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View Full Version : How we deal with armed robbers Down Under

04-16-2013, 06:28 AM
Jewellery designer Sam Kritsotakis at work in his store in Mosman. Picture: Carly Earl Source:NewsLocal

Just punch him in the face! :)

A MOSMAN jewellery store owner fought off a gunman during an attempted armed robbery yesterday.
Sam Kritsotakis was confronted by the robber when he burst into Eskae Jewellery Boutique on Military Rd brandishing a pistol shortly after 5pm.
The hooded gunman walked directly up to the Mr Kritsotakis and pointed the gun in his chest.
Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.


Marcus Aurelius
04-16-2013, 06:53 AM
Jewellery designer Sam Kritsotakis at work in his store in Mosman. Picture: Carly Earl Source:NewsLocal

Just punch him in the face! :)


yeah, cause that will ALWAYS work, right?

Dumb ass.


A gunman shot a convenience store owner in the abdomen during an apparent robbery this afternoon in Kansas City.

The victim was shot while trying to intervene in the robbery of a couple in the parking lot about 3:15 p.m. at the Food Shop at Gregory Boulevard and Cleveland Avenue, police said.

04-16-2013, 07:25 AM
yeah, cause that will ALWAYS work, right?

Dumb ass.


Well, it would appear that an Australian jewelry designer is more bad-ass than a convenience store owner from Kansas. The differences are obvious! Of course, you know how those Auzzies are!

04-16-2013, 07:27 AM
So a fist beat a loaded weapon ? although I am happy for this guy this ( if true ) isn't the norm , if a criminal pulls a gun he usually isn't going to lode to a unaremed man thats just fact

Marcus Aurelius
04-16-2013, 08:14 AM
So a fist beat a loaded weapon ? although I am happy for this guy this ( if true ) isn't the norm , if a criminal pulls a gun he usually isn't going to lode to a unaremed man thats just fact


04-16-2013, 08:18 AM

Marcus Aurelius
04-16-2013, 08:24 AM
Jewellery designer Sam Kritsotakis at work in his store in Mosman. Picture: Carly Earl Source:NewsLocal

A MOSMAN jewellery store owner fought off a gunman during an attempted armed robbery yesterday.
Sam Kritsotakis was confronted by the robber when he burst into Eskae Jewellery Boutique on Military Rd brandishing a pistol shortly after 5pm.
The hooded gunman walked directly up to the Mr Kritsotakis and pointed the gun in his chest.
Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.

Just punch him in the face! :)


yeah, just ignore police advice, right Jahil?

Dumb ass.

04-16-2013, 04:09 PM
jafar must think being down under is a license for people who think they can catch .44 magnum bullets in their teeth like....

Crocodile Dundee...the OZ Superman character. And even he could never make his knife win against bullets.

04-16-2013, 04:16 PM
This episode couldn't have happened at all.

Handguns are forbidden in Australia.

Gun control laws work, don't they?

04-16-2013, 04:41 PM
This episode couldn't have happened at all.
Handguns are forbidden in Australia.
Gun control laws work, don't they?

works so well that the store owner only had his fist left to defend himself with.

but shouldn't cops get him to turn them in as assault weapons as well?
Jafar do you know how many people die each year from fist fights?!!

Punched to Death - Slate Magazine (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2012/05/george_zimmerman_claims_he_was_fighting_for_his_li fe_how_deadly_is_an_unarmed_teenager_.html)<cite>www.slate.com/.../george_zimmerman_claims_he_was_ (http://www.slate.com/.../george_zimmerman_claims_he_was_)fighting_for_...</cite>
May 18, 2012 – There are no official statistics on this, but most fistfight deaths are the result ... occurs during sporting events but has also been seen in fistfights.
How Can a 10-Year-Old Die from a Fist-Fight? | Fox News Latino (http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/health/2012/02/28/how-can-10-year-old-die-from-fist-fight/)

Feb 28, 2012
The death of a 10-year-old girl after what seems like an ordinary fist-fight (no weapons appeared to have ...

