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View Full Version : China Refuses to Confirm Okinawa Island Belongs to Japanese

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-08-2013, 08:31 AM

China (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china/) refused to confirm that Okinawa belongs to Japan after two Chinese scholars suggested re- examining the ownership of the archipelago that includes the island, adding to tensions over a separate territorial dispute.
Agreements between allied forces during World War II mean the ownership of the Ryukyu Islands may be in question, the researchers said in a commentary in the People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s main newspaper. Asked if China considers Okinawa part of Japan, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said scholars have long studied the history of the Ryukyus and Okinawa.
“It may be time to revisit the unresolved historical issue of the Ryukyu Islands,” Zhang Haipeng and Li Guoqiang of the China Academy of Social Sciences wrote in the commentary.
A move to reconsider ownership of the Ryukyus would add to strains as China and Japan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/japan/) assert their claims over a group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. The Japanese government’s decision last year to purchase those islands, called Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese, sparked protests across China and harmed a $340 billion annual trade relationship that has yet to recover.
Tensions were compounded last month after Japanese lawmakers visited a Tokyo shrine where war criminals are honored along with other war dead and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to protect the East China Sea islands by force. The Ryukyu Islands are home to about 1.5 million people.
Upping Ante

“The fact that this view is carried by the People’s Daily signals that Beijing may be upping the ante,” Willy Wo-Lap Lam, an adjunct professor of history at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, wrote in an e-mail. “This is psychological warfare and a classic Chinese negotiation tactic -- trying to intimidate the opponent by raising the stakes.”
Okinawa, the largest island in the Ryukyu chain, hosts U.S. military installations including Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. The scholars’ comments came in an article about China’s claim to the Diaoyu Islands.

What have I been telling you people about China and its goals? About how in obama 's second term it would start its aggression.How obama would twiddle his thumbs. Here we see the start of what I predicted. As usual I have been dead on right about China despite the lunacy coming from my critics on the subject. In the early 70's I predicted that China would rise in 40 to 50 years to rival us as number one power. There was such laughter back then about my prediction as to deafen a man. Now we see China poised to take number one spot any time now.
As soon as our dollar crashes and possibly even before .
You think if they start a shooting war with Japan obama will honor our obligations to Japan?
hahaha, think again.. He will toss them under the bus faster than you can say, adios..
I did however think that China would take the Philippines first. They may still do so as this may just be a muscle flexing operation. -Tyr
Although this may not end in a shooting war ,it does point to exactly what I predicted was going to happen. -Tyr

05-08-2013, 10:29 AM


What have I been telling you people about China and its goals? About how in obama 's second term it would start its aggression.How obama would twiddle his thumbs. Here we see the start of what I predicted. As usual I have been dead on right about China despite the lunacy coming from my critics on the subject. In the early 70's I predicted that China would rise in 40 to 50 years to rival us as number one power. There was such laughter back then about my prediction as to deafen a man. Now we see China poised to take number one spot any time now.
As soon as our dollar crashes and possibly even before .
You think if they start a shooting war with Japan obama will honor our obligations to Japan?
hahaha, think again.. He will toss them under the bus faster than you can say, adios..
I did however think that China would take the Philippines first. They may still do so as this may just be a muscle flexing operation. -Tyr
Although this may not end in a shooting war ,it does point to exactly what I predicted was going to happen. -Tyr

Well, as it said in the article, the tactic is pretty standard for China in negotiations, using intimidation to up the stakes of the negotiation, so I doubt we're looking at a war, especially since taking Okinawa would mean taking a US military base. That Obama would be forced to respond to, one way or another.

They've been in these negotiations with Japan for a while now, they're just butthurt cause Japan wrangled the other islands away from them, and are trying to save face at this point. Truthfully, China wants no part of a war that could draw us in, it would sink their economy almost overnight, because all Obama has to do is drop trade sanctions, and China's in the tank.

And keep in mind, if the dollar crashes, they're fucked too. See, that's the greater issue of a collapse of the US economy, is that, since we have so much foreign trade and such, our crash will cause a domino effect to other countries, especially China and India, who we have a great deal of trade with.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-08-2013, 11:01 PM
Well, as it said in the article, the tactic is pretty standard for China in negotiations, using intimidation to up the stakes of the negotiation, so I doubt we're looking at a war, especially since taking Okinawa would mean taking a US military base. That Obama would be forced to respond to, one way or another.

They've been in these negotiations with Japan for a while now, they're just butthurt cause Japan wrangled the other islands away from them, and are trying to save face at this point. Truthfully, China wants no part of a war that could draw us in, it would sink their economy almost overnight, because all Obama has to do is drop trade sanctions, and China's in the tank.

And keep in mind, if the dollar crashes, they're fucked too. See, that's the greater issue of a collapse of the US economy, is that, since we have so much foreign trade and such, our crash will cause a domino effect to other countries, especially China and India, who we have a great deal of trade with.

True, those are noted concerns but China in the last few years has been taking major and extremely costly steps to modernize their Navy and greatly strengthen their army. That can only be for one thing. To be able to flex their muscles far and wide. They need a few "colonies" and my guess is they are thinking of Philippines first. Of course its to exploit the resources of the areas they plan to take later on.

China is moving way from the dollar as fast as they can. They didn't buy all that gold because they were confident in the dollar. Sure they will seek to not get us involved in what they plan. I believe obama may have already given secret permission for some action they want to engage in. Afew more yaers of obama policies and we will be so much weaker that a small grab by them first wil likely be ignored by us. That is why I think they take the Philippines first.