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View Full Version : BTW, Massachusetts does NOT have a Death Penalty

04-19-2013, 09:23 PM
The do-gooders in MA couldn't see any reason for Capital Punishment.


So this terrorist murderer they just caught, will be given room and board for the next 60-plus years.

Good work if you can get it. This guy found a way.


04-19-2013, 09:27 PM
Except the United States does have capital punishment, and terrorism is a federal crime.

Marcus Aurelius
04-19-2013, 09:28 PM
Federal charges will be filed. Same as McVeigh.

04-19-2013, 09:45 PM
The do-gooders in MA couldn't see any reason for Capital Punishment.


So this terrorist murderer they just caught, will be given room and board for the next 60-plus years.

Good work if you can get it. This guy found a way.


Acorn. He won't last very long. Remember. He needs to become a Martyr according to that Religion of Peace.
And, if he does survive long enough.
Bending over to pick up the soap in prison will be the LEAST of his problems...since GAY marriage is legal in MASS.
That big guy who doesn't like Killers of children will make him his 19 year old BITCH.

04-19-2013, 09:47 PM
Federal charges will be filed. Same as McVeigh.

Oklahoma had the Death Penalty.

I'm not familiar with laws on Federal penalties trumping state penalties. If the Fed can legally do it, I hope they do.

Marcus Aurelius
04-19-2013, 09:53 PM
Oklahoma had the Death Penalty.

I'm not familiar with laws on Federal penalties trumping state penalties. If the Fed can legally do it, I hope they do.

immaterial, as the charges filed were federal charges, not state charges.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-19-2013, 10:00 PM
The do-gooders in MA couldn't see any reason for Capital Punishment.


So this terrorist murderer they just caught, will be given room and board for the next 60-plus years.

Good work if you can get it. This guy found a way.


I just posted a poll on the best method to kill the murdering bastard in the religion/ethics form here. I only selected 7 interesting ways but anybody can add their own if none of those 7 suit their tastes.
By the way, just how dead is the Major?
Not, thought so. Neither will ever be put to death, hide and see...
Powers that be that also rule the puppet obama will see to it..-Tyr

04-19-2013, 10:15 PM
I just posted a poll on the best method to kill the murdering bastard in the religion/ethics form here. I only selected 7 interesting ways but anybody can add their own if none of those 7 suit their tastes.
By the way, just how dead is the Major?
Not, thought so. Neither will ever be put to death, hide and see...
Powers that be that also rule the puppet obama will see to it..-Tyr
Hassan hasn't been convicted yet, and he does have a right to a trial. You show a lot of disdain for our system of justice. Unreasonably so IMO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-19-2013, 10:22 PM
Hassan hasn't been convicted yet, and he does have a right to a trial. You show a lot of disdain for our system of justice. Unreasonably so IMO.

No disdain for the justice system when its not being corrupted by government bastards.. Currently it is, hence my utter contempt for it in some cases.
I don't fit in that convenient box Log. -Tyr

04-19-2013, 10:39 PM
Hassan hasn't been convicted yet, and he does have a right to a trial. You show a lot of disdain for our system of justice. Unreasonably so IMO.

logroller. When you take time to consider who is in charge...as in Holder, and Obama. The disdain is not for the system, but for those who hold such contempt for it, and abuse it. As Holder, and Obama are doing in Hassan's case.
He should have had a COURT MARTIAL for Murder, and been SHOT by now.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-19-2013, 11:02 PM
logroller. When you take time to consider who is in charge...as in Holder, and Obama. The disdain is not for the system, but for those who hold such contempt for it, and abuse it. As Holder, and Obama are doing in Hassan's case.
He should have had a COURT MARTIAL for Murder, and been SHOT by now.

I agree, the bastard did the deed no denying that. Son of a bitch should have been drawn and quartered by now IMHO.-Tyr

04-19-2013, 11:11 PM
logroller. When you take time to consider who is in charge...as in Holder, and Obama. The disdain is not for the system, but for those who hold such contempt for it, and abuse it. As Holder, and Obama are doing in Hassan's case.
He should have had a COURT MARTIAL for Murder, and been SHOT by now.
Seeing as how ucmj is under the DoD, holder has no say. And so far as expediency, George W Bush was the first president to oversee a military execution in half a century, and that was for a conviction from 1988. So me thinks your opinion is poorly rooted in reality.

Robert A Whit
04-19-2013, 11:17 PM
No disdain for the justice system when its not being corrupted by government bastards.. Currently it is, hence my utter contempt for it in some cases.
I don't fit in that convenient box Log. -Tyr

In the case of the Army Major, a lot of people saw the man shoot down like animals the victims. But still he gets a trial. Don't expect Obama or Holder to rush it along.

In the case of the 17 year old picked up today in the Boston area, i say we need evidence.

I realize that normally cops are honest but this seems to me to be a bit too much like that old rush to judgement.

They keep telling us we will learn later what evidence there is.

I know of photos at the race. But there were tens of thousands there. I have not seen a bit of evidence by the cops they put bombs there. I know they claim they did, but so far, no proof. A jury wants to see actual evidence.

Even the so called robbing of the 7/11 store, as I said earlier, the store owner denied it. I heard this asked after the capture and the cop first acted like he (captive) had robbed the 7/11 but the reporter pressed him and the cop told her he does not know. She told the cop the store owner denied being robbed. Then the cops blurts out, oh, he hijacked a car.

Cops ought to have their stories lined up first then reply.