More videos for number of deaths from fist fights » (https://www.google.com/search?q=number+of+deaths+from+fist+fights&client=firefox-a&hs=BWZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=univ&tbm=vid&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=d8JtUZPlLuzA4AOtuoCYDw&ved=0CEUQqwQ)
Fistfight between friends leads to young man's death | TheGazette (http://thegazette.com/2011/09/07/assault-victim-dies-at-cedar-rapids-hospital/)
Sep 7, 2011 – 18-year-old died after a fight in a parking lot; investigation underway. ... UPDATE: A fistfight between friends Tuesday in the parking lot of a northeast ... “Right now, there are no charges, pending the outcome of the autopsy,” ...
No charges filed in fistfight death of 10-year-old girl - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/18/justice/california-girl-fight-death)
<cite>www.cnn.com/2012/04/18/justice/california-girl- (http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/18/justice/california-girl-)fight-death</cite>
Apr 18, 2012 – Authorities declined to file criminal charges against a fifth-grader Wednesday for the death of a 10-year-old after a February fistfight.
More Minnesotans were killed in fist fights than by rifles in 2011 ... (http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2013/02/more_minnesotans_were_killed_in_fist_fights_than_b y_rifles_in_2011.php)

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/4QBgRXhpZgAASUkqAAgAAAACADEBAgAHAAAAJgAAAGmHBAABAA AALgAAAAAAAABQaWNhc2EAAAMAAJAHAAQAAAAwMjIwAqAEAAEA AAAsAAAAA6AEAAEAAAAsAAAAAAAAAP/bAIQAAwICAwICAwMDAw0DAwQFCAUFBAQFEAcHBggMCgwMCwoLC xAODxESDhEOCwsOFhESEBQUEBUMDxQXFhgYGBQVFAEDBAQGBQY KBgYKDwwMDg0RERAQDw0NDg0ODAwSDg0ODwwPDwwMDAwPDg4PD A8QDQwNDQ8ODQ0QDA0NDAwMDw4N/8AAEQgALAAsAwERAAIRAQMRAf/EABwAAAICAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcIBQYCBAkBAP/EAC4QAAIBAwMCBAUEAwAAAAAAAAECAwQFEQAGIRIxB0FRYQgiM nGhExRC4RWB0f/EABsBAAICAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGAwQBAgcA/8QALREAAQQBAQUGBwEAAAAAAAAAAQACAxEhBAUSMUFRIjJhcaH wE0KBsdHh8RT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APPiJ3DH0zg5ifk5B4OuQ95yfYhTUh+9blJLWS/N189xpr0UYq1TncqTLE0gLSyfoJ5M/wDI+g0caeQFoaRfHChJ3PUwByAdXgFVJWszEnW6hLljnWVpadz xj8RTfDMpfPJ89csgjJNp0cQAl2r7TUXGSRo2+bGQc9tNEUrWU Chr2F10idR/CrcbhtihulTXdFSwDtCUyqjHA/vVJ22S1xDG49VJ/kBA3jlCbxE8LLptxjNM4aFeAijGNGdDtKOTsVRVHVaR3eBQ0Z+ cdiNMKBl3JfZGs0sWize9zT1blZXy3n76UIdKBkJpfLfFTW1KK rvFTLFRyBJoqWWoxJ2YRoWwPfjjVafdYLd1+6kZZ4J1r+L9bJL RbRaP3VDVlIv11X6cgc5B/rg8aWABRz+1bBBSzfEDKYLvcrJBT9c1CxWom+oFsZHSOOOw++j WzmAOD3HyUE7rbQSpVELRVDo31AnONdEDgRYSc9pDiFiIj6a9a 2+GVZZa4zS5zoWI6CKl9lWvbW9YNu3iGpjcSyRKwaJgSHVlKsp x6hiO+hs2kfI04wrrJ2h1XldL4dzw1mzrbcIpslYQ8Thc5BQEZ 7ccj00kOsYPEK+BnCS3xc3JSXHd97uhhETTRLkxNwrLn6lPr6/bRbTxucGt8fv0XnENvySu3KaOornkiOVbB/3jn8510KMFrQClR5a55IW1T0ReINjOdQuko0rLWWFJCgWngKZ6 3kHT1ehzjj7HGoN8uNqcsACktj7ej3FvKxWyYfJX10FFKyjBId 1Qn88azI47ppeib2r94XQrffiFbo977spaBFzAxkWgkkKIYHAG EIHdGDRkDt0r21zmRu8d/kSfof5SORigG+CTHxtFQbTU1r04tlJJIsEEAfqeVs5OfPAXJ98 j30ybIDfiADJ4+AH5ulR17iIzy5efsWgWi5ONORS40Ky0FIy0y 4OPtodI/KKMbhe3Jj/kYl/i7BiPcg/81mIdglYk74C1rZXzwyUqK+MliGBwykHgg6lkYCCVFHIQQOt+i NKbyuW6NqWS91zg3Snk/a/uIk6DKvSclwOMnC5wBnpB75ypzwMjlfG3gRddCOnqjkbyWBx4/lYfE5VtPUWqhVBDSU8DOkUY4L9bIXJOSSQv5PlgCzsT5j419Aq +uFgWgNQRiSZc+umqQ0EEiyrQvyIoHHGhfFFQML//2Q== (https://www.google.com/search?q=number+of+deaths+from+fist+fights&client=firefox-a&hs=BWZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbs=ppl_ids:--116358035248887124702-,ppl_nps:Aaron+Rupar,ppl_aut:1&sa=X&ei=d8JtUZPlLuzA4AOtuoCYDw&ved=0CFYQ_RYwBQ)

