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View Full Version : Consulate chief: Obama admin told me not to meet with Congressional delegation

05-08-2013, 05:57 PM
Obama said recently that he was "unaware" of any attempts to keep Benghazi witnesses from talking to Congress.

If Obama's words are to be believed, he's the most unaware President since Dewey defeated Truman.

1.) Did the Obama administration withhold the reinforcements our diplomats kept begging for, to maintain his false story that Al Qaeda was "on the run"?

2.) And when Al Qaeda planned and executed this attack on our consulate, killing Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, did Obama concoct the tale about "spontaneous protests" to keep the false story going even longer, so he would get more votes in the Nov. 2012 election three weeks later?



Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.

posted on May 8, 2013 at 2:01pm EDT
Andrew Kaczynski BuzzFeed Staff
Rosie Gray BuzzFeed Staff

WASHINGTON — The star witness at Wednesday's House Oversight Committee hearing on Benghazi said that a top State Department official called him after he met with a congressional delegation demanding a report from the meeting and upset that a State Department lawyer was not present.

"I was instructed not to allow the RSO, the acting deputy chief of mission — me — to be personally interviewed," said Gregory Hicks, the fomer Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya, who was in Tripoli at the time of the Benghazi attack. He said that was the first time administration lawyers had told him not to talk to a congressional delegation, and that a lawyer attempted to be present during the meeting.

"We were not to be personally interviewed by Congressman Chaffetz," Hicks said again later in the hearing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-08-2013, 06:08 PM
Obama said recently that he was "unaware" of any attempts to keep Benghazi witnesses from talking to Congress.

If Obama's words are to be believed, he's the most unaware President since Dewey defeated Truman.

1.) Did the Obama administration withhold the reinforcements our diplomats kept begging for, to maintain his false story that Al Qaeda was "on the run"?

2.) And when Al Qaeda planned and executed this attack on our consulate, killing Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, did Obama concoct the tale about "spontaneous protests" to keep the false story going even longer, so he would get more votes in the Nov. 2012 election three weeks later?



Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.

posted on May 8, 2013 at 2:01pm EDT
Andrew Kaczynski BuzzFeed Staff
Rosie Gray BuzzFeed Staff

WASHINGTON — The star witness at Wednesday's House Oversight Committee hearing on Benghazi said that a top State Department official called him after he met with a congressional delegation demanding a report from the meeting and upset that a State Department lawyer was not present.

"I was instructed not to allow the RSO, the acting deputy chief of mission — me — to be personally interviewed," said Gregory Hicks, the fomer Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya, who was in Tripoli at the time of the Benghazi attack. He said that was the first time administration lawyers had told him not to talk to a congressional delegation, and that a lawyer attempted to be present during the meeting.

"We were not to be personally interviewed by Congressman Chaffetz," Hicks said again later in the hearing.

Sure obama did. It was all about his winning that second term. He decided screw the security of this nation and its people in harms way as the mighty he and his life trumps all.
Just more slimy behaviour from the liberal version of a " messiah"... Lie to the nation after deliberately letting our people be murdered , no problem. Only obama counts, thats how he sees it and how most of his braindead asshat supporters see it too. -Tyr

05-08-2013, 06:28 PM
No person who calls themself an American should forget. OBAMA is a Liar.

Then, and only then. Does anything you read about Benghazi, or hear about Benghazi have any relevance.

If Obama, or someone in his administration denies anything. You can bet. That IS ALSO A LIE.

05-08-2013, 07:46 PM
I know most aren't paying any attention to this, why would they? Details at link. Regarding the last point, an independent prosecutor should be appointed, there's enough here to justify it.


The Republicans mishandled the Benghazi whistleblowers’ hearing. What should have been stretched across several days to give the nation time to digest it all, was instead packed into a single day filled with an overwhelming amount of information. The media’s attention span is not that long. The verdict in the Jodi Arias trial came along in the afternoon and blew Benghazi off the networks, most of which didn’t want to cover it at all. Even Fox joined the drive-by media, taking Benghazi off the air in favor of the irrelevant Arias trial. Following the announcement of the Arias verdict, charges were read in the Cleveland kidnapping case. Those were aired live as well, relegating Benghazi again.

Nevertheless, for those who slogged through the entire day of hearings and ignored local crime stories, new information was there to be learned.

1. There were multiple stand-down orders, not just one.

2. Ambassador Stevens’ reason for going to Benghazi has been cleared up.

3. Clinton was briefed at 2 am on the night of the attack, was never told that a movie had anything to do with the attack by those on the ground in Libya, yet blamed the movie anyway.

4. Whistleblowers were intimidated into silence.

5. “The YouTube movie was a non-event in Libya.”

6. Democrats were uninterested in getting at most of the facts, but were very interested in destroying Mark Thompson.

7. House hearings are a poor way to determine who did what and why during and after the attack.

red states rule
05-09-2013, 02:44 AM