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View Full Version : Doc visit, strange questions...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2013, 12:33 PM
Went to my appointed with my heart doctor last Thursday morning . Amazing new update required on my file , apparently a obamacare thing. I heard them asking other patients too. Typical medical questions were asked then at the end I got these two strange questions fired at me in rapid order..

1. Do you eat chocolate?

2. Do you own guns?

My reply to the nurse assistant was this.

1. Occasionally I engage in practicing with a small caliber of chocolate.:laugh:

2. I rent all my guns because I find that owning such vile things always gives me the urge to stay up late at night to watch old war movies, old westerns and political commentary. Such sleep loss interferes with my medical therapy here.. :laugh:

The nurse gave me a shocked look and replied. So, yes to eating chocolate and no to owning guns.
I wanted desperately to burst out laughing but thought hell that worked out pretty good for me...

My daughter came over late last night to enquire how my doc visit had went. I told her the story and thought , tomorrow I should post it here. I told the nurse that thinking the hear her say, no seriously. To which I was going to reply neither one is anybody's damn concern except mine. When she replied as I stated I thought hmmm, ok this works for me! :laugh2:--Tyr

red states rule
05-12-2013, 12:35 PM
Sounds like you may be experiencing the effects of Obamacare. Now wait until you get the bill from your Doctor


05-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Be prepared for those questions to show up often. All medical practices are supposed to be going to electronic record keeping and most use standardized software that includes those questions. My attitude is that if the practitioner can't give me a solid answer as to why they need that information, then they DON'T need it. That goes for any question on the form. The chocolate question may be relevant. Chocolate contains a variety of chemicals with properties that may be addictive or interfere with other chemicals in medication. I do not see any relevance for the second question. Therefore my answer, whether or not I own a firearm, will be 'decline to answer'.

red states rule
05-13-2013, 02:37 AM
Be prepared for those questions to show up often. All medical practices are supposed to be going to electronic record keeping and most use standardized software that includes those questions. My attitude is that if the practitioner can't give me a solid answer as to why they need that information, then they DON'T need it. That goes for any question on the form. The chocolate question may be relevant. Chocolate contains a variety of chemicals with properties that may be addictive or interfere with other chemicals in medication. I do not see any relevance for the second question. Therefore my answer, whether or not I own a firearm, will be 'decline to answer'.

Given the history of this administration, if you refuse to comply you might get an audit notice from the IRS