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View Full Version : Dr. Who

05-11-2013, 07:07 PM
Okay, so I sat down and finally got into Dr. Who. It was one of those shows that I kept meaning to get to, and it just didn't come together for me, either because I didn't have the time, or because the friends that were trying to press it on me were far too rabid about it, and would've ruined it for me.

But I finally got some spare time, and my netflix account to draw. So, starting with the classic Dr. Who, I worked my way forward "chronologically" (a series about space-time is always going to go a bit wonky on that end.), and I'm fully caught up, in the span of about a week (Yeah, I watched alot of Dr. Who back to back.). So armed with my newfound love of the series, I went to poke about some Whovian fansites.... and came away with this question:

What is with all the Clara-hate?

Seriously, it's like she somehow pissed in everyone's Wheaties at once, and I don't get it. She's only a few eps into her role as companion to The Doctor, and everybody seems to be in a constant state of bitching about her. Having watched so much of it recently, I guess maybe I just have an altered perspective on the whole run. As far as I've seen, every companion The Doctor has had has started out as being fairly one-dimension for a few eps, until the writers really figure out where they're going with their individual storylines.

05-12-2013, 01:26 AM
I've been watching since Jon Pertwee, but Tom Baker was "my" Doctor mainly because I was finally old enough to understand it better.

I do like the depth of the new series. I also like Clara because of the mystery surrounding her much like the mystery surrounding River Song in earlier episodes and I'm sure the Clara mystery will be made clearer in good wibbly wobbly, timey wimey time.

05-12-2013, 08:43 AM
Never did watch Dr. Who...but it did remind me of this radio show I remember listening to a lot when I was 8 or 9 laying in bed at night. Now that I think about it, it probably was not something I should have been listening to at that age.

And my parents probably had no clue I was even listening to it. :laugh:

I guess we'll have to ask Gaffer, he might remember.:coffee:


05-13-2013, 06:36 AM
this is not spoiler, this is speculation....

clara is the impossible girl because she is her own child.....and the doctor is conflicted because he realizes he is about to commit some strange form of time warp incest.....