Fist Fight Leads to Death, Mount Clemens Teen Faces ... - Patch (http://www.patch.com/articles/fist-fight-leads-to-death-mount-clemens-teen-faces-manslaughter-charge)

<cite>www.patch.com/.../ (http://www.patch.com/.../)fist-fight-leads-to-death-mount-clemens-...</cite>

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/4QBgRXhpZgAASUkqAAgAAAACADEBAgAHAAAAJgAAAGmHBAABAA AALgAAAAAAAABQaWNhc2EAAAMAAJAHAAQAAAAwMjIwAqAEAAEA AAAsAAAAA6AEAAEAAAAsAAAAAAAAAP/bAIQAAwICAwICAwMDAwQDAwQFCAUFBAQFCgcHBggMCgwMCwoLC w0OEhANDhEOCwsQFhARExQVFRUMDxcYFxQYEhQVFAEDBAQGBQY KBgYKEg4MDQ8QDRIPERIQEBANDg0QEA4NDQ4RDw8OEA4ODA8ND Q4ODg0PDw8MDw0ODRAODA0MDw0P/8AAEQgALAAsAwERAAIRAQMRAf/EABoAAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYHCAUJBAP/xAAwEAABAwMDAgQEBgMAAAAAAAABAgMEBQYRABIhMUEHEyJRCB RhoSMyQnGBkRZScv/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAgUGAQD/xAAqEQABAwIEBQQDAQAAAAAAAAABAAIRAyEEEjFBUWFxofATIo GRBdHhQv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AgmNTYT14I8h1SXW5yEKbUMKDm8hXPTqON I080nNx7bLQVBRsWbBsjfN/r7iRHH4W7e1Zk06626fELjKkutNPeohK9xGCkZ67VAH/AJ+vHKebMcxsYjla4PzcdY2uGt7W5m7W6k6fo9Odjia9SKQiQ7 UXnQtvLTcdDYVuyDtJz0yQo59kn+HqTwBcSimmC6DbnKEKm9Vm 5stbUCMzCOTF+ZCfMKNx2KUN2c4HOenTSz3Xtx7IjWMAdmuYMa QHbSdxEnbbVfF6lTJcgCPFjvU9RIckthKiknJAHcHtgj2+uptu bpauGtYMlzBJ63gcwABzModdUy04UpV5/AUVqSEDkBWBycgAjk478DRXWNkhTeC33app2D4CXXX6ixX5UNp NPX5s1yYuW0pqOs5Uhw7VAFJUUn0qI29cZGcxiPytOlYayLRqN 481Wkp4EOvPH7+kP3/ERSLuflOvRKsWZAaDygW1LUlCRuU0FZQEkAgEjPpOCDgPUsQaj QS0tPnHlquHDsB1nz+LNevGXV5aor3yzqnz5Tg8hBU4nsg5B4B H3Pvp3MRolT6cxN05/A2x6DdDHn3JBiVSVMSVxGaiFFW3OSUjoAT0J1UV69QVIZoNequ 8Nh6bmAvEk6dEsfEyh0a3/E1iPb5ZbjSG3FNKiq3hpY4VtUc44+2dPYOpUe33+BVX5CnTY8e nuO4QfLWqmPFgLSpA5SFstr2j2BKemrbXVUgGXRdP7Vuq2YtI+ UW/SpDCmkIcYcU3tWn2Iz6hx0Oq+phWl+YJ9tc5YlIf4pLajXta1J