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View Full Version : Source: Suspect arrested in Boston Marathon bombing

04-17-2013, 01:03 PM
Kudoes to the cops. NOW they are getting something done.



(CNN) -- [Breaking news update at 1:47 p.m. Wednesday ]

An arrest has been made in the Boston bombings investigation based on two videos showing images of the suspect, a federal law enforcement source told CNN's Fran Townsend.



Suspect nabbed in Boston Marathon bombing

By Catherine Herridge
Published April 17, 2013

DEVELOPING: Investigators have arrested a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, a federal source confirmed to FoxNews.com.

The suspect was seen on surveillance footage and showed a young man carrying – and perhaps dropping – a black bag at the second bombing scene at Monday’s Boston Marathon. The camera at Lord & Taylor, located directly across the street, has given investigators clear video of the area, according to the unnamed official.

“The camera from Lord & Taylor is the best source of video so far,” said Dot Joyce, a spokeswoman for Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino told the Boston Globe. “All I know is that they are making progress.”

Fox News has learned that the circuit board suspected of being used to detonate the at least one of the bomb has been recovered, and that FBI investigators continue to scan and analyze the cell phone tower records to identify positive hits for signs of calls that may have triggered both explosions remotely.

04-17-2013, 02:05 PM
Now reports are saying there has NOT been an arrest.


04-17-2013, 03:09 PM
pictures prebombings of people with black packs on infowars

04-17-2013, 03:20 PM
pictures prebombings of people with black packs on infowars







04-17-2013, 03:23 PM
THERE HAS BEEN "NO ARRESTS". The rumor mill is chugging along at laser speed.

What the people who did the bombing intended in Boston HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL.

What all of us are hearing, how we are reacting, and what we hope to hear....IS WHAT THE TERRORISTS wanted to achieve.

We have become what they expected us to become.

They want us to GIVE UP OUR RIGHTS for more security.

That sounds exactly like what the OBAMA Administration has been hoping to achieve as well.


red states rule
04-17-2013, 03:23 PM
Damn! Chris Matthews will so PO"d if the suspect is not a white guy who is a Tea Party member

04-17-2013, 07:20 PM






That looks like false flag to me. Time for more restrictions on your "freedoms" America.

Marcus Aurelius
04-17-2013, 07:36 PM
That looks like false flag to me. Time for more restrictions on your "freedoms" America.

Of course you'd be thrilled if that were the case.. saves you the trouble of jihad, right? Dumb ass.

04-17-2013, 07:54 PM
That looks like false flag to me. Time for more restrictions on your "freedoms" America.

How do you come to this conclusion? A handful of photos that we don't even know what of yet, or if it has any involvement at all?

You talk here of having our freedoms restricted while complaining in another thread how our freedoms won out in the Senate.

Marcus Aurelius
04-17-2013, 09:09 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=631866#post631866)
That looks like false flag to me. Time for more restrictions on your "freedoms" America.

How do you come to this conclusion? A handful of photos that we don't even know what of yet, or if it has any involvement at all?

You talk here of having our freedoms restricted while complaining in another thread how our freedoms won out in the Senate.

The only freedoms that Jahil cares about are ones that advance what HE personally considers 'Islam'.

04-17-2013, 10:02 PM
That looks like false flag to me. Time for more restrictions on your "freedoms" America.

T'ain't funny McGee. Now there will be calls for more bull crap like they have at South Station. Every one seems to forget that the number of people that died could fit in the family sedan.

04-17-2013, 11:27 PM
sadly it could be a false flag. doesn't look like lone nut, if all we're going on are these pics.

the target makes Zero sense, civilian targets make no sense for over wrought patriot militia types . A gov't building, the U.N., a fed office, security people maybe. But most hard core militia types are of a defensive mind set. And to Just bomb a crowd ? no real target. it doesn't fly, imo.

Alqeada types ... the few left... like military targets or strategic or symbolic targets. Just some random group of folks doesn't fit the M.O..

No way to say for sure about anyone. but imo the pics lean toward a team of some kind, to say the lest.

04-17-2013, 11:47 PM
How do you come to this conclusion? A handful of photos that we don't even know what of yet, or if it has any involvement at all?

You talk here of having our freedoms restricted while complaining in another thread how our freedoms won out in the Senate.

I'm just going on what the photos show.

T'ain't funny McGee. Now there will be calls for more bull crap like they have at South Station. Every one seems to forget that the number of people that died could fit in the family sedan.

I wasn't trying to be funny. Sorry if you were offended, but if new restrictions on freedom are waiting to be pushed through, a false flag attack is just what is needed to get it done without being held up for debate. Remember the Patriot Act? It passed while mostly being unread.

red states rule
04-18-2013, 02:20 AM
I'm just going on what the photos show.

