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05-01-2013, 05:50 AM
Sounding more and more like Benghazi:


EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012'

Saudis developed intelligence separately from Russia, which also warned the U.S. about the accused Boston bomber

A letter to the Department of Homeland Security allegedly named Tsarnaev and three Pakistanis as potential jihadis worthy of U.S. investigation
Red flags from Saudi Arabia to have included Tsarnaev's name and information about a planned explosive attack on a major U.S. city

Saudi foreign minister, national security chief both met with Obama in the oval office in early 2013

By David Martosko (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=David+Martosko) and The American Media Institute (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=The+American+Media+Institute)
PUBLISHED: 22:46 EST, 30 April 2013 | UPDATED: 03:39 EST, 1 May 2013

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.

The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.

Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev's plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.

The Saudis' warning to the U.S. government was also shared with the British government. 'It was very specific’ and warned that 'something was going to happen in a major U.S. city,' the Saudi official said during an extensive interview.

It 'did name Tamerlan specifically,' he added. The 'government-to-government' letter, which he said was sent to the Department of Homeland Security at the highest level, did not name Boston or suggest a date for his planned attack.


05-01-2013, 06:28 AM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.

05-01-2013, 06:36 AM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.

Government conspiracy? No. Incompetence? Yes.

05-01-2013, 06:45 AM
This is earth shattering.

Wait, let me rephrase that;

This should be earth shattering.

05-01-2013, 06:45 AM
More from the Russians:


Russia had elder Boston suspect under surveillance




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Apr 30, 4:35 PM (ET)


MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) - Russian agents placed the elder Boston bombing suspect under surveillance during a six-month visit to southern Russia last year, then scrambled to find him when he suddenly disappeared after police killed a Canadian jihadist, a security official told The Associated Press.

U.S. law enforcement officials have been trying to determine whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indoctrinated or trained by militants during his visit to Dagestan, a Caspian Sea province that has become the center of a simmering Islamic insurgency.

The security official with the Anti-Extremism Center, a federal agency under Russia's Interior Ministry, confirmed the Russians shared their concerns. He told the AP that Russian agents were watching Tsarnaev, and that they searched for him when he disappeared two days after the July 2012 death of the Canadian man, who had joined the Islamic insurgency in the region. The official spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media.

Security officials suspected ties between Tsarnaev and the Canadian - an ethnic Russian named William Plotnikov - according to the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, which is known for its independence and investigative reporting and cited an unnamed official with the Anti-Extremism Center, which tracks militants. The newspaper said the men had social networking ties that brought Tsarnaev to the attention of Russian security services for the first time in late 2010.

After Plotnikov was killed, Tsarnaev left suddenly for the U.S., not waiting to pick up his new Russian passport - ostensibly one of his main reasons for coming to Russia. The official said his sudden departure was considered suspicious.


05-01-2013, 06:52 AM
There are 47 million people collecting Food Stamps every month.

Millions more with their unemployment benefits extended.

Millions more waiting for Obamacare to kick in.

Millions more with their mortgages refinanced.

I'm starting to feel like Obama could have planted this bomb himself and nobody would care.

05-01-2013, 07:14 AM

and now my outrage of this morning is slowly giving way to fear.

While some lunatics are raving that the government is doing too much to combat terrorism, it's quite apparent that we're not doing enough.

So much was in place that could have prevented this, but it went through regardless.

What other plots are being hatched, that could be aborted but won't be aborted?

05-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.

So now someone "allowed" 9/11 to happen? I thought it was bombs and the government did a controlled demolition and flew a missile into the pentagon. Were those "allowed" to commit these heinous terror acts Muslims?

Marcus Aurelius
05-01-2013, 12:52 PM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.

Go fuck yourself, you pedophile worshiping creep. 9/11 was not 'allowed' to happen. It was a terrorist attack,


05-01-2013, 01:37 PM
Go fuck yourself, you pedophile worshiping creep. 9/11 was not 'allowed' to happen. It was a terrorist attack,


Marcus, I got a bit pissed at 9/11 conspiracy talk as well, I find a lot of it insulting, to us as a nation as well as to my intelligence, as I like to deal with facts. Anyway, we can better win these arguments with facts, and even add in a fair amount of wit and sarcasm, and a lot of passion - without having to cross a line that actually might hurt our argument. You're better than this. I don't mind the non-stop dumbass comments, it's kinda your schtick for a fair amount of people, but when you go off like this it only diminishes your argument. And trust me on this, because I do the same every few weeks! :)

Marcus Aurelius
05-01-2013, 02:15 PM
Marcus, I got a bit pissed at 9/11 conspiracy talk as well, I find a lot of it insulting, to us as a nation as well as to my intelligence, as I like to deal with facts. Anyway, we can better win these arguments with facts, and even add in a fair amount of wit and sarcasm, and a lot of passion - without having to cross a line that actually might hurt our argument. You're better than this. I don't mind the non-stop dumbass comments, it's kinda your schtick for a fair amount of people, but when you go off like this it only diminishes your argument. And trust me on this, because I do the same every few weeks! :)

Sorry, but I am not going to just sit here and let Jahil make that kind of statement unchallenged. Most of his nonsense gets my typical 'dumb ass' comment, but not that one. No way.

