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View Full Version : Obama to step down over the Benghazi cover up

05-08-2013, 07:59 AM
That would be great of course that leaves slow Joe in charge and that may be worst , but realistically this will never happen , Obama himself has said he has no more elections to win so he can be mhing the more flexible another words he don't care what America thinks. Think about it this is worst that watergate both have to do with a President misleading the American people but we now have deaths involved , but honestly after watching the election people have no morals and we now know Hilliary flat out lied and I bet this wont even hurt her chances in 2016


05-08-2013, 02:09 PM
That would be great of course that leaves slow Joe in charge and that may be worst , but realistically this will never happen , Obama himself has said he has no more elections to win so he can be mhing the more flexible another words he don't care what America thinks. Think about it this is worst that watergate both have to do with a President misleading the American people but we now have deaths involved , but honestly after watching the election people have no morals and we now know Hilliary flat out lied and I bet this wont even hurt her chances in 2016


Jeff. Nice to think about. But, as you said. Won't happen. However. Based on Hitlery's past. I suspect something will happen
to her either prior to any nomination, or shortly after. Where she will become Unable to continue, or perform.
That's how Proven, Practiced, even Expert Liars maintain their followings, and keep the easily-led on a leash.

Obama and Hillary know they are set for life...ON OUR DIME. The one, mutual plan they both share is to leave a Legacy of Socialism here in this nation where the DEMOCRAT party....now DENIAL-o-crats....will forever keep the POOR under their thumb as the SECOND FALL OF ROME takes place between the Pacific, and Atlantic oceans.

red states rule
05-08-2013, 03:16 PM