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View Full Version : Can anybody guess which groups are NOT being examined in the Boston Marathon bombing?

04-16-2013, 02:28 PM
Here's an article that tries to name the most likely homicidal groups people are suspecting:

1.) Islamic Jihadists (9-11, Ft. Hood, DC snipers, WTC bombing, LAX attack, hundreds more worldwide)
2.) American right-wing militia types (Murrah Bldg attack, Atlanta Olympics)
3.) The government (Waco TX, Philly MOVE bombing, Randy Weaver's wife/child etc.)
4.) Radical lone wolf (Newtown, Aurora theater, Wisc Sikh temple etc.)

Q: What group have they carefully NOT named, as possible perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing?

A: Radical left-wingers and Democrat associates (Ku Klux Klan, Unabomber, Newtown and Aurora, Weather Underground, Gifford assassin, OWS, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Fast&Furious etc.)

Some on this forum have decried any attempt at "politicizing" the horror of the Marathon bombing yesterday.

Is it just as bad "politicizing" to name certain ideologies as possible suspects, while carefully leaving out the one that has a far worse record of bombing, burning, murdering etc.?


04-16-2013, 02:41 PM
What does any group gain by this attack?

A lone nut doesn't need a reason, but a political or ideological group has motives and goals.

the people struck, the place and time don't make sense for some of the above.
Any reports on what building the bombs fronted?

04-16-2013, 04:57 PM
What does any group gain by this attack?

A lone nut doesn't need a reason, but a political or ideological group has motives and goals.

the people struck, the place and time don't make sense for some of the above.
Any reports on what building the bombs fronted?

The bombs were made with only one purpose in mind, and it wasn't property damage. I'm leaning toward a lone whacko. I don't think a "group" would have been satisfied with two devices.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2013, 10:46 PM
The bombs were made with only one purpose in mind, and it wasn't property damage. I'm leaning toward a lone whacko. I don't think a "group" would have been satisfied with two devices.

We know those bombs were designed to kill people as a primary goal.
What terrorist groups always tries to get a high body count to up its reputation and prestige? Those type bombs were featured in a bomb making article sent out to encourage radical muslims to make and use such devices against the infidels .. Looks to be pointing towards radical murdering Islamists to me but could be a false flag operation ran by obama and crew too. I have every reason to think he is not above doing such a thing.-Tyr

04-16-2013, 10:55 PM
What does any group gain by this attack?

What does any group gain by any terrorist attack? Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed? There is just no point to it!

04-17-2013, 09:59 AM
Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed?

Islamic terrorists regard that as a good thing, if the killed and maimed are infidels.

04-17-2013, 11:23 AM
What does any group gain by any terrorist attack? Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed? There is just no point to it!

Is drove Northern occupiers from the Confederacy and brought about an early end to Reconstruction.

04-17-2013, 02:32 PM
What does any group gain by any terrorist attack? Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed? There is just no point to it!

Of course not, but when talking about the sort of person who would blow up a bunch of people, we're not precisely talking about a sane person's reckoning. They could want attention, to make people afraid, or, hell, to see innocent people die.

04-17-2013, 03:49 PM
What does any group gain by any terrorist attack? Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed? There is just no point to it!

JAFAR. Why can't you use that very same passion you used above to talk with your friends in the Muslim Brotherhood, and HAMAS???

red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:54 PM
What does any group gain by any terrorist attack? Can anyone point out a terrorist attack that has led to anything but innocent people being killed and maimed? There is just no point to it!

The assholes get a warm feeling all over and think when they assume room temp they will get those 72 virgins.

They think it is their duty to kill in honor of Allah

But in realty they will burn in Hell which delights me very much

04-18-2013, 12:52 AM
The assholes get a warm feeling all over and think when they assume room temp they will get those 72 virgins.

They think it is their duty to kill in honor of Allah

But in realty they will burn in Hell which delights me very much

They will indeed burn in hell. There is nothing Islamic about terrorism.

red states rule
04-18-2013, 02:16 AM
They will indeed burn in hell. There is nothing Islamic about terrorism.

Islam wrote the book on terrorism

It is known as the Koran

04-18-2013, 06:44 AM
Islam wrote the book on terrorism

It is known as the Koran

As usual, I ask you to prove your assumption.

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 07:04 AM
They will indeed burn in hell. There is nothing Islamic about terrorism.

then why are the vast majority of terrorists Islamic?

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 07:04 AM
As usual, I ask you to prove your assumption.

you lie continually here, then have the balls to ask for proof of something?

04-18-2013, 09:28 PM
They will indeed burn in hell. There is nothing Islamic about terrorism.

Not if someone of the Islamic Faith manages to STONE THEM first.

red states rule
04-21-2013, 05:34 AM
and you have to damn near pity the stupidity of the liberal media

Her is a classic example coming from far left bimbo Christiane Amanpour

Dave Weigel at Slate (http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/04/17/christiane_amanpour_on_boston_understandable_for_m uslims_to_hope_beyond.html) reported from an awards dinner Tuesday night for the leftish Arab American Instiute about the crowd's discomfort with the notion that the Boston assailants would turn out to "look like them." (That, I think, would mean Middle Eastern and Muslim, although AAI president James Zogby describes himself as a Maronite Catholic.) They tried not to say it out loud, he said, but then CNN's Christiane Amanpour, there to receive an award, said it for them.

"How many of us feel this burden of association and hope beyond hope that this doesn't turn out to be what it might be?" said Amanpour. "No conclusions yet." Weigel reported she read from a New York Times essay by Haider Javed Warraich (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/17/opinion/living-through-terror-in-rawalpindi-and-boston.html?_r=0), a medical resident in Boston who fretted that he didn't run into the action because as a young Pakistani male with stubble, "I look like Hollywood’s favorite post-Cold-War movie villain."

"There are no conclusions," said Amanpour. "Is it international? Is it domestic? But like all of you—I'm not Pakistani, and I'm not Arab, but I am part Iranian. And I do understand the burden of association. And I know when we know who did this, we will all unite in strong condemnation."

Besides Amanpour, the AAI's Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards (http://www.aaiusa.org/pages/2013-kahlil-gibran-spirit-of-humanity-awards-gala)honored a list from the hard left: Ralph Nader, longtime radio host Casey Kasem, and Marian Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund. This is hardly shocking since James Zogby wrote for The Huffiington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-zogby/arab-american-democrats-i_b_1848746.html)about his joy with the Democrats at the convention in Charlotte last year:

This week I will be in Charlotte, North Carolina where I will be participating in my eighth Democratic Convention.

I will be joining some 55 other Arab American delegates and committee members from 21 states who have been elected by Democrats to participate in this year's party gathering.

He said it wouldn't be as thrilling as 1984, when he "had the honor of delivering one of the convention speeches placing [Jesse] Jackson's name in nomination for the Presidency."

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2013/04/19/cnns-amanpour-hoped-beyond-hope-boston-bombers-werent-mideast-muslims#ixzz2R9UFZO3Q