Zozsd4xpxkPKS96WWfLUFKOM5xx9cDTJY2AF1lQgkpL0nwsRRZ UCWbfdcm7kLjyIyXZBK+CkEBRBJ7cYPbvpV1HNPuPS36nuvNcG uD8gnWb/uO0Knbd+aiW3TWJNrx6fU4jKkvtlr8WKvGSwoY3AZV6f25xrPu GV7mE7/f9WzwxbUY18ecpUhfEbckeRfFMpcGLGpsuIzufcjhOQ64P1kDG 7gE9eg7Hmzwc5S4+AKg/JPaaopttbufJStXa1yuqKpTM+Y7nh5hGUKT2wRxq6a4ESs6aNQ G8/C7XU3wksOgUt+oTpMhmHEaLz77jwSltCBkqOE9AATp34QCXHdF szwa8OnqItT0N99h5soBTLX60rGDjB7g6G5xAQwXEr0Uuh2HYE BpNGpMCkoDQZTJCNzxSkYCfMVlZ/vSbnE6plrn5ck21jaeKjj4mabdki7BWrJoTj0eoPNxJjiZpYcb CiECQUAcoA/MM5SAD3VhJ2EZVcXOMfEz3VlTx1SiwMa2fmI7KU/iDsSgsVCMyzMQm4osEqY8lW5me0ydzqlnnY5+IsgnAV0zooZDb bJc1Mz/AHakytSw0267bkd2dbFZYkuBKlBgJeQr0p9QKhkZ64PTONGYYG 6k+52RE78UHib4kUKTRZMimM0+eyEupCwwSgr2/m356jke2e2jPxGTUlLelnEQmz8LN4XjAplThVe55VWpbIaECE5 IL3kYTzsV2ABA29MpV9dTNf1BHDkhikKafsG/vn47jMlQK0OrbPtnG4fYn+tBU0v/ABHvpu2aTUZ8tzyoDLa3VuE+lKEpySdRhSJ3UgeF9rq8T2L0vy tRcPVwLg0uO4kkMx08cAH/AGCQcEZKFn9WiVGiMoQKLiXF5W40mRQo0emo8p1cNpDLiztUSo JGev8AGohsCEZzpMpR2o5KQw0hmdJjoUFEpZWE9z9P3/vQHgE3CI0nRUp4UMLo1qKW1KkPKDvp89e7YEo4A9hx01OmZGi4 9bCrjmxq3NaaWG0Ek4SO6UhQP75H3OioSS3xPXZVa1/j9vPS1op1RmoRIDXClDcAOenG7PTqBqbNUKqbQmophq16RFiUx pMWLHjhltlP5EpSkY49/r376hzRQNktIb7ktpTziyXFrUpRz3ydTURdf//Z (https://www.google.com/search?q=number+of+deaths+from+fist+fights&client=firefox-a&hs=BWZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbs=ppl_ids:--107040484609496642142-,ppl_nps:Jenny+Whalen,ppl_aut:1&sa=X&ei=d8JtUZPlLuzA4AOtuoCYDw&ved=0CGIQ_RYwBg)
by Jenny Whalen (https://plus.google.com/107040484609496642142) - More by Jenny Whalen (https://www.google.com/search?q=number+of+deaths+from+fist+fights&client=firefox-a&hs=BWZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbs=ppl_ids:--107040484609496642142-,ppl_nps:Jenny+Whalen,ppl_aut:1&sa=X&ei=d8JtUZPlLuzA4AOtuoCYDw&ved=0CGcQnxYwBg)

