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View Full Version : Who Will the Muslim Brotherhood Heed: Allah or Tom Friedman (and such people)? No Con

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-14-2013, 06:50 PM

Sigh. I really don’t want to write this article, but we have too good a case study of contemporary Western foreign policy reporting, debate, and elite attitudes toward international affairs to ignore. Doing a better job here is vital, as this task involves the fate of millions of people, matters of war and peace, the most basic interests of the United States, and the decency of intellectual discourse.
I refer, of course, to Thomas L. Friedman’s latest effort: “The Belly Dancing Barometer (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/20/opinion/friedman-the-belly-dancing-barometer.html).” (Tens of millions of lives are at stake — that’s worth a flippant title and goofy concept, right?)
Friedman writes:

Since the start of the 2011 revolution in Tahrir Square, every time the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood faced a choice of whether to behave in an inclusive way or grab more power, true to its Bolshevik tendencies it grabbed more power and sacrificed inclusion. [President] Morsi’s power grab will haunt him.
The Brotherhood needs to understand that its version of political Islam — which is resistant to women’s empowerment and religious and political pluralism — might be sustainable if you are Iran or Saudi Arabia, and you have huge reserves of oil and gas to buy off all the contradictions between your ideology and economic growth. But if you are Egypt, you need to be as open to the world and modernity as possible to unleash all of the potential for growth.
So, let me get this straight.
Friedman is saying that you cannot trust the Brotherhood, as it seeks total power and is anti-democratic.
Hmm: what’s Friedman been saying the last two years? Well, he has been an apologist for the Brotherhood, a cheerleader for the course taken by the “Arab Spring,” and has constantly insisted that the “democratic” revolution is going well. Indeed, in January 2012 I wrote an analysis of Friedman’s coverage titled: “Friedman Cheers as Egyptians are Enslaved.” (http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/01/11/friedman-cheers-as-egyptians-are-enslaved/)
You see these dumb asses can see no further than the nose on their silly little faces. Got the entire Arab spring movement all wrong by calling it a democracy/freedom movement. When it was just as I stated right from the start a muslim consolidation movement. Taking out dictators that refused to allow Islam and Sharia law to rule in their respective nations.
Now we have one of its big cheerleaders aghast at that very thing being what has now happened! While I , just an ordinary American citizens, knew and stated right away it was all about establishing muslim control in those nations. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2013, 08:29 AM

Sigh. I really don’t want to write this article, but we have too good a case study of contemporary Western foreign policy reporting, debate, and elite attitudes toward international affairs to ignore. Doing a better job here is vital, as this task involves the fate of millions of people, matters of war and peace, the most basic interests of the United States, and the decency of intellectual discourse.
I refer, of course, to Thomas L. Friedman’s latest effort: “The Belly Dancing Barometer (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/20/opinion/friedman-the-belly-dancing-barometer.html).” (Tens of millions of lives are at stake — that’s worth a flippant title and goofy concept, right?)
Friedman writes:
Since the start of the 2011 revolution in Tahrir Square, every time the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood faced a choice of whether to behave in an inclusive way or grab more power, true to its Bolshevik tendencies it grabbed more power and sacrificed inclusion. [President] Morsi’s power grab will haunt him.
The Brotherhood needs to understand that its version of political Islam — which is resistant to women’s empowerment and religious and political pluralism — might be sustainable if you are Iran or Saudi Arabia, and you have huge reserves of oil and gas to buy off all the contradictions between your ideology and economic growth. But if you are Egypt, you need to be as open to the world and modernity as possible to unleash all of the potential for growth.

So, let me get this straight.
Friedman is saying that you cannot trust the Brotherhood, as it seeks total power and is anti-democratic.
Hmm: what’s Friedman been saying the last two years? Well, he has been an apologist for the Brotherhood, a cheerleader for the course taken by the “Arab Spring,” and has constantly insisted that the “democratic” revolution is going well. Indeed, in January 2012 I wrote an analysis of Friedman’s coverage titled: “Friedman Cheers as Egyptians are Enslaved.” (http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/01/11/friedman-cheers-as-egyptians-are-enslaved/)
You see these dumb asses can see no further than the nose on their silly little faces. Got the entire Arab spring movement all wrong by calling it a democracy/freedom movement. When it was just as I stated right from the start a muslim consolidation movement. Taking out dictators that refused to allow Islam and Sharia law to rule in their respective nations.
Now we have one of its big cheerleaders aghast at that very thing being what has now happened! While I , just an ordinary American citizens, knew and stated right away it was all about establishing muslim control in those nations. -Tyr

Wow. A thread about these fools admitting their ignorance and it gets no replies. About what a disaster these fools(obama included) help take place and promote yet nobody cares to rub it in their faces.
That protect obama's image runs deep, eh?

04-15-2013, 10:28 AM
The "arab" spring may have started out as a freedom movement, but it very quickly got hijacked (because hijacking is one thing they're good at) by the islamists. The only thing that will slow islamic consolodation is the ever present infighting over power; another thing they've perfected.

04-15-2013, 10:27 PM
Anyone who thought this thing was about freedom had blinders on. Revolutions are about shifting power. The muslims wanted their brotherhood in power... and now they have it.

I wonder how mr facebook feels about his little social media lets overthrow the government coup now.

04-16-2013, 04:46 PM
Whoever offers the Most OBAMA BUCKS...oop's. I mean Money will get the attention of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Probably not a bad idea if someone sends out INVITATIONS to visit the White House to make them (MB) feel better.

Imagine how that would work...since the American people are being prevented from White House tours.

Muslim Brotherhood Status, with Money sounds VERY SOROS to me.