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View Full Version : N.R.A. Leadership Rallies Members for 2014 Elections

red states rule
05-05-2013, 06:23 AM
Could 2014 be like 2010?

In speech after speech at the National Rifle Association (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/national_rifle_association/index.html?inline=nyt-org)’s annual convention here this weekend, its top leaders and political allies blasted President Obama and other gun control advocates, warned against “all-out, historic attacks” on the constitutional right to possess firearms, and issued a rallying cry to members to become a political force in next year’s midterm elections and the 2016 presidential race.

“We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about,” Wayne R. LaPierre, the association’s executive vice president and principal spokesman, told a cheering throng of members at the convention center here on Saturday. “We have a chance to secure our freedom for a generation, or to lose it forever.”

“We must remain vigilant, ever resolute, and steadfastly growing and preparing for the even more critical battles that loom before us,” he said.

Praising the N.R.A.’s membership for helping defeat a bipartisan Senate proposal to expand background checks for gun buyers last month, Mr. LaPierre said that the Senate fight had helped swell the association’s membership to a record five million people.

Not surprisingly, perhaps, the convention theme was “Stand and Fight,” and much of the fight was directed toward Mr. Obama, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York and those Mr. LaPierre described as their supporters in the “media elite” who were “conspiring right now, regrouping, planning, organizing” to exploit “the next horrific crime.”

The Senate bill “wouldn’t have prevented Newtown, couldn’t have prevented Tucson or Aurora and won’t prevent the next tragedy,” he said.

Later on, he added the Boston Marathon (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/b/boston_marathon/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier) bombings to bolster his position.“How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?” Mr. LaPierre said. “How many other Americans now ponder that life-or-death question?”

Mr. LaPierre and James W. Porter II, who was expected to be named president by the board of directors on Monday, succeeding David Keene, both urged N.R.A. members to become active in the 2014 midterm elections — which Mr. Porter described as more important than last year’s presidential election — and then the 2016 presidential race.

“We do that and Obama can be stopped,” Mr. Porter said.

The lineup of speakers at Friday’s Leadership Forum looked like the early field for the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, featuring Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, and Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate, as well as video appearances by Representative Paul Ryan and Gov. Scott Walker, both of Wisconsin.

Ms. Palin, wearing a black T-shirt that said “Women Hunt,” criticized gun control proposals that “won’t even work for their stated intended purposes.” Mr. Cruz warned that any infringement on the Bill of Rights would undermine the entire Constitution. And just about every speaker poked fun at the N.R.A.’s favorite cast of enemies: Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, and Mr. Bloomberg, whom Mr. LaPierre described as the “national nanny.”


red states rule
05-07-2013, 04:28 AM
Oh my. Rev Al is upset with the NRA.

I always thought Rev Al's show was tasteless and offensive

MSNBC's Sharpton Slams NRA Video as 'Tasteless' and 'Offensive'

On the Friday, May 3, Politics Nation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton fretted over the video that was played at Friday's NRA convention in Houston to introduce Rick Perry which shows the Texas governor firing at targets with an AR-15. Sharpton began the segment:

Houston, we have a problem. It's called the NRA. Today, in Houston, the NRA held its annual convention with a whose who list of the far-right pundits and politicians in the country. In fact, the NRA used a tasteless video to introduce Texas Governor Rick Perry, complete with the soundtrack and slow motion effects that showed him shooting an AR-15, the same type of gun used at Newtown.

After a clip of the Perry video, Sharpton responded:

That's offensive. Glamorizing a weapon of murder. That's not what Americans want. At a townhall last night in Arizona, a woman who used to work for Gabby Giffords and who was shot in the Tucson massacre praised Republican Senator John McCain for his "yes" vote on background checks.

After a clip of the audience member, Pam Simon, thanking Arizona Republican Senator John McCain for voting for universal background checks, followed by audience applause, the MSNBC host continued:

That's where Americans stand now on guns. That's why the far right is far from over -- far from over is this fight against the far right on this issue. And that's why President Obama is vowing to renew the push for background checks.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2013/05/06/msnbcs-sharpton-slams-nra-video-tasteless-and-offensive#ixzz2SbptYn5v

05-07-2013, 08:12 AM
Oh my. Rev Al is upset with the NRA.