Apr 20, 2012 – I suppose there is no way to know for sure that Martin's injury from the fist fight was the same injury that resulted in his death - sure it's the ...

Black Friday 2012 produced a death, armed robbery, fistfights and ... (http://www.securityinfowatch.com/blog/10833563/black-friday-2012-security-lowlights)

Nov 26, 2012 – Sales produce one death, an armed robbery, a fistfight over ... thief in a choke hold, is no longer working for Walmart, the company said.
Fistfight over 4-year-old fight ends in death, murder charge | The ... (http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/05/04/fistfight-death.html)

<cite>www.dispatch.com (http://www.dispatch.com) › Home (http://www.dispatch.com/content/index.html) › News (http://www.dispatch.com/content/sections/news/index.html) › Crime and Safety (http://www.dispatch.com/content/sections/news/crime/index.html)</cite>
May 4, 2012 – A fistfight over another fight back in high school has resulted in the death today ... Harley A. Pruitt, 20, of Buchtel, died about 1:45 p.m. today at Grant ... word from Ohio State officials who say an unspecified number of "alumni, ...
Fist Fight Death Ruled Homicide | KVEO News Center 23 | The Rio ... (http://www.kveo.com/news/fist-fight-death-ruled-homicide)

<cite>www.kveo.com/news/ (http://www.kveo.com/news/)fist-fight-death-ruled-homicide</cite>
Feb 28, 2012 – Fist Fight Death Ruled Homicide. News ... She had no visual signs of trauma to her body, police said. ... The fight lasted about one minute...

Even a single punch can be as lethal as a bullet.

“I’m not certain if 20-something kids realize how much damage they can cause,” said Chris Cross, who does happen to know.
Cross teaches defense tactics for the San Diego Regional Public Safety Training Institute. Delivered with enough force, blows to the head, neck, spine, kidney and groin can cause serious damage, even death, he said.

Brian Walsh, a former Navy pilot, has two permanent metal plates in the left side of his face. Walsh can’t chew food on that side. He suffers headaches.
All from a punch to the face.....Fists can kill and do, but there has been no increase in the number of people dying from weapon-less fights. In 2005, 892 such deaths were tallied nationally, compared with 927 in 2000.


how can you read this info and not agree that banning fist is the right thing to do?
how many people REALLY can defend themselves with there fist.
very few.
it takes training. and strengh.
was that store owner trained??,
he looks out of shape at least.
only police and military should be in good physical shape. It's to dangerous for men to be in shape.
The Aussies are crazy, with your fist culture.
Fist are assault weapons. only the gov't should have them.

04-16-2013, 04:43 PM
This episode couldn't have happened at all.

Handguns are forbidden in Australia.

Gun control laws work, don't they?

Let's ask jafar. After all. He's the one who has been scolding all of us Americans about gun control.

What do you think jafar? What about all of your claims concerning how wonderful OZ is...with gun control?

If your statements, and declarations are SO TRUE. Why did that fella show up with a PISTOL?????

Marcus Aurelius
04-16-2013, 05:09 PM
This episode couldn't have happened at all.

Handguns are forbidden in Australia.

Gun control laws work, don't they?

Of course the gun control laws in OZ work. After all, the only way that criminal could have gotten a gun in OZ is illegally, and we know the gun control laws in OZ prevent that.