The idea that our government 'let' several thousand people be killed on 9/11 is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard.. and I'd be saying that regardless of which part was in power at the time.

05-01-2013, 03:15 PM
Anyone. Especially anyone who calls themself a Proud American, who sides with, or feels sorrow, sadness, or something unfair is taking place for TERRORISTS needs to either get their head examined, or just join the TALIBAN.

Defending terrorists, terror, and the war on terror as a citizen is just ECHOING Obama, and his merry band of IDIOTS.

05-01-2013, 03:17 PM
Sorry, but I am not going to just sit here and let Jahil make that kind of statement unchallenged. Most of his nonsense gets my typical 'dumb ass' comment, but not that one. No way.

The idea that our government 'let' several thousand people be killed on 9/11 is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard.. and I'd be saying that regardless of which part was in power at the time.

I'm in agreement with you almost all of the way, just before it turns personal. Jafar is just one man with an opinion. He isn't the first here to make the conspiracy claim and won't be the last. Hell, he's not even the first Muslim to make the claim. I agree that the claim is preposterous, as has been the majority of 9/11 conspiracy claims, and now the Boston claims. Facts are facts are facts, and they are missing in almost every conspiracy I have ever read.

Anyway, being angry at the screen and typing doesn't make the argument better, and probably makes Jafar laugh since you now went and got angry at something he posted. The best way to respond to stuff like that is with FACTS.

05-01-2013, 03:27 PM
I'm in agreement with you almost all of the way, just before it turns personal. Jafar is just one man with an opinion. He isn't the first here to make the conspiracy claim and won't be the last. Hell, he's not even the first Muslim to make the claim. I agree that the claim is preposterous, as has been the majority of 9/11 conspiracy claims, and now the Boston claims. Facts are facts are facts, and they are missing in almost every conspiracy I have ever read.

Anyway, being angry at the screen and typing doesn't make the argument better, and probably makes Jafar laugh since you now went and got angry at something he posted. The best way to respond to stuff like that is with FACTS.

Jim. For many of us out here. And I hope you are included. This format is actually THE ONE, AND ONLY WAY we can express our anger in this terrible, mixed-up, ignorant, idiotic, irresponsible, illiterate, stupid World where anyone can say whatever they want....and you expect us to just sit QUIET, TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, SMILE, and ASK...MAY I HAVE ANOTHER????

Conspiracy or not. Unless WE THE PEOPLE actually stand up, and ARE HEARD at every opportunity.

Even YOU Jim...stand to lose the freedoms you now have as the host of this Forum.
It all starts with one WUSS, and spreads quickly into a nation of WUSSIES.

05-01-2013, 03:35 PM
Jim. For many of us out here. And I hope you are included. This format is actually THE ONE, AND ONLY WAY we can express our anger in this terrible, mixed-up, ignorant, idiotic, irresponsible, illiterate, stupid World where anyone can say whatever they want....and you expect us to just sit QUIET, TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, SMILE, and ASK...MAY I HAVE ANOTHER????

Conspiracy or not. Unless WE THE PEOPLE actually stand up, and ARE HEARD at every opportunity.

Even YOU Jim...stand to lose the freedoms you now have as the host of this Forum.
It all starts with one WUSS, and spreads quickly into a nation of WUSSIES.

Not at all. You know as well as others, that I too express my anger quite often, but I'm working on it, as I know it doesn't help me get my points across, just expresses my anger. I WANT people to speak up when they see a 9/11 conspiracy, speak up till the whole world hears you! I just think we are ALL better off, here at DP, if we do so in a less personal manner. But yep, sometimes something really pisses some of us off, sometimes triggers something, and we let off some steam. That's cool too. I just wouldn't want the whole board to be all about that all the time.

05-01-2013, 06:58 PM
Sounding more and more like Benghazi:


The letter is probably still sitting on the desk in the Oval Office...right under the latest edition of Golf Digest and Obama's March Madness brackets.

05-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.


red states rule
05-02-2013, 03:38 AM
Government conspiracy? No. Incompetence? Yes.


05-02-2013, 05:25 AM
Perhaps Boston was similar to 9/11. It was "allowed" to happen.

The intelligence prior to 9-11 was that Al Qaeda, a worldwide organization, might be planning to do something with airplanes. Which at the time meant hijacking, not flying them into buildings.

