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04-30-2013, 01:17 PM
Flier Says He Was Detained Over Unflushed Toilet

04-30-2013, 01:24 PM
Ever walk into a bathroom where the prior person didn't flush? If of the #2 variety, I leave, I won't even touch the handle and help out the next poor bastard. That toilet is now quarantined.

04-30-2013, 01:29 PM
Ever walk into a bathroom where the prior person didn't flush? If of the #2 variety, I leave, I won't even touch the handle and help out the next poor bastard. That toilet is now quarantined.

That's what stewardesses are for!

04-30-2013, 01:34 PM
That's what stewardesses are for!

Assuming you mean both men or women unfortunate enough to be working on that plane, perhaps. And imagine being told you have to do that. If me, I'd probably want charges brought against the bastard too. I didn't know there was such a law though. What is it, assault? :lol:

04-30-2013, 01:40 PM
Assuming you mean both men or women unfortunate enough to be working on that plane, perhaps. And imagine being told you have to do that. If me, I'd probably want charges brought against the bastard too. I didn't know there was such a law though. What is it, assault? :lol:

He wasn't charged with any crime. The issue here seems to be a flight crew using detention for retaliation where no law was broken.

04-30-2013, 01:45 PM
He wasn't charged with any crime. The issue here seems to be a flight crew using detention for retaliation where no law was broken.

Perhaps, or maybe his harassing went too far. But IF he left a "bomb" in the toilet, a little revenge would be in order.

04-30-2013, 01:50 PM
Perhaps, or maybe his harassing went too far. But IF he left a "bomb" in the toilet, a little revenge would be in order.

Something like banning him from the airline would serve as a revenge against the passenger. The ability to use law enforcement in this manner should be a cause for concern from the general public.

According to a Bing search, this is what general public looks like:


04-30-2013, 05:35 PM
Finally. A thread telling an honest, factual story about the General, Poor Attitude of an entire nation.

All thanks to a man named "CRAPPER!"

If you can dial 911 for an unflushed toilet in the air.

Why not dial 911, and asking the DC Police to DUMP the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

That would cause a breath of FRESH AIR...across this entire nation.

04-30-2013, 10:53 PM
Aside from being a complete douche, he shouldn't have been arrested. Although being blacklisted from flying with that airline would be appropriate.

red states rule
05-01-2013, 02:50 AM
Ever walk into a bathroom where the prior person didn't flush? If of the #2 variety, I leave, I won't even touch the handle and help out the next poor bastard. That toilet is now quarantined.

Tell me about it. At work I have seen the bathrooms trashed and I pity the folks that have to clean it up

Also, do the assholes who trash the bathroom at work, trash their own bathroom at home?

red states rule
05-01-2013, 02:50 AM
Aside from being a complete douche, he shouldn't have been arrested. Although being blacklisted from flying with that airline would be appropriate.

If anyone knows what it is like to be a complete douche - it would be you

05-01-2013, 06:35 AM
Also, do the assholes who trash the bathroom at work, trash their own bathroom at home?

You know, I have always wondered that myself. I would hate to live with some of these people. I even wipe the seat down after as a courtesy to the next person.

05-01-2013, 07:47 AM
He wasn't charged with any crime. The issue here seems to be a flight crew using detention for retaliation where no law was broken.

Something like banning him from the airline would serve as a revenge against the passenger. The ability to use law enforcement in this manner should be a cause for concern from the general public.

the Guy was terrorist, Did they check the chemical composition of the "waste"?

There are a lot more stories like this. many are a lot worse.
One young man was turned over to Homeland security because he didn't respond properly to a stewardess's friendly greeting and he had angry eyes. Of course he was was of a swarthy complexion. His more Aryan looking mother, who was also on the flight, probably saved him from a trip to the gitmo. HS had already wrestled him to the ground and cuffed him by the time she found out what happened.

Don't mess with the stewardesses on the planes, smile and take what they give you, with freaking gratitude.. or else. Seem some have been at high altitudes a lil to long.

Marcus Aurelius
05-01-2013, 07:48 AM
As gross as leaving the toilet like that is, using the police to 'get back at the guy' is wrong.

05-01-2013, 06:12 PM
Tell me about it. At work I have seen the bathrooms trashed and I pity the folks that have to clean it up

Also, do the assholes who trash the bathroom at work, trash their own bathroom at home?

red states rule. After serving with thousands of other men on many, many ships, and shore stations. I can honestly say. "YES" they also trash their own bathrooms at home.

From first hand experience. Their attitude is "NOT MY JOB TO CLEAN IT. LET SOMEBODY ELSE DO IT!"

So, if they were never taught to be considerate of others at home. Why should they be that way in public????

05-01-2013, 06:20 PM
As gross as leaving the toilet like that is, using the police to 'get back at the guy' is wrong.

Don't let those stating as much, or those thanking them, let you make a decision without the whole truth. This mans non-flushing really had nothing to do with it. Seems like an unruly passenger who was making a spectacle of himself. This wouldn't be the first time a passenger was detained for acting like an asshole, won't be the last, and shouldn't be. Read the entire report:

The document:

And if that won't open:

The wrapup, not the report:

APRIL 29--A California businessman is suing Virgin America airlines, claiming that he was improperly detained by police after flight attendants reported that he did not flush an airplane toilet and quarreled with them over the purchase of a soft drink.

In a U.S. District Court complaint, Salvatore Bevivino, 52, alleged that he was “taken into custody against his will” last April as he sought to disembark from a flight from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Bevivino said he was detained by six “uniformed officers” and taken to a room where he was questioned.

Bevivino, seen at right, was detained after a Virgin America captain told investigators that the passenger “was using profanities and not listening to instructions from the flight,” according to a San Francisco Police Department report. However, the captain added, “at no time did he or his flight crew feel threatened regarding this passenger.”

A flight attendant told cops that Bevivino argued with her over the ordering of a soda via a computer touchscreen. “My time is precious, you are here to serve me,” Bevivno said, according to the flight attendant.

Following the soda confrontation, the flight attendant told police, Bevivino “went to the restroom, came back out with a smile on his face and began using profanities.” When the flight attendant passed by the lavatory, she “saw that Bevivino left the door open and did not flush the toilet.”

Bevivino, a Genentech executive, denied cursing “during his brief 2 minute exchange with the crew regarding the soft drink order,” adding that he was released from custody after an officer concluded that “the matter seemed to be a customer service issue.”

In his lawsuit, Bevivino surmises that he was a victim of in-flight profiling on the part of flight crew members. Describing himself as of “Italian ancestry,” Bevivino noted that he “is of dark complexion and could be mistaken for being from the Middle East because of his appearance.”

Bevivino’s lawsuit seeks a minimum of $500,000 in damages for causing him, among other things, “apprehension, embarrassment, humiliation, mortification, fright, shock, mental anguish and emotional distress.” (6 pages)