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View Full Version : Loved this quote

Abbey Marie
04-28-2013, 10:39 AM
Don't know who authored it, but here it is:

"When is Obama going to criticize Muslims for clinging to their guns and their religion?"

04-28-2013, 10:42 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2013, 10:47 AM
Don't know who authored it, but here it is:

"When is Obama going to criticize Muslims for clinging to their guns and their religion?"


With zero criticisms of muslims on religion and guns obama clearly shows which camp he is truly in..-Tyr


Allah is most great, Obama say's Muslim prayer is sweetest sound on earth http://www.mylot.com/images/email.gif (http://www.mylot.com/nr/ed/2379015.aspx)


http://www.mylot.com/images/stars/2stars.gif kennyrose (http://www.mylot.com/kennyrose) (5035)
3 years ago




http://images.mylot.com/userImages/images/postphotos/2340409_t.jpg (http://www.mylot.com/kennyrose)Barack Obama on record recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer,he reciting them with a first-rate accent,the video's have been scrubbed from U-tube but before the 2008 eletion it was posted here at my lot.
Obama in his own words described the call to Muslim prayer as “one of the sweetest sounds on earth at sunset.
Our country has seen and heard Barack Obama's very first speech after he took office that first speech went out to the Muslin the world.
Our county has watched Barack Obama as he bowed deeply to Muslim Islamic King.
The Muslim people that have spoke out about Obama bowing to the Muslim king in their culture it is seen as a act of weakness and complet submission.
United States President's have never bowed because they are equal as the leader of our great nation.
Barack Obama in his own words explains all his family is Muslin but he is a Christian,do you really believe Barack Oabam Jr was being truthful when he said he is a Christian?

(Obama Loves The Islamic Morning Call To Prayer)

http://www.youtube.com/wa... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQz2naHi910&feature=related)




04-28-2013, 09:09 PM
Don't know who authored it, but here it is:

"When is Obama going to criticize Muslims for clinging to their guns and their religion?"

Abbey. I know you've heard this before but...."Please. Don't hold your breath!"

Obama isn't smart enough, nor honest enough to admit such things.

04-28-2013, 10:20 PM
The Adhan is indeed beautiful. When you hear it, you want to stop what you are doing and spend a moment to thank God for your life and everything in it.


Marcus Aurelius
04-28-2013, 10:25 PM
The Adhan is indeed beautiful. When you hear it, you want to stop what you are doing and spend a moment to thank God for your life and everything in it.


sounds more like fingernails on a chalkboard.


04-29-2013, 03:04 PM
Marcus. Though I haven't shared much of my past here. Hearing that prayer in the video reminded me of
a time in January of 1991, when I was in what the military called "FLEET HOSPITAL NR. 5" located in the sands of Saudi Arabia.
We could hear those prayers echoing across the land, into the tents...The Hospital...and with those prayers.
The Air-Raid Sirens that warned us of Incoming SCUD missiles from Saddam.
Consequently. Whenever I hear those prayers, or sirens.

I still cringe with a hatred for both.

So. There is nothing in that video I want, or need to hear to remind me of such times.