The intelligence prior to the Boston Marathon was that two specifically named individuals, according to two national governments who specifically warned us about these specific individuals, living in one specific place, were planning a terrorist attack.

The two scenarios are not comparable at any level.

I really thought when I read this yesterday morning the country would go insane with outrage. I guess when the free goodies keep coming from the gubmint, outrageous incompetence is simply met with shrugged shoulders.

A local news channel in Boston was interviewing students at the younger brother's university and asked one student "Weren't you able to recognize him from the photos on the news?"

His response was basically, "Yeah, I knew it was him but I didn't want to throw him under the bus."

I'm really kind of depressed. This isn't the country I grew up in anymore. I'm afraid to grow old in this country and have to depend on these imbeciles.

Obama, terrorists, liberals, pothead conservatives.... all worried about terrorist rights and treatment. I this sordid group enjoys it all on a sick level, as in "Ha! You bourgeois people who make this greedy country work are finally being made to feel the pain you cause around the world!"

We've really reached a tipping point and there's no going back. During the Cold War the communists planted time bombs all throughout our society to drag us into failure, most notably in the entertainment and education fields. Although international communism failed, the bombs left behind still went off as designed. Now we're a country of dependent wannabe socialists.

Time to start moving wealth off-shore. Where to?

05-02-2013, 07:57 AM
Just for the hell of it, I went to about 20 political sites/forums I have bookmarked this morning. I did searches on the topic to find results. MANY blamed George Bush in 2001, up till this day, for apparently not doing enough to prevent 9/11, even though there were really no solid facts he could have done so. Sure, there was intel of possible hijackings, but nothing specific...

Fast forward to the past few years. Apparently Russia AND Saudi Arabia we are finding out had warned us about this dirtbag. Sure, we need to find out what went wrong with our various agencies and such, and fix it.

But I thought the CIC is ultimately responsible for these things? Why aren't those bitching in the past doing similar bitching at Obama? Fast and Furious, then Benghazi and now Boston. 2 were direct involvements with ironclad proof and the 3rd is coming out more and more every day, that agencies and our government were warned.

Liberals, party over country, every time.

05-02-2013, 12:01 PM
Just for the hell of it, I went to about 20 political sites/forums I have bookmarked this morning. I did searches on the topic to find results. MANY blamed George Bush in 2001, up till this day, for apparently not doing enough to prevent 9/11, even though there were really no solid facts he could have done so. Sure, there was intel of possible hijackings, but nothing specific...

Fast forward to the past few years. Apparently Russia AND Saudi Arabia we are finding out had warned us about this dirtbag. Sure, we need to find out what went wrong with our various agencies and such, and fix it.

But I thought the CIC is ultimately responsible for these things? Why aren't those bitching in the past doing similar bitching at Obama? Fast and Furious, then Benghazi and now Boston. 2 were direct involvements with ironclad proof and the 3rd is coming out more and more every day, that agencies and our government were warned.

Liberals, party over country, every time.

All the above true. Lest we forget, Bush had been in office, about 8 months with little to no transition time because of election problems. He did not have a full cabinet ready. He'd run as a 'domestic president,' which is where he was putting his emphasis, until 9/11.

Obama has been president now over 4 years. His record on both domestic and foreign policies have not been winning, though he remains personally popular. His team has been together for a long time, those new, such as Kerry, picked up where their friends left off. Really, the loss of intel between and amongst departments isn't excusable.

05-02-2013, 12:11 PM
All the above true. Lest we forget, Bush had been in office, about 8 months with little to no transition time because of election problems. He did not have a full cabinet ready. He'd run as a 'domestic president,' which is where he was putting his emphasis, until 9/11.

Obama has been president now over 4 years. His record on both domestic and foreign policies have not been winning, though he remains personally popular. His team has been together for a long time, those new, such as Kerry, picked up where their friends left off. Really, the loss of intel between and amongst departments isn't excusable.

But I'll bet my last dollar that it won't be accounted for, just like no accountability for Fast and Furious and no accountability for Benghazi. The "most transparent administration ever" and I've never seen so many things hidden and unaccounted for.

05-02-2013, 01:32 PM
But I'll bet my last dollar that it won't be accounted for, just like no accountability for Fast and Furious and no accountability for Benghazi. The "most transparent administration ever" and I've never seen so many things hidden and unaccounted for.

Obama is a trained Liar. Go back and watch almost every one of his few press conferences. Keep a count of the number of easy questions he has been asked, and keep a count of the number of ACTUAL answers he has provided without....going off topic, or avoiding the original context of the questions asked.

Then. Remember. You are watching, and hearing a Professional Liar at work.
Obama has no accountability, responsibility or leadership traits. Those things are not needed when you LIE.