So, I guess the story is a fake, and Jahil is a liar.

Unless of course he'd care to admit that gun control laws do not stop criminals from getting guns.

04-16-2013, 05:12 PM
Of course the gun control laws in OZ work. After all, the only way that criminal could have gotten a gun in OZ is illegally, and we know the gun control laws in OZ prevent that.

So, I guess the story is a fake, and Jahil is a liar.

Unless of course he'd care to admit that gun control laws do not stop criminals from getting guns.

Some goofy 19 year old at that.

04-16-2013, 10:21 PM
This episode couldn't have happened at all.

Handguns are forbidden in Australia.

Gun control laws work, don't they?

Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

Marcus Aurelius
04-17-2013, 07:24 AM
Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

You're a fucking liar. Your OP story says no such thing.

A MOSMAN jewellery store owner fought off a gunman during an attempted armed robbery yesterday.
Sam Kritsotakis was confronted by the robber when he burst into Eskae Jewellery Boutique on Military Rd brandishing a pistol shortly after 5pm.
The hooded gunman walked directly up to the Mr Kritsotakis and pointed the gun in his chest.
Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.

Jahil is a lying sack of shit.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-17-2013, 07:32 AM
Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

The story had nothing about a replica gun. And the police charged the guy with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Are you saying the cops falsely charged the guy? And it was only a replica gun?
Perhaps you had better read your sourced story a bit better Jafar.-Tyr

Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.

Marcus Aurelius
04-17-2013, 08:02 AM
Jahil will now disappear from the thread... as usual when he's outed lying.

04-17-2013, 08:03 AM
Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

Can you get a bag of weed where you are? Anyone who can get you a bag of weed, can get you a firearm. Brazil has extremely tough gun laws, but you can get a revolver for USD 600 within an hour almost anywhere in Brazil.

04-17-2013, 08:48 AM
Gun laws are fairly restrictive in Nigeria as well.
When I visited i went hunting with illegal firearms I got from people i met there.

04-18-2013, 12:54 AM
Can you get a bag of weed where you are? Anyone who can get you a bag of weed, can get you a firearm. Brazil has extremely tough gun laws, but you can get a revolver for USD 600 within an hour almost anywhere in Brazil.

I wouldn't know where to go or who to ask to get a bag of weed, or a gun to tell you the truth and I am pretty well connected.

04-18-2013, 01:33 AM
I wouldn't know where to go or who to ask to get a bag of weed, or a gun to tell you the truth and I am pretty well connected.

But they can be gotten. According to this site: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/australia the possession of illicit firearms is 2.72 illicit firearms per 100 people. SO, you may feel free to stop dodging the question now.

Oh, and apparently, you can get an AK-47 assault rifle for $600

04-18-2013, 06:46 AM
But they can be gotten. According to this site: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/australia the possession of illicit firearms is 2.72 illicit firearms per 100 people. SO, you may feel free to stop dodging the question now.

Oh, and apparently, you can get an AK-47 assault rifle for $600

Ok, where from?

If I asked one of the Lebanese gangs, they would probably laugh at me, then stab me in the back as I leave. ;)

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 06:55 AM
I wouldn't know where to go or who to ask to get a bag of weed, or a gun to tell you the truth and I am pretty well connected.

Hey dumb ass, going to ignore the lie you told???

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=631690#post631690)

Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.
You're a fucking liar. Your OP story says no such thing.

A MOSMAN jewellery store owner fought off a gunman during an attempted armed robbery yesterday.
Sam Kritsotakis was confronted by the robber when he burst into Eskae Jewellery Boutique on Military Rd brandishing a pistol shortly after 5pm.
The hooded gunman walked directly up to the Mr Kritsotakis and pointed the gun in his chest.
Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.

Jahil is a lying sack of shit.

04-18-2013, 06:58 AM
But they can be gotten. According to this site: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/australia the possession of illicit firearms is 2.72 illicit firearms per 100 people. SO, you may feel free to stop dodging the question now.