I always thought Rev Al's show was tasteless and offensive

Well first off anything what ever upsets the Rev is more than likely good and he calls the gun a weapon of murder well I sat in front of the TV the day the shooting took place and watched the videos as they told the country how the shooting happened and that at such and such a time ( I dont remember the exact time but it was after the shooting ) they found a Bushmaster rifle ( a AR-15) in the back of a vehicle and showed the video of the police carrying a rifle ( ya couldn't tell what kind it was it was taking from a distance ) in the shooters vehicle , so I still don't believe a assault rifle killed in Newton ( not that it matters to me it is still a tragedy no matter what the scum used to kill with ) but Al has no problem with lies

And yes to show how right I am on this I was on FB talking about the shooting and I misunderstood the news and thought they had found this gun before the shooting and questioned why they didn't stop it before it happened and a police officer I know told me they had found it after the shooting and all during this time the news was still reporting finding the AR in the back of the vehicle

So this entire story is right up Rev. Al's alley filled with lies

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-07-2013, 08:16 AM
In speech after speech at the National Rifle Association (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/national_rifle_association/index.html?inline=nyt-org)’s annual convention here this weekend, its top leaders and political allies blasted President Obama and other gun control advocates, warned against “all-out, historic attacks” on the constitutional right to possess firearms, and issued a rallying cry to members to become a political force in next year’s midterm elections and the 2016 presidential race.

A poor choice of words using --blasted .. Gives the opposition "ammunition" to use to divert the point being made.-Tyr

“We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about,” Wayne R. LaPierre, the association’s executive vice president and principal spokesman, told a cheering throng of members at the convention center here on Saturday. “We have a chance to secure our freedom for a generation, or to lose it forever.”


http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/us...anted=all&_r=0 (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/us/we-will-never-surrender-our-guns-never-lapierre-tells-nra-members.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0)

It damn sure isn't the bullshit reason they put out for gullible public consumption.-TYR

red states rule
05-07-2013, 03:27 PM
Chris "Tingle" Matthews was not only very obnoxious but also very funny when he played the Nazi card, the race card, and the Civil War card all in one segment

Here is the link to the video

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/05/06/chris_matthews_gun_rights_activists_dont_accept_an _african-american_president.html

red states rule
05-07-2013, 03:35 PM
Another host on the Obama flagship network had a meltdown and called NRA members "reality challenged"

Another example of that liberal tolerance and more proof there is "no liberal bias" at the least watched cable network

MSNBC is on a roll lately. It seems like every host over on that propaganda network has NRA derangement syndrome, which often leads to making arguments on air that make no sense and are totally irrelevant to points made by NRA leaders. This time, it's MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell who dedicated his "rewrite" segment last night to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

At the NRA annual meetings in Houston last weekend, LaPierre asked the question, "How many Bostonions wished they had a gun two weeks ago."
La Pierre was referring to after the Boston Marathon bombing when alleged terrorists Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were freely running around in a Boston neighborhood after killing four Americans and severely injuring hundreds more. There was a high chance the Tsarnaev's would enter a home to take hostages while running from police. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was eventually found in a boat parked in a backyard. His brother Tamerlan was killed.

Lawrence O'Donnell, missed this point entirely and apparently thought LaPierre was referring to the moment when the bombs went off at the finish line. O'Donnell also called NRA members a "reality challenged audience."

for the video


05-07-2013, 03:39 PM
...wouldn't this be something they do before every election?

red states rule
05-07-2013, 03:42 PM
...wouldn't this be something they do before every election?

Obama has turned out to be the best gun salesmen in the history of firearms

and probably has been the best recruiter for the NRA ever has

05-07-2013, 03:54 PM
Obama has turned out to be the best gun salesmen in the history of firearms

and probably has been the best recruiter for the NRA ever has

Well that was a great answer to a question that wasn't asked lol, but fair enough.

red states rule
05-07-2013, 03:55 PM
Well that was a great answer to a question that wasn't asked lol, but fair enough.

It is the truth

Other Dems are on the record they want to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Another great incentive to join and VOTE

red states rule
05-07-2013, 04:14 PM
Once again, liberals use kids as political props to push their anti gun agenda

<iframe width="520" height="293" title="MRC TV video player" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/121144" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>