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05-04-2013, 10:14 AM
The Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth

05-04-2013, 11:03 AM
The Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth


I've been saying the same for years. When one compares women and men, who've chosen the same fields, with the same hours, there's no difference in compensation. I know of few women however, that have chosen to work in demanding fields for many years without either going part-time or taking several years off. Both of those are choices that will result in pay differences with their colleagues that started at the 'same time.' Their choices were worth it to them. It's not that they didn't love their jobs, rather they valued their families and wanted the time to develop outside of career.

My niece is now I believe in her sixth year at a financial law firm. She started at over 200k and is now on track for partner. Her husband is an MD, now in midst of two year fellowship. She wants to get out of NY, at least out of NYC. Of course she isn't saying that to anyone at work, she continues to work 80-95 hours most weeks. They will not be leaving at least until fellowship is completed. She doesn't like that she has little time to see her husband when he has some time. When they got married, they said they didn't want children, now there are signs that those feelings might be changing, but time is running out.

She has friends that also started at same time she did, they've chosen to have kids. A couple have started their own LLC's so they can call their own hours to some extent. No, they are not making the huge salaries. As the niece said to me on the phone not so long ago, "What good is all the money in the bank, when you don't have time to enjoy it?" Granted, her and her husband had just returned from 3 weeks in Europe, but before and after they rarely see each other more than 10 hours a week, oftentimes less.

Many women would feel the same. The numbers cited bear that out.

05-04-2013, 12:30 PM
The Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth


Indeed, President Obama is putting his political clout behind the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation intended to address the age-old income disparity between men and women that everyone assumes is a result of discrimination.

Didn't Lilly Ledbetter fix all of this for us in BO's first term?

05-04-2013, 02:16 PM
The Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth


OMG! This is such big news! Wow! (sarcasm)
I'm pretty sure that the only people that still believed that this was even remotely possible in today's world, are feminazi's.

05-04-2013, 02:50 PM
The worst thing about the OP is the seemingly nonchalant acceptance that 'eduction' is a low paying career.

Also was wondering how many posts into the thread we'd get before 'femnazis' were mentioned, erm, congrats cadet?

Robert A Whit
05-04-2013, 03:41 PM
I've been saying the same for years. When one compares women and men, who've chosen the same fields, with the same hours, there's no difference in compensation. I know of few women however, that have chosen to work in demanding fields for many years without either going part-time or taking several years off. Both of those are choices that will result in pay differences with their colleagues that started at the 'same time.' Their choices were worth it to them. It's not that they didn't love their jobs, rather they valued their families and wanted the time to develop outside of career.

My niece is now I believe in her sixth year at a financial law firm. She started at over 200k and is now on track for partner. Her husband is an MD, now in midst of two year fellowship. She wants to get out of NY, at least out of NYC. Of course she isn't saying that to anyone at work, she continues to work 80-95 hours most weeks. They will not be leaving at least until fellowship is completed. She doesn't like that she has little time to see her husband when he has some time. When they got married, they said they didn't want children, now there are signs that those feelings might be changing, but time is running out.

She has friends that also started at same time she did, they've chosen to have kids. A couple have started their own LLC's so they can call their own hours to some extent. No, they are not making the huge salaries. As the niece said to me on the phone not so long ago, "What good is all the money in the bank, when you don't have time to enjoy it?" Granted, her and her husband had just returned from 3 weeks in Europe, but before and after they rarely see each other more than 10 hours a week, oftentimes less.

Many women would feel the same. The numbers cited bear that out.

A very good explanation above.

When I was on the board of directors of a real estate association, we were handed salary books.

I suppose public libraries have them in the reference section.

I saw many salaries for many occupations.

I never saw a category for women.

Some may wonder how pay is set up.

Check that book or perhaps other such books.

As the poster says above, women hold a unique position in that they bear children. Children, in the view of many women, must be home cared for and the woman wants to do that.

I understand why. She spent 9 months living with the child in her and it was not easily removed from her mind. She felt the kicks and had a vital interest in the outcome. She bore the child. So, it is natural for her to wish to keep doing this.

Employeers factor in things like expected time off. Thus a pay difference exists but not for the full time workers. If the woman never has children, her pay will be the same as a mans.