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View Full Version : How to get very rich using climate

Robert A Whit
05-06-2013, 12:12 PM
Today's news...

Al Gore will always be known for suffering one of the most gut-wrenching losses in Electoral College history, but at least he's found a very nice way to cushion the blow. Instead, of spending eight years dealing with the worst problems the world can throw you, in the years since he became Almost-President, Gore has slowly amassed a personal fortune to rival another famous presidential loser.
Prompted by a rather impressive month that Gore had last January, Ken Wells and Ari Levy of Bloomberg did an analysis of Gore's public financial transactions (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-06/gore-is-romney-rich-with-200-million-after-bush-defeat.html) to try and get a sense of his net worth. When the lifelong public service left office in 2001, the former Congressman-turned-Senator-turned-Vice President, was worth about $1.7 million, much of that inherited from his late father, Sen.Al Gore Sr. Pretty impressive for a "farm boy" from Tennessee but nothing compared to what he's done since then. By turning himself into a technological and environmental evangelist, as well as making taking advantage of few savvy (or lucky) business opportunities, Well and Levy estimate that Gore is now worth about $200 million. Or as they put, he's "Romney Rich."

Marcus Aurelius
05-06-2013, 12:18 PM
rich equals bad.. got it. :rolleyes:

05-06-2013, 12:26 PM
... as well as making taking advantage of few savvy (or lucky) business opportunities...

Not everyone can turn their positions of influence into millions.

Robert A Whit
05-06-2013, 12:46 PM
Not everyone can turn their positions of influence into millions.

Go on please ....

Marcus Aurelius
05-06-2013, 12:51 PM
Jealousy is ugly.

05-06-2013, 12:51 PM
Go on please ....

The story I read suggested his two primary sources of wealth, 1. Stock options from being on Apple's board, and 2. selling his stake in CurrentTV.

Do you think he would have been on the BoD for Apple if not for his position of influence? Do you think Current would have had its distribution network (which was the only source of value of Current) if not for his position of influence?

I don't believe that he had any financial exposure in either scenario.

Robert A Whit
05-06-2013, 03:08 PM
The story I read suggested his two primary sources of wealth, 1. Stock options from being on Apple's board, and 2. selling his stake in CurrentTV.

Do you think he would have been on the BoD for Apple if not for his position of influence? Do you think Current would have had its distribution network (which was the only source of value of Current) if not for his position of influence?

I don't believe that he had any financial exposure in either scenario.

No to Q #1 and #2.

I believe the Bloomberg point was that he got filthy rich. And did it very fast. A month or day of making 100 million dollars is a good day indeed.

Marcus Aurelius
05-06-2013, 04:45 PM