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04-27-2013, 06:30 AM
Well I have been up since around 4 am and decided I was a little hungry ( I was actually looking through FB where most of my friends are from NJ ) Like I said I got a bit hungry and thought about just a plain old buttered roll or better yet a Bagel ( I can get Bagels here in GA but it is a 40 mile ride ) so I went out in the kitchen to look around and found some French bread from dinner two nights ago ( the bread is actually very good WHEN FRESH, we get it from Publix , yup another 25 mile ride :rolleyes:) well the buttered roll sounded so good I took the french bread put butter on it and dunked it in my coffee and the really sad part is it was pretty good :laugh:

I see a trip to NJ coming real soon in my future

04-27-2013, 11:41 AM
Microwave the bread, that'll give you about 3-4 minutes to eat it before it's hard as a rock again! :lol:

04-27-2013, 12:03 PM
Microwave the bread, that'll give you about 3-4 minutes to eat it before it's hard as a rock again! :lol:

Even better, put a small piece of damp paper towel in a closed ziploc with the bread and nuke it for a few secs.

04-29-2013, 06:44 AM
Yes I have done both of them before and although it does make them better it just doesn't make it a NJ hard roll


Yesterday the wife and I took the 60 miles ride ( I could of took the 40 mile ride but we went all out and hit the farmers market afterwards) down to Gwinett to a bagel shop for breakfast ( Einstein's bagels ) and no they aren't as good as NJ bagels but I ate two and had a smile on my face :laugh: We then drove over to the farmers market and picked up some clams ( I love clams on the half shell or steamed dipped in drawn butter , guess I just like clams ;)) Then on the way back north we stopped at Publix and picked up some good bread to go with dinner last night ( chicken parmesan ) and I have enough bread left to finally have my make believe NJ hard roll this morning :cool: