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View Full Version : Where's the Public Outrage Over Those Failed Gun Votes?

red states rule
04-25-2013, 03:03 AM
After Obama lost and the US Constitution won in the Senate after defeating Obama's gun control crap - the liberal media rallied to the defense of Obama. They "reported" how the public was outraged and supported the idea of expanded background checks

They "reported" how R's will pay in the 2014 election

Only one problem though - the liberal medias own pols do not support that wishful thinking

When the Senate defeated (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/04/17/breaking-senate-holds-series-of-gun-votes-n1570907) every single amendment to proposed gun control legislation last week, Harry Reid was forced to withdraw (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/04/18/reid-pulls-gun-bill-from-consideration/) the entire bill. An enraged President Obama made a scathing statement (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/04/17/video-obama-not-handling-gun-control-failure-in-senate-very-well/) at the White House, flanked by Newtown parent and Gabby Giffords. His message? Average Americans are disgusted with Congress' callous, dysfunctional inaction, and those responsible will pay a price at the ballot box. To which actual average Americans have responded (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/04/24/why-the-american-public-isnt-mad-as-hell-about-the-failure-of-the-gun-bill-in-numbers/) with a collective meh:

The Senate’s defeat of a package of popular proposals aimed at curbing gun violence last week seemed certain to foment public outrage at out-of-touch politicians who don’t listen to their constituents. Not so much, according to a new Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll. Yes, a plurality (47 percent) describe themselves as either “angry” or “disappointed” about the failure of the gun legislation, but 39 percent call themselves “relieved” or “happy” about what happened. That’s a far cry from the 90-ish percent support that expanding background checks — the centerpiece of the proposed legislation — enjoyed. And, among those who said they were “very closely” keeping tabs on the vote, the split was even closer; 48 percent said they were angry/disappointed while 47 percent were relieved or happy...The numbers suggest that the White House wound up losing the message fight over the gun legislation. Rather than a conversation centered on widely-popular measures supported by members of both parties, the debate — at least as people perceived it — became a wider referendum on the proper place for guns in society.

Pew/WaPo's question wording was fairly straightforward but didn't do opponents of the bill any favors. It asked, "as you may know, the U.S. Senate voted down new gun control legislation, including background checks on gun purchases. Which word best describes how you feel about the fact that this gun legislation did not pass?"

This question specifically mentions background checks, for which some polls have measured support in the 90 percent range (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/346502/more-90-percent-nonsense) -- about which Congress was regularly reminded (https://twitter.com/JoeNBC/status/324622750004170753) by proponents. And yet, what was the grand total of "angry" respondents? 15 percent. Fifteen. This cohort was outnumbered by people who were "very happy" that the bill died. A roughly equal percentage pronounced themselves "relieved" that nothing was done. The relatively modest plurality (32 percent) described their reaction as "disappointed." Disappointed people shake their heads, roll their eyes, and move on. They don't mount a tear-off calendar on their bedroom wall, counting down the days until the next general election.