Oh, and apparently, you can get an AK-47 assault rifle for $600

And if you wanna play numbers...

Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population

The rate of private gun ownership in the United States is 88.81 firearms per 100 people

Compare (http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/compare/10/rate_of_civilian_firearm_possession)
Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population

The rate of private gun ownership in Australia is 151 firearms per 100 people

Less people have guns in Australia so it shows according to these figures that....

Compare (http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/compare/194/rate_of_gun_homicide)
Rate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People

In the United States, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2011: 3.65
2010: 3.596
2009: 3.756 7 9
2008: 4.01
2007: 4.19
2006: 4.29
2005: 4.18
2004: 3.97
2003: 4.11
2002: 4.116 12
2001: 3.98
2000: 3.846
1999: 3.886 8
1998: 3.378
1993: 7.0713

Compare (http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/compare/10/rate_of_gun_homicide)
Rate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 PeopleChart (http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/compareyears/10/rate_of_gun_homicide)In Australia, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2010: 0.1320 13
2009: 0.1620 18
2008: 0.13
2007: 0.13
2006: 0.20
2005: 0.07
2004: 0.07
2003: 0.2720 23 18
2002: 0.23
2001: 0.24
2000: 0.3023 18
1999: 0.26
1998: 0.30
1997: 0.43
1996: 0.57
1995: 0.37
1994: 0.4323
1993: 0.36
1992: 0.55
1991: 0.49
1990: 0.46
1989: 0.48
1988: 0.74

...in 2011, you were 27.69 times more likely to be murdered with a gun in the US than if you were in Australia

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 07:01 AM
...in 2011...

stick with 2013, where you lied in this thread about the OP... remember?

I wouldn't know where to go or who to ask to get a bag of weed, or a gun to tell you the truth and I am pretty well connected.

Hey dumb ass, going to ignore the lie you told???

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=631690#post631690)

Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.
You're a fucking liar. Your OP story says no such thing.

A MOSMAN jewellery store owner fought off a gunman during an attempted armed robbery yesterday.
Sam Kritsotakis was confronted by the robber when he burst into Eskae Jewellery Boutique on Military Rd brandishing a pistol shortly after 5pm.
The hooded gunman walked directly up to the Mr Kritsotakis and pointed the gun in his chest.
Mr Kritsotakis, 35, immediately punched the man in the face causing him to run from the store.
The jeweller chased the man and caught him outside the store, and was assisted by another local business owner.
Police arrived and arrested the 19-year-old man. He was taken to North Sydney Police Station where he was charged with armed robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Bail was refused and he will appear in Central Local Court today.

Harbourside police were pleased with the outcome but advised against this course of action when confronted with a weapon.

Jahil is a lying sack of shit.

04-18-2013, 08:28 AM
And if you wanna play numbers...

Less people have guns in Australia so it shows according to these figures that....

...in 2011, you were 27.69 times more likely to be murdered with a gun in the US than if you were in Australia

Okay, so how many AK-47s does a mass murderer need? I'm pointing out that you're dodging the question, and again, you prove me right. Please, keep going, because with every dodge, you just lose that much more credibility in the discussion.

04-18-2013, 08:51 AM
Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

I'm still waiting to see where it wasn't a real gun and only a replica, as well.

The suspense is killing me.

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 09:13 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=631690#post631690)
Did you read the part where the gun he had was a replica, and not a real one?

If we had the same dumb ass gun laws as the US, it might have been a real one because it would have been easy to get one.

I'm still waiting to see where it wasn't a real gun and only a replica, as well.

The suspense is killing me.

I've tried twice to get him to admit that lie, but he's apparently too much of a pussy to man up.

04-18-2013, 09:17 AM
And if you wanna play numbers...

Less people have guns in Australia so it shows according to these figures that....

...in 2011, you were 27.69 times more likely to be murdered with a gun in the US than if you were in Australia

Like Archie Bunker used to say, "Would you feel better if they were pushed out of windows?"