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View Full Version : Depression; over or not? Alarming banks closing list

Robert A Whit
05-04-2013, 12:31 AM
There are several pages of banks that closed. This list starts in 2000 and ends April of this year.

This is the official list of closed banks put out by the FDIC

I want you to note that in 2000 and even during Bush, the numbers closed were small.

Then watch during Obama.

Bear in mind the great depression spurred hundreds of banks closed.

I am not saying the end is around the corner, but i am saying this is what your media is not telling you nor the thing Obama wants you to notice.

The link shows so many banks closed I simply gave you the link.


05-04-2013, 04:35 AM
Wow, that's a lot of banks. Probably not a lot of branches though. More interesting would be the lack of news coverage.