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View Full Version : D.C. Council may push Washington Redskins into ‘Washington Redtails’

red states rule
05-01-2013, 03:22 AM
It is amazing to see nanny state liberals thump their chests over what they consider problems that need to be solved. Do they really think the fans of the Redskins will allow this to happen?

These libs need to get a f'ing life

A D.C. Council member is preparing to introduce a resolution calling on the Washington Redskins to change its name, perhaps to the Washington Redtails.

Council member David Grosso, an independent elected last year, said he plans to pursue his non-binding resolution because the current name is “a derogatory, racist name.”

“It’s been a long time that we’ve had this name associated with Washington, and I think its time we take a stand and change it,” Grosso said.
Grosso (http://www.dccouncil.washington.dc.us/council/david-grosso) is circulating his resolution to other council members to try to get co-sponsors. So far, he said, council members Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4) and Kenyan McDuffie (D-Ward 5) have agreed to sign on to it.

In recent months, as the Redskins made their run toward the playoffs (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-wire/post/redskins-stadium-in-district-remains-a-city-dream/2013/01/07/2f29b24e-58f6-11e2-88d0-c4cf65c3ad15_blog.html), debate about the Redskins name has been heating up. Earlier this year, Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) said he would also like the name changed (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/mike-debonis/wp/2013/01/09/redskins-name-change-should-be-discussed-vincent-gray-says/). But Redskins owner Daniel Snyder and team officials have largely avoided the debate, giving no indications that they are seriously considering such a change.

According to Grosso’s resolution, which he said he plans to formally introduce in a few weeks, the 13-member council would declare that “District residents and their elected representatives should not tolerate commercial or other use of derogatory terminology relating to any people’s racial identity, or which dishonors any person’s race, or which dishonors the name Washington.”

“Washington’s name has been dishonored by association with the word ‘Redskins,’ ” the resolution states. “Because it is well known in America and in nations afar that American Indians have experienced utmost suffering and disrespect over the years.”


BTW, the on-line WP poll as of this morning 59% said keep the name only 41% fell into the "offended" column

05-01-2013, 07:36 PM
Political Uncorrectness is EVERYWHERE, EVERYWHERE.

Living in this country today is like Being the Last Tube of PREPARATION-H in a world full of A-holes, and the Tube is EMPTY.

05-01-2013, 08:01 PM
Hmmm...a new name synonymous with DC...wonder how they're gonna fit "Lying, stealing, self-serving, sons-a-bitches" on a uniform.

Marcus Aurelius
05-01-2013, 08:12 PM
resolution, smesolution. I don't see how they can force a private entity to change the name of their organization.

red states rule
05-02-2013, 03:24 AM
resolution, smesolution. I don't see how they can force a private entity to change the name of their organization.

Because they are liberals, they are in power, they are offended, and they know what is best for everyone