No, you are worried they are Muslim men spreading the religion of peace in downtown Boston

That is why some on the left here are hoping it is a white member of the Tea Party who planted the bombs

04-18-2013, 06:43 AM
No, you are worried they are Muslim men spreading the religion of peace in downtown Boston

That is why some on the left here are hoping it is a white member of the Tea Party who planted the bombs

No, I see evil men who are about to earn one way tickets to hellfire.

Marcus Aurelius
04-18-2013, 06:57 AM
I'm just going on what the photos show.

Nonsense. You're simply lying again. As usual.

04-18-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm just going on what the photos show.

I wasn't trying to be funny. Sorry if you were offended, but if new restrictions on freedom are waiting to be pushed through, a false flag attack is just what is needed to get it done without being held up for debate. Remember the Patriot Act? It passed while mostly being unread.

So a handful of photos, that can be of anyone, with ZERO proof that they even had anything to do with this at all - and you're already calling it a false flag operation? Usually conspiracies take a week or so to get around. I didn't realize that people can get all of that from a few photos!

The patriot act you know very little about. It's been up in our government quite a bit, read quite a bit and renewed quite a bit. At least get up to date if you're going to condemn US politics.

I still find it funny, that on one side of your mouth you are stating that there might be new restrictions waiting to be pushed through - and on the other you seemed upset that freedoms won out and we had no more restrictions placed on our 2nd amendment rights. Kinda run contrary to one another, no?

red states rule
04-21-2013, 05:43 AM

red states rule
04-22-2013, 02:43 AM
After days of reading/watching the liberal media hope the bombers were white guys who belonged to the Tea Party - the same libs are dismissing the fact the bombers are Muslims

MSNBC host explains our fixation with the bombers’ roots

I know you were all worried. The entire week has gone by and you’ve doubtless been haunted by nagging fears over exactly why you were so upset with the Brothers Tsarnaev and their recent actions in Boston and Watertown. I’m sure, like many, you were concerned that you might be unfairly judging them for their origins or Muslim connections. Fear not! You’re just fine. As MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry helpfully explains, these factors have nothing to do with recent events (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/harris-perry-tsarnaevs-muslim-faith-as-relevant-to-bombing-as-ben-affleck-movies-about-violence-in-boston/).

Making the point that the Tsarnaev brothers’ Muslim faith at the moment bears little relevance to the investigation into the brothers’ decision to attack the Boston Marathon last week, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry observed that Tsarnaev’s faith is about as relevant to the investigation right now as are Ben Affleck movies about violent events in Boston. Her panel guests agreed, and said that Americans have to “otherize” violent actors in order to absolve themselves from responsibility for or connection to their violence.

“We don’t really know,” said Harris-Perry, throwing her hands up about the discussion into the Tsarnaev’s motives. “The younger brother, he’s getting all kinds of tweets from his friends. I think part of the answer is that it’s still an open question.”…

“Given that they’re Chechen, given that they are literally Caucasian, our very sense of connection to them is this framed up notion of, like, Islam making them into something that is non-[unintelligible],” Harris-Perry continued.

“The point is that it’s important to say, ‘that is not us,” Dyson agreed. “We want to demonize the other. We have to distance it from the dominant culture.”

Look… I don’t know what sent the Tsarnaev brothers over the edge, and everyone on both sides claiming that they already do know is putting the horse several miles before the cart. But over the edge they went and attempts to brush that away are flatly dishonest. And that applies to both sides, including Harris-Perry’s. It’s still entirely possible that the older brother was getting most of his information off the internet and the younger one tagged along. (That still doesn’t make him less eligible for a new office six feet underground, as I noted before (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/04/20/closing-a-chapter-but-only-one-chapter/).) But to pretend that much deeper, more sinister ties aren’t still a possibility, if not a probability, is willful blindness. Did the older brother spend those six months visiting with Dad or at a training camp? We don’t know yet, but further, detailed investigation may yield some answers.

But the newest MSNBC star can’t seem to relinquish the red flag on this one. Sure, it would have been great for her running meme if the bombers had turned out to be Tea Party supporters from Alabama (and some white supremacist cred wouldn’t hurt either) but that ship has already sailed. They’re either locally inspired crackpots or foreign trained fanatics. (The sleeper cell theory is the worst case scenario, and one that’s being explored now, but we’ll have to wait to see what is turned up.) But leave it to the MSNBC weekend crew to make sure we can turn this into a reason to promote progressive politics.


04-27-2013, 08:10 PM
No, I see evil men who are about to earn one way tickets to hellfire.

Looks like you feel your teaching of hatred has paid-off jafar. What other kinds of hateful things are you proudest of today?

If you see them. Maybe you should move to a better neighborhood.