using the money from the "flush tax" for what is was intended for

But that would keep Dems honest so that will never happen

04-18-2013, 04:44 AM
LR, it is funny you do not want to talk about the money that is already being collected to "clean" the Bay

Oh thats right - Dems used that money for OTHER things

So now they want MORE money from the serfs tending the fields
I agree. Money collected to help clean the bay should be used as such. What would you suggest they use that money for, exactly? What methods and programs should be utilized?

04-18-2013, 04:49 AM
I did answer that but you ignored it like you usually do

I can't blame you for ignoring the facts about Obamacare - you were suckered in right along with alot of other people

It is not easy to admit you were a fool for thinking government could do something more effect and cheaper then the private sector
I call Bullshit. Bump the post where you explained a decades long increase in gas prices.

04-18-2013, 08:36 AM
Show that 6mm people are having zero effect on the bay and that the R governor at the time was lying.

Not that I really expect you to know what you are babbling about FU

In one post you managed to be wrong and off-topic; all in one sentence too.

Maryland’s Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee is proposing the hike. The new revenue is needed, the committee says in its new annual report (http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/BayRestorationFund/Documents/2011_BRF_Report_Draft.PDF) to the legislature, because the estimated cost of cleaning up the wastewater treatment plants has doubled from $750 million when Gov. Bob Ehrlich first proposed the annual $30 “fee” in 2004 to almost $1.5 billion today.
The O’Malley campaign had slammed Ehrlich for raising what the ex-Republican governor insisted on calling “fees,” but in a televised debate at The Washington Post in October, O’Malley actually complimented Ehrlich on the flush tax.

Read more: http://marylandreporter.com/2011/01/12/doubling-the-flush-tax-is-proposed-with-mcintosh-as-possible-sponsor/#ixzz2Qp0stvhE

Besides, no one raised the potential doubling of the flush tax.

04-18-2013, 08:45 AM
I do not see a problem LR

Again, just because the libs and enviro wackos say there is a problem is not reason enough to pass a tax that will exceed residents property taxes - but it is to libs like FU and iothers

And remember we are already paying to clean up the Bay

Oh brother are we paying

No problem?

EPA chief details plans for bay cleanup (http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2003-02-05/news/0302050106_1_bay-program-chesapeake-bay-nitrogen-oxide)
In what could become a long line of federal officials who come to Maryland to highlight the president's proposals alongside a Republican governor, the head of the Environmental Protectionhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2003-02-05/news/0302050106_1_bay-program-chesapeake-bay-nitrogen-oxide#) Agency landed in Annapolis yesterday to discuss environmental initiatives.
EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman sat with Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. as she spoke about President Bush's proposals to curb childhood asthma and clean up the Chesapeake Bay.
Quite a few Republicans there.

So the only way to solve this "crisis" is to soak home and business owners with a tax that will exceed (in many cases) their property tax bills?

Nobody said it was the only way, in fact I think it's kind of a stupid way.

Being taxed for following existing zoning regulations? Sweet. :rolleyes:

04-18-2013, 02:54 PM
No problem?

EPA chief details plans for bay cleanup (http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2003-02-05/news/0302050106_1_bay-program-chesapeake-bay-nitrogen-oxide)
Quite a few Republicans there.

Nobody said it was the only way, in fact I think it's kind of a stupid way.

I also find it odd that they just HAD to go to a rain tax in MD, since so many companies have been raising money to help